1854 - 1942

Daniel ECKERMAN farmer and stock-raiser, resides on section 22, Washington Township, where he owns 160 acres of
fine land, all under a high state of cultivation, in addition to which he has sixty acres on section 27, also cultivated.
He was born in Franklin County, Pa., Oct. 6, 1839, and is the son of David and Sarah (Van DYKE) ECKERMAN, both of whom are
natives of Pennsylvania, the former being of German descent. They came to this county in 1856, settling in Marion
Township, where they resided till their death. The former died in 1885, at the age of seventy years, and the latter in
1881, aged sixty-six years. They reared a family of seven children, six of whom are now living: Daniel; Eliza J., who
resides with the subject of our sketch; William residing in Nebraska; Isaac, living in Ringgold County, Iowa; Ezra,
residing in Nebraska; Frances E., wife of Talbot RUSSEL, of Ashland, Neb.; George W., also of Ashland, and D. F.,
deceased. In the death of David and Sarah ECKERMAN, Washington County lost two of its best citizens, and the family, kind
and affectionate parents, whose memory will ever be cherished by one and all.
The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm and has successfully followed that occupation through life. He was but
seventeen years old when the family removed to this county, and in the thirty-one years in which he has resided here he
has witnessed may great and important changes. He has seen the change from the wild state of nature into one of the best
productive counties in the State of Iowa. Possessing the drive of the Yankee, with the conservatism of the German race,
from which he has descended he has been prosperous in all his business affairs, and is now numbered among the best farmers
in the county. In 1865, he was untied in marriage with Miss Eliza J. ANDERSON, a daughter of James B. and Elizabeth (McCOY)
ANDERSON, who were among the pioneers of Washington County. She was born in this county in 1849. they have had four
children — Charles H., Alva L., Otis C. and Roy G.
In 1862, Mr. ECKERMAN enlisted in Co. H, 2d Iowa Vol. Inf., and served till the close of the war. As is well known, the
2d Iowa was one of the best regiments in the service. Its record for bravery and heroic service is second to none. Its
history would fill a volume, even one the size of of the Album. It has six Colonels, two of whom were killed, one
promoted to Major General, and two to Brigadier General. In all the engagements in which his regiment participated Mr.
ECKERMAN was found with his company, and with the regiment he marched with SHERMAN to the sea through Rome and Savannah,
Ga., and was in the grand review at Washington. With the regiment he was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., and discharged
at Davenport. Immediately on receiving his discharge, he returned to his home in Washington County, where he has since
pursued the peaceful vocation of a farmer, and in which as already stated, he has been eminently successful. Politically,
he is a stanch Republican.
SOURCE: Portrait and Biographical Album of
Washington County, Iowa Pp. 324-25. Acme Publ. Co. Chicago. 1887.
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2009
