from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 322


T[homas]. C. HEPPERLEY (sic, should be HEPPERLY), farmer and stock raiser, living on section 30, Lincoln Township, was born in the State of Illinois,
April 12, 1840, a son of John and Permelia HEPPERLEY, who were natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio respectively. Our subject
was reared to the occupation of a farmer, which he has followed through life. At the age of twenty-three years he began
farming on his own account. He was united in marriage [August 16, 1863, Stark County, Illinois]
to Miss Selina A. KING, a daughter of W. and Eliza (BROWN) KING, who
were natives of Ohio. They have six children - Jacob F., born May 24, 2864; L. C., born January 6, 1866; John W., born
July 2, 1870; Alice E., born August 24, 1873; Mark W., born July 24, 1875; and Grace P., born June 19, 1877. Mr. HEPPERLEY
came to Iowa in the spring of 1869, remaining but a short time, when he went to Kansas. After spending three years in that
State he returned to Illinois, where he resided two years, coming thence to Ringgold County, Iowa, since which he has
lived on his present farm. He is one of the prosperous farmers of Lincoln Township, where he has 200 acres of choice land
all under cultivation. He has a fine orchard on his land which contains 100 apple trees, besides an abundance of other kinds
of fruit. Since coming to this county Mr. HEPPERLEY has served as road supervisor in Lincoln Township. He and his family
are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
NOTE: John HEPPERLY was born in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on February 15, 1815, and died
November 26, 1887, Lincoln, Illinois. Permelia HEPPERLY died at the age of 32 years, 1 month and 13 days on
August 3, 1853. John and Permelia were interred at Fondulac (also known as Camlin) Cemetery, Tazewell, Illinois.
NOTE: Thomas C. HEPPERLY died in April of 1920. His son, John W. HEPPERLY, was born July 2, 1870, and
died in 1942. They were interred at Clearfield Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 322, 1887.
"Marriage Records 1831-1866" Chaper IV. Documents and Biography Pertaining to the Settlement and
Progress of Stark County, Illinois M.A. Leeson. Chicago. 1987.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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