BELLUS, Dr. G. W., physician and surgeon, Mormontown [present day Blockton, Taylor County, Iowa].
Prominent in the medical fraternity of this county we find the subject. He was born in Middlebury, Vermont
in 1838. When three years of age his parents removed to St. Lawrence county, New York, where our subject
grew to maturity, and received his education in the St. Lawrence Academy at Pottsdam. He learned the
carpenter and joiner trade at an early age under his father, who was a contractor and builder. Commenced
study of medicine when twenty years of age but continued at his trade until 1873. At that time he commenced
the practice of his profession at Hampton, Iowa. In 1875 he came to his present location and has
enjoyed a good practice. In 1878 he graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago. Was married in October,
1860, to Miss Julia A. LOCKWOOD, of Norfolk, New York. They are the parents of five children: Clara E.,
Leslie A., Marion A., Forrest E. and George E. The doctor is doing a very successful practice in the counties
of Taylor and Ringgold, also in the adjoining counties of Missouri. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M.
SOURCE: EVANS, Lyman. "Jefferson Township". Taylor County, Iowa History Pp. 725 -726. 1881
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2008

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