John A. BLISS, Iowa State Representative from Ringgold County, Iowa, was born on July 25, 1877, on the family
farm which he later owned and operated. His parents were of old New England descent. John, who lived on a farm all of
his life, received his education in the common schools of Ringgold County. He always held a keen interest in scientific
agriculture and was the president of the Diagonal Farmers Institute. John, a member of the Methodist Church, was active
in local and state Sunday school work. He was one of Iowa's delegates to the World's Sunday School convention, held in
Washington, D. C. in 1910. A Republican, John was elected as a Representative in 1912. John died in 1941 and was
interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2009
