from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 384-85


J[ames]. Mack GORSUCH, resides on section 8, Riley Township, where he occupies the finest farm residence in the county,
which he built in 1884, at a cost of $2,800. His farm home contains 200 acres on sections 14 and 15 of the same township,
shere he first established his home in Ringgold County, in 1871. Eighty acres of that farm were entered by his father in
1853, and reserved for him, but no improvements had been made. Thus he commenced life with a deed of the eighty acres and
a span of horses, and what he has besides this he has made by his own industry and good management. He lived on
section 14 from 1871 till 1884, and then moved to the farm where he now resides. He is ranked among the solid agriculturists
of Ringgold County, and is one of Riley Townships most influential citizens. He was born in Beaver County, Pennsylvania,
March 2, 1849, a son of John and Ann GORSUCH, also natives of the Keystone State, the son and father being born in the
same house. The family moved to Monroe County, Iowa, in 1858, and in that county the father improved four farms. He was an
active, useful man and much respected by all who knew him. His death occurred in Monroe County, July 8, 1878, at the age
of fifty-six years. The mother still lives on the homestead with five of her children - Mary, Elizabeth E., Sarah E.,
George W. and Perry E. Two sons besides our subject, Robert and Thomas C., live in Riley Township. One son, William C.,
lives in Hastings, Nebraska, and another, Esli T., lives in Beadle County, Dakota. Amanda and David A. are deceased.
J. Mack GORSUCH remained under the home roof until twenty-two years of age, and then, as before stated, came to Ringgold
County. He was married March 12, 1872, to Agnes A. FARMER, who was born in Henry County, Iowa, May 25, 1853, a daughter
of James and Rebecca FARMER, her father a native of Ohio, and her mother of Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. GORSUCH have two
children - Minnie M., born February 28, 1874, and Charles E., born May 13, 1880. Mr. GORSUCH has served his township
as school director and road supervisor. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.

NOTE: John GORSUCH was born in 1821, and died July 8, 1878. Ann GORSUCH was born in 1823, Pennsylvania, and
died January 15, , Albia, Monroe County, Iowa. They were interred at Service Chapel Cemetery, Bluff Creek, Monroe County, Iowa. Perry E.
GORSUCH was born in 1870, and died October 21, 1936, with interment at Service Chapel Cemetery. Sarah M. GORSUCH was born
in 1867, and died January 16, 1927, with interment at Service Chapel Cemetery. Amanda J. GORSUCH was born April 19,
1859, and died March 22, 1861, with interment at Service Chapel Cemetery. George W. GORSUCH was born April 5, 1861, and died
October 14, 1939, with interment at Service Chapel Cemetery.
Robert H. was born December 17, 1851, and died May 17, 1931, with interment at Mount Zion Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa. Also interred at Mount Zion Cemetery is
John GORSUCH, born October 3, 1881, and died September 30, 1912.
James Mack GORSUCH died February 28, 1904. Agnes A. (FARMER) GORSUCH was born May 25, 1853, and died
November 2, 1936. They were interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Charles E. GORSUCH, son of James Mack and Agnes A. (FARMER) GORSUCH, was born in 1880, and died in .
His wife, Mary J. (BENEDICT) GORSUCH, was born in 1881, and died in 1957. Charles and Mary were interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Minnie M. daughter of James Mack and Agnes A. (FARMER) GORSUCH, married Mr. ALLEN
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Pp. 384-85, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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