The subject hereof, Winfield Scott DeARMOND, farmer, was born in Ringgold county, Iowa, Oct. 9, 1862, the son
of William and Adaline DeARMOND, and the seventh child in a family of twelve. In his fifth year his parents located in
Atchison county, Missouri, and here he has since resided. In his twentieth year he began farming for himself. He owns
and lives upon a farm of 100 acres, in section 19, township 64, range 38, three and one-half miles northeast of
Fairfax. The residence is a cottage of the following dimensions: 16x28 feet, 12x16 feet and 12x16 feet, one story. The
barn, in size, is 24x36 feet, with 16-foot posts. Also a summer kitchen, cribs, granary, tool-shed, etc. Mr.
DeARMOND and Miss Nancy Jane MADDOX were united in marriage on Oct. 21, 1883. She is a daughter of WIlson and Ann
MADDOX, and was born in Adams county, Ohio, on Feb. 9, 1866. Mr. and Mrs. DeARMOND have two children - Charles
Frederick, born Aug. 15, 1884, and Adaline Gertrude, born June 19, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. DeARMOND are members of the M.E.
church, Fairfax circuit, and Mr. DeARMOND is a Trustee of that organization. He was formerly Superintendent of the
Sunday School. Their son has attended college at Cameron, Missouri, and both son and daughter have attended Fairfax
high school. Mr. DeARMOND is Republican in politics.
SOURCE: Stapel and Lane History of Atchison County, Missouri 1905.
Transcriptions and note by Sharon R. Becker

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