from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 285-86


Pleasant J[acob] GRIMES, deceased, was one of the early settlers of Ringgold County, Jefferson Township, where he
became well known and much respected by all who knew him. He was born in Putnam County, Indiana, October 7, 1829, where
he grew to manhood, and was there married July 4, 1850 [Fountain County, Indiana], to Miss Eleanor HAM. Of the five children born to this union ,
all are deceased but the youngest, A. Edgar. Mr. GRIMES left his native county with his family in 1860, when he
came to Ringgold County, Iowa, and first settled in Jefferson Township, where his wife died, January 22, 1864. He was
again united in marriage August 6, 1865, to Miss Mary M. TALBOT, who was one of the early teachers of Ringgold County,
where she taught ten terms. Her father A. F. TALBOT was among the early settlers of this county. By his second
marriage Mr. GRIMES had two children - Charley W. and Lena R., who are still living with their mother. A niece of
Mrs. GRIMES, Thane BEVER, daughter of Isaac BEVER, is also living on the old homestead, both of her parents being
deceased. Mr. GRIMES settled on the farm on section 6, Tingley Township, in 1866, which is still occupied by his
widow, which contains 240 acres of well cultivated land. Mr. GRIMES died May 27, 1877, his death being a source
of universal regret in the township where he had lived so many years. He was one of the best stock-raisers of his
township, and by his energy and industry became the owner of one of the best farms in Tingley Township. Besides his
home farm, he left, at his death, 120 acres in Jefferson, all under fence, which is used as pasture land. He
died a Christian, having been a member of the Lutheran church for many years. Mrs. GRIMES and her children are
members of the Christian Church, at Tingley.

NOTE: Pleasant J. GRIMES served during the Civil War with Company C of the Southern
Iowa Border Brigade. Pleasant died May 27, 1877, Tingley, and
interred at Pleasant Ridge (a.k.a. Bever) Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa. Eleanor (HAM) GRIMES was born March 1, 1831, Indiana, and died at age 32 on January 22, 1864, Jefferson Twp. of Ringgold
County, Iowa. Pleasant and Eleanor GRIMES were the parents of five children:
1) Sarah E. GRIMES
born 1851; died 1867
2) James William GRIMES
born 1856; died 1860
3) William M. GRIMES
born 1859; died 1860
4) George M. GRIMES
born 1871; died 1873
5) A[lbert] Edgar GRIMES
born 1863, Jefferson Twp. of Ringgold County, Iowa
died age of 28 years on January 13, 1892, Tingley, Ringgold County, Iowa
interment Tingley Cemetery, Tingley, Ringgold County, Iowa
Mary M. (TALBOT) GRIMES was born February 14, 1844, Ohio, and died at the age of 62 years on July 2, 1906, Tingley, Iowa.
She was interred at Tingley Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa. Pleasant J. and Mary M. (TALBOT) GRIMES were the
parents of two children:
1) Charles W. GRIMES
born 25 Feb 1867, Tingley IA; died 06 May 1951, Shannon City IA
married 14 Apr 1909, Tingley IA to Bernice NEIGDIGH (1878-1928)
2) Lena R. GRIMES
born 05 Mar 1871, Jefferson Twp., Ringgold Co. IA; died 01 Dec 1945, Fresno Co. CA
married 1892 Tingley IA to Frank FRANE (1867-1941)
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 285-86, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

Biographical Sketches Pages Index: A - F,
G - L,
M - R, S - Z
