from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, p. 258


Dorington CHANCE, one of the successful farmers of Washington Township, and a representative of one of the
oldest families of Ringgold County, was born in Richland county, Ohio, near Loudonville, the date of his birth being
October 19, 1835, a son of Joshua and Mary A. (JUMP) CHANCE. The father was a native of Maryland, and
an early settler of Ohio. He remained in Richland County until the fall of 1856, when he removed with his family
to Ringgold County, locating on raw prairie land, on section 36, Washington Township, and here he built a small
hewed-log house, 14 x 16 feet, and began improving his land, on which he lived till his death in 1858. The mother
survived till 1878. They were the parents of three sons and five daughters, all whom yet survive except William Henry, who
died in the service of his country during the late [Civil] war. Dorington CHANCE, the subject of this sketch, was
reared to manhood in his native county, receiving his education in the common schools and at the Loudonville
Academy, which he attended two terms. He came to Ringgold County, Iowa, with his parents in 1856, where he followed
farming till 1860. In that year he crossed the plains to Colorado, remaining there two years, when he went to
California, where he was engaged in freighting and dealing in hay till 1866, when he returned to Ringgold County, Iowa,
and soon after purchased the old homestead of his parents. He was married in March, 1868, to Miss Sarah M. LEWIS,
a native of the State of New York, and a daughter of Nelson LEWIS, of Ringgold County. They are the parents of
six children - Myra L., Mary E., William F., Oliver H., Theressa J. and Coletta, all of whom have received good
educational advantages. Mr. CHANCE has met with success in his agricultural pursuits since making his home in
Ringgold County,and is now the owner of a fine farm containing 240 acres, all under fence and highly cultivated.
In connection with his general farming he devotes considerable attention to the raising of stock, maing a specialty
of thorough-bred cattle. Mr. CHANCE has never aspired for official positions, but was elected and served as
township trustee of Washington Township for four years, with credit to himself and his constituents, when he
resigned, and has since devoted his time to the duties of his farm.

NOTE: Dorington CHANCE died March 12, 1917. Sarah M. (LEWIS) CHANCE was born
August 28, 1849, and died at the age of 82 on November 11, 1931. Dorrington and Sarah were interred at Oak Ridge
Cemetery near Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa. Dorington and Sarah's son
William Franklin CHANCE was born on December 4, 1872 near Mount Ayr, and died January 23, 1925, aged fifty-two years. He was interred at
Oak Ridge Cemetery. Oliver H. CHANCE was born in 1875, and died in 1962 with interment at
Oak Ridge Cemetery near Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa. Joshua CHANCE, Dorington's father, died August 25, 1858.
Mary Ann (JUMP) CHANCE died at the age of 67 years, 5 months and 5 days on April 11, 1876. Joshua and Mary Ann
were interred at Oak Ridge Cemetery near Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, p. 258, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

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