HORNE, DR. WILLIAM, of Mt. Ayr, A physician who has followed the practice of his profession for almost thirty
years in one place in enlightened Iowa, must deserve to be called progressive; for those who do not keep abreast of
the times by special courses and extended reading usually find it imperative that they change their base of
operations frequently. Dr. William HORNE located in Mt. Ayr on the 3d day of February, 1869, three years after his
graduation, and his shingle still swings in the breeze at the same old stand. Through all the long years that have
intervened, he has labored by day and by night for the alleviation of the sufferings of humanity, and many there are
to testify to his skill and knowledge of the science, than which there is none more blessed. He was born in
Switzerland County, Indiana, December 30, 1843. His father was a native of Scotland, and his mother was of
Scotch descent, although born in Indiana. He received the usual elementary education in the district schools of his
native state, and he graduated from Chicago Medical College March 1, 1866. He attended the institution named during
the winters of 1864-65 and 1865-66. This was supplemented by a practitioner's course in 1882. He has not made a
specialty of any one branch of the profession, but through deep research and long experience has fitted himself for
the emergencies and many requirements of a general country practice.
He takes great interest in all organizations for the promotion and betterment of his chosen profession, and is
active in the work of Iowa societies of that character. Among the many associations of which he is a member may be
mentioned the South western Iowa Medical Society, Iowa State Medical Society, American Medical Association and the
National Association of Railway Surgeons. He affiliates with the republican party. He was married to Miss Mary LAW
December 14, 1869 . They have three children: Mrs. Minnie HORNE-SHELDON, J. O. HORNE and Charles L. HORNE.
SOURCE: GUE, Benjamin F. (ex-Lieutenant-Governor). Biographies and Portraits of the Progressive Men of Iowa: Leaders in Business, Politics and the
Professions, Together with an Original and Authentic History of the State
Conaway & Shaw Pub. Des Moines. 1899.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2008
from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 395
William HORNE, M.D., is the oldest practicing physician in Ringgold County. He is a native of the State of Indiana,
born in Switzerland County, in December, 1843. His father, W. S. HORNE, was a native of Lanarkshire, Scotland, born in 1816, and
came to America in 1833. His mother, Mary (GRAY) HORNE, was also a native of Switzerland County, Indiana, her parents being
natives of Scotland, but early settlers of Indiana. When he was five years of age the parents of our subject moved to
Delavan County, Illinois, and there he was reared and educated.
When nineteen years of age he began the study of medicine,
with Dr. G. W. SLACK, of Yorktown, Indiana, and subsequently entered the Chicago, Illinois, Medical College, from which
he graduated in 1866. After his graduation he located in Monmouth, Illinois, and in February, 1869, came to and located
in Mt. Ayr, where he now has a large and lucrative practice.
He stands at the head of his profession in the county,
where he has lived nearly a score of years. He is a close student, being deeply interested in anything that pertains to
his profession. He is a member of the Southwestern Medical Association and the Decatur County Medical Society.
He was
married December 14, 1869, to Miss Mary LAW, of Warren County, Illinois. They have two children - Minnie and James Otto.
* Dr. HORNE's name was spelled "HORN" in the Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County.
NOTE: Dr. William HORNE died January 22, 1925.
Mary (LAW) HORNE, was born March 14, 1849, near Lexington,
Ohio, the daughter of James and Mary LAW. Mary (LAW) HORNE died November 14, 1926. They were interred at Rose Hill
Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa. Dr. William and Mary (LAW) HORNE were the parents of three children:
1) Minnie HORNE, married F. E.SHELDON
2) James Otto HORNE, born 19 Aug 1873, Mount Ayr IA; died 12 June 1954
interment Rose Hill Cemtery, Mount Ayr IA
3) Charles Law HORNE, born 1887, Mount Ayr, IA; died 1960
interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr IA
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, p. 395, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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