THE subject of this sketch, Charles D. DeARMOND, son of William and Adaline (CARSON) DeARMOND, was born in
Ringgold county, Iowa, on April 30, 1861, and is sixth in a family of eleven children. In the seventh year of his
age his parents moved to Atchison county, Missouri, and here he has resided with the exception of four years in the
West. He now owns and lives upon a farm of 200 acres, in sections 31 and 32, township 64, range 39, four and three
fourths miles southeast of Fairfax. The residence is of the following dimensions: 14x28 feet, 1 1/2 stories, and 14x24
feet, one story. There is also a substantial barn, granary, cribs, sheds and orchard. Mr. DeARMOND markets his
grain or feeds it to stock of his own raising. He markets 90 to 100 head of fat hogs annually. On Oct. 11, 1883,
Mr. DeARMOND was united in marriage with Miss Clara ROBINSON, daughter of Hamilton and Caroline (CRANDEL) ROBINSON a
and the oldest child in a family of nine. She was born in the state of Illinois on Nov. 19, 1866. Five children
were born to Mr. and Mrs. DeARMOND, four of whom are living, namely: Opal A., born July 2, 1886; Ethel B., born
June 7, 1891; Wm. H., born Oct. 11, 1893; Grace G., born Jan. 18, 1899; Zelpha, born Sept. 23, 1896, died
July 18, 1989. Their daughter Opal is being educated in the Fairfax high school. NOTE:
Charles died at the age of 78 years in 1939, Grangeville, Idaho. Clara died at the age of 74 years in 1940, Grangeville.
They were interred at Prairie View Cemetery, Grangeville, Idaho.
SOURCE: Stapel and Lane. History of Atchison County, Missouri.
Pp. 150-51. 1905.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2012

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