John N. DIDIER, Larkin township farmer, owns 240 acres on sections 5 and 8. He was born at Evanston, Cook
county, Illinois, December 18, 1873. His parents were born in Luxemburg, the father in 1823; the mother in 1833. They came to
the United States in their youth and located in Evanston, afterwards moving to Iowa. The father died at New Hampton,
Iowa, in 1899; the mother died in Larkin township in 1901.
J. N. DIDIER lived in Evanston until he was twenty-two years of age, and during several years of that time was employed
by a brother on a truck farm. The next two years were spent at Caledonia, Iowa, and thereafter, until he came to Nobles
county [Minnesota] in 1901, he resided in Chickasaw county, Iowa. Coming to Nobles county, Mr. DIDIER located on the place where he
has since resided, having bought the land in February, 1900. His farm is well improved and he is an extensive stock
Mr. DIDIER was married at North Washington, Iowa, June 5, 1900, to Miss Anna RASANER who was born in Chickasaw county,
Iowa, in 1881. To them have been born four children — Luella, Oscar, Viola and Lucile.
For six years Mr. DIDIER has served as a member of the board of supervisors of Larkin township. He is a director of the
Lismore Farmers' Elevator company and of the Lismore Telephone company. He and his wife are members of the Catholic
church of Lismore.
ROSE, Arthur P. An Illustrated History of Nobles County, Minnesota
p. 597. Northern History Publ. Co. Worthington, Minnesota. 1908.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2009

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