from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 344-45


John COIE, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser, residing on section 8, township 70, range 29, Tingley Township,
was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, in September, 1837, the eldest son of Robert and Maria (ELDER) COIE., his father a
native of County Down, Ireland, and the mother of Coshocton County, Ohio. The father was born in 1797, and was quite
young when he came to America, where he died in 1857. The mother is still living on the old homestead in Ohio. Of a family
of seven children born to them five grew to maturity, of whom four sons are still living. One son entered the Union army
and was wounded at the battle of Knoxville, Tennessee. He returned home sick, and died from the effects of his wound.
John COIE, the subject of this sketch, passed his boyhood days in his native county, attending the common schools, and
completing his education at Beaver Academy. After leaving school he taught for ten winters and one summer. He located
in Monroe County, Iowa, in 1864, where he followed teaching for four winters, and during the summer months worked at
the carpenter's trade. He purchased his present farm in 1870, which was then an unbroken tract of prairie land. He
was married [November 23] 1876 [North Bend, Nebraska] to Miss Elizabeth McCLATCHEY, an native of Magherafelt, County Londonderry, Ireland, [orphaned]
but at the time of her marriage living [with her uncle James SLOSS] in North Bend, Nebraska. To them have been born four
children - Theodosia M., John S., Robert T., and
Mary F. "Mae" Mr. COIE's farm, which contains 240 acres, is now under fine
cultivation and well improved, and in connection with his general farming he is engaged in raising cattle and hogs of a
high grade. He commenced life with but small capital, and by his own efforts has accumulated his present fine property, and
is numbered among the self-made men of Ringgold County. He has one of the finest libraries in the county. In politics
he is a staunch Republican, casting his first presidential vote for Abraham LINCOLN, and since coming here has taken
an active part in the politics of his party. He has served as township trustee and magistrate for twelve years. In 1883 he
was elected a member of the Twentieth General Assembly, and re-elected to the Twenty-first General Assembly in 1885, which
postition he has since filled to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. Both Mr. and Mrs. COIE are members of the
United Presbyterian church, at Eugene.
NOTE: John COIE died February 5, 1916.
Elizabeth (McCLATCHEY) COIE was born in Magherafelt,
Ireland, on February 2, 1848, the daughter of Thomas and Margaret (SLOSS) McCLATCHEY, and died February 19, 1928. John and
Elizabeth were interred at Tingley Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Robert T., son of John and Elizabeth (McCLATCHEY) COIE, was born in 1882, and died in 1953,
with interment at Tingley Cemetery.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 344-45, 1887.
Dodge Co. NE Bride & Groom Marriage Book C, 25 Dec 1871 - 09 Jul 1877
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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