In almost all American communities there may be found quiet, retiring men, who never ask for public office or
appear prominent in public affairs, yet who, nevertheless, exert a wide-felt influence in the community in which
they live and help to construct the proper foundation upon which the social and political world is built. Such a
man is Samuel ELDER, who throughout his entire life has been an honored and respected citizen of Monroe county.
He was born on the farm on which he still resides, ten miles northeast of Albia, four miles north of Avery and
three miles from Chisholm, the latter being his postoffice address, and the date of his birth was January 26, 1853.
His paternal grandfather, John ELDER, came to this country from Ireland when twenty years of age, and his death
occurred in Ohio, while on the maternal side our subject is descended from old Pennsylvania ancestry. He is a son
of Matthew and Jane (LOWER) ELDER, the former of whom was born in Coshocton county, Ohio. In 1850 Matthew ELDER
came to Iowa, locating on our subject's present homestead, where he passed away in death at the age of sixty-eight
years and one month. His wife, who was born near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, died at the home of a son of Albia, when
she had passed the age of eighty-one years. Ten children were the result of this union, nine of whom are still
living, and the deceased daughter left a family of five children.
Samuel ELDER received his early education in the schools of Monroe county, while later he attended the educational
institutions of Eddyville, Iowa, and Monmouth, Illinois. After his marriage he located in Ringgold county, Iowa,
where he farmed on rented land for two years, after which he purchased and removed to a place in Wayne county,
this state. After a residence there of one year he sold his possessions and purchased the three hundred acres which
constitute his present valuable homestead. The farm is located in Pleasant township, and at the time of purchase
was only partially improved, but he has since placed the entire tract under cultivation, and it is now one of the
valuable farms of the county. He devotes his attention to general farming and stock raising, and in both lines of
industry his efforts are being rewarded with a high and well merited degree of success.
The marriage of Mr. ELDER was celebrated on the 14th of March, 1878, when Miss Anna CHISHOLM became his wife. She
was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, and is a member of an old and prominent family of Monroe county, Iowa, the
village of Chisholm, located therein, having been named in honor of her father. She is a daughter of William and
Mary (McQUEEN) CHISHOLM. The father, also of Columbiana county, Ohio, came to Iowa in 1860, and his death occurred
in this state at the age of sixty years. His mother, Janet, reached the remarkable age of one hundred and one
years, and she was from Scotland. The mother of Mrs. ELDER, who was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, also spent
her last days in this locality, passing away in death at the age of sixty years. By her marriage Mrs. ELDER has
become the mother of three children, the two eldest of whom, Charles M. and Mary E., are attending Penn College of
Oskaloosa, Iowa, and the youngest, Janet, is at home.
In political matters Mr. ELDER has been a life-long Republican, his first vote having been cast for R. B. HAYES in
his race for the presidency, and in 1899 he was elected to the position of supervisor and he was made chairman of
the board. The family are members of the United Presbyterian church, and Mr. ELDER assisted materially in the
erection of the house of worship of that denomination in this locality.
SOURCE: Biographical and Genealogical History of
Appanoose and Monroe Counties, Iowa Lewis Publishing Co. New York. 1903.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2008

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