Rensford B. BAKER, one of the few surviving soldiers of the Civil war, is the second oldest resident settler
of Grant township, having located here in the year 1867. The township was then known as South Platte township.
He owns an excellent farm of two hundred and forty acres on section 15, Grant township, and his time and
energies are devoted to general agricultural pursuits and stock raising. His birth occurred in Windham
county, Connecticut, on the 15th of January, 1840, and he was there reared to manhood on a farm. In 1862, at
Hartford, he enlisted for two years' service in the Union army, becoming a member of Company G, twenty-fifth
Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. He was assigned to the Southern Division under command of General BANKS and
participated in the Red River expedition and the engagements at Irish Bend, Donelson and Port Hudson. At the
last-named place his regiment was under fire continually for forty-two days. On the expiration of his term
of enlistment Mr. BAKER was mustered out and honorably discharged at Hartford, Connecticut, in 1864,
returning home with a most creditable military record. He then carried on farming in his native state for
several years but in 1867 journeyed westward and took up his abode in what was then South Platte township,
Taylor county, where he purchased a quarter section of land and erected a small house. His brother Henry who
came to this county from Osceola on foot, bought a tract of one hundred and sixty acres adjoining. Henry
BAKER, who now owns several hundred acres of land in Taylor county, is at present a resident of Canada. For
four years following his arrival in Grant township, Mr. BAKER of this review kept bachelor's hall. He broke
and fenced his land and also set out a fine grove of forest and evergreen trees on four acres. He likewise
planted an orchard and subsequently erected a commodious residence and two barns. As the years passed by and
his financial resources increased, owing to his well-directed industry and good management, he added to his
landed holdings by additional purchase until two hundred and forty acres are now included within the
boundaries of his home farm on section 15, Grant township. It is a highly improved and valuable property and
is located within four miles of Clearfield. In addition to his farming interests Mr. BAKER also raises and
feeds cattle, horses, sheep and hogs and both branches of his business return to him a gratifying annual
income. In 1871, in Taylor county, Mr. BAKER was united in marriage to Miss Charlotte HARRIS, a native of
England, who was brought to the United States when but two years of age and was reared in Illinois and Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. BAKER now have four sons and four daughters, namely: Frank, who follows farming in Lincoln
township, Ringgold county; Edward, a resident of South Dakota; Horace, living in Beaconsfield, Iowa; Ralph,
who assists his father in the work of the home farm; Eunice, who is still under the parental roof; Olive,
the wife of Orville NELSON, of Grant township [Taylor Co.]; and Anna and Almina, also at home. Mr. and Mrs.
BAKER lost a son, Grant, who died when but four months old. In his political views Mr. BAKER is a stanch
republican and has supported every presidential nominee of that party since casting his first ballot for
Abraham LINCOLN in 1864. He capably served his fellow-townsmen in the position of road supervisor, was
township trustee for four years and also acted as a member of the school board for some time. His wife is a
devoted and consistent member of the Christian church. The period of his residence in this county now covers
more than four decades and he is one of the few who have so long witnessed its growth and development. From
time to time he has given hearty cooperation to many movements for the public good and the county owes her
development to such men, who dared to face the hardships of pioneer life and have reclaimed this region for
the purposes of civilization.
SOURCE: CROSSON, Frank E. History of Taylor County, Iowa: From the
Earliest Times to 1910 Pp. 430 - 431. S.J. Clarke Pub. Co. Chicago. 1910
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2008

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