George B. KESTER of Tingley, Ringgold County, Iowa, was born on October 22, 1904, on a farm near Arispe, Union
County, Iowa, the son of George E. and Clara E. KESTER. The family moved to Ringgold County in 1908, where George attended
rural schools and in 1923 graduated from Tingley High School. He attended Iowa State College. On June 2, 1927, George
married Beulah KNOX of Clearfield. They were the parents for two children, Marvin and Marily. The KESTERS were members
of the Tingley Methodist Church where George served as a church board member, Sunday School superintendent for 11 years,
a Sunday School teacher, president of the Epsworth League, and was the district vice-president of Ringgold County's
Sunday School council. George also served Ringgold County was a rural school director, a member of the county Agricultural
Planning Board, township AAA committee member and chairman for 9 years, supervisor of the AAA Wheat Insurance, and sat
on the executive council for the Boy Scouts. George owned two U.S. and one Canadian patents. A Republican, George served
as an Iowa State Representative to the General Assembly from January 13, 1947 until his death in 1948. George B. KESTER
died in 1948. Beulah (KNOX) KESTER was born in 1906, and died November 7, 1989. George and Beulah were interred at Tingley Cemetery.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2009

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