A. E. KING, M.D.

He whose name introduces this record has gained recognition as one of the best known and ablest physicians
of Taylor county, and by his labors, his high professional attainments and his sterling characteristics has
justified the respect and confidence in which he is held by the medical fraternity and general public.
Dr. A. E. KING was born in Coffey county, Kansas, May 31, 1858, a son of Thomas and Louise J. (MOORE) KING.
The former, who was born in Ohio in 1836, came with his father, Isaac KING, to Iowa in 1839, when three years of age, a settlement being made in Lee county, this state. Later he removed to Appanoose county and still later to Taylor county, locating in Jefferson township. It was while residing in this county that he was married to Miss Louise J. Moore, who was born and reared within its borders. In early life he had been a teacher and taught the first term of school in Platteville, Jefferson township. In 1856 he removed to Kansas, where he became identified with agricultural interests, operating a farm there for a few years. Subsequently he spent a winter in Clay county, Missouri, but in the spring of 1860, returning to Taylor county, Iowa, and engaging in business as a merchant in Platteville. Later he removed to Hawleyville, then to Platteville and in March, 1867, to Mormontown, now called Blockton, where he became known as the pioneer merchant, conducting the first store in that place. Here he spent his remaining years, passing away in 1904, having long survived his wife, whose death occurred October 18,
1862, in Platteville. Dr. A. E. KING arrived in Taylor county in 1860, when but two years of age, and
passed the years of his boyhood and youth in Jefferson township, acquiring his early education in the common
schools of that locality. Later he decided to make the medical profession his life work and consequently
pursued a course of study in a medical college at Keokuk, Iowa, from which he was graduated with the class
of 1881. He immediately opened an office for practice in Redding, Ringgold county, where he remained until
1894, in which year he came to Blockton, where he has since been engaged in the general practice of medicine,
with the exception of a few years spent in further study. He attended the Hospital College of Medicine at
Louisville, Kentucky, from which he was graduated in 1894, while he also pursued a post-graduate course at
the Chicago Polyclinic in 1908. He is thus well equipped for the practice of his profession and is ranked
among the able physicians of Taylor county, being well known as one of the oldest practitioners of Blockton
and that locality, his circle of acquaintances, friends and patrons extending for a radius of fifty miles.
He has built up a very large practice, his extensive patronage coming to him as an expression of the trust
and confidence reposed in him by the general public. He is constantly broadening his knowledge by study and
research, recognizing fully the obligations that fall upon the physician, and he keeps abreast of the
progress being made in the medical world through his membership in the State Medical Association, the
Missouri Valley Medical Association and the Taylor County Medical Society. He is often called upon to
prepare articles to be read before these assemblies. He conducted a drug store in Blockton and was very
successful in this undertaking, but after five or six years was compelled to withdraw from that business to
devote his entire time and energies to his constantly growing private practice.
Dr. KING has been twice married. In 1878 he wedded Miss Ida May CASTOR, a native of Missouri, where she was
reared. She passed away February 4, 1891, leaving, besides her husband to mourn her loss, one son, Dr. T. W.
KING, a practicing physician of Maloy, Iowa. They also lost one son, Joseph D., who died at the age of three
years. In November, 1893, Dr. KING was united in marriage to Lydia J. SHUFF, a resident of Worth county,
Missouri, and unto them were born three children, but the eldest, Alberta Belle, died at the age of two
years. The others are Cecil Valentine and Ruth Madeline. The family reside in a beautiful home in Blockton,
which has just been completed by Dr. KING and is one of the fine, modern residences of this city.
Mrs. KING is a member of the Christian church, while the Doctor holds membership in the blue lodge of
Masons, at Blockton, and also belongs to the Knights of Pythias lodge. He gives his political allegiance to
the republican party but has never sought nor desired public office. He is not, however, unmindful of his
duties as a citizen, but gives earnest support to all measures which have for their object the substantial
growth and development of the community. His ability and skill have been demonstrated in the successful
handling of a number of complex medical problems and he is highly esteemed not only as a professional man
but also as a citizen and friend of humanity, who lives for the good he can do his fellowmen.
SOURCE: CROSSON, Frank E. History of Taylor County, Iowa: From The Earliest Historic
Times to 1910 Pp. 502 - 503. S.J. Clarke Pub. Co. Chicago. 1910.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2008

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