from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 373


Arculus LENT, residing on section 3, Union Township, where he has a fine farm of 120 acres, was born in Holmes
County, Ohio, February 17, 1834, a son of John and Sarah (MILES) LENT. Both parents are deceased, the father dying
in Creston, Iowa, and the mother in Ohio. Mr. LENT has been a resident of the Hawkeye State [Iowa] for thirty-one years,
and for almost eighteen years has made his home in Ringgold County. In 1855 he located in Clarke County, Iowa, and
the first two years worked in a saw-mill at Hopeville. He then engated in farming and before leaving that county became
the owner of two farms, and commenced the improvement of both. He was married March 8, 1857, to Miss Catherine MILLER,
who was born in Brown County, Ohio, May 1, 1836, a daughter of Henry and Sarah MILLER, who were among the first settlers of
Doyle Township, Clarke County, Iowa. Of the nine children born to Mr. and Mrs. LENT six are living - John H[enry]., Thomas M.,
Alfred T., Charles W., Mina E. and James W., all living at home except Thomas who resides in Kansas. Three daughters,
Sarah E., Libby R. and Alice E., died in infancy. In April, 1869, Mr. LENT brought his family to Ringgold County and
commenced improving his present farm, which he has converted from a state of nature to one of the best farms in his
neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. LENT are members of the Christian church. In politics Mr. LENT is independent, voting for
men, not party.
NOTE: Arculus LENT died at the age of 68 years. Catherine (MILLER) LENT, was born in Ohio in
1832, and died at the age of 88 years on February 2, 1920. Arculus and Catherine were interred at Hopeville Cemetery, Clarke County, Iowa.
John Henry LENT, son of Arculus and Catherine (MILLER), was born in December of 1859, Clarke County,
Iowa, and died in 1948. John Henry married Alice McCUTCHAN on December 5, 1889. Alice was born January 31, 1859, the
daughter of Samuel Finley and Hannah "Elizabeth" (DAVIS) McCUTCHAN. John Henry and Alice were the parents of
children: Lottie Pearl, Clarence Vern, Arculus "Art", and Ina Olive LENT. Alice died on August 3, 1934. John Henry
and Alice were interred at Hopeville Cemetery, Clarke County, Iowa.
Clarence Vern LENT, son of John Henry and Alice (McCUTCHAN) LENT and grandson of Arculus and Catherine
(MILLER) LENT, was born July 9, 1892, Ringgold County, Iowa, and died in Clarke County, Iowa, on July 9, 1975. Clarence
was a Veteran of World War I. He never married and was interred at Hopeville Cemetery, Clarke County, Iowa, sharing a
gravestone with his sister Ina Olive LENT.
Lottie Pearl LENT, born September 12, 1887, and died at the age of 4 years, 10 months and 18 days on
July 30, 1892, with interment beside her parents John Henry and Alice (McCUTCHAN) LENT, Hopeville Cemetery,
Clarke County, Iowa.
Arculus "Art" LENT, son of John Henry and Alice (McCUTCHAN) LENT and grandson of Arculus and Catherine
(MILLER) LENT, was born September 23, 1897, and died on March 13, 1948, with interment at Hopeville Cemetery, Clarke
County, Iowa. Art's wife Louisa May (JOHNSON) was born May 2, 1906.
Ina Olive LENT, daughter of John Henry and Alice (McCUTCHAN) LENT and grandson of Arculus and Catherine
(MILLER) LENT, was born February 8, 1901, and died in November of 1981. Ina never married and was interred at
Hopeville Cemetery, Clarke County, Iowa, sharing a gravestone with her brother Clarence Vern.
Thomas M. LENT, son of Arculus and Catherine (MILLER) LENT, was born in Clarke County, Iowa, circa 1864.
Alfred T. LENT, son of Arculus and Catherine (MILLER) LENT, was born March 2, 1867, Clarke County, Iowa,
and died on June 4, 1918. Alfred's wife Louisa M. was born on January 9, 1867, and died February 10, 1954. Alfred and
Louisa were interred at Orient Cemetery, Adair County, Iowa.
Pearley Jasper LENT, son of Alfred T. and Louisa M. LENT, was born on January 18, 1893.
Pearley married Gladys Anna OSHEL, born in 1897, Iowa, the daughter of Elmer Jesse OSHEL (1864-1939) and
Emma (REED) OSHEL (1869-1943). Gladys died in 1928 and Pearley died in 1931 with interments at Orient Cemetery, Adair County, Iowa.
Charles W. LENT, son of Arculus and Catherine (MILLER) LENT, was born circa 1869 in either Clarke or Ringgold
County, Iowa.
Armena G. LENT, daughter of Arculus and Catherine (MILLER) LENT, was born circa 1876, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Willis J. LENT, son of Arculus and Catherine (MILLER) LENT, was born circa 1877, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Sarah E., Libby R., and Alice E. LENT, daughters of Arculus and Catherine (MILLER) LENT, died in infancy.
Arculus' father John LENT was born circa 1806 in Vermont. John served during the Civil War as a Private,
enlisting on November 3, 1862 with the 15th Ohio Battery, and received a disability discharge on September 10,
1863. John received a Veteran's pension for his service. John and Sarah Ellen (MILES) LENT were interred at Hopeville Cemetery, Clarke County, Iowa.
Also interred at Hopeville Cemetery, Clarke County, Iowa:
James LENT, died at age 71 on February 9, 1901, Civil War Veteran of Company L, 3rd Iowa Cavalry and member of
G.A.R. Post No. 323, and his wife Mary A. LENT who died at age 73 on September 10, 1903.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 373, 1887.
American Civil War Soldiers Database,
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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