from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 251-52


GEORGE M. BROWN, farmer section 12, Lott's Creek Township, was born in Geauga County, Ohio, January 24, 1834.
His parents were George and Minerva (ENOS) BROWN the former a native of New York and the latter of Connecticut.
George M. was the sixth of a family of seven children who lived to adult life. When he was about five years of age
his parents removed to Knox County, Ohio, where he was reared and educated. He learned the carpenter's trade which
he followed several years. At the age of twenty-three he commenced teaching, and has taught several years in Ohio
and Iowa. He was married April 1, 1858, to Miss Nancy KIRKPATRICK,
a native of Knox County. In October, 1862, he enlisted in Company D, Sixty-fifth Ohio Infantry. He participated in
the battle of Stone River where he was wounded on the right leg by a minnie ball which he preserves as a relic of the
"late unpleasantness." He was confined in hospital for some time and was honorably discharged in August, 1863. He
returned to Knox County, and in 1866 removed to Iowa and located at Mount Ayr. In the winter of 1866-'7 he settled
upon his present farm, where he has since resided. He owns 100 acres of land in a good state of cultivation and well
improved. He has a comfortable residence, an orchard of two acres, a large number of shade trees, a good barn, and
everything about the place betokens the thrift and enterprise of its owner. Mr. BROWN has served as township trustee,
township clerk, and assessor with credit to himself and to the best interest of the township. He is a member of the
Masonic Lodge, No. 416, Caledonia. Politically he is Independent. Postoffice, Caledonia.

NOTE: Nancy (KIRKPATRICK) BROWN was born in Knox County, Ohio, on July 29, 1834, and died
at the age of 55 years April 26, 1889. George M. BROWN died at the age of 70 years February 18, 1904, and
was interred beside Nancy at the Caledonia Cemetery, Ringgold County. Nancy and George's daughter Savilla J.
BROWN died at the age of 12 years on October 14, 1884. Savilla was interred at Caledonia Cemetery.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 251-52, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009

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