Cecil DOLECHECK, Representative from Ringgold County, Iowa, was born May 30, 1951, the son of Ivan and Leola
DOLECHECK. He graduated from Mount Ayr High School and attended Iowa State University. Cecil and his wife Becky are
the parents of a daughter, Josie, and two sons, Eric and Darin. A farmer, Cecil was the president of Ringgold County
Farm Bureau, treasurer of the Ellston United Methodist Church, Afton Farmers Co-op Board President, and was the
livestock superintenent of the Ringgold County Fair. He is a member of the Iowa Pork Producers, Cattlemen's Association,
Ringgold County Sheriff's Posse and a member of the Ringgold County Extension Council. Cecil was elected as a
Representative to the Iowa General Assembly in 1996.
SOURCE: beta.legis.state.ia.us/Legislators/legislator.aspx?GA=59&PID=1653
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2009

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 09, 2015, Page 11
Family visit at the state house
Rep. Cecil Dolecheck (R-Mount Ayr) brought his family to work at the Capitol this week. His son Darin led the House in prayer and his
daughters and grandchildren also visited the Statehouse to see Rep. Dolecheck in action.Pictured here are Rep. Dolecheck, Joel, Darin and
Darla Dolecheck, and Colby, Josie and Becky Johnson.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

THE STUDENT AYR: Students take a closer look at member of the community Cecil DolecheckBy Kyle Dolecheck
Cecil Dolecheck was born on May 30, 1951 in Mount Ayr, Iowa. He is the son of Ivana nd Leola Dolecheck of Mount Ayr. He was the oldest of three brothers Cecil, Wayne, Roger and sister Linda.
He grew up on a farm south of Ellston and went to Mount Ayr High School.While a student at Mount Ayr High Schooll Cecil had very good grades and participated in footfall, basketball, and
track. He was also in FFA and 4-H throughout his high school career. After high school hewent on to Iowa State University for two years and then came back to Mount Ayr to work on the family
farm. One June 6, 1971 he married Becky, his high school sweetheart, and then settled down in a house in Mount Ayr. To this union three children were born, Eric, Josie and Darin. In 2001,
Becky passed away from a brain aneurism. In December, 2005, Cecil married his second wife, Patti, and between them they have five children. They are all grown now and the Dolechecks now
have twelve grandchildren. Cecil is a member of the Iowa Farm Bureau and the Lions Club. He is past President of both the County Farm Bureau and County Pork Producers. He is a former
director and past president of the Farmers Cooperative Company of Afton, Arispe, Creston, Osceola, Mount Ayr, and Macksburg, Iowa. Dolecheck has also served as a 4-H leader and a member
of the Sheriff's Posse. Cecil is a very respected member of the Mount Ayr community. As a representative in the Iowa House for our district he goes to Des Moines to the meetings and brings
up any topics that our district thinks needs addressed. He goes up there when they schedule meetings and sometimes he has to go up when they call him and he is needed. As a representative he also
gets involved in many activities throughout the communitiy. He has to represent six different counties including Ringgold, Taylor, Page, Adams, Union, and Montgomery Counties. If any problesm arise
in these areas he has to address them in the Iowa House. While doing all these things, Cecil still tries to attend his niece's and nephew's activities. Many times he can be seen at the Mount
Ayr football, basketball, and track events cheering the family on. He encourages us to be in many different things, a lot like he was and still is today. He also likes to know how
the farm is doing and keeps up to date on all the different aspect of the farm. At every family dinner one of his favorite things to do is to get a pool tournament going. He plays pool and golf often and
is very hard to beat at both. Cecil is in many different parades and assemblies because of all his different offices. He goes to many different county meetings and has to atted them to hear
the problems and how the area is doing throughout the year. He and his wife always try to help the community and they always try to get out to help the community businesses. Since high
school Cecil has always worked hard and gotten through hard times like losing his wife; but continued to be successful. Growing up on a farm helped him develop his hard work ethic and gave
him a humble background to take to the Iowa House of Representatives. He is a very good family character and I am very fortunate to have him as an uncle.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2016
