from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 267


William D. FOUSER, son of Jacob and Sarah FOUSER, was born in Summit County, Ohio, April 14, 1845, where he spent
his childhood. In his tenth year he was taken by his parents to Will County, Illinois, who lived in that county till their
death. William D. was reared to agricultural pursuits and has always follows that avocation. He grew to manhood
in Will County and was there married June 8, 1866, to Miss Mary M. ENGLE, who was born in Naperville, Illinois, a
daughter of John and Isabell ENGLE. To Mr. and Mrs. FOUSE have been born six children - Mabel C., John E., Sarah Bell,
Ernest S., Fred and Lizzie May. Mr. FOUSER followed farming in Plainfield Township, Will County, until he came to
Ringgold County, Iowa, and made his present residence on section 28, Union Township, his home. He came with his brother
John C., who is his nearest neighbor west, in 1876, when each bought a tract of land, and the following years settled
here with their families. Mr. FOUSER has brought his land from a tract of raw prairie to a well-cultivated farm
containing 160 acres. His farm is one of the best in his part of Ringgold County and his residence and farm buildings
are noticeably good. He has planted a large number of shade and fruit trees, and the entire surroundings show the
care and thrift of the owner. Both Mr. and Mrs. FOUSER are members of the Evangelical church at Wirt. In his political
views Mr. FOUSER affiliates with the Republican party.

NOTE: William D. FOUSER died February 12, 1918. Mary M. (ENGLE) FOUSER
was born April 14, 1850, and died July 8, 1930. Ernest S., son of William D. and Mary E. FOUSER, was born December
2, 1878, and died December 19, 1921. They were interred at Ellston Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa.
John E., son of William D. and Mary M. (ENGLE) FOUSER, was born in 1899, and died in 1979, with
interment in Ellston Cemetery.
John C. FOUSER, William's brother, was born September 28, 1841, and died June 29, 1913. John's
wife Mary D. FOUSER was born March 28, 1846, and died August 27, 1919. They were interred at Ellston Cemetery,
Ringgold County, Iowa.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 267, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

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