from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 326-27


Thomas CAMPBELL, treasurer of Ringgold County, and a prominent and influential citizen of Mt. Ayr, is a native of
Florida, born in the town of Quincy, January 19, 1845, the second of a family of six children of William and Frances
(WILLIAMS) CAMPBELL, natives of Nova Scotia and Virginia respectively, and early settlers of Florida. The father left
Florida at the breaking out of the lat [Civil] war, coming with his family to Ringgold County, Iowa, and located on a
farm near Caledonia, and about ten miles south of Mt. Ayr, where he has since followed agricultural pursuits. Thomas
CAMPBELL, the subject of this sketch, passed his boyhood in his native State, where he received the benefit of a good
common-school education. He was about sixteen years old when he came with his parents to Ringgold County, and until
reaching the age of twenty years he worked on the home farm during the summer months and in the winters taught school.
He was married in 1867 to Miss Olive BULLINGTON, a daughter of Josiah BULLINGTON of Marion County, Iowa. After his
marriage he followed farming until he removed to Mt. Ayr, in March, 1886. He was nominated for the office of county
treasurer on the Republican ticket in the fall of 1885, and assumed the duties of that office January 1, 1886. Mr. CAMPBELL
is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and of the Odd Fellows order, belonging to Mt. Ayr Lodge, No. 160.
NOTE: Thomas CAMPBELL died May 20, 1915 at the
home of his son, Dr. R. C. CAMPBELL, Higbee, Howard County, Missouri.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 326-27, 1887.
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2009

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