NEWMAN DUTCHER, carpenter and joiner, and farmer, postoffice Charles City; is a son of Wherton and Eleanor
(WHEELER) DUTCHER, natives of New York, where they died. Newman was born May 3, 1813 [Deerfield, New York], and was educated in New York,
where he learned his trade and worked until he came to Ohio in 1846; here he farmed and worked at his trade nine
years; then sold out and located in Green County, Wis., remaining there some three years; then he came to Iowa in
1855, and located on his present farm of 100 acres on sections 33 and 32, Niles Township. In 1833, he married Jane
MORRISON; there were three children by this union, one living - Frances, wife of James PITCHER, of Niles Township.
Frederick, born Nov. 15, 1834; in 1862 he enlisted in the Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry [under the command of],
Captain SLOCUM; he was taken sick and was in the hospital eight months, and died in December, 1863. Wherton, born
January 11, 1840, and enlisted May, 1861, in the Third Iowa Infantry; he served two years, two months, participating
in the battles of Missouri and seige of Vicksburg and many other hard-fought battles; he was killed at the second
taking of Jackson, Mississippi, July 12, 1863. Mrs. DUTCHER died December 19, 1841. Mr. DUTCHER married in 1842,
Mary E. STOTER; she was born in Connecticut. There were six children by this union, four living - Jane Ann, born
1849, wife of Levi KNAPP, of Ringgold County, Ia.; Abby, born 1852, wife of John ELLIS, of Niles Township; Newman,
born in November, 1855; Albert, born 1845; he enlisted in the Twelfth Iowa and was discharged for disability. On
regaining his health, he re-enlisted in the Fourteenth Wisconsin Battery, and was permanently disabled and is now in
the Soldier's Home at Dayton, Ohio. Mary E. DUTCHER died September 8, 1856. In 1857 Mr. DUTCHER married Mary L.,
daughter of John and Charlotte (TYLER) SNYDER, natives of Pennsylvania and New York respectively. She was born in
New York, August 28, 1836. This union has been blessed with nine children, eight living - Ida C., born October 3,
1858 [wife of John
W. HUNTER of Ringgold County]; John W., born December 27, 2859; Eugene S., June 11, 1862; Nettie, February 21, 1864; Mabel T., August 29,
1866; Luella (deceased), born in 1869; Charles K., born May 21, 1870; Blanch Estelle, born May 21, 1875, and
Arthur B., born August 4, 1877. Mr. DUTCHER and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. DUTCHER
votes the Greenback ticket. He has held several township offices, and has faithfully discharged his duty.
NOTE: Newman DUTCHER was promoted to Colonel of the 9th Regiment of Light Infantry,
a commission which was signed by Gov. William H. SEWARD of New York State in October of 1841.
SOURCE: "Niles Township" History of
Floyd County, Iowa Inter-State Publ. Co. Chicago. 1882.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2008

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