from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 270-71

 Rev. William BROWN, the pioneer minister of Eugene, Jefferson Township, was born in Monmouth, Warren County,
Illinois, the date of his birth being December 2, 1836. His father, Prof. John BROWN, was a native of Scotland,
coming to America at the age of sixteen years. He acquired a fine education by his own exertions and became a
successful teacher, following the teacher's profession till his death. Our subject was reared in his native town,
and receved good educational advantages. He granduated from Monmouth College in 1865, and in 1868 graduated from the
Theological College then at Monmouth, but since removed to Xenia, Ohio. He was married August 12, 1858, to Miss
Sarah J. RALSTON, a daughter of Andrew RALSTON, and of the six children born to them, five are living - Thomas L.,
mail agent between Council Bluffs and Kansas city; Andrew R., a farmer of Jefferson Township; Lillie, wife of Elza
RALSTON, a conductor on the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad between Neodesha and Wichita; Carrie, a prominent
teacher of Ringgold County, and Winifred J. Mr. BROWN removed with his family to Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, in 1868, and
built the United Presbyterian church at that place, of which he was pastor for six years, and while living there he
started a mission at Eugene, which grew rapidly, and in 1875 he was called to take charge of the church at this place,
where he has since made his home. He takes great interest in missionary work, and has organized a society at Platte Valley,
nine miles west of Eugene, and at the present he has charge of the churches in Tingley Township, besides his church
in Eugene. He is widely known throughout his part of the county, and few men possess the confidence and respect of the
public to a greater extent than he. He gives liberally of both time and means to help the cause of his Master, and
is always active in the promotion of every social and moral reform.
NOTE: Charles A. BROWN, son of Rev. William and Sarah J. (RALSTON), died at the age of
3 months and 24 days on May 5, 1876. Charles was interred at Eugene Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 270-71, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

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