from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 317-18


Robert FIFE, is a native of Ireland, born in County Tyrone, July 12, 1827, a son of Samuel and Mary A. FIFE, with
whom he remained till attaining the age of twenty years. He then bade farewell to his native land, and embarked on a
sailing vessel at Londonderry, and after a voyage of six weeks and three days landed in Philadelphia. A week after his
arrival he went to Mercer County, Pennsylvania, where he was variously employed, remaining there till 1874. He then went
to Clinton County, Ohio, where he spent two years, and in March, 1876, he came to Ringgold County, and settled on his
present farm, on section 31, Liberty Township, where he has 220 acres of choice land, the greater part of which is under
fine cultivation. Since making his home in Liberty Township he has devoted his time to agricultural pursuits, and in
connection with his general farming he is raising some good stock of a high grade. Mr FIFE was married in 1856 to Miss
Elizabeth WALLACE, a native of Massachusetts, but at the time of her marriage living in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, to
which county her parents removed when she was a child. To Mr. and Mrs. FIFE have been born five children, of whom only
three are living - Agnes, William M., and James P. Their daughter, Mary J., died at the age of fourteen years. Mr. FIFE
and his family are members of the United Presbyterian church, of which he has served as trustee. Mr. FIFE is always
interested in every enterprise which he deems of benefit to his county or township. He is one of the active and
public-spirited men of this community, and a much-respected citizen.
NOTE: Robert FIFE died in 1915.
Elizabeth (WALLACE) FIFE died at the age of 61 years, 1 month and 11 days on June 25, 1888. Robert and Elizabeth
were interred at Oak Ridge Cemetery near Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa.Mary J. FIFE died in 1878 and was interred
at Oak Ridge Cemetery near Mount Ayr.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 317-18, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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