C. J. Anderson and Mamie Johnson
Denison Review - 9-3-1903 - Kiron
On Thursday eve, some over a hundred friends and relatives gathered at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Johnson, southeast of Kiron, to witness the marriage ceremony of the eldest daughter, Miss Mamie, to C. J. Anderson, of Chicago.
Shortly after eight o'clock the beautiful strains of the wedding march played by Miss Lydia Benson, announced the arrival of the bridal couple and their attendants, who marched into the parlor and formed a circle under an arch of plants and flowers. Rev. E. Hallgren, pastor of the Baptist church in Chicago, where this young couple are members, performed the ceremony that made them husband and wife.
The maid of honor was the bride's sister, Miss Etta, the bridesmaids, Alma Edling of Omaha and Lydia Johnson. The groomsmen were Arthur Benson and David Johnson.
After the ceremony congratulations followed, which were of the heartiest, after which an elegant supper was served. The presents were many, valuable and useful ones. The house was profusely decorated with plants and flowers in a very pretty style. At a late hour the guests departed for their home after a most delightful eve and one they will often refer to as a most pleasant event.
Miss Mamie was born and raised in Kiron and has a large number of acquaintances who esteem and respect her. She has won and retains, by her winning disposition and ladylike ways. Her many friends regret that the lucky fellow resides in Chicago as it will take her away from Kiron.
The groom holds a position in the Sears, Roebuck establishment in Chicago and has a home prepared for his bride. Although a perfect stranger here, he left the impression during his short stay of being a gentleman in the fullest sense of the word.
The couple left on Friday for Chicago. We join with the many in wishing them joy and prosperity. The out of town guests were Mrs. C. Edling and daughter of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Johnson of Denison, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Halberg, Deloit, and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Lindgren, Ida County.
Oscar Anderson and Anna Shodin
Denison Review - 4-11-1903 - Kiron
The marriage of Oscar Anderson and Miss Anna Shodin took place on Tuesday evening at the Baptist church. The ceremony which made them man and wife was performed by Rev. A. Swartz. The church had been neatly decorated for the occasion. The reception was held at the grooms home to which a large number of invited friends and relatives were present. A fine supper was served and the time spent was a very enjoyable one. A large array of presents was received by the worthy couple who are well known in our midst.
The bridesmaids were the Misses Anna Levin and Selma England and the groomsmen were Reuben and Chas. Anderson. They will soon be at home on the farm southeast of the Baptist church owned by the groom. May the greatest joy be theirs in their new state of life.
Fred Baker and Lena Shultz
Denison Review - 3-5-1903 - Kiron
Married at the German Lutheran church on Sunday last - Mr. Fred Baker to Miss Lena Shultz, Rev. S. Discher officiating. The reception was held at the bride's home Sunday afternoon and evening, many relatives and friends being present to enjoy the good time which is reported by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Baker will move onto the farm recently vacated by C. J. Johnson and will go to housekeeping at once. We wish these young people much joy and happiness through life.
Homer C. Barret and Lottie McClure
Denison Review - 9-30-1903 - Denison
On Friday evening at the Methodist parsonage, took place the wedding of Mr. Homer C. Barrett and Miss Lottie McClure, both of Iowa Falls. The young people have remained in Denison and Mr. Barret is looking for a business location here. Both bride and groom appear well equipped for the battle of life and we wish them every success and happiness.
Marriage Licenses
Denison Review - 6-24-1902
The following marriage licenses have been issued by the clerk since June 18.
June 18 - Geo. Sprecher and Grace Baer
June 19 - Herman Henrichsen and Minnie Hagge
June 20 - Emil Bellenberg and Maggie Petersen
George Binnal and Bessie Langley
Denison Review - 2-24-1903 - Dow City
At the M. E. Parsonage in Dow City on the 17th Inst at 4 o'clock p.m., Mr. George Binnal and Miss Bessie Langley, both of Dow City, Iowa were united in marriage, Rev. E. E. Goodrich officiating.
Mr. Binnal is a young man of excellent moral habits, a good energetic young man which means a good husband and provider.
Miss Langley is a young lady of rare attainments whom to know is to admire; both have lived near Dow City all their lives.
They start in life under very favorable prospects with congratulations and best wishes of a host of friends. They will set up housekeeping on Paul Poitevin's farm west of Dow City, Iowa. The Enterprise joins with their many friends in extending hearty congratulations and best wishes for their success and prosperity on their journey through life.
Marriage Licenses
Denison Review - 2-17-1903
The following licenses to wed have been issued by the county clerk since Feb. 10th.
Feb. 10 - Edward Buckley, Defiance, Ada May Newman, Defiance.
Feb. 11 - Fredrick Baker, Stockholm; Lina Schultz, Otter Creek
Feb. 11 - Herman H. Teut, Soldier; Ann F. Wiedemann, Morgan
Feb. 12 - Harold Johnson, Milford; Annie Johnson, Milford
Feb. 13 - Friedrich Kuhlman, Soldier, Martha Maas, Charter Oak
Feb. 14 - Joseph Turedhek, Carroll; Jennie Kral, Milford
Feb. 16 - Geo. W. Binnall Jr., Union; Bessie Belle Langely, Arion
Marriage Licenses
Denison Review - 6-10-1903
The following is a list of licenses issued by Clerk Faul since June 2.
-Mat Dillingham, Manning
- Luettr Paist, Denison
- Ezra Bittner, Lake View
- Louise Mower, Wall Lake
- Henry Sachau, Goodrich
- Elizabeth Mahler, Denison
- Albert Schweisow, Paradise
- Wilhelmine Prosch, Paradise
Harry E. Bowen and Hattie Holmes
Denison Review - 7-11-1902 - Charter Oak
At high noon Wednesday, July 2, 1902 occurred the marriage of Harry E. Bowen of Rodney and Miss Hattie Holmes of Charter Oak.
The ceremony was performed at the bride's home by Rev. J. Lewis Gillies, of the Methodist Episcopal church in the presence of only a few near relatives.
Besides the family in Charter Oak, those in the company were, Hon. H. t. Ankeny, of Laurel, Nebraska, uncle of the bride: Miss E. Irene Stukas, of Laurel, niece of the bride; and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Stouffer and son, Andrew, of Sac City, Mrs. Stouffer being a sister of the bride.
After the marriage rites had been performed a delicious wedding breakfast was served, and immediately afterwards the happy young couple took the train westward bound for Onawa and a visit with his people in Harrison county.
Mr. Bowen is principal of the Rodney schools. He is a young man of many friends who declare that Miss Holmes has made a good choice when she selected him for her companion.
Miss Holmes is the daughter of Maj. G. W. Holmes and wife of Charter Oak and a teacher of good ability. She is an affable and cultured lady who will make for herself and her husband a home as cheerful and bright as a June morning. She has many friends here who join in congratulations and well wishes to her.
When they return from their journey they will settle in Rodney, where they have both been engaged for another year in the public schools. This is a worthy couple, whose lives will blend together as two kindred roses and it is with pleasure that we announce their joining -Charter Oak Times.
Fred Bradbury and Grace E. Miller
Denison Review - 7-8-1903 - Denison
The marriage of Mr. Fred Bradbury and Miss Grace E. Miller, occurred on Wednesday eve, July 1st, 1903, the wedding ceremony being performed by Rev. A. G. Martyn, of the Presbyterian Church at his residence in Denison.
The plighting of the mutual vows of affection that unites the lives of these excellent young people is a ground of sincere congratulations from their many friends in which the Review heartily joins.
The bride is the daughter of one of our oldest citizens, A. H. Miller and has been reared in Denison where by her genuine worth of character and gentle lady-like spirit she has won the esteem of the entire community. Her self-sacrificing devotion to her parents and home has been most marked.
The groom is a steady and industrious young man for some time in the employ of the Palace Bakery. He is to be commended on his choice of a life companion. After the ceremony, an excellent wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. Cowlman. They were the recipients of a number of wedding presents.
Clarence Brogden and Ernestine Albright
Denison Review - 6-17-1902 - Deloit
Married at the Methodist parsonage in Deloit, Rev. S. C. Olds officiating, Mr. Clarence Brogden and Miss Ernestine Albright, both of Deloit. The above chronicled even took place at 8 p.m., June 12th.
The happy couple stood under an arch of vines and roses, the room being tastefully arranged for the occasion. These young people are well and favorably known here having been raised in this community. A host of friends will join in wishing them a long life filled with the bliss of love and the rewards of faithful endeavor.
Mr. Brogden is a son of our townsman Newton Brogden.
Miss Albright is one of the successful teachers of Crawford County and reflects credit upon her home and will be an efficient helpmate. May the "Home Moon" never wane.
Edward Buckley and Ada May Newman
Denison Review - 2-12-1903
Justice Wm. M. McLennan performed the marriage ceremony on Tuesday that made Edward Buckley of Walnut and Ada May Newman of Defiance man and wife. We wish the young couple all the joy possible.
Fred Buss and Agnes Rae
Denison Review - 6-13-1902 - Dow City
A very beautiful home wedding occurred Wednesday evening when Mr. Fred Buss and Miss Agnes Rae, the fourth daughter of the Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rae were united in the bonds of holy matrimony at the bride's home, not far from Dow City.
The house was tastefully decorated with foliage plants and masses of flowers, a bridal arch being constructed in the bay window of the sitting room. A little after eight o'clock Miss Clara Buss began to play the wedding march and the groom accompanied by his groomsman, Mr. Benj. Talcott entered from the west door while from the east door appeared the bride on the arm of her father accompanied by the bridesmaids, Miss Jennie Rae and Miss Nellie Vore, meeting under the arch then Mr. Rae gave away his daughter to the happy lover and their pastor the Rev. D. M. Houghtelin performed the ceremony of the Methodist Episcopal church.
After the formal greetings the company were served with dainty refreshments. The bride wore a beautiful gown of soie-joure, delicate and very becoming to her slight figure. Both families settled early near Dow City and are among the best known families in the county.
Both the bride and groom were born and reared in the community. Mr. Buss attended college in Dixon, Ill. And is now manager of his father's estate where they will make their future home. The bride attended Simpson college and is a general favorite in Dow City social circles.
Many beautiful gifts were received. After a few days at Lake Okiboji they will return to their future home.
Asa Butterworth and Francis Naomi Hill
Denison Review - 9-30-1903 - Murphysboro, Ill.
The Review is in receipt of an invitation to attend the wedding of Mr. Asa Butterworth to Miss Francis Naomi Hill at Murphysboro, Ill., which takes place today at the home of the bride's mother at Murphysboro. Crawford county friends of Mr. Butterworth will be pleased to hear that he is getting an accomplished young lady and extend hearty congratulations. Mr. Butterworth is a young man of excellent character and habits and having a good position with the Illinois Central, is on the road to prosperity.
Roy A. Cadwell and Lois Thompson
Denison Review - 2-3-1903 - Manilla
At the M. E. Parsonage on Thursday, January 29, 1903, at 4:00 p.m., Mr. Roy A. Cadwell and Miss Lois Thompson, were married, Rev. P. C. Stire officiating. The ceremony was performed in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson, Mrs. Job Farrell and Miss Mina Thompson, brother-in-law and sisters of the bride and Mrs. S. M. Cadwell, mother of the groom.
The groom is the youngest son of Mrs. S. M. Cadwell of Manilla and brother of our genial liverymen, Lou and Ed Cadwell and the bride is the estimable daughter of Mrs. W. Thompson who resides north of town, both parties being well and favorably known in these parts. The couple will make their home up on the B. Sowles place which the groom has rented for the ensuing year.
- Manilla Times
Harry Carpenter and Maud Bryan
Denison Review - 6-17-1902 - Paradise Twp.
Tomorrow evening at the home of Mr. Frank Bryan, in Paradise township will occur the marriage of Mr. Harry Carpenter and Miss Maud Bryan, Rev. F. W. Bateson, performing the marriage ceremony. Both these young people are so well and favorably known to Denison people that comment seems unnecessary.
Mr. Carpenter is one of the proprietors of the popular priced book store and is also express agent and is a model young man in every respect. He has grown to manhood in our midst, has taken a prominent part in social and religious work and his friends are numerous.
Miss Bryan is a graduate of our city schools and for some time has been one of the counties most successful teachers. She is a lady of refined tastes, intelligent mind and is very popular among the young people. Harry doesn't know that we are aware of his coming wedding but we feel that he will forgive us for getting this piece of news a little ahead of time.
Hane F. Carstensen and Caecilia Ohde
Denison Review - 7-15-1903 - Milford Twp.
Married, July 8th, Rev. Lothringer officiating: Mr. Hane F. Carstensen, of Milford Township, to Miss Caecilia Ohde of Aspinwall, before the witnesses: Wm. And Dora Kahl.
Chas. Chriss and Lulu Decker
Denison Review - 5-12-1903
The friends of Mr. Chas. Chriss will be pleased to learn of his marriage which took place on May 7th. The bride is Miss Lulu Decker of Yorktown, VA. The happy couple will make their home at Williamsburg, Va.
Julius D. Cornish and Clara Shives
Denison Review - 12-23-1902 - Boyer
Married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shives of Boyer, Mr. Julius D. Cornish and Miss Clara Shives both of Boyer. The wedding took place Wednesday, December 17, at 11:30 am.
The first notes of the wedding march played by Miss Skykes announced the beginning of the impressive ceremony which united forever the happy couple. Rev. F. P. Morgan of Deloit officiated and Mr. Dobier of Whiteside and Miss Collie Ells acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. After congratulations the fifty or more relatives and special friends did justice to the wedding dinner awaiting them. Numerous and costly presents were given.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornish will be at home after the first of January two miles north of Boyer. Their many friends extend to them their best wishes.
Willard A. Cramer and Maud Henderson
Denison Review - 9-5-1902 - Denison
Mr. Willard A. Cramer and Miss Maud Henderson were married at the residence of the bride's parents north of town, on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, at 1 o'clock. Rev. G. E. Morphy, pastor of the Baptist Church performed the ceremony. Relatives and friends to the number of forty were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Cramer have gone to Ainsworth, Neb., where he will engage in farming, having secured an interest in an extensive cattle ranch there. Many friends join in wishing the young couple much joy and continued prosperity.
Marriage Licenses
Denison Review - 3-3-1903
From the records of the Clerks office we gather the following licenses to wed:
February 25 - Enos Cross, Dow City, Anna Doser, Dow City
Feb. 25 - Fred Giersdorf, Morgan Twp., Martha Rabe, Morgan Twp.
Feb. 27 - Chas Robinault, Denison, Alta M. Biggs, Denison
Charles E. Cruzan and Frances Ainsworth
Denison Review - 3-3-1897 - Deloit
Married - On the evening of the 26th of February at the M. E. parsonage in Deloit, Mr. Charles E. Cruzan of Milford Township to Miss Frances Ainsworth of Goodrich Township, Crawford Co., Rev. Geo. S. Clift officiating. These young people, well known and highly respected in the community, start out together under many favorable circumstances, one of which is a cozy home; they have the well wishes of the people.
Chas. Dean and Ida Darling
Denison Review - 9-23-1903 - Vail
Mr. Chas. Dean and Miss Ida Darling, were married in Vail, Wednesday, Sept 9th. Mr. Dean is one of Jackson township's enterprising young men while Miss Ida is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Darling, one of Stockholm's highly respected families. A long and happy life is the wish of their Boyer friends.
Nat Dillingham and Etta Paist
Denison Review - 6-10-1903 - Denison
Miss Etta Paist, of this place, and Nat Dillingham of Manning were united in marriage Tuesday at Denison. They left for Manning Wednesday where they will make their future home. The many friends of this young couple extend congratulations.
Albert Dobie and Pearl Wright
Denison Review - 12-2-1902 - Dow City
On Sunday morning Mr. Albert Dobie hastened to get to Ute, where he was met by Miss Pearl Wright, of Soldier, and by taking relays of livery teams they arrived at Arion where Judge Huntington of Dow City spoke the pleasing words that made them husband and wife. They went to housekeeping in the house that Mr. Dobie had secured in Dow City.
A. F. Durkee and Margaret B. Quade
Denison Review - 11-4-1902 - Denison
On Monday morning, November 3, at 8 o'clock, occurred the marriage of Mr. A. F. Durkee to Miss Margaret B. Quade at the Catholic parsonage, Rev. M. J. Farrelly officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by only a few intimate friends and relatives.
Miss Quade has lived in Denison since early childhood and is a capable and accomplished young lady. She is one of Crawford county's most successful teachers and for the past year has been principal of the schools at Arion. A loving, helpful daughter she is well worthy of the happiness her many friends will wish her.
Mr. Durkee is an efficient, industrious gentleman of the best character. As manager for the Fairmont Creamery Co. at this place, he has built up a large and increasing business and won the confidence and esteem of the community. The happy couple departed over the Chicago and North Western for Chicago. After a two weeks trip they will begin housekeeping on South Main Street.
Rob. G. Ernst and Johanna D. Waetje
Denison Review - 7-1-1903 - Denison
Married, June 19, Mr. Rob. G. Ernst to Miss Johanna D. Waetje, both of Denison, before the witnesses, Marcious Nielsen and Martha F. Waeje, Aug. E. Matthiesen and Martha Waetje, Rev. Lothringer officiating.
Henry G. Finnern and Fredrika Vosgerau
Denison Review - 6-3-1903 - Denison
Married May 27, Mr. Henry G. Finnern, the well known editor and manager of the Democrat to Miss Fredrika W. Vosgerau, a young lady favorably acquainted in Denison, Rev. Lothringer officiating. The witnesses were Herm Finnern, Augusta Heide, Otto Vosgerau and Marie Finnern. Only the nearest relatives and dearest friends were invited. The young couple made a wedding trip to Hot Springs, South Dakota where they spent a week of their honeymoon.
Charles E. Fitzsimmons and Miss Scott
Denison Review - 8-15-1902 - Vail
The many friends of Charles Fitzsimmons will be pleased to know that he was married on last Wednesday to Miss Scott of Logan. We have no further data at hand, but Vail friends congratulate. They will reside at Boyer, where Mr. Fitzsimmons manages the Nye & Schneider interests.
Vail Observer
Herbert Foskett and Phoebe Crakes
Denison Review - 6-12-1902 - Manilla
Married on Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of W. B. Barestow and wife, Mr. Herbert Foskett and Miss Phoebe Crakes, Rev. Malcolm officiating. The happy couple left the same evening for Minnesota where they will make their home.
Clause Gottberg and Katherina Clausen
Denison Review - 9-12-1902 - Schleswig
The city had the appearance of a holiday Tuesday, the event being the happy marriage of Clause Gottberg and Miss Katherina Clausen, which took place at the Grand opera house precisely at 8 o'clock.
Long before the appointed hour people began to arrive and when the ceremony took place the hall was well filled by friends and relatives. The presents were numerous and fine. The business men presented him with an elegant range.
Mr. Gottberg is a furniture dealer and has been in Schleswig for years and is well liked by everyone. He is very popular among the boys and has a host of friends who wish him the best of luck in his new enterprise.
The bride is a beautiful and accomplished young lady who by her lovely ways has a high standing in the community. They will begin house keeping at once in their new home.
John Grant and Daisy Hodkin
Denison Review - 2-10-1903 - Willow Twp.
There was a very pretty wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodkin of Willow Township on February 4, 1903, when Miss Daisy, their third daughter, was united in marriage to Mr. John Grant, Rev. E. M. Miller of Sac City officiating.
The young couple are well and favorably known and are among the best young people of Willow. After the ceremony the company sat down to a sumptuous dinner. The afternoon was spent in singing and conversation. The young couple were the recipients of some very useful and beautiful presents. We sincerely wish this young couple prosperity and a long and happy life.
Marriage Licenses
Denison Review - 1903
The marriage license business continues brisk with the county clerk. On the 19th licenses were issued to:
Herman Rowedder, Carroll County
Katie Karsons, Crawford County
John Willert, Charter Oak
Stella Adams, Charter Oak
On Feb'y 20th licenses were issued to:
Wm. Nagel, Aspinwall
Emma Rauneger, Aspinwall
Hans R. Hanson, Otter Creek
Veronika S. Jochins, Otter Creek
The approach of moving day, March 1, is always the signal for many marriages as the young couples settle on new farms and start the year's work together. May the homes be happy and prosperous ones.
Hans R. Hanson and Veronica B. Jochims
Denison Review - 3-7-1903 - Otter Creek Twp.
Mr. Hans R. Hanson to Miss Veronica B. Jochims, both of Otter Creek township before the Witnesses: Fred A. Jochims and Mary E. Macentun; Adolph F. Jochims and Rosa Dahms.
Lewis J. Hecker and Lena Schurke
Denison Review - 2-28-1903 - Charter Oak
The wedding rate is high about Charter Oak. The Times contains notices of the weddings of Mr. John F. Willetts and Miss Stella May Adams on February 19th, of Mr. Lewis J. Hecker and Miss Lena Schurke on February 23rd, of Mr. Fred Kuhlmann and Miss Martha Hass on February 18th and Mr. Herman Teut and Miss Anna Wiedeman on Feburary 19th.
John F. Willetts and Stella May Adams
Denison Review - 2-28-1903 - Charter Oak
The wedding rate is high about Charter Oak. The Times contains notices of the weddings of Mr. John F. Willetts and Miss Stella May Adams on February 19th, of Mr. Lewis J. Hecker and Miss Lena Schurke on February 23rd, of Mr. Fred Kuhlmann and Miss Martha Hass on February 18th and Mr. Herman Teut and Miss Anna Wiedeman on Feburary 19th.
Fred Kuhlmann and Martha Hass
Denison Review - 2-28-1903 - Charter Oak
The wedding rate is high about Charter Oak. The Times contains notices of the weddings of Mr. John F. Willetts and Miss Stella May Adams on February 19th, of Mr. Lewis J. Hecker and Miss Lena Schurke on February 23rd, of Mr. Fred Kuhlmann and Miss Martha Hass on February 18th and Mr. Herman Teut and Miss Anna Wiedeman on Feburary 19th.
Herman Teut and Anna Wiedeman
Denison Review - 2-28-1903 - Charter Oak
The wedding rate is high about Charter Oak. The Times contains notices of the weddings of Mr. John F. Willetts and Miss Stella May Adams on February 19th, of Mr. Lewis J. Hecker and Miss Lena Schurke on February 23rd, of Mr. Fred Kuhlmann and Miss Martha Hass on February 18th and Mr. Herman Teut and Miss Anna Wiedeman on Feburary 19th.
Marriage Licenses
Denison Review - 8-15-1902
The following is the list of those made happy by the issuance of licenses to wed during the past ten days:
August 5th - Peter Sievers, West Side; Lillian White, West Side
August 9th - August H. Siemmer, Hanover; Minna Lorenz, Charter Oak
August 11th - Charley J. Henderson, Manilla; Meda Olson, Manilla
August 13th - Johanes M. Jessen, Stockholm; Annie Kropf, Stockholm
Jacob Henrick and Emily McAndrews
Denison Review - 9-9-1903 - Vail
Last Wednesday occurred the marriage of Miss Emily McAndrews to Mr. Jacob Henrick, at the St. Ann's church, Rev. Father Murphy officiating. A dinner and reception was given them at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McAndrews, and the newly wedded couple left on the afternoon train for a wedding tour.
The bride is one of Vail's fairest daughters and has been a teacher in the Centerville, S. D. schools the past five years.
Mr. Henrich is a lumber dealer of Bridgewater, S. D. They have the best wishes of their friends.
Marriage Licenses
Denison Review - 7-8-1902
Clerk Frank Faul has issued marriage licenses to the following parties since July 12:
E. C. Zirlow, Omaha and Marie M. Anderson, Atlantic
Francis Hook, Nishnabotny Twp. and Annie McMahon, Iowa Twp
Henry E. McCutcheon, East Boyer, and Linda Bloecker, Hays Twp.
Geo. H. Mann, Denison and Faye Ainsworth Cooke, Denison
Perry Huckstep and Elsie Childress
Denison Review - 11-28-1902 - Deloit
A quaint home wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Childress, on Sunday evening, Nov. 23, 1902, when their daughter Elsie Childress and Perry Huckstep were united in marriage, Rev. T. P. Morgan officiating. Only a few of the relatives were present to witness the ceremony. Both these young people are well and favorably known and they have the best wishes of the community. They went to Denison Sunday evening and took the train for Woodbine and Omaha.
I. V. Jackson and Mae Zumwalt
Denison Review - 5-12-1903 - Redlands, California
Married - Jackson - Zumwalt - at Redlands, California on Sunday, May 3, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robbins, Mr. I. V. Jackson and Miss Mae Zumwalt, Rev. Mr. Harper of the Baptist church officiating.
The above announcement will be a surprise to Mr. Jackson's many Denison friends. In a letter written to his parents, Ira says: "Its all off with the tall Swede for I am an old married man now. We were married last Sunday in the presence of a few friends, I am not sure whether I was there or not. It will never frighten me to sing in the choir again after going through this deal. The ceremony was short and very nice, at least those who heard it said it was. We have already gone to housekeeping. The bride is said to be an attractive young lady of intellectual ability and possessed of many accomplishments. We congratulate the happy couple and wish them every prosperity.
August J. Jacobson and Agusta Reinwaldt
Denison Review - 12-23-1902
Married December 17, Mr. August J. Jacobson of Hanover Township and Miss Agusta Reinwaldt of Goodrich Township, Rev. Lothringer officiating. The witnesses were Fred Reinwaldt, Mary Adam, J. Henry Jacobson and Caeulia F. C. Ehlers.
William R. Jenkins and Helen C. Henricksen
Denison Review - 1-17-1903
Married Jan. 8, Rev. Fred O. Lothringer officiating, Mr. William R. Jenkins of Denison to Miss Helen C. Henricksen of Milford Township, witnesses, Bert and Julia Jenkins.
John M. Jessen and Anna Kropf
Denison Review - 8-15-1902 - Stockholm Twp.
Married Aug. 13, Mr. John M. Jessen to Miss Anna Kropf both of Stockholm Township. Witnesses, Carl Jessen and Emma Kropf, Rev. Lothringer officiating.
Harold Johnson and Anna Johnson
Denison Review - 2-26-1903 - Milford Twp.
On Wednesday, February 18th took place at the home of Mr. Swan Johnson in Milford township, the wedding of Mr. Harold Johnson of Milford and Miss Anna Johnson of Deloit.
The ceremony was performed by rev. Morgan of Deloit in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives.
Miss Alma Olson of Denison and Miss Lillie Larson of Kiron acted as bridesmaids while Mr. Swan Johnson of Milford and Mr. August Johnson of Kiron acted as best men.
After the ceremony a bountiful supper was served to the nearly fourscore guests present. The happy couple received a multitude of beautiful and useful presents and the hearty congratulations of all present. The contracting parties are well known to a wide circle of friends. The bride is winsome, capable and possessed of all the graces of good womanhood. The groom is one of the sturdy young farmers of the county, industrious, upright and well qualified to build a happy home. After March 1st they will be at home on their farm in Milford township, prepared to join the ranks of Crawford's happy and prosperous householders.
James P. Jones and Isabelle Cecelia Blakely
Denison Review (from Cedar Rapids Gazette) - 6-20-1902 - Cedar Rapids, Ia.
A beautiful wedding was celebrated this morning at the church of the Immaculate Conception. The rites of matrimony were solemnized with high nuptial mass by the very Rev. Dean Gunn, at 8 o'clock for Isabelle Cecelia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Dempster Blakely and Mr. James P. Jones.
One hundred guests were invited to the church to witness the ceremony. Exactly at 8 o'clock the full choir sang the bridal chorus from Lohengrin and the groom with the groomsman, his brother, Mr. John Jones, entered from the vestry and awaited the bride at the chancel steps. The two ushers, Mr. George Kern and Mr. Charles Burns, led the was through the center aisle and were followed by the bridesmaid, Miss Grace Blakely, sister of the bride.
Miss Blakely wore a gown of pink silk mouseline de soie and a picture hat of white chiffon. She carried pink carnations. The bride was brought in by her brother, Mr. David Blakely, Jr. She was very lovely in a gown of white Persian mull, ruffled and tucked elaborately and finished with a bertha of point lace, the work of her sister, Miss Elizabeth Blakely. The bridal bouquet was a shower of lilies of the valley, and the toilette was completed with a large white chiffon hat with long white ostrich plumes.
The organist and choirmaster, Mr. E. A. Leo, played softly through the marriage ceremony and in the celebration of the nuptial mass which followed the choir sang Rosewig's mass. In conclusion, Father Gunn made a brief but impressive address, reminding the newly wedded pair of the duties and responsibilities they had just assumed. He also spoke in the highest terms of the bride, commending her fidelity to her church, her parents and her friends. Miss Blakely had been organist of the church for eight years and for the past two years has served as assistant.
A letter from Mr. Jones, pastor in Denison, also gave Father Gunn the assurance that the bride was united to a man of worth and Christian excellence. The wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents, Shady Brook farm, Otis road, relatives and a few intimate friends being invited. The bride and groom received congratulations under a floral canopy and the house was decorated with roses, peonies and syringa.
The breakfast was served at twelve by the Misses Ann and Rhea McCauley, Nellie Robinson, Nellie Healey. The bride's sister, Mrs. F. H. Cleary, was in charge of the dining room. The brine, who from life-long residence and many winning qualities of mind and personality has numerous warm friends, received a great number of gifts in all the usual variety. The groom's present to his bride was an elegant Steinway parlor grand piano. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left on the Colorado Special east and will visit Chicago, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and New York City.
They will be at home after August first in Denison, Iowa, where Mr. Jones is engaged in real estate and livestock. Guests present from a distance were Mrs. James Hogan of Manchester and Mr. and Mrs. John Green of Stone City, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roeffler of Dubuque, Mr. John Jones of Denison.
Martin Kirwan and Mae Harper
Denison Review - 6-27-1902 - Hartington, Nebr.
At the Catholic church of The Most Holy Trinity in Hartington, Nebr., on Wednesday morning June 18, occurred the marriage of Miss Mae Harper, formerly of this place, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Harper of Coleridge and Martin Kirwan of Wayne, Nebr.
The bride is an attractive and finely educated young lady and esteemed by all who knew her. She has been one of our best teachers and we deeply regret losing her from the corps. The groom is an upright and model young man. He owns a cattle ranch in Rock Co., Nebr. but his home is at Wayne where he has a host of friends who join with us in wishing this young couple a long and happy life.
The ceremony took place at 11 o'clock, Rev. H. Loecker officiating. The bride wore a pretty traveling suit and was attended by Miss Amy Eby. The groom was dressed in conventional black and his brother, Richard B. Kirwan acted as best man. Immediately after the ceremony the wedding party withdrew to the Grand Hotel where a special breakfast was served. At 12 o'clock the happy young couple took the train for Wayne where they will be at home after July 10.
Henry Krauel and Minnie Foderberg
Denison Review - 10-14-1903 - Denison
On last Wednesday afternoon Mr. Henry Krauel and Miss Minnie Foderberg, were married at the German Lutheran church in Denison. The young couple will make their home in East Boyer Township where the groom is conducting a large farm. The Review joins with the many friends in extending congratulations.
R. C. Kuykendall and Perla Gage
Denison Review - 7-25-1902
Mayor Carey performed the ceremony that united Mr. R. C. Kuykendall and Miss Perla Gage man and wife yesterday at the Fargo house. The groom is from Dow City and the bride from Dunlap. They were married before the witnesses, Mr. Jas. A. Wilson and Miss Bearl Kuykendall. Mr. Kuykendall has only recently returned from Washington where he went some time ago, but owing to the attraction at home he has returned and will make Dow City his future home. We wish the newly married couple every possible success.
George Lochmiller and Nettie L. Bidlack
Denison Review - 7-1-1903 - Manilla
At the Presbyterian parsonage in Manilla on Monday evening, June 22, Mr. George Lochmiller and Miss Nettie L. Bidlack, Rev. T. Walker Malcolm officiating.
The bride is an only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bidlack and is possessed of many lovable qualities. For years she has been one of Crawford county's best teachers and at the present time is a teacher in the Manilla schools.
Every one is acquainted with the groom. He has grown to manhood in Crawford County. For many years he has followed the furniture business and is now connected with H. H. Klinker's store. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lochmiller, very highly respected citizens of our town. The happy couple will soon be at home in south Denison where Mr. Lochmiller has erected a new home. The Review joins in wishing them a long and happy life.
Bernard M. Lockard and Grace Anna Temple
Denison Review - 10-14-1903 - Denison
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Temple, in Denison, on Wednesday, October 7, 1903, Mr. Bernard M. Lockard and Miss Grace Anna Temple, Rev. Emory Miller of the Methodist Church officiating.
The wedding ceremony took place at high noon, when Mrs. Chas. Voss presiding at the piano, struck up the wedding march and the happy couple advanced to the parlor, where under a floral bell a simple yet impressive marriage ceremony was conducted, after which the young couple received the hearty and earnest congratulations of those present, the near relatives and most intimate friends. The decorations were white and pink and the colors were carried out in the refreshments, the favors being little bags of pink, filled with rice and tied with ribbon. The bride wore a handsome gown made of India linen and her appearance was most charming.
In the service of refreshments, Mrs. Temple was ably assisted by the Misses Cochran, Cole, Kirkup, Watson and Edith and Ethel Mills. At 7:50 the newly married couple took the North-Western from Chicago where they will make their home for the present, the groom being connected with an engineering corps and has a large force of men under his supervision. It was while acting in this capacity that he became acquainted with Miss Temple, about a year ago, while stationed at Denison.
Miss Temple was born and raised in Denison and has many friends who wish her every happiness possible. She has always been prominent in church and Sunday school work and has been a general favorite at social functions. For the past six months she has been connected with the lumber firm conducted by her father and has been a most efficient helper. Among those out of town in attendance at the wedding were: Mrs. Lockard of Boone, grandmother of the groom and Mr. Wagoner of Boone, and F. E. Brown of Ames, friends of the groom, Mrs. J. J. Temple of Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ott of Marshalltown, Mrs. Patterson of Carroll and Mrs. J. H. Shaver and daughter of Council Bluffs.
Carl Lorentzen and Nellie Marshall
Denison Review - 7-8-1903 - Denison
On June 30th, at 9 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall, parents of the bride, occurred the wedding of Miss Nellie Marshall and Mr. Carl Lorentzen, Rev. G. E. Morphy officiating.
To the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March, beautifully rendered by Miss Nettie Kelly, the bridal couple, accompanied by Miss Kate Shumaker as bridesmaid, and Mr. William Marshall Jr. as groomsman, marched to the parlor where under a floral wedding bell and in the presence of a large company of guests, the words of the ceremony uniting these two lives in one, were spoken by the minister.
The bride is a Denison young lady, born and reared here. She has been employed in the Balle-Brodersen store for some time past. The numerous and valuable presents given by her fellow workers and others spoke eloquently of the esteem in which she is held.
The groom is a young farmer who by his steady and industrious habits has already showed himself capable and undoubtedly will win large success in his chose work. The best wishes of a large circle of friends follow them to their home eight miles south of town. The Review joins in extending congratulations.
Christ Lorenzen and Alice White
Denison Review - 10-14-1902 - Denison
Carnival Queen - Queen of Hearts - This morning occurred the wedding of Mr. Christ Lorenzen and Miss Alice White, the Carnival Queen is now to become the queen of hearts and the queen of a happy home.
The ceremony which united this estimable couple took place at 9 o'clock at St. Rose of Lima church, Rev. Father M. J. Farrelly officiating. There were a large number of friends present. Mr. Harry White, brother of the bride, acted as best man and Miss White, of Jackson, a cousin of the bride, as bridesmaid.
The bride was beautifully attired in white and looked every inch the queen that the votes of the people had made her but a short time ago. In the afternoon the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White, the bride's parents, was the scene of a lively and jolly gathering. Friends and relatives had gathered from miles around to tender their congratulations to the happy couple and many and valuable were the presents which testified to the esteem in which they were held. The tables fairly groaned with the good things set at the wedding banquet and all were merry as a wedding bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzen favored the guests with instrumental and vocal selections, giving but added witness of their well known musical talents. For this evening the use of the school hall at St. Rose of Lima's church grounds has been tendered for a social ball and the day will end as happily as it was begun and has continued.
The groom is a quiet, modest young man of sterling qualities. He is a Crawford county boy of whom all may be proud. He attended Denison college and has been for some time employed as assistant in the Schlumberger Pharmacy. In this position he proved himself faithful, efficient, accommodating and affable and gained the friendship of all who came to know him. He is to be heartily congratulated upon having won one of Denison's move lovely brides, a girl as beautiful in character and heart as in face and form. A lady of many accomplishments, a beautiful singer and what is best of all, of a sensible, modest and lovable character. The Review joins with the many other friends in proposing "Long life and prosperity to bride and groom."
Alvin Lyman and Grace E. Raine
Denison Review - 10-24-1902 - Denison
Several intimate friends and relatives gathered at the cozy home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Raine on Wednesday evening to witness the marriage ceremony which united their daughter Grace E. Raine and Mr. Alvin Lyman.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Emory Miller. At 7 o'clock the bridal couple marched in and took their places under the arch dividing the two parlors, the wedding march being played by Miss Lillian Raine, a sister of the bride. The bride was attired in a beautiful creation of white organdy with trimmings of satin ribbons and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Her go-away-gown was a dark tailor-made surge. A delicious luncheon was served, after which the happy couple left on the evening train for a brief visit in Omaha and then proceeded to Weston, Iowa where they were tendered a reception last evening by the groom's mother, Mrs. Guill. After a short visit at Weston, they will return to Missouri Valley where they will be at home to their many friends. They were recipients of many valuable presents which testified to the esteem in which they were held.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman are both well known to Denison people, the bride being one of Denison's bright and accomplished young ladies. She was a graduate of both the Denison High School and Denison Normal College and will be missed by a host of young friends.
The groom was a former Denison boy at one time proprietor of the Calumet now employed in the North Western eating house at Missouri Valley. He is a worthy young man of high moral character. The Review join the many friends in extending congratulations.
Julius E. Andresen and Roma Hollander
Schleswig Leader - June 1915
Popular Young Pair Won By Dan Cupid
Miss Roma Hollander, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ebbe Hollander, was united in marriage yesterday to Julius E. Andresen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andresen, at the Schleswig Immanuel church at one o'clock p.m. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. H. Schwenk and was witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends. The bride looked charming in her dress of white embroidery net. She wore a long lace veil and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Tegla Hollander, who was dressed in light blue silk crepe. The groom was attended by his nephew, Herman Bielenberg. A wedding dinner in the home of the bride's parents followed the ceremony. The young couple left in the afternoon for Denison en route on a two weeks honeymoon to eastern Iowa. After July 1st they will be home to their many friends in Schleswig.
The bride is a popular young lady and has grown to womanhood in this vicinity, where she has always been respected. The groom is an exemplary young man. The Leader joins their many friends in wishing them success and happiness in their new venture.
Denison Bulletin - June 1915
Andresen-Hollander - The marriage of Miss Roma D. Hollander, dat. of Mr. and Mrs. Ebbe Hollander, to Mr. Julius E. Andresen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andresen, both of Schleswig, took place at the Schleswig Immanuel church, at one o'clock, last Wednesday, June 16th. Rev. Schwenk read the marriage service, which united these two young people for life, in the presence of a number of relatives and friends. When the hour was at hand, the bride and groom and the attendants took their places in front of the altar, which was very prettily decorated with pink and white carnations. When the ceremony was concluded congratulations were accepted, after which they returned to the home of the bride's parents, where a bountiful wedding dinner awaited the bridal party and a few immediate relatives, after which they motored to Denison, where they visited the Ferguson studio before leaving on the train for Des Moines where they will spend several days seeing the sights of the city. From there they will go to Davenport, Clinton and other points. They will be gone on their honeymoon trip about two weeks.
he bride looked very pretty in a beautiful gown of white embroidered net. She wore a beautiful veil, and carried a shower bouquet of white bride's roses and lilies of the valley. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Thakla Hollander, who was neatly gowned in light blue silk crepe. The bride's traveling suit was of putty color, and she wore a white Panama hat. The groom wore a dark blue serge suit. He was attended by his nephew, Herman Bielenberg.
Miss Hollander is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ebbe Hollander. She has grown up in our midst and is accounted one of our finest young ladies, and is liked by all who are acquainted with her. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andresen. He is a model young man, and is well worthy of this young lady he has chosen as his helpmate. The bride and groom are both members of prominent families, and have many friends, who are wishing them every measure of happiness and joy. They will be at home after July 1st to their many friends.
Bernhard Anderson and Emma Laumbach
Denison Bulletin - December 1911
On last Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride occurred the wedding of Miss Emma Laumbach to Mr. Bernhard Andreson, Rev. Wetzler performing the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laumbach of near here, a charming young lady well liked by all. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson of Schleswig, an honest and upright young man who has many friends. After the ceremony a large wedding celebration was held which lasted until the next day. The young couple will soon make their home on the Peter Paulson farm near here.