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Bride Surnames
- A
- Abbe, Anna
- Ackelbein, Minnie
- Adams, Edith
- Adams, Stella May
- Adams, Stella (license)
- Ahart, Katie
- Ahart, Regina
- Ainsworth, Frances
- Aklebine, Therese
- Albright, Ernestine
- Albright, Vida T.
- Aldag, Annie
- Aldag, Ella A.
- Aldag, Minnie K.
- Akers, Manda
- Alexander, Mrs. Pearl
- Allen, Adelaid M.
- Anderson, Marie M. (license)
- Anderson, Huldah
- Anderson, Mrs.
- Anderson, Veda
- Anderton, Lenora
- Arndt, Emma
- Arnold, Leona H.
- Asmussen, Selma
- Aylesworth, Grace
- Aylward, Grace
- B
- Baak, Emma C.
- Baak, Lizzie
- Baak, Martha
- Baber, Bertha
- Baber, Fanny
- Baber, Lou
- Baer, Grace
- Baer, Grace (license)
- Baeth, Emma
- Baker, Mrs. J. A.
- Ballantine, Jennie
- Barden, Myrtle
- Bargenquast, Dorothea
- Barnes, Ethelyn
- Barnes, Vera B.
- Barrenston, Beatrice
- Barrett, Marie
- Bartels, Clara
- Bauers, Sophia
- Bauman, Hazel
- Beard, Bertha
- Beflin, Myrtle
- Bekkerud, Marie
- Bendixen, Bertha
- Bendixen, Ella
- Bendixen, Hilda
- Bendixen, Mary
- Bendixsen, Anna
- Bennett, Mable
- Berendes, Ada
- Bergsted, Anna
- Bettin, Mary
- Bidlack, Ella
- Bidlack, Nettie L.
- Biett, Anna
- Biggs, Alta Mae
- Biggs, Alta M. (license)
- Bird, Lizzie
- Bird, Lizzie (license)
- Blackman, Mamie
- Blakely, Isabelle C.
- Blocker, Linda
- Bloecker, Linda (license)
- Blume, Esther
- Blunk, Minnie N.
- Bodkin, Blanche H.
- Boehm, Anna
- Boehem, Sophie
- Bohart, Florence
- Bohart, Sadie E.
- Boltze, Louise
- Bonny, Bernice
- Bowne, Goldie
- Breen, Margaret
- Brewster, Mabel
- Breckenridge, Mae E.
- Brey, Cora Annie
- Brinkman, Anna
- Brocklesby, Margaret
- Brockman, Ella
- Brogden, Florence E.
- Brogden, Pearl
- Brogden, Stella
- Bryan, Lulu Mabel
- Bryan, Maud
- Bullis, Mabel
- Bumann, Anna
- Bumgardner, Lucy M.
- Burch, Mary C.
- Burgess, Laura
- Burk, Amanda
- Burmeister, Miss
- Buss, Clara
- Buss, Lydia
- Butler, Jessie
- Butler, Lucy
- Butterworth, Mary E.
- Butterworth, Mildred
- C
- Campbell, Jessie
- Campbell, Minnie
- Carlson, Elizabeth
- Carlson, Emma
- Carroll, Mrs.
- Carson, Maria
- Carson, Mrs. Nellie
- Carstens, Hulda
- Carstensen, Alma
- Carstensen, Anna
- Casey, Lizzie
- Chambers, Eva Mae
- Chapin, Nettie Jane
- Childress, Elsie
- Childress, Josephine
- Childress, Mattie
- Christiansen, Clara
- Clark, Alameda
- Clausen, Katherina
- Clauson, Ida
- Claussen, Kate
- Clough, Nettie
- Cody, Mae
- Comstock, Nellie
- Conley, Bessie
- Conry, Margaret
- Considine, Lenora
- Cook, Fay
- Cook, Sadie
- Cooke, Faye A. (license)
- Coon, Jessemine
- Copps, Nellie
- Cork, Hazel
- Cose, Myrtle
- Costeloe, Johanna
- Crakes, Phoebe
- Crampton, Mary
- Crandall, Miss
- Cruzan, E. L.
- Cruzan, Grace
- Cushman, Mable
- D
- Danielson, Amelia
- Darling, Emily
- Darling, Ida
- Davis, Mrs. Ida Mae
- Decker, Lulu
- DeLong, Alta
- Devine, Mary
- Dewey, Georgia
- Dietz, Anna
- Dillenberger, Emma
- Dillenberger, Minnie
- Dixon, Mary
- Dobson, Julia A.
- Dobson, May
- Doser, Anna (license)
- Doughenbaugh, Grace
- Doyle, Margaret
- Dreessen, Math. S.
- Duckett, Etta
- Dudley, Usebia
- Dunbar, Belle
- Dunbar, Lulu M.
- E
- Ebert, Henrietta
- Edwards, Millie
- Eggers, Anna
- Ehler, Clara
- Ehler, Rosa
- Eiffert, Martha
- Engelking, Amanda
- Engelking, Lena
- Enright, Mary E.
- Erickson, Ettie
- Erickson, Effie S.
- Erickson, Lydia
- Ernst, Emma
- Ettleman, Carrie
- Everett, Anna
- Evers, Meta
- F
- Fahm, Ella
- Falk, Manda
- Farley, Fern
- Faus, Annie
- Fester, Gasta
- Fhram, Ella
- Fink, Ella
- Fineran, Emma
- Finnern, Marie
- Fitzsimmons, Angela
- Fleming, Mary
- Foderberg, Minnie
- Frahm, Mrs. Christine
- Frahm, Emma
- Frahm, Henrietta
- Friedrichsen, Malinda
- Frost, May
- Fuester, Adelina
- G
- Gage, Perla
- Gardner, Lucy
- Garrison, Mrs. V. J.
- Gehlsen, Emma
- Gessman, Bertha
- Giblin, Anna Mae
- Giblin, Mamie
- Gibson, Edna
- Gibson, Ida
- Gilman, E. S.
- Gottburg, Mrs. Johann
- Grage, Alvena
- Graham, Kathryn
- Grant, Jennie A.
- Green, Nettie
- Grell, Emma S.
- Griffin, Kate
- Grill, Agnes
- Groneberg, Bertha
- Gunn, Lettie B.
- H
- Hagge, Minnie (license)
- Hallowell, Ada
- Hanamann, Margaret
- Hannan, Josephine
- Hanneman, Dora
- Hannon, Edith
- Hansen, Augusta
- Hansen, Cath. F.
- Hansen, Dagmer (Schiernbeck)
- Hansen, Ella M.
- Hansen, Theresa C.
- Hardar, Maggie
- Harkin, Mary T.
- Harland, Martha
- Harper, Mae
- Harrington, Nellie
- Hass, Martha
- Hasset, Margaret
- Hatheway, Ida
- Hausmann, Emma
- Heide, Eleanor
- Hemer, Rose
- Henderson, Anna
- Henderson, Maud
- Henningsen, Emily
- Henningsen, Milda
- Henney, Mary
- Henricksen, Helen C.
- Henry, Julia
- Herrmann, Hattie
- Hilbert, Minnie
- Hildebrandt, Emma
- Hill, Clara
- Hill, Frances E.
- Hill, Francis N.
- Hill, Kate B.
- Hink, Lizzie
- Hinkle, Amanda
- Hinrichsen, Lottie
- Hinrichsen, Minnie
- Hinricksen, Christine M.
- Hintz, Agusta
- Hitchcock, Maud L.
- Hodkin, Daisy
- Hoff, Sylva
- Hoffman, Emma
- Hoffman, Susie
- Hoiten, Sara
- Hollander, Amanda
- Hollander, Caroline
- Hollander, Dora
- Hollander, Laura M.
- Hollander, Minnie
- Hollander, Roma
- Holliday, Maud
- Hollman, Katie
- Holmberg, Louisa
- Holmes, Hattie
- Holmes, Irene
- Hopper, Lizzie
- Horr, Olive B.
- Hotchkiss, Rose
- Houlihan, Mabel
- Houlihan, Mary
- Hover, Essie
- Hover, Zelia May
- Hover, Zella May (license)
- Howlett, Emma
- Huckstep, Ethel
- Hueschen, Emma
- Huffman, Edith
- Hunter, Maud
- I
- J
- Jackson, Dora
- Jahde, Bertha
- Jahn, Lizzie
- James, Mertie
- Jepsen, Emma D.
- Jobe, Cora Bell
- Jochims, Lena
- Jochims, Rosie
- Jochims, Veronica B.
- Jochims, Mrs. Wm. E.
- Jochins, Veronika S. (license)
- Joens, Emma
- Johannsen, Ella
- Johannsen, Hilda
- Johnson, Anna (1903)
- Johnson, Anne (1901)
- Johnson, Annie (1901)
- Johnson, Annie (1903) (license)
- Johnson, Carrie
- Johnson, Clara
- Johnson, Mamie
- Johnson, Marie
- Johnson, Mrs. Mary
- Johnson, Mary F.
- Jones, Elsie
- Jones, Elsie M.
- Jones, Lillian
- Jones, Minnie I.
- Jones, Minnie (license)
- Jordan, Amy
- Jordan, Lizzie
- Jurgens, Anna M.
- Jurgensen, Anna
- K
- Kagal, Elizabeth
- Kahl, Emma
- Kalb, Emma
- Karsons, Katie (license)
- Kastner, Miss
- Keeney, Nell
- Kelly, Kate M.
- Kemming, Hannah
- Kemming, Ricka
- Kennally, Alice
- Kessler, Edah A.
- Kinnan, Sadie
- Kirschbraun, Dorothy
- Kleaver, Minnie
- Klingberg, Anna
- Klink, Clara
- Knapp, Linda M.
- Knaul, Bertha
- Knott, Mary
- Kohrs, Charlotte
- Kolholf, Anna
- Kolln, Anna
- Koontz, Luella
- Kral, Abbie H.
- Kral, Bertha
- Kral, Jennie
- Kral, Jennie (license)
- Kropf, Anna
- Kropf, Annie (license)
- Kropf, Lizzie
- Kruse, Clara
- Kruse, Mrs. Magd. nee Lemster
- Kuebler, Charlotte E.
- Kusen, Martha
- L
- Lally, Ella
- Lally, Katie A.
- Lammers, Dora
- Lane, Mary
- Langer, Lizzie
- Langley, Bessie
- Langley, Bessie B. (license)
- Laning
- Larson, Anna
- Larson, Louisa C.
- Larson, Matilda
- Laughery, Juliet
- Laughran, Annia
- Laughran, Nellie
- Laumbach, Anna
- Laumbach, Emma
- Laumbach, Laura
- Lefrentz, Sarah A.
- Lenz, Emilie E.
- Leptine, Sophia
- Leslie, Gertie
- Lewis, Leialah
- Lill, Minnie
- Lochmiller, Emma
- Logsdon, Gertrude M.
- Lohmann, Florence
- Lohse, Elma
- Long, Roseanna
- Longstreth, Irene
- Lonn, Frieda
- Lorenz, Minna (license)
- Lorenzen, Adelina
- Lorenzen, Ida
- Lorenzen, Theresa
- Lueck, Eliza
- Lueitjens, Catherine G.
- Lundberg, Emma C.
- Lundell, Mabel
- Lundgreen, Anna
- Luney, Ida B.
- Luney, Mary
- Luney, Mirriam
- M
- Maas, Alvena
- Maas, Martha (license)
- Macentun, Marie E.
- Mackulschek, Gertrude
- Macumber, Cora
- Mahan, Hazel
- Mahler, Elizabeth (license)
- Mahler, Mary
- Maltmann, Emma
- Marshall, Grace
- Marshall, Hattie B.
- Marshall, Nellie
- Marth, Clara
- Mason, Golda R.
- Mathias, Anna
- Mathias, Maggie
- Matthews, Cora
- Mau, Rosa
- McAllister, Althea M.
- McAndrews, Cecile
- McAndrews, Emily
- McBride, Bernice
- McBride, Estelle
- McCann, Helen
- McCarthy, Marie
- McClure, Grace
- McClure, Lottie
- McCormick, Gertrude
- McCutcheon, Susie
- McFarland, Fannie
- McGrinn, Katie
- McHenry, Ruth
- McKim, Ava
- McKim, Edna
- McKim, Mary A.
- McKim, Ruth
- McKinstry, Angela
- McMahon, Annie (license)
- McMahon, Ella
- McNamara, Mary
- McNamara, Nora
- Meehan, Agnes R.
- Meehan, Nellie F.
- Meeves, Lena
- Menagh, Sarah
- Messenbrink, Minnie
- Meyer, Annie
- Michaelson, Christina
- Mill, Mary E.
- Miller, Doretta
- Miller, Edna
- Miller, Esther
- Miller, Grace
- Miller, Grace E.
- Miller, Lizzie
- Miller, Mamie
- Miller, Minnie
- Miller, Sally
- Miller, Susie
- Mitchell, Patience E.
- Mitchell, Rose
- Molin, Emeli
- Molony, Margaret
- Montrose, Elizabeth
- Morris, Jennie
- Morris, Winnie
- Mower, Louise (license)
- Mueller, Hulda
- Mundt, Anna
- Munson, Elma
- Murphy, Anna
- Muxen, Katherine
- Myers, Edna
- Myers, Effie
- N
- Naeve, Edna
- Naeve, Frieda
- Naeve, Mrs. Lydia nee Roeh
- Neeley, Gertrude
- Nelson, Annie
- Newcom, Mae
- Newcomb, Varena A.
- Newman, Ada May
- Newman, Ada May (license)
- Newton, Ethel
- Nielsen, Julie
- Nissen, Dorothea
- O
- O'Connor, Florence E.
- Offiner, Mary
- Ohde, Caecilia
- Olson, Meda (license)
- Oppermann, Anna
- Osborne, Margaret
- Osterlund, Larua
- Osterlund, Rose
- Otto, Anna
- P
- Page, Etta Belle
- Pahl, Clara
- Pahl, Lillie
- Pahl, Miss
- Paist, Etta
- Paist, Luettr(Etta?) (license)
- Palmer, Pearl
- Paris, Blanche
- Parker, Eva
- Parvis, Cassie
- Patchin, Hattie
- Patchin, Laura
- Paulsen, Hilda C.
- Paulsen, Louise
- Paulsen, Maggie
- Pease, Mollie E.
- Pehrsou, Nellie
- Peters, Emma
- Petersen, Gretha
- Petersen, Lina
- Peterson, Mrs. Christina
- Peterson, Johanna
- Petersen, Maggie (license)
- Petty, Ida
- Pfankuch, Johanna
- Phillbrook, Flora
- Pierce, Faith
- Pithan, Emma
- Plough, Doris J.
- Pobanz, Emma I.
- Pollock, Hattie May
- Potter, Artie M.
- Powers, Nelle
- Prentice, Florence
- Prentice, Mae
- Prosch, Wilhelmine (license)
- Purcell, Maggie
- Q
- R
- Rabe, Martha (license)
- Rachwitz, Magdalena
- Rae, Agnes
- Raine, Bird M.
- Raine, Birdie M.
- Raine, Grace E.
- Randall, Bertha
- Randall, Bertha J. (license)
- Ranninger, Annie
- Rauneger, Emma (license)
- Reed, Arbor
- Rehmke, Alma
- Rehmke, Emma
- Reinwaldt, Agusta
- Reitz, Ella
- Renslow, Almira
- Renz, Miss
- Reuben, Sara
- Rhode, Lizzie
- Richards, Ruth E.
- Riddle, Pearl
- Ries, Soph. M.
- Riessen, Catherine
- Riessen, Dora
- Roarson, Nellie
- Roberts, C. B.
- Robertson, Alexzenia
- Robertson, Belle
- Robinson, Carrie
- Rodewald, Martha
- Roherbeck, Mathilda
- Rollins, Lizzie
- Rose, Effie
- Rossow, Mary
- Rudd, Fannie
- Rudd, S. A.
- Rule, Jeannette (Nettie)
- Runkle, Delie
- Rusch, Ella
- Rusch, Margarete D.
- Rusch, Meta
- Rusterholz, Salome
- S
- Sachau, Christina
- Sachau, Mary
- Saunders, Victoria
- Sayles, Eliza
- Schmadeke, Dora
- Schmaedke, Freda
- Schmidt, Suella
- Schmitz, Gertrude
- Schneider, Maria G.
- Schoetru, S.
- Schluter, A. Mary
- Schroeder, Emma
- Schroeder, Freda
- Schroeder, Margaret
- Schroeder, Olga
- Schug, Martha
- Schultz, Lina (license)
- Schultz, Wilhemine H.
- Schurke, Frieda
- Schurke, Lena
- Schurkey, Mrs.
- Schwartz, Anna
- Schwartz, Lizzie
- Schwenk, Anna M.
- Schwenk, Marie
- Schwiesow, Sophia M. D.
- Scott, Fay
- Scott, Miss
- Scott, Veta
- Seehausen, Maggie
- Sewing, Hattie
- Sharp, Addie
- Sherman, Sarah F
- Shives, Clara
- Shives, Mabel
- Shodin, Anna
- Short, Marion
- Shove, Loie
- Shultz, Lena
- Shumate, Sarah J.
- Siegelt, Jennie
- Simmerman, Edna M.
- Simons, Regena
- Sinjen, Hattie
- Sjogren, Hannah
- Slater, Grace
- Smith, Edith M.
- Smith, Emma
- Smith, Ida
- Smith, Jessie
- Smith, Lydia
- Smith, Millie
- Smith, Minnie
- Snyder, Mrs. Christine
- Squibb, Ida M.
- Staley, Clara E.
- Staley, Florence
- Staley, May
- Staley, Verna
- Stamper, Hattie
- Stender, Minnie
- Stier, Bertha
- Strathmann, Clara
- Strathman, Clara (license)
- Streck, Minnie
- Street, Theresa
- Streeter, Ella
- Streeter, Martha
- Sullivan, Lucille
- Sullivan, Luverne
- Swanson, Lina
- T
- Talcott, Bertha E.
- Talcott, Minnie
- Taylor, Rauza
- Teague, Jessie
- Tech, Pauline
- Tedren, Emma M.
- Temple, Elizabeth
- Temple, Grace A.
- Thison, Mrs. Albertina
- Thompsen, Bertha
- Thompson, Helen
- Thompson, Lois
- Thompson, Minnie
- Tiernan, Katie
- Topf, Marguerite
- Town, Minnie
- Town, Olive M.
- Trahm, Maggie
- Trinkelbach, Anna
- Trinkelbach, Dora
- Troutman, Rose
- U
- V
- Van Alstine, Winnifred
- Volkmann, Christina
- VonTuil, Hertha C.
- Vore, Nellie
- Vosgerau, Fredrika
- Voss, Dora
- W
- Waetje, Johanna D.
- Wagner, Miss
- Walker, Etta
- Wall, Nellie A.
- Warrington, Alta V.
- Watland, Elsie
- Watson, Alice
- Watson, Jessie
- Waugh, Anna
- Weeks, Jessie A.
- Wegener, Kate
- Wemmer, Ruby
- Wendt, Clara
- Wenzel, Ida
- Wenzel, Martha
- Wenzel, Mattie
- Wescott, Maggie
- Westcott, Jennie
- White, Alice
- White, Alice M.
- White, Clara
- White, Lillian (license)
- Wickwire, Effie
- Wieck, Leona
- Wiedeman, Anna
- Wiedemann, Ann F. (license)
- Wieland, Lena
- Wiers, Margaret
- Wiese, Erma
- Wiggins, Josie
- Wiggins, Lulu M.
- Wilkens, Agnes
- Williams, Esther
- Williams, Ethel
- Williams, Hazel
- Williams, Myrtie
- Williamson, Naomi
- Willroth, Marie A. C.
- Winans, Fay M.
- Winey, Maggie
- Winey, Tabitha
- Winey, Tabitha C.
- Winquist, Anna
- Wise, Blanche
- Witt, Amanda
- Witt, Anna
- Witt, Ella
- Wohlert, Mrs. E. D. Marg. nee Jansen
- Wohlert, Helen D.
- Woock, Anna M.
- Woodyard, Eva
- Woodyard, Maud
- Wright, Pearl
- Wygant, Edith
- Wygant, Florence E.
- X
- Y
- Z