Edward BIRKHIMER dates his residence in Shenandoah from 1900 and has been a well known representative of its
mercantile interests since 1902, when he became connected with the grocery trade in this city. He is now sole proprietor
of a leading establishment of this character and has financial interests in other important business concerns. His
aptitude for successful management has been clearly demonstrated and his energy and industry constitute the foundation
upon which has been built his prosperity.
Mr. BIRKHIMER is a native of Ringgold county, Iowa, born on the 13th of September, 1859. His parents were John [1833-1898] and Amanda
(Van NOSTRAND) BIRKHIMER, both of whom were natives of Ohio. In their early life they came with their respective parents
to Iowa, settling in Jefferson county, where they were reared and married. They begun their domestic life in Ringgold
county, where they resided for four years, and then returned to Jefferson county, establishing their home near Fairfield,
where the father engaged in farming until about 1873. Removing to Fremont county, Iowa, he was there very successful in
his business affairs, acquiring nearly an entire section of land, constituting what was known as the Pleasant View Farm,
one of the valuable properties of Fremont county. About 1890, however, he sold that farm and came to Shenandoah, where
he gave his attention to the supervision of his financial interests. He was a stockholder of the First National Bank of
this city and had other valuable and remunerative investments. He was a man of notable strength of purpose, of keen
discrimination and of undaunted enterprise and carried forward to successful completion whatever he undertook. In his
political views he was an earnest republican, recognized as a prominent local leader in the party, and while a resident
of Ringgold county he served either as county clerk or county treasurer. His religious faith was indicated by his
membership in the Methodist church, while his wife was a member of the Christian church. He passed away in 1898
[interment Mount Olive Cemetery, Hamburg, Fremont Co., Iowa] and is
still survived by Mrs. BIRKHIMER, who now makes her home with her son Edward.
Quietly and uneventfully the youthful days of Edward BIRKHIMER were spent as the routine of farm life offers little to
vary the monotony. The district schools afforded him his educational privileges and when not busy with his text-books he
worked in the fields, assisting in the plowing, planting and harvesting. He remained at home up to the time of his
marriage, which was celebrated on the 2d of February, 1882, the lady of his choice being Miss Clara McMILLEN, of Fremont
county, Iowa. Not long afterward he purchased an eighty-acre tract of land in Fremont county and began farming on his own
account, residing upon that place for nine years, during which time he brought the fields under a high state of
cultivation. On selling the property he removed to Butler county, Nebraska, and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of
land about a mile from the county seat. There he engaged in the breeding and raising of cattle and, extending his
business activity into other fields, he also became a stockholder and director of the City National Bank of David City,
Nebraska. He remained there for about ten years but in the fall of 1900 disposed of his interests in that state and came
to Shenandoah, where he has since made his home.
It was not until April, 1902, that Mr. BIRKHIMER engaged in business in this city, at which time he formed a partnership
with T. W. SHOULTS for the conduct of a grocery store, which they carried on under the firm name of SHOULTS & BIRKHIMER.
The partnership existed for about three years, at the end of which time Mr. BIRKHIMER purchased his partner's interest in
the business and became sole proprietor. He still carries on the store, which is equipped with a large and extensive line
of fancy and staple groceries tastefully and attractively arranged. His reasonable prices and his earnest desire to
please his patrons are the effective elements in his success. Mr. BIRKHIMER is also a stockholder in the Shenandoah
National Bank, serving on its board of directors and as a member of its finance committee. He is also the vice president
of the Shenandoah Artificial Ice, Light, Heat & Power Company and is a heavy stockholder in the Independent Mutual
Telephone Company. His investments have been judiciously placed, bringing him substantial returns. In matters of business
judgment he is seldom, if ever, at fault, discerning the value of every situation and recognizing the obstacles as well
as the opportunities so that he prepares to meet the former while utilizing the latter.
Mr. BIRKHIMER is a member of the Shenandoah board of education and is chairman of the teachers' committee. In all matters
of citizenship he manifests an active interest and helpful spirit, and his efforts have at all times been effective
forces for the city's upbuilding and improvement. He belongs to the Shenandoah Commercial Club and is one of the most
prominent business men here.
The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. BIRKHIMER was blessed with four children: Grace, now the wife of Fred TRULLINGER, cashier
of a bank in Burson, Nebraska; Edith, the wife of Harry DAY, a clothier of Shenandoah; Olive, the wife of Arthur TUTT,
who is employed by Mr. BIRKHIMER; and Retta, at home. The family is a prominent one in the community socially and the
BIRKHIMER home is a most hospitable one, its good cheer being greatly enjoyed by the many friends of the family.
SOURCE: KERSHAW, W. L. History of Page County Iowa: Also Biographical Sketches of
some Prominent Citizens of the County Vol. 11. Pp. 297-98. The S.J. Clarke Publ. Co. Chicago. 1909.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009
