from Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa
Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago, 1887, Pp. 273-74
Jowett BASTON, an active and enterprising citizen, and an early settler of Ringgold County, is a native of
England, born in Yorkshire, September 9, 1831, a son of Thomas and Mary BASTON, both of whom died in England. Our
subject learned the trade of a cabinet-maker and wood turner in his youth, and from his father, who was a
mechanical genius, he inherited muchof his talent in the same direction. He left his native country for American
in 1854, and for a few years followed his trade in several cities in Canada. He was married at Cayuga, Ontario,
in 1856, to Miss Sophia OLIVER, and to them have been born eight children - Charles, Adelaide, Hamlet, Victoria,
Deborah, Jowett, Alice and Louisa. In 1858 he came to Iowa, and after remaining a short time in Burlington,
Mount Pleasant, and Fairfield he came in 1859 to Ringgold County, when he settled in Benton Township and improved
a farm on which he lived for several years. In the early years of Ringgold County, when money was scarce he
engaged in the manufacture of furniture, making all of his own and supplying early settlers. He established his shop
at the village of Marshalltown, where he set up a turning lathe, and traveled through the country with a wagon,
disposing of his goods, taking in exchange food or clothing as well as stock. In 1868 he moved to Mount Ayr, and
engaged quite extensively in the manufacture of furniture, and there build a business house and residence. He
located on his present farm, on section 2, Rice Township, where he has a fine farm of 200 acres which he has
improved from a state of nature. He has a fine, substantial residence in which all the carpenter and mason
work was done by himself. Few men have done more toward building up and improving Ringgold County than Mr.
BASTON, where he is classed among the prosperous and respected citizens. During his residence in Ringgold County
he has built ten houses and improved five farms, one of which, containing 120 acres and located in Roe Township,
he still owns. He also owns near his home farm, a tract of eighty acres, and has some lots in the city of Mount Ayr.
NOTE: Jowett died February 6, 1917. Sophia was born in 1831, and died December 1, 1921. They were
interred at Lot 217, Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Iowa.
Biography & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, Pp. 273-74, 1887.
WPA Graves Survey
Transcription & note by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2009; updated May of 2010
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