from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 396-97
Eli LANDRETH, an enterprising and successful agriculturist, of Liberty Township, is a native of Indiana, born in
Owen County, March 5, 1837. His parents, Zachariah and Elmo (sic) (FENDER) LANDRETH, were natives of Kentucky and North
Carolina respectively, and were among the early settlers of Indiana. They lived in Owen County till 1852, when they
removed with their family to Mercer County, Illinois, where both died. They were the parents of ten children -- six sons
and four daughters, of whom seven still survive. Two of their sons died in the late [Civil] war. Eli LANDRETH, the subject of
this sketch, was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools, principally in Mercer County, Illinois, to which
county he removed with his parents when fourteen years old. He was married in 1859 to Miss Mary E[lizabeth]. PHILLIPS, a native of
Michigan, but at the time of her marriage living in Mercer County, Illinois. To this union were born ten children -
Fannie, Jennie, Clisby, Dora, Henry, Frank, Finn, Thomas and two who died in infancy. After his marriage Mr. LANDRETH
settled on a farm in Mercer County, where he resided till the fall of 1874. He then came to Ringgold County, Iowa, and
settled on his farm on sections 2 and 11, Liberty Township, where he has since followed farming and stock-raising, his
cattle being of a high grade. He devotes some attention to raising fine horses, and in February, 1886, he sold a number
of good animals. His farm, which is well-improved and under good cultivation, contains 360 acres, and his residence and
farm buildings are noticeably good. Politically Mr. LANDRETH formerly affiliated with the Republican party, but is now a
Greenbacker. He has served his township as trustee for nine years. Both Mr. and Mrs. LANDRETH have been members of the
Baptist church for many years.
NOTE: Elender "Nellie" (FENDER) LANDRETH, was born in Ashe County, North Carolina, on December
21, 1816, the daughter of Andrew FENDER (1782-1883) and his first wife Sarah (BASS) FENDER (1790/94-1821). Andrew
Fender, born in Surry County, North Carolina, moved to Owen County, Indiana around the year 1835, and then with his
family moved to Clay County, Illinois in 1843. He lived for a time in Mercer County, Illinois, then returned to Clay
County. Andrew married second to Elizabeth BASS in 1821, married third to Margaret DYER in 1839, and fourth to
Mahala BINGHAM in 1871. Andrew, the father of seventeen children, died at the age of 101 on March 11, 1883, Mercer
County, Illinois. Some family members believe that Andrew was in his late 90's when he died, however.
Elender "Nellie" (FENDER) LANDRETH died March 17, 1875.
Zachariah LANDRETH was born May 24, 1812, Richmond, Virginia, the son of Solomon LANDRETH (1782-1852)
and Mary (LONG) LANDRETH (1784-1886). Zarchariah died in Mercer County, Illinois, on February 10, 1872.
Zachariah and Elender were interred at Oakridge Cemetery, Mercer County, Illinois.
Zachariah and Elender "Nellie" (FENDER) LANDRETH were the parents of ten children, Eli being their second-born child.
Eli LANDRETH died December 22, 1912, Whitter, Los Angeles County, California. Mary Elizabeth (PHILLIPS)
LANDRETH was born in Michigan on July 30, 1840, the daughter of Hiram PHILLIPS and Fluvanna Ellen (?) PHILLIPS. Mary
Elizabeth died in Whitter, California, on December 19, 1912, three days before Eli's death. Eli and Mary Elizabeth
were the parents of ten children:
1) Fluvanna Ellen "Fannie" LANDRETH, born 15 Apr 1860
married 23 Dec 1880 John S. BLACKMORE, born 06 Mar 1858; died 06 Oct 1888
Child: John H. BLACKMORE, born 19 Apr 1883; died 1934
Child: Orin Eli BLACKMORE, born 19 Nov 1884; died 28 Jun 1953
Child: Gertrude A. (BLACKMORE) KNIGHT, born 24 Oct 1887
2) Mary Jane "Jennie" LANDRETH, born 1861; died 11 Jul 1924
married Ernest OLIVER, born circa 1860
Child: Ernest F. OLIVER, born 09 Feb 1881; died 23 Jun 1947
Child: Murzetta (OLIVER) ROGERS, born 16 Aug 1882
Child: Isaac E. OLIVER, born 22 May 1884; died 14 Aug 1931
Child: Benjamin F. OLIVER, born 22 Jul 1886
Child: Guy C. OLIVER, born 08 Jul 1888
Child: Glen F. OLIVER, born 04 Nov 1890
3) Clisby Andrew LANDRETH, born 13 Oct 1863; died 28 Feb 1950
married 23 Oct 1884 Helena Beatrice MORTON, born 01 May 1864; died 06 Apr 1951
Child: Nellie E. LANDRETH, born 24 Sep 1885; died 1887
Child: Orpha E. (LANDRETH) RENKEN, born 01 Mar 1888
Child: Clara M. (LANDRETH) LOOMIS, born 29 Nov 1890
4) Dora Caroline LANDRETH, born 16 Nov 1865; died 12 May 1941
married 14 Feb 1884 Thomas Andrew DRAKE, born 21 Aug 1858; died 04 Mar 1945
Child: Willis Henry DRAKE, born 15 Feb 1885; died 10 Oct 1964
Child: Anna DRAKE, born 23 Mar 1886; married Murland Arthur DUFTY, born 17 Apr 1887
Child: Russell Eli DRAKE, born 28 Nov 1887
child: Mary Bernice (DRAKE) GRAY, born 04 May 1892
Child: Nellie Naomi (DRAKE) MILLER, born 20 Feb 1899; died 03 Jul 1956
5) Henry LANDRETH, born 1867; died 1917
married Anna ARCHIBOLD, born 19 Mar 1868; died 22 Mar 1950
Child: Bessie (LANDRETH) WOOD, born 11 Mar 1888
Child: Jenny Lynn (LANDRETH) WOOD, born 28 Apr 1890
Child: Gracie (LANDRETH) MILLER, born 22 Oct 1892; died 20 May 1946
Child: Leta (LANDRETH) DeWITT MILLER, born 10 Jun 1893
6) Frank Peter LANDRETH, born Sep 1870; died 1933
married 1894 Nellie Elizabeth BLACKMORE, born 18 Oct 1879; died Aug 1948
Children: Nellie Elizabeth and Eli Robert LANDRETH
7) Ira LANDRETH, twin, born 1872; died 1872
8) Ora LANDRETH, twin, born 1872; died 1872
9) Phineas "Finn" LANDRETH, born 13 Feb 1880; died 22 Feb 1951
married 23 Dec 1903, Thayer IA Lizzie FOUSER, born 25 Nov 1884
Children: Frank, Charles and Milo Vaughn LANDRETH
10) Thomas LANDRETH, born 20 Jan 1882
married 24 Dec 1909 Clara Belle HEATON, born 04 Nov 1884; died 12 Mar 1948
Children: Marvin Dean and Francis Banks LANDRETH
11) Infant LANDRETH
12) Infant LANDRETH
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Pp. 396-97, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009
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