Henry C. DILLMAN, actively engaged in farming in Lucas County, his land possessions comprising two hundred and thirty-four acres, was born in
Liberty Township, October 30, 1862. His father, Andrew DILLMAN, a native of Indiana, died in Liberty Township in
1866, while the mother, who bore the maiden name of Eliza Frances HENDERSON, was born in Indiana and is now living in
Chariton [Lucas County]. They came to Lucas County in 1856, settling in Liberty Township, after having made an
overland journey according to the primitive methods of the times. They were farming people of this section of the
state and the old DILLMAN homestead is still in possession of the family. In the family were seven children, six of
whom are living: George W., of Warren Township; S. P., a resident of Vernal, Utah; Mrs. Mary E. HOWARD, living near
Oakley, Iowa; Martha S., of Chariton; Henry C., of this review; and Louisa THOMASON, of Liberty Township. The eldest
daughter was Harriet, who died in 1864. The five eldest children were born in Indiana and the two youngest in
Liberty Township, following the removal of the family to Lucas County.
Spending his youthful days under the parental roof, Henry C. DILLMAN attended the public schools and when not busy
with his text books worked in the fields. His father built the first frame schoolhouse in Liberty Township and Mrs.
Molly WELCH was one of Henry C. DILLMAN's first teachers. He taught school in Clayton County in 1882 and in 1883,
and in Lucas County in 1887 and 1888. The greater part of his life, however, has been devoted to general
agricultural pursuits. He was carefully reared in that work, early becoming familiar with the best methods of
tilling the soil and caring for the crops, so that practical experience proved of great aid to him when he began
farming for himself. He owns two hundred and thirty-four acres on Section 24, 25 and 28, Liberty Township. He has a
set of good buildings upon his place and all modern improvements, while the attractive appearance of his farm
indicates his careful supervision and systematic methods.
In Wayne County, Iowa, in 1886, Mr. DILLMAN married Miss Lola GREGG, a daughter of Jonathan and Mary Jane (FITCH)
GREGG, who came to Iowa at an early date and here passed away. They were the parents of five children of whom three
are living: Mrs. Emma LUNNEY, of Mount Ayr; Mr. DILLMAN; and Park Gregg, of Carlisle, Iowa. The other two died in
childhood. Mr. and Mrs. DILLMAN have three sons: Robert A., born September 15, 1888, who resides on a part of the
old DILLMAN homestead; Louis E., born September 24, 1895, at home with his parents; and Franklin G., born March 12,
1903, who is pursuing his education in the public schools. Mrs. DILLMAN is a member of the Methodist Episcopal
Church of Oakley. Mr. DILLMAN belongs to several fraternal orders, including the Knights of Pythias, the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Chariton and the Modern Woodmen of America at Oakley. He also has membership
with the Sons of the American Revolution. In politics he is a Republican and has held a number of local offices. He
was Township Clerk for a number of years and for twenty years was connected with the school board as director,
secretary and treasurer. In 1903 he was elected County Auditor and was reelected, filling the position for two
terms. He made a credible record in that connection and his public service like his private life commends him to the
warm regards and good will of all.
SOURCE: STUART, Theodore M. Past and Present of Lucas and Wayne Counties, Iowa
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. Chicago. 1913.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2008

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