ALLEN, Hon. N. J., dealer in all kinds of agricultural implements, Lenox; was born in Pennsylvania in
1842, where he remained until his sixteenth year. He then came west, stopping one year in Jackson county,
Iowa, then went to Kansas and remained there until the breaking out of the war. Determined to lend his aid
to the Union cause, he enlisted in company F, First Kansas infantry for three months and at the expiration
of that time reenlisted in the Seventh Kansas cavalry volunteers. Was chosen first lieutenant and served
three years, participating in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged. He acted as regimental
quartermaster during the last nine months of his service. When the war was over he laid aside the suit of
blue and engaged in the more peaceful pursuits of life. Coming to Union county, Iowa, he remained there
until 1869 when he returned to Kansas and in the fall of that year was elected to represent the seventy-ninth
district in the legislature of that State. His record as a legislator was so satisfactory to his constituents
that he was returned after his first term by an increased majority. In February, 1872, he located in Lenox,
built his present residence and opened the second business house in the town. He was married in Ringgold
county, Iowa, ____1862, to Miss Sarah C. BAUMAN, daughter of John G. BAUMAN, one of the oldest settlers of
that county. They have four children: Hannah J., Agnes M., John F. and N. J. Mr. ALLEN is a member of lodge
No 343 A. F. & A. M., chapter No. 77 R. A. M. and Bethany Commandery No. 29, K. T., Creston, Iowa.
SOURCE: EVANS, Lyman. "Nodaway Township". Taylor County, Iowa History Pp. 772 - 773. 1881
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2008

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