Pem and Anna (SMITH) WASSON [from Ohio] lived with their young daughter, Ella, on a farm three miles south of Shannon City, Iowa.
On May 19, 1904, a little girl, who was later named Margaret Agnes, joined their family. This little miss was named for
both of her grandmothers.
Pem WASSON drove a team of horses from southern Ohio to Union County. He always said he didn't care what kind of a place he had to stay just as long as his horses had a good place. He farmed for several years and then moved into Shannon where he was a drayman for many years. He was real proud that he could haul 100 sacks of flour (48 lb. sacks) on one load from the depot to Edwards store.
Agnes's mother was Anna SMITH. Two of her brothers John and Stewart SMITH ran the lumber yard and also a hardware store in Shannon City for many years before moving to Clarinda.
When Agnes was four years old, she moved to Shannon City with her family, which was her home
until she was married.
Agnes' mother wasn't well, so the growing up years meant much work and responsibility at home. The housework and cooking
became the girls' jobs as their father, Pem, operated a dray business and this meant busy hours of work.
Agnes attended Shannon City school all her school days and graduated on May 18, 1921. Five of her classmates are still
living, Earle LAUGHEAD, Richard BROWNLEE, and the girls, Mary KELLEY, Alma TINDLE of Creston and Etta RICKABAUGH from
Oregon. They got together last fall and plan to be together this spring again.
Agnes went to Tarkio College, then began teaching country school south of Shannon City. She and Ella rode a horse to
school each day. One morning they had a run away, but all was well. She taught country school for three years.
On Saturday forenoon, March 19, 1927, a wedding party of W. P. WASSON, his two daughters, Ella and Agnes, and Robert and
Elmer EKLUND braved the snow and sleet storm that was raging and motored to St. Charles, some sixty miles from Shannon
City. Arriving at that city, they drove to the home of Rev. G. E. CARNAHAN, former pastor of the United Presbyterian,
where that obliging and courteous servant of God joined together in holy wedlock two loving hearts that beat as one.
Lawrence John "Bob" was born in Union County in 1902. His father Bengt August CARLSON was born in 1863 in Sweden. As a
young man he came to Galesburg Illinois. It was then he changed his name to EKLUND. He married Amanda ANDERSON who also
came from Sweden. They were married in Creston. They had 11 children, Roy, Carl, Elmer, Bernard, Lawrence and 2 infant
daughters are deceased but Wilbur and Arthur live in Creston, two girls Arla NULPH of Creston and Edna NISELY of Villisca.
Margaret Agnes WASSON and Lawrence John "Bob" EKLUND (however he was married as Robert EKLUND) enjoyed 41 years of
married life together.
Agnes was teaching 5th & 6th grade in Shannon, but in those days if you were married you couldn't teach school. However
they did let her finish the year out until May.
Bob and Agnes moved to a farm north of Shannon City where Bob was farming with his brother. Agnes was a homemaker for
many years. They did many things with the B. A. EKLUND family. There were many picnics, dances and family dinners. Bob
and Agnes always enjoyed their nieces and nephews.
Bob and Agnes moved to several different farms, all being in Union County except for one year, 1935, when they moved to
On March 17, 1940, after nearly thirteen years of married life, a little daughter was born to them. She was named Ella
Jean, being named after Agnes' only sister. It was very different having a little one around. The year Ella Jean started
to school, she had scarlet fever. Agnes really gave a lot of special and loving care to her daughter at this time. We were
quarantined for six weeks. Later many things such as the get-well cards and a favorite doll had to be destroyed. However,
Agnes decidied to try to boil the plastic dishes. They were really some different shapes.
In 1946, Bob, Agnes and Ella Jean moved to a house 1 1/2 miles north of Shannon City. This was the first home they owned.
They really enjoyed having electricity. They made this their home until Bob died and Agnes still lives there. Much love
and work was put in this house to really make it their home.
Agnes, Bob and Ella Jean always visited relatives a lot, plus school activities and church. Agnes and Bob were always
taking a bunch of girls skating at Mount Ayr while they were in grade school. Of course, we always arranged for someone
to take a bunch of boys.
In 1948, Bob, Agnes and Ella Jean went on a trip to Ohio with Gene and Arla NULPH. In 1954, they went on a trip to Idaho
with Roy and Esther EKLUND.
In 1956, Agnes decided to renew her teaching certificate and taught at a country school for one year. She really had a
good Christmas program for only 'seven' kids. She then taught in Shannon City and Arispe until she retired. It was quite
a challenge having her son-in-law for her principal.
She enjoyed working with all her co-workers, most of all the students, who are her life-treasured friends. She still
enjoys going to musicals and plays at school. She is a member of the Retired Teachers Association.
Agnes has missed very few (maybe three) Shannon City Alumni Banquets since 1921. She's done her share of helping and
planning these. This is a very fun time and 'a lot' of visiting is done that night.
Church has been an important part of Agnes' life. As she was growing up, she attended the U.P. Church in Shannon City.
In later years she joined the Methodist Church in Shannon City. She is very active in the U.M.W. suppers and bazaars.
She has been the church treasurer for over 20 years. She also likes to attend suppers and activities of other churches
in nearby communities.
In August 1968, Bob died suddenly, only being in the hospital less than one week. Agnes' faith helped her in accepting
this shock as God's way of sparing a lot of suffering for Bob and his family.
The HOFFMAN and JONES families have been very special to Agnes for the last 30 years. Bob and Agnes spent many holidays
with them and since Bob's death, Agnes has never been left out of their activities. Friends like this are so precious.
Agnes is always so interested in her family, who are referred to as 'Jerry's 10'.
Jerry & Ella Jean (EKLUND) HOFFMAN live at Hastings, Iowa. Jerry is superintendent at Nishna Valley School. Ella Jean works at a cafe in
Emerson. Their children are Craig, married to Chelle SORENSON, and Gayla and Thad.
Thad lives in Afton and attends college at Southwestern Community College in Creston.
Craig, Chelle, Clint & Carly live at Audubon. Craig works for a seed company and farms. Chelle is a secretary for Mary
Kay Cosmetic director. Clint is in kindergarten and Carly goes to pre-school.
Mike, Gayla & Kirk CRITTENDON live in Ankeny. Mike works at Ace Air Tools and Gayla works at Ruan in Des Moines. Kirk
goes to pre-school.
Agnes enjoys visiting her family in their homes and even attended the wrestling tournament to see Thad wrestle.
She enjoys having the kids, old and young, come to her home. They know their friends are always welcome too. On her
refrigerator, you'll find pictures colored by the great grandkids.
Probably Agnes' greatest hobby and pasttime is quilting. She's made quilts for her children, grandchildren, and has
one of the great grandchildren's done already.
The grandchildren tell G-ma her dining room doesn't look natural without a quilt in the frame. She's quilted quilts
for people in Missouri, Iowa, California and Arizona. One year she quilted fourteen quilts.
Her quilting began over 55 years ago wen she became a member of the South Valley Church Quilters. She is still a member
of this same group and they get together every two weeks and quilt.
Music is another love of Agnes. She has sung at over 200 funerals. She enjoys church music and spends hours at her organ
at her home. She also enjoys country music and Lawrence Welk is a favorite.
Agnes' 80th birthday was a special day for her. Nearly 100 people shared an open house with her at the Afton bank
basement. All of these friends who were able to attend and many others sent greetings to her, wanted to share this
day with her because she is so good to visit people, call people on the phone, write letters, send cards, go out to
eat, visit nursing homes (where a lot of her long life friends are) and just showing an interest and liking people.
She has certainly remembered what her father-in-law, B. A. EKLUND said one time, "Don't say anything if you can't say
something nice about someone," and "If you can't help me, help someone else."
Agnes lives on a farm north of Shannon City and enjoys it much. She is very independent, however she does know that
people are concerned about her and check to see if her light is on and her car is home. She appreciates this
consideration of her friends and neighbors.
Ella [Mrs. Glen JOHNSON] was Agnes' only sister and they've had a real close relationship. They correspond every week, talk on the phone,
and Agnes visits Ella in her home at Stanton often. The two families usually celebrate Christmas together sometime
during the season.
Agnes sure is a special Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandma and Great Grandma. Our lives have been enriched because of her.
I'm sure Agnes would consider her friends, family and good health her most treasured possessions of her nearly 83 years
of life in rural Union County, Iowa.
Agnes' family feels proud, happy and honored that she was chosen to be Mother of the Year 1987.
Lawrence J. EKLUND passed away in 1968, and Agned passed away in 2002. Their final resting place is Oakland
Cemetery at Shannon City, Iowa.
Written by Ella Jean Eklund Hoffman
SOURCE: Union County Historyp. 138. 1981.

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