from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 340-41


J[ohn]. W. CROUCH, postmaster at Redding, was born in Todd County, Kentucky, August 23, 1828. His parents were James and
Rachel D. (PATTERSON) CROUCH, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Tennessee. They were married in [Muhlenburg County] Kentucky,
[on November 4, 1821] and
had a family of six children, three of whom lived to be grown - William F., J. W. and Charles N. When he was four months
old his parents removed to Edgar County, Illinois, where they resided four years, then removed to Selby County, where they
lived until 1846, when they moved to Iowa. Our subject [John W. CROUCH] was reared on a farm, and received his education in the
common schools and at Danville, Illinois. When the family came to this State they first settled in Davis County, four
miles west of Drakeville. Mr. CROUCH was married December 27, 1849, to Miss M[argaret] E. RALSTON, of Davis County, and
daughter of John and Mary (TRULLINGER) RALSTON. He was engaged in farming in Davis County until 1866, when he came
to Ringgold County, and settled in Middle Fork Township, section 21, where he improved 120 acres. In 1876 he sold his farm and
removed to Old Redding, where he engaged in the mercantile business with C. S. PUGSLEY, for fourteen months. He then sold his
interest and went to clerking. He was appointed postmaster at Redding in 1879, and re-appointed in 1885. He erected the
first building in Redding. Mrs. CROUCH died April 1, 1875 (sic), leaving seven children - Mary Jane, Elizabeth F.,
John M., Delilah J., James W. and Laura E. March 15, 1883, Mr. CROUCH was married to Miss Martha E. TRULLINGER, daughter of
Gabriel and Elizabeth (MOSS) TRULLINGER, and to this union have been born two children - Ida Louisa and Charles Claude.
Politically Mr. CROUCH is a Democrat. As a postmaster he is courteous and accommodating, and has made many friends.
NOTE: Margaret E. (RALSTON) CROUCH was born in 1832, Indiana, and died at the age of 43 years on
April 11, 1876, with interment at Middle Fork Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa.
John Marion, son of John W. and Margaret E. (RALSTON) CROUCH, was born in 1859, and died in 1936, with
interment at Middle Fork Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Gabriel TRULLINGER, father of Martha E. (TRULLINGER) CROUCH, was born in Ross County, Ohio, on February
10, 1804, and died February 28, 1885, Garden Grove, Decatur County, Iowa. Gabriel married on December 13, 1835, Vermillion, Illinois,
to Elizabeth MOSS. Elizabeth (MOSS) TRULLINGER was born in Preble, Ohio, in 1814, the daughter of Jacob MOSS
and Mary A. (SHERER) MOSS of Guilford County, North Carolina, and died in 1887. Martha E., the seventh of eight children, was born in Davis
County, Iowa, on June 22, 1850, and died in Decatur County, Iowa, on February 2, 1889.

In the Spring of 1848, Gabriel TRULLINGER's brother Daniel was leaving Iowa by covered wagon, headed
for Oregon Territory. Because he was unable to bid his brother goodbye in person, Gabriel wrote the following letter to
Daniel:Dear brother: Farewell. A long farewell. I have followed you thus far. I can follow you no farther. From the pleasant vales on Deer Creek to the green spot on Coal Creek, thence to the broad plains of Iowa, extending from innocent childhood up to the meridian of life, yea verging towards old age. But at this point our journey through life together must end. We shall see each other no more. My bones must shortly lie beneath some grassy nook of Iowa and yours behind the western hills. But in that day they will be found. Our parents and Andrew lie buried on Graham Creek, our youngest brother near the turbid waters of the Wabash, while our youngest sister lies on the Des Moines. Yet God will bring them all forth. Adieu dear brother, a long adieu. Depart in peace, obey God and love your country and be happy. And remember me when far behind the great hills. And although far removed from each other I hope strangers will act the kinsmans part and bear my body to its long resting place. And when you retire to some lonely spot beside some waterfall and view this address then remember that the hand that wrote it may be still in death. Farewell dear brother, a long farewell. to D.T. from G.T.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 340-41, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

Biographical Sketches Pages Index: A - F,
G - L,
M - R, S - Z
