HIGDAY, Elroy Henry, general contractor; b. Evansville, Wis., Aug. 3, 1867; son of Albert Henry and Margaret Jeanette
(HOLMES) HIGDAY; father (b. Buffalo N.Y., July 2, 1839; d. Tingley, Ia., May 13, 1881; carpenter, surveyor and farmer,
served with 8th Wis. "Eagle" Reg., Civil War 1861-65; desc. thru the Normans of England, who came with William the Conqueror, and
whose descendants immigrated to Am[erica] 1628); mother (b. Madison, Wis., Oct. 8, 1843; d. Denver, Colo. Aug. 28, 1926; pioneer
in western Ia., and eastern Colo.; family came to Am[erica] (illegible). [Elroy was] Educated in the common schools until the age of
14 when his fater died; he then carried on his studies at home and attained a good education. [Elroy] married Matie (sic)
Elizabeth SWANK (b. Otterville, Mo., Apr. 9, 1867; d. Kellerton, Ia., Oct. 18, 1908; English and German desc., family in
Am[erica] about 200 years, some members served in the [American] Revoltion [War]; grand-father was a Ky. pioneer and Indian
fighter) Mt. Ayr, Ia., Oct. 23, 1869. Upon the death of his wife, Mr. HIGDAY was left with several small children, as
follows: George W. (b. May 30, 1902; contractor; married Dottie MICHAELS), Kellerton Ia.; Albert W. (b. Mar. 14, 1893, married
Madge SCADDEN), Torrington, Wyo.; Robert P. (b. May 21, 1897; married Bertha LAIRD; served World War [I]); Carroll L.
(b. Dec. 16, 1892, married Jennie MACKY (sic)), Kellerton, Ia.; Fern E., (b. Feb 2, 1903); Lewis H. (b. May 4, 1906, married
Helen C. WING); two children deceased. On Mar 29, 1908, Mr. HIGDAY was married to Anna C. BENEDICT, who was the mother
of three children, as follows: Oliver LeGuerrder (served in World War [I]); Herma C. (married Everett SULLIVAN); Ruth M.
(employed by the Great Western Ins. Co.). [Mr. HIGDAY is a] Republican. Engaged as a general contractor, has built several
exceptionally fine residences in D.M. [Des Moines, Iowa]; for the past few months has beenengaged inbuilding residences in
Oxford Miss., where he went to construct the home of Kenneth C. VINSELL. Always active, as is his family, in the upbuilding of
D.M.M.W.A. Home: 3719 E. 28th St.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2009

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