Fresno Bee Republican Fresno, Fresno County, California October 29, 1934

Rae B[est]. CARTER, chief deputy district attorney and chief trial attorney under District Attorney Glenn M. DeVORE
has submitted his resignation to DeVORE. The resignation effective Thursday has been accepted. CARTER resigned to
enter private practice. "Mr. CARTER has presented his resignation," DeVORE said. "It is with regret that it is
accepted. He has been a splendid assistant in this office. However he is merely accepting an opportunity of bettering
his position, and naturally, with only two months of our term remaining, I could not ask him to turn the opportunity down."
DeVORE said that arrangements have been made to fill the vacancy created by CARTER's resignation, but that announcement
of appoint of the new deputy will be withheld for the time being. CARTER entered the office when DeVORE was elected
nearly eight years ago. With the death of the late R. K. STEWART, former assistant district attory, Herbert F.
BRIGGS, chief deputy, was elevated to the assistanship and CATER became chief deputy. CARTER's resignation will mean
the promotion of Arthur C. SHEPARD to the post of chief deputy with the remaining members of the staff elevated one
Modesto Herald-News Modesto, Stanislaus County, California November 1, 1948

FRESNO, Nov. 1 - (AP) - Rae B. CARTER, 54, prominent Fresno attorney and president of the Fresno County Bar Association,
died at the Fresno Community Hospital today from a heart attack. CARTER was connected with the district attorney's office
in Fresno County and had been practicing law for 26 years. He had been convalescing at his home from injuries received in
an automobile accident five weeks ago, but his death was not expected, according to hospital authorities.
NOTE: Rae Best CARTER, the son of John Thomas and Lora Isabell (DOWLIN) CARTER, was born February
2, 1894, near Maloy, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Transcriptions and note by Sharon R. Becker

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