Obediah S. & Elizabeth Katherine "Kate" (BERRY) BROWN
O. S. BROWN, who is carrying on general farming, stockraising and dairying in Sand Creek township, is leading a life of
unfaltering activity, keeping abreast at all times with the progressive spirit which is manifest in agricultural circles
and which has wrought a marked transformation in the methods of farm work in the last half century. He owns one hundred
and eighty acres of land on section 32, constituting one of the excellent farms of the neighborhood, and during the years
of his residence in this county, dating from October, 1875, he has stood as a typical representative of the farming
interests which have given Iowa place with the leading agricultural states of the Union.
Mr. BROWN was born in Union county, Ohio, March 13, 1851, his parents being William C. and Sylvia (GRISWOLD) BROWN,
natives of Virginia and Ohio respectively. Although born in the Old Dominion William C. BROWN was reared in the Buckeye [Ohio]
state and became a farmer of Union county, where he lived until his removal to McLean county, Illinois, settling near
Leroy, where he carried on farming and reared his family.
Mr. BROWN of this review was reared in McLean county, where he remained with his father until he had attained his
majority. He then went to the west in 1875, locating first in Furnace county, Nebraska, where he secured a homestead
claim of one hundred and sixty acres. He worked it for one season, but in the fall of the same year came to Iowa and
spent one fall in Ringgold county. In 1876 he purchased eighty acres of his present farm, which, when it came into his
possession, was a tract of wild, unbroken prairie on which not a furrow had been turned nor an improvement made. After
building a little home upon the place he began to till the soil and nature brought to fruition in rich crops the seed
that he had planted in early spring. As the years passed, the farm work has been carried forward with good success and
the place has been improved through the erection of good barns, sheds and cribs, while he has also remodeled and added
to the house. As his financial resources increased he extended the boundary of his property by an additional purchase of
one hundred acres and enhanced its attractive appearance by setting out a grove of fine maple and evergreen trees.
The farm is neat and well-kept in appearance and since locating in this county Mr. Brown has provided for his support in
agricultural lines, which George WASHINGTON said, is the most useful as well as the most honorable occupation of man.
In addition to tilling the fields, he has raised and fed stock, keeping high grades of Poland China hogs, also good
grades of shorthorn cattle. He likewise conducts a dairy business and this proves a profitable source of income.
Mr. BROWN was married in Sand Creek township, [Union] county, on the 3d of April, 1879, to Miss Elizabeth Kate BERRY,
who was born [July 3, 1858] in Burlington, Iowa, but was reared in Sand Creek township, a daughter of J[ames]. C[raig]. BERRY, one of the pioneers
of the county, who is mentioned elsewhere in this volume [and Sarah Catherine (CRAIG) BERRY]. Unto Mr. and Mrs. BROWN have been born twelve children, five
sons and seven daughters: Ira C., who is now a student in the Kansas City Veterinary School; Frank B.; Orin; Elijah E;
William H.; Winifred, the wife of Robert SNIDER, a farmer of Ringgold county, Iowa; Adella, the wife of Albert M. MASON,
a farmer of Sand Creek township [Union Co.]; Laura, Zilpha, Ruth C. and Olive R., all yet at home; and Mabel, who died at the age of
nine years.
Mr. and Mrs. BROWN are faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal church of Shannon City, in which he has served as a
trustee. He has also rendered capable service to his community as township clerk and township trustee, as assessor and
as justice of the peace. For twenty-five years he figured prominently in the public life of the community and his labors
were an element in its progressive development. He has never felt himself bound by party ties but, on the contrary, has
voted independently. Great changes have come since his arrival in the county. He has seen the uninhabited prairie
transformed into farms which are the homes of a contented and prosperous people, while in their midst have here and
there sprung up flourishing villages that have introduced into the community all of the comforts, opportunities and
advantages of the older east. Mr. BROWN has done his full share in the work of general improvement. There was not a
house on the direct line of the road between his place and Creston at the time of his arrival, but a number of settlers
came in the same year in which he took up his abode here. His official duties and his business interests in former years
brought him a wide acquaintance and he has many friends throughout the county. He belongs to the Modern Woodmen Camp and
in his life is true to the beneficent spirit of that fraternity, which promotes mutual helpfulness and brotherly kindness.

Obediah and Kate were interred at Oakland Cemetery south of Shannon City, Iowa
Children of Obediah Sebastian and Elizabeth Katherine "Kate" (BERRY) BROWN:
1. Winifred BROWN, b. 05 Jun 1880, Burlington IA; d. 01 May 1855, Farmington NM
married 20 Sep 1898, Union Co. IA Robert SNIDER (1875-1938)
Winifred and Robert interred Oakland Cemetery south of Shannon City IA
2. Ira Clayton BROWN, b. 21 Dec 1882, Union Co. IA; d. 07 Feb 1952, Phoenix, Maricopa Co. AZ
married 24 Dec 1912, Afton IA Marchia C. BROWN, b. 1887
3. Adella May BROWN, b. Shannon City IA 1884; d. 25 Oct 1965, Lincoln NE, interred Lamont Cemetery
married 11 Oct 1905, Shannon City IA Albert M. MASON (1876-1947)
4. Mabel Helena BROWN, 28 Apr 1887, Shannon City IA; d. 13 May 1896, Shannon City IA
interment Oakland Cemetery south of Shannon City IA
5. Laura BROWN, b. 28 Jul 1889, Shannon City IA; d. 15 May 1969, Alameda Co. CA
married 16 May 1911 John M. MOUNTS (1875-1963)
Laura & John interred Oakland Cemetery south of Shannon City IA
6. Frank J. BROWN, b. 12 Oct 1891, Union Co. IA; d. Dec 1972, Banning CA
married Mabelle L. (unknown) (1902-1960)
7. Orrin BROWN, b. 04 Oct 1893, Union Co. IA 1893; d. 05 May 1984, Long Beach CA, interred Rose Hills, Whittier CA
married 1928 Dorothy May CULBERTSON (1904-1990)
8. Zilphia BROWN, b. 30 Aug 1895, Shannon City IA; d. 15 Aug 1969, Des Moines IA, aged 73y
interred Oakland Cemetery south of Shannon City IA
married 03 Dec 1917, Union Co. IA Roy H. PORTER, later divorced
9. Elijah Earl BROWN, b. 13 Aug 1897, Union Co. IA; d. 18 Jan 1976, San Diego CA, aged 78y
married Pearl M. LEESON (1906-1986)
10. Ruth Catherine BROWN, 25 Apr 1899, Shannon City IA; d. 02 Jan 1933, Kansas City MO
interrred Greenlawn Cemetery, Afton, Union Co. IA
married 1st 29 Aug 1917 Lewis Clyde WILLIAMS (1896-1925)
married 2nd Jul 1930, Kansas City MO Joseph C. WALLO
11. Olive Rebecca BROWN, b. 31 Aug 1901, Union Co. IA; 22 Dec 1956, Nevada IA
married 05 Feb 1919 William Bryan GUSTIN, b. 1900
Olive and William interred Oakland Cemetery south of Shannon City IA
12. William Howard BROWN, b. 16 Jul 1904, Shannon City IA; d. 27 Dec 1979, Zearing IA
married 27 Oct 1928 Virgie Lucille McKIBBINS, b. 1909, IA
SOURCE: IDE, George A. History of Union County, Iowa From the Earliest Historic Times to 1908
Pp. 761-63. S.J. Clarke Pub. Co. Chicago. 1908.
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2010

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