from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 286


Miles GREEN, farmer, section 24, Athens Township, was born in Warren County, New York, March 22, 1827, son of
Reuben H. and Fanny (MEAD) GREEN. His early life was spent on the farm and attending the common schools and Chester
Academy. He was married November 30, 1853, to Miss Mary DUNN, of Warren County, New York, daughter of Jesse and
Susan (SHERMAN) DUNN. In 1854 they removed to Henry County, Illinois, and in 1868 to Ringgold County, Iowa.
Mr. GREEN moved upon his present farm in August, 1869. He first purchased eighty acres which was in its wild state.
He now has 200 acres of as good land as the township affords, under a high state of cultivation. He has a good
two-story residence, erected in 1880, moder style and well furnished. He has a large barn 36 x 40 feet, for grain,
hay and stock, and an orchard of 200 trees and small fruit. He is also engaged in bee culture, has some pure
Italian, and a cross with the same. He has spent a great deal of time and money upon his premises. Mr. and
Mrs. GREEN are the parents of five children - Elsie, Mary F., Lois, Truman, and George E. Mr. GREEN is a
memeber of the O.O. of G. T., and politically affiliates with the Democratic party. He is classed among the solid
and substanial men of the township, and has won the confidence of all who know him. His post-office address is
Kellerton, Ringgold County, Iowa.
NOTE: Miles GREEN died September 10, 1901, Mary (DUNN) GREEN was born January 29, 1834,
and died April 8, 1907. Miles and Mary were interred at Maple Row Cemetery, Kellerton, Ringgold County,
Iowa.Truman GREEN was born in 1866, and died in 1936 with interment at Maple Row Cemetery,
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 286, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

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