from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 322-32


J[ames]. H[ervey]. GANDER, farmer, section 10, Middle Fork Township, is a native of Muskingum County, Ohio, where he
was born September 7, 1839. His father, George GANDER, was a nativer of Culpeper County, Virginia, was a soldier in the
war of 1812, and his mother, Elizabeth (GROVES) GANDER, was a native of Zanesville, Ohio. She was the second wife of George
GANDER, and was the mother of five children, J. H. being the second child. His early life was passed in assisting on the farm.
He was educated at Putnam University, and Zanesville, Ohio. When the civil war broke out he enlisted, in 1861, in Captain TALLEY's
company for three months, and served his time, then re-enlisted for three years in Company B, Seventy-eighth Ohio Infantry, being the second name on the
company roll, and was in thirty-five different engagements. Their initiatory engagement was at Fort Donelson; then
Shiloh, Corinth, Water Vally march, and all the battles down the Mississippi River prior to the siege of Vicksburg, which
were fought by Genearl GRANT. They were at Vicksburg, and then went with General SHERMAN from Ackworth to Atlanta, where,
July 22, 1864, Mr. GANDER was wounded in the right knee, and was sent home. He rejoined his regiment in time to go with
SHERMAN to the sea, and thence north to Goldsboro, where they fought their last battle. From there went to Washington, and
after the grand review of the army went by rail to Louisville, Kentucky, and thence to Columbus, Ohio, and were mustered
out. He was wounded twice, fist at Shiloh, where he recieved a slight scalp wound, and the second time, July 22, in front
of Atlanta, Georgia. He was taken prisoner at Baker's Ferry, Chattahoochie River, Georgia, made his escape the same
day and oined his regiment. He enlisted as a private; was promoted to Second Lieutenant in June, 1864, and to First
Lieutenant in the fall of that same year. February 15, 1865, he received a Captain's commission, and served in that
capacity until the close of the war. He was honorably discharged in July, 1865, receiving his final discharge at Columbus,
Ohio. He resided in Muskingum County, teaching until 1867, when he removed to Ringgold County. He was married August 4,
1871, to Miss Emma C[atherine]. ARNETT, daughter of Henry ARNETT, a pioneer of Ringgold County. After his marriage he
located upon his present farm, where he has since resided, with the exception of one year, in 1876-'7, spent in teaching
in California. His farm contains 120 acres, in a good state of cultivation, and well-improved. He has a good
story-and-a-half residence, well furnished, surrounded with shade and ornamental trees, a commodious barn, 24x40 feet,
a native grove of two acres, an orchard of two acres, and everything about the premises indicates the thrift and enterprise of
the owner. Mr. and Mrs. GANDER are the parents of four children -
Gilbert M., Carrie L., Henry C., and Edna E. Mr. GANDER has served creditably as township trustee, assessor, road supervisor and member
of the School Board. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge No. 169, Mt. Ayr; is also a member
of the Methodist Episcopal church, exhorter and a recording steward of that church, and always takes an active part in
religious or educational matters. Politically he is a Republican. Postoofice, Ingart.
NOTE: Rev. James Hervey GANDER died in 1927. Emma Catherine (ARNETT) GANDER was born in 1854, and
died in 1939. They were interred at Oakwood Cemetery, Baldwin City, Douglas County, Kansas.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 322-32, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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