Joseph Henry DAVIS, the well kept appearance of whose farm indicates his success and also his prominence in
agricultural circles, is widely known throughout the county as a prosperous stock feeder. He lives on section 22, Grant
township, where he has three hundred and twenty acres of land that has become very fertile and productive owing to the
practical methods in which he has carried on the work of cultivation and improvement. This place has been his home for
eighteen years, while for twenty-eight years he has been a resident of Union county. A native of Fulton county, Illinois,
he was born January 16, 1852, a son of Ebenezer and Margaret (CLINE) DAVIS. The father, who was born in Indiana, May 29,
1833, was a farmer by occupation and when a young man removed to Illinois, where he met and married Miss CLINE, who is a
native of Ohio and is now seventy-eight years of age. On the 5th of August, 1862, he joined the One Hundred and Third
Illinois Volunteers and remained in the service until discharged, April 6, 1863. The death of Mr. DAVIS occurred in
Abingdon, Knox county, Illinois, in 1899, when he was sixty-six years of age, and the mother of our subject is still
living in that city. [Margaret (CLINE) DAVIS was born December 24, 1830, in Ohio; died at the age of 83 years on July 12, 1914, Knox County, Illinois.]
Henry DAVIS, for so he is known to his many friends, is one of a family of eight children and was reared upon the old
homestead farm. Good educational privileges were afforded him by the public schools and his parents gladly gave him the
opportunity for mental culture in this way. When not busy with his text-books he was trained in the work of the farm and
remained at home until he had attained his majority when he went from Fulton to Mercer county, Illinois, where he remained
for four years. He next removed to Henderson county, Illinois, and invested the capital which he had saved from his
earnings in forty acres of land which remained his home for four years. He then sold out and the year 1880 witnessed his
arrival in Union county, Iowa, where he has since made his home.
Mr. DAVIS was married in Henderson county, Illinois, December 12, 1874 to Miss Sarah J. REYNOLDS, a native of Henderson
county [Illinois, the daughter of William and Mary Ann (SHOOK) REYNOLDS]. On coming to Iowa in 1880 he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land where he now resides but owned it for
eleven years before taking up his abode upon that place. For four years he rented and occupied the GALLOWAY farm and
afterward rented and cultivated land on section 21, Grant township, for four years. He then purchased eighty acres on
that section adjoining his former purchase of one hundred and sixty acres on section 22. Beginning the development of
his property he set out trees, made many substantial improvements and today has one of the best improved half sections
of land in Union county. In the midst of his farm stands a commodious and attractive residence and he has also put up
good barns and outbuildings, cribs and sheds. There is also a windpump and he uses The latest improved machinery to
facilitate the work of the fields, in fact no accessory of convenience of the model farm is lacking and his fine place
is the visible evidence of a life of well directed thrift and diligence. He has eight forty acre fields enclosed by
tight woven wire fences thirty-two inches high, while the forty on which he lives is divided into fifteen lots.
In addition to tilling the soil Mr. DAVIS has successfully engaged in raising horses. He has kept Percheron stallions
for fifteen years, having three different imported animals in that time. He has also kept a Spanish imported jack for
seven years and has sold forty-two spans of mules sired by that jack. He likewise raises shorthorn cattle and has fed
stock for fifteen years, selling about five car loads of hogs and cattle per year. He makes a speciality of thoroughbred
Chester White hogs and has also for ten years raised Scotch wool sheep, raising about two hundred head annually. He is
indeed one of the best known stockmen of this part of the state, carrying on an extensive and profitable business. His
fields are also well tilled and he has raised as high as eleven thousand bushels of corn in a year.
Unto Mr. and Mrs. DAVIS have been born nine children but they lost twins in infancy. The other children are as follows:
Charles, the eldest, married Florence DILLY, who died two years later, leaving one child, Fern, who is now a member of the
household of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. DAVIS. Charles DAVIS afterward wedded Esther LOUDEN and follows farming in Sand Creek
township. Willis married Nellie GRIPP and they have one child, Pearl, who is with them on their farm in Grant township.
Joseph, a resident farmer of Union township, wedded Anne WILLIAMS and they have one child, Ernest. Effie married William
COLE, a resident of Union county, Iowa, and they have one child, Lexie. Arthur is living on the home farm. Alice is the
wife of John CASSIDY, a resident farmer of Grant township, and they have on one son, Ernest. Roy, who completes the family
is at home.
Mr. DAVIS has been a stalwart republican where national issues are involved since age conferred on him the right of
franchise. Locally he casts an independent ballot. He has been school director for twenty-one years and trustee of the
Methodist Episcopal church for twenty years, facts which indicate his trustworthiness and the confidence reposed in him.
He is a charter member of the church and does all in his power to promote intellectual and moral progress. He belongs
Knights of Pythias Lodge at Shannon City, in which he has held some offices. Living in the county for many years he has
engaged in breaking prairie here and in otherwise promoting the substantial improvement of this part of the state.
Everything about the farm is developed according to modern methods and his work is carried along scientific, practical
lines, making him one of the foremost agriculturist and stock-raisers of the community. In all of his business affairs
he has displayed an aptitude for successful management and his judgement and earnestness of purpose are indicated in the
prosperity that has attended him. He is a man of many friends and wins the respect and good will of all with whom he is

interment Oakland Cemetery south of Shannon City IA
Children of Joseph Henry and Sarah Jane (REYNOLDS) DAVIS:
1. Charles Lewis DAVIS, b. 18 Sep 1875, Henderson Co. IL; d. 30 Nov 1954, Osceola IA, aged 79y
married 1st 07 Sep 1898, Mount Ayr IA Florence A. DILLEY (1881-1900)
Child: Vera "Fern" (DAVIS) MILLER (1899-1987)
married 2nd 25 Mar 1903 Esther LOUTHAN (1884-1971)
2. Joseph A. DAVIS, b. 03 Oct 1877, Henderson Co. IL; died 22 Mar 1942, aged 64y
interment Oakland Cemetery south of Shannon City, Iowa
3. Willis DAVIS, b. 1878, Henderson Co. IL; d. 1965, aged 87y
interment Oakland Cemetery south of Shannon City, Iowa
4. Effa DAVIS, b. 1880, HENDERSON Co. IL; died 1950
married William A. COLE (1876-1914)
Effa and William interred Oakland Cemetery south of Shannon City IA
5. Alice Ann DAVIS, b. 04 Jul 1883, Union Co. IA
married John E. CASSADY (1884-1965), interred Oakland Cemetery, Shannon City IA
6. Arthur DAVIS, b. 1886, Union Co. IA; d. Nov 1980, aged 94y, Stockton CA
7. Twin DAVIS, died in infancy
8. Twin DAVIS, died in infancy
9. Roy DAVIS, b. 07 Sep 1891, Union Co. IA; d. 26 Oct 1917, aged 26y
interred Oakland Cemetery, Shannon City IA
SOURCE: IDE, George. History of Union County, Iowa S.J. Clarke Pub. Chicago. 1908.
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2010

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