J. H. LOUTHAM, Coon Rapids, Iowa, proprietor of the Pioneer
Harness Emporium, is a native of Wythe County, Virginia, born April 22, 1823,
son of James and Margaret (GIBBS) LOUTHAN. He was the fifth of a family of
seven children. He grew to manhood in his native state, remaining there until
1845 when he moved to Claibourne County, Tennessee, where he was married in
1846 to Miss Mary HATFIELD. He lived in East Tennessee until 1850, when, with his
wife and two small children, he moved to Iowa and settled in the southwestern part
of Clarke County, near the present site of Hopeville, where he was living during what
was called by the pioneers of Clarke and Ringgold counties, the Indian War. The
country at that time was in a state of nature, only 160 acres of land having been
entered in the county. In the fall of 1851, Hopeville was laid out and a post office
established, with David NEWTON as post master. In 1863, Mr. LOUTHAN moved to
Hopeville and engaged in the manufacture of boots, shoes and harness, being the
pioneer in that industry in the place. After the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion,
he went with the militia, under Colonel EDWARDS, to Allenville, Missouri, and a few days
later was commissioned recruiting officer. He then returned to Iowa. He enlisted
sixteen recruits and took them to Mount Ayr, where he found Captain Douglas
with a company of eighty-six men, but no commission to leave the state. This
company was turned over to Mr. LOUTHAN, and with the 102 men he marched to
St. Joseph, Missouri, and reported to Colonel EDWARDS. He then returned to Iowa,
but being devoted to the cause of the Union, his services were in demand, and
he was employed as a spy. Under the instructions of Hon. H. M. Hoxie, United
States Marshal, he went to work on the borders of Iowa and Missouri. He joined
the Knights of the Golden Circle, and soon became one of their leaders, and
obtained valuable information and at one time was captured and sent in irons to
Des Moines, where he was confined a short time. At the time of the great
excitement about homestead land in Audubon County, in 1871, he removed to
that county and lived at Exira about a year, and in 1872 moved to Carroll County,
and lived in the southeastern part until 1876 when he moved to Scranton, Greene
County, where he manufactured harness until 1881, when he removed to Coon
Rapids, where he has since lived. In politics, Mr. LOUTHAN is a Republican. He is
serving his third term as mayor of Coon Rapids and has held the office of treasurer
two terms. He is a member of the Masonic and Knights of Pythias orders.
SOURCE: History of Greene and Carroll County, Iowa. Lewis Publ. Chicago. 1887.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2009
