from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 247


Jacob FRANE, a farmer and dairyman of Tingley Township, is a native of Pennsylvania, born in Lycoming County,
September 13, 1840. When he was ten years of age, in 1850, his parents moved to Ogle County, Illinois, and there he
was reared. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the war of the Rebellion and was assigned to Company K, Ninety-second
Illinois Mounted Infantry, Army of the Cumberland, and served two years and ten months, participating in several
severe engagements, including those at Chickamauga, Resaca and Jonesboro. He was wounded near Rolla, the
ball first hitting his horse and then his right leg near the knee join, and was in the hospital at the time of his
discharge, in July, 1863. He returned to Ogle County, and the following December was married to Anna EYSTER, a
native of that county. In the spring of 1869, Mr. FRANE moved with his family to Ringgold County, Iowa, and
bought the farm where he now lives, containing 122 acres on section 21, township 70, range 29. Since August, 1884,
he has made a specialty of the manufacture of cheese, and in the year 1885 made 5,000 pounds. It is of an
exceptionally fine quality, and finds a ready market at home. In 1885 he milked thirteen cows and bought some milk,
but in 1886 increasted the number to twenty-four. Mr. FRANE is a prominent citizen of his township, taking an
active interest in all public affairs, and has served his township two terms each as trustee and assessor. He and
his wife are members of the Christian church. They have a family of eight children - Frank, Charles, Cora, John E.,
Edgar M., Mary, Ruth and Anna May.

NOTE: Of the FRANE interments in Ringgold County:
Infant sons of Jacob & Anna FRANE
born 21 May 1875; died 21 May 1875, interment Eugene Cemetery, Ringgold Co. IA
John Arthur FRANE
died 24 Aug 1896, interment Tingley Cemetery, Ringgold Co. IA
Cecil C. FRANE
born Feb 1898; died 24 May 1898, interment Tingley Cemetery, Ringgold Co. IA
Anna (EYSTER) FRANE was a half-sister of James P. BLOSS who served during the Civil War in Company K, 92nd
Illinois Mounted Infantry along with Jacob FRANE. James P. BLOSS was promoted to 5th Corporal on September 8, 1862,
and a 3rd Corporal on February 9, 1863. Corp. BLOSS was killed in action at Powder Springs, Georgia, on October
3, 1864. He was interred at Marietta National Cemetery, Section F, Grave 5244. On her 80th birthday, Anna (EYSTER)
FRANE wrote of Jacob seeing action in "also several minor ones [engagements] in Marietta, Georgia where his tentmate
James BLOSS was shot. Jacob and another soldier attempted to carry him off the field but could no, so secured an
ambulance, getting him to town. He died that night and they buried him by the light of a candle lantern and
the light of the moon with fleecy clouds scudding over it."
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 247, 1887.
WPA Grave Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

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