Submittors of announcements: Melba McDowell, Helen Carey Papelekas, Paula Curcio, Joyce Heide, Bob Kuehl
Gustav Hollander and Henrietta Ebert
Schleswig Leader - September 25, 1913
At the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ebert on Wednesday, September 24, at four o'clock in the afternoon, occurred the marriage of their daughter Henrietta Emma Frieda, to Mr. Gustav Petersen Hollander, Rev. C. Runge, officiating.
The bridal couple were attended by Max Hollander, A. E. Schultz, Walter L. Weiss, Emma Schroeder, Caroline Hollander and Mary Ebert
The bride is well and favorably known to most of our readers, having spent her entire life in this county. Her charming manner and winning ways have won for her the admiration of all her acquaintances, who are unanimous in congratulating her upon the winning of such an admirable life mate.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. P. Hollander, and one of Schleswig's most enterprising business men, being proprietor of one of the garages here. His life has been spent in this county where he has admirers by the score. His friends extend congratulations to him in winning such an estimable lady to share his joys and sorrows through life's long journey.
They will go to housekeeping in the John Nicholsen residence which the groom recently purchased.
Gus Engelking and Hazel Williams
Schleswig Leader - January 1, 1914 - Schleswig
On Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1914, there were united in marriage at Friedens church in this city, Mr. Gus Engelking of Schleswig and Miss Hazel Williams, of Austin, Indiana, Rev. Wetzeler officiating. Mr. Engelking is a hustling young farmer, the son of Mr. Dick Engelking of this place, and he and his bride will make their home on his father's farm, north of town.
George Conyers and Lizzie Baak
Schleswig Leader - July 2, 1914 - Ricketts
M. A. Hollander and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baak were at Ricketts Sunday where they attended the wedding of Mrs. Hollanders' cousin, Miss Lizzie Baak to George Conyers, the marriage being solemnized by Rev. Wolfram of the Soldier township Lutheran church at the brides' parents home, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Baak of that place. Magnus Hollander was toastmaster at this happy event and it is said by those present that he outdid himself in his many gracious and voluble felicitations.
Julius Peters and Amanda Engelking
Schleswig Leader - July 2, 1914 - Schleswig
Saturday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock in the Friedens church of Schleswig the marriage service was read by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler for Miss Amanda Engelking and Mr. Julius Peters, both of this city. At the appointed time the couple, attended by Miss Elma Schroeder, cousin of the groom, and Mr. Alfred Engelking, brother of the bride, entered the church to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Mildred Wetseler, and took their places in the church where the service was performed.
Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party and guests were taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zabel, where seated at two large tables, they were served with a splendid wedding supper. The rooms and tables were neatly decorated with the bride's chosen colors, white and pink. After the wedding feast was concluded the evening was spent in dancing, card playing and conversation.
The bride was handsomely dressed in a gown of white crepe de chine, and home of her uncle, Theo. Rohwer, carried a shower bouquet of white and pink carnations. The groom wore a dark blue serge.
The bride is the second youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Engelking.
The groom is the second oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Peters. The bridal couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents from their relatives and friends. The Leader's hearty congratulations are hereby extended to the happy married twain for a successful union.
Bernhard Kahler and Leona Wieck
Schleswig Leader - January 2, 1913 - Schleswig
At the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Detlef Wieck, occurred the marriage of their daughter Leona to Mr. Bernhard Kahler. The young people are both well and favorable known to most of our readers who will join in wishing them a happy and prosperous life. They will go to housekeeping in Nebraska. The wedding occurred last Saturday, Rev. Wetzeler, officiating.
Chris Gierstorf and Lizzie Schwartz
Schleswig Leader - October 2, 1913 - Hanover Twp.
At 2:30 yesterday morning at the church in Hanover township, was solemnized the marriage of Lizzie Schwartz to Chris Gierstorf, Rev. C. Bunge officiating.
After the ceremony the wedding party went to the home of the bride's parents where a bountiful repast awaited them. Invited guests remained until the wee hours of the morn', all making merry and enjoying the event in accordance with the generous hospitality of the home.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz and is popular among all her acquaintances. The groom is a son of Mrs. Sophie Gierstorf of Morgan township, and is one of the prosperous farmers of that community, having had charge of the home farm since the death of his father four years ago.
They will go to housekeeping on the home farm of the groom where all wish them a happy and prosperous life.
Albert Naeve and Meta Rusch
Schleswig Leader - December 3, 1914 - Schleswig
One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Church of Friedens, when Miss Meta W. Rusch, charming daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Rusch became the bride of Albert Naeve of Bronson, Iowa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Naeve of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler in the presence of relatives and friends. Mrs. W. R. Wetzeler played the wedding march and the church choir rendered two selections. Miss Meta Naeve, sister, of the bridegroom, and Miss Margaret Kruse of Wylie, Minn., a friend of the bride, acted as bridesmaids, while Bernhard Naeve, brother of the groom and Herman Rusch, brother of the bride were the grooms attendants.
The bride looked handsome in her gown of white silk brocaded charmeuse and her long wedding veil. She carried a shower bouquet of pink and white carnations. The bridesmaids were attired in pink wool crepe dresses.
At the close of the ceremony a five o'clock dinner was served to the relatives and intimate friends in the Claus Rusch home. The home was beautifully decorated in the wedding colors of pink and white. Misses Anna Lohse, Ella Ernst, Alvena Kroeger, and Ruth Naeve assisted as waitresses.
At eight o'clock in the evening a reception was given in the new home of the brides sister, Mrs. John Claussen. The evening was spent in dancing. Music was furnished by Jensen Bros. The young couple received many beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Naeve left today for an extended wedding trip to Davenport, Clinton, Bryant, and Charlotte, Iowa, and will be at home after Jan. 1st, 1915 at Bronson, Iowa, where the groom has a farm. Both these young people are well known and respected having lived here since childhood and they many friends join with The Leader in wishing them prosperity in wedded life.
The out of town relatives present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Peters of Battle Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Naeve and daughter, Luella, of Bronson, Iowa, and Gus Clopping of Sioux City.
Harold Hendersen and Bernice Bonny
Schleswig Leader - December 3, 1914
Cards have been received here announcing the marriage of Miss Bernice Bonny of Buck Grove to Harold Hendersen of Kamrah, Ia., on November, 16. Miss Bernice Bonny who is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Bonny of Buck Grove is well known here having taught the second room in the public school. They will make their home at Kamrah. Her many friends wish them much happiness in their new endeavor.
A number of the scholars in Miss Bernice Bonny's room presented her with a beautiful hand painted cracker bowl for a wedding present.
A. L. Bloom and Emma Carlson
Schleswig Leader - March 6, 1913 - Kiron
Miss Emma Carlson and Mr. A. L. Bloom were united in marriage on Wednesday evening of last week at the home of the bride's mother near Kiron. The bride has a large acquaintance here, having taught music in and around here for some time. Her many friends hasten to extend congratulations.
Frank Rath and Sophie Boehem
Schleswig Leader - November 6, 1913 - Denison
On Wednesday afternoon at Denison occurred the marriage of Miss Sophie Boehem to Mr. Frank Rath, Rev. Freese of the German Lutheran church officiating.
The bride is a resident of Soldier township, where she is well and favorably known. The groom is a carpenter of Hanover township and is well known to most of our readers, having erected many buildings in his and adjoining townships.
The will go to housekeeper in rooms over the Petersen meat market, where the Leader joins their many friends in extending congratulations.
Albert Bielenberg and Freda Schmaedke
Schleswig Leader - March 4, 1915 - Hanover Twp.
Albert Bielenberg, son of Henry Bielenberg, was married Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Hanover township church, to Miss Freda Schmaedke, daughter of John Schmaedke. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Runger. The young couple were attended by Ida Schmaedke, Alvena Bielenberg, Herman Bielenberg, and Fred Schmaedke.
The bride wore a white silk dress trimmed with silk shadow lace and silver beads. The bride's maids word pink silk dresses with violet trimmings. The groom was dressed in blue serge and his attendants were dressed in dark blue. The popular couple left the first of the week for Chicago, Ill., and other points for a two weeks stay.
The popular young couple will reside near here on the groom's father's farm. Their many friends wish them success in the realm of matrimony.
Harry Lorenzen and Hulda Carstens
Schleswig Leader - December 2, 1915
On Friday November 16th, Mr. Harry Lorenzen, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Lorenzen, was united in marriage to Miss Hulda Carstens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Honas Carstens, at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler of the Friedens church. The young couple were attended by Miss Lillie Johannsen and Walter Schroeder. The event was celebrated by a large number of relatives on Sunday in the Honas Carstens home.
The groom is a well know and well thought of Schleswig young man. For some time he has been employed by the Green Bay Lumber Co. both at Schleswig and Ricketts. He is industrious and the kind that makes good. His bride is well known and well liked. Their many friends, among whom The Leader wishes to be observed, wishes them health, wealth, and prosperity in their new home at Ricketts where Mr. Lorenzen is now employed by the Green Bay Co.
Henry Paulsen and Dora Hanneman
Schleswig Leader - December 2, 1915 - Schleswig
Henry Peter Paulsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paulsen of this place and Miss Dora Amelia Hanneman, of this vicinity, were married Wednesday forenoon at 10 o'clock at the Emmanuel Lutheran church in Schleswig. Rev. W. H. Schwenk performed the ceremony which was witnessed by a party of relatives.
The couple were attended by Miss Vienna Bielenberg, Miss Lillie Paulsen, Mr. Emil Hanneman, and Mr. Louie Reimers. The bride was attired in white and carried a lovely bouquet of flowers. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served in the Aug. Paulsen home. The young couple then left on a wedding trip to Omaha, Nebr., after which they will return to Schleswig and go to housekeeping in the rooms vacated by Miss Bothilda Hansen over the Schroeder meat market building.
The groom is a hard working young man of good character and he intends to go into business in Schleswig. His bride is a daughter of Gustav Hanneman of Oklahoma and has made many friends because of her womanly qualities. The many friends of the young couple join The Leader in extending congratulations.
Rudolph Christensen and Caroline Hollander
Schleswig Leader - August 5, 1915 - Schleswig
Miss Caroline M. Hollander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hollander was united in marriage at three o'clock yesterday afternoon to Mr. Rudolph W. Christensen. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. H. Schwenk at the Ev. Emmanuel church before a large number of relatives and friends. The wedding was simple and very pretty. The bride was attired in white satin with an overdress of which chiffon. The long wedding veil was caught in place with white roses, of which she carried a bouquet.
The young couple were attended by the bride's cousin Miss Martha Stegemann, who was gowned in white silk crepe, and by Mr. William Christensen of Charter Oak a brother of the groom. Miss Loretta Schmidt played the wedding march. A delicious wedding supper was served in the bride's home.
The bride is one of Schleswig's most charming young ladies and has matured to womanhood in this vicinity. Her personality and congenial ways have won her legions of friends who like her for her kindness and womanly qualities.
The groom came to Schleswig from Charter Oak four years ago and engaged in the painting business. Being industrious and of good habits he achieved success at his trade and during his residence has made good at making friends which is the greatest thing in life's travel from the cradle to the grave. For four years "Poody" has been a star player of the Schleswig ball team and the greatest hit of his career was made yesterday. The young couple will go to housekeeping immediately in the residence vacated by M. A. Hollandeer and family. The young couple are wished success and happiness by their many friends among whom The Leader wishes to be observed.
Out of town guests who attended the wedding were; Mr. and Mrs. Hans Christensen and daughter, Hilda, of Charter Oak, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nielsen and daughter, Emma, Mrs. Wm. Rath and daughter Marie of Denison, Mrs. John Dirfler of Ricketts and Mrs. Knut Iversen of Charter Oak.
Theodore Jochims and Laura Laumbach
Schleswig Leader - January 7, 1915 -
Miss Laura Laumbach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laumbach of near Mapleton and Mr. Theodore Jochims, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jochims of this place, were married Wednesday forenoon at nine o'clock in the home of the groom's parents. Rev. Wetzeler of the Schleswig Friedens church officiated. The bride and groom were attended by Peter Laumbach and Miss Alwine Jochims. The young couple will go to housekeeping on a farm near Lake Park, Ia.
The bride is well known in Schleswig where she is respected and has scores of friends. She was born in the vicinity north of town where she lived until young womanhood with her parents. They recently moved to a farm near Mapleton. The groom is a popular young man of good character and ability. He was born in Otter Creek township and is an industrious worker. Their many friends, among whom The Leader wishes to be observed, wishes them success and happiness in their new endeavor.
Bernhardt Evers and Freda Schroeder
Schleswig Leader - October 7, 1915 - Denison
Bernhardt Evers, a prominent young business man of Schleswig, was married yesterday at 3:30 p.m. at Denison to Miss Freda Schroeder, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schroeder of that city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Frese of the German church. The wedding march was played by the Misses Hattie and Selma Bendixen of Schleswig. A wedding supper was served after the ceremony. A number from here attended the wedding. The groom has lived here many years and is an exemplary young man. The bride formerly lived near Schleswig and has many friends. After a wedding trip they will be at home in Schleswig in the Brockmann residence. The young couple are wished success by their many friends.
Alfred Bockhaus and Louise Paulsen
Schleswig Leader - September 10, 1914 - Schleswig
Mr. Alfred E. Bockhaus and Miss Louise E. Paulsen were married at Friedens church last Thursday afternoon, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Wetzeler. The bride and groom were attended by Henry Bockhaus and Leona Paulsen. After March 1st next they will be at home on the farm of Otto Bockhaus, father of the groom.
A. C. Hansen and Hattie Sinjen
Schleswig Leader - April 8, 1915 - Denison
Miss Hattie Sinjen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Sinjen, and A. C. Hansen, a prominent young Schleswig man were married on Wednesday of last week at Denison in the German Lutheran parsonage by Rev. Hesse. The young couple are well known and are popular with everyone. They have gone to housekeeping in Schleswig and are wished success by their many friends.
Fred Freeman and Elsie Jones
Schleswig Leader - April 8, 1915 - Correctionville
Fred C. Freeman, editor of The Leader was united in marriage on Easter morning at 9 o'clock in Correctionville to Miss Elsie M. Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jones. The ceremony took place in the bride's home and was performed by Rev. Campbell. Only immediate relatives were present. A two course wedding breakfast followed the ceremony after which the young couple left their birthplace for Sioux City arriving home in Schleswig on Tuesday.
Carl Johannsen and Hulda Mueller
Schleswig Leader - July 8, 1915
Miss Hulda Mueller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jacobsen, was united in marriage to Carl Johannsen at four o'clock p.m. Tuesday, in the home of her parents. The young couple were attended by her sister, Miss Dora, and his brother, Paul Johannsen. Rev. Wetzeler performed the ceremony in the presence of relatives and friends. A wedding supper was served following the ceremony. Both young people are well known around Schleswig where they are respected. They will reside on a farm near Denison. Their many friends wish them success and happiness.
Out of town guests who attended the wedding were: John D. Olsen and daughter Malinda, and Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Todsen and children of Wall Lake; Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Jensen of Sac City; Mr. and Mrs. Matt Jacobsen and Emma Loge, of Ida Grove; Chris Petersen of Lyons, Ia., and Roy Ollsen of Wall Lake.
John Dethmann and Bertha Groneberg
Schleswig Leader - December 9, 1915
Miss Bertha Groneberg of near Holstein, a sister of Ernest Groneberg of this place, was united in marriage yesterday to Mr. John Dethmann. Ernest Groneberg and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jahde of this place attended the wedding ceremony. The bride is well known here where she formerly resided and had many friends.
Albert Ernst and Marie Schwenk
Schleswig Leader - February 11, 1915 - Grant Twp., Ida County
Miss Marie H. Schwenk, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Schwenk, and Albert Ernst, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ernst, were married Sunday at 3 p. m. in the Grant township church, Rev. Schwenk, officiated. The couple were attended by Misses Martha Schwenk and Hertha Ernst, and Messrs Walter Schug, and Theo Ernst. Both are excellent young people and are popular. They will live on the groom's father's farm 10 miles northwest of here. The Leader joins in wishing them success.
Anton Stockfleth and Bertha Stier
Schleswig Leader - June 11, 1914 - Charter Oak
Anton Stockfleth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stockfleth, and Miss Bertha Stier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stier, were married on May 27th at Charter Oak, Rev. A. Amstein officiating.
Louie Frahm and Emma Maltmann
Schleswig Leader - June 11, 1914 - Sioux City
Mr. Louie Frahm and Miss Emma Maltmann, both of Schleswig, were quietly married one day last week at Sioux City. This was a surprise to their many friends here and The Leader joins in wishing the young couple a happy and prosperous wedded life.
John Bendixen and Emma Ernst
Schleswig Leader - June 11, 1914 - Schleswig
Bendixen-Ernst Wedding
Wednesday afternoon, June 10, 1914, at promptly 4 o'clock, at the Friedens church in Schleswig, Iowa, occurred the marriage of Mr. John F. Bendixen and Miss Emma M. Ernst, both of this city, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler. The witnesses were Louie Ernst and Julius Friederichsen, Hattie Bendixen and Ella Ernst. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple returned to the pleasant home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ernst, where a bountiful wedding supper was served.
Mr. Bendixen is a son of Mrs. Agnes Bendixen and has been engaged in the furniture business here for several years and is a man of excellent habits and sterling worth and we are proud of him as a citizen.
Miss Ernst is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ernst and is a well accomplished young lady and needs no special words of praise. She has been engaged as clerk for some time in the C. Gottburg & Co. store and is a favorite of all who know her. She has been organist in the Friedens church ever since it was built, which is nearly eleven years ago.
The newly wedded couple were the recipients of many valuable presents.
They departed this afternoon on their wedding tour and were greeted at the depot by the usual amount of rice. They will visit in Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado and other western states before returning to Schleswig. We all join in wishing them a happy and prosperous married life and hope their troubles will only be little ones.
Henry Riessen and Dora Hollander
Schleswig Leader - February 12, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Wednesday forenoon, Feb. 11, there were united in marriage by Rev. H. Schwenk at the Grant township Lutheran church Mr. Henry Riessen and Miss Dora Hollander, both of near Schleswig. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left on a honeymoon trip to Sioux City and other points west. After March 1st they will be at home on Mr. Riessen's farm, three miles southeast of Schleswig.
Ernest Rehmke and Mary Rossow
Schleswig Leader - February 12, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
At the Grant township Lutheran church, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. H. Schwenk solemnized the marriage of Mr. Ernest Rehmke and Miss Mary Rossow, the witnesses being Albert Reimer and Wm. Rossow and the Misses Alma Rehmke and Louise Rossow. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the Bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rossow, five miles north of Schleswig. After March 1st Mr. and Mrs. Rehmke will be at home on their farm, ten miles northwest of Battle Creek.
Herman Mildenstein and Anna Trinkelbach
Schleswig Leader - February 12, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
On Wednesday of last week there was a double wedding at the Grant township Lutheran church, Rev. R. Schwenk officiating. The contracting parties were Mr. Herman Mildenstein and Miss Anna Trinkelbach and Mr. John Cohrt and Miss Dora Trinkelbach. The witnesses of the first named couple were Henry Mildenstein, brother of the groom, Miss Alma Trinklebach, sister of the bride. The attendents of the other couple were Robert Hesse and Miss Emma Cohrt, sister of the groom. The brides are sisters and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Trinklebach, living two and a half miles northwest of Schleswig, and are well known hereabouts. Both couple will make their homes on the farm this spring.
John Cohrt and Dora Trinkelbach
Schleswig Leader - February 12, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
On Wednesday of last week there was a double wedding at the Grant township Lutheran church, Rev. R. Schwenk officiating. The contracting parties were Mr. Herman Mildenstein and Miss Anna Trinkelbach and Mr. John Cohrt and Miss Dora Trinkelbach. The witnesses of the first named couple were Henry Mildenstein, brother of the groom, Miss Alma Trinklebach, sister of the bride. The attendents of the other couple were Robert Hesse and Miss Emma Cohrt, sister of the groom. The brides are sisters and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Trinklebach, living two and a half miles northwest of Schleswig, and are well known hereabouts. Both couple will make their homes on the farm this spring.
Orville Hilton and Lillie Pahl
Schleswig Leader - November 11, 1915
Miss Lillie Pahl of Denison who formerly taught school in Hanover township was married last week to Orville Hilton of Vail. The bride has many friends in Schleswig and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Pahl of Denison.
Julius Friedrichsen and Suella Schmidt
Schleswig Leader - March 11, 1915
Julius Friedrichsen and Miss Suella Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Schmidt, will be married this afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Wetzeler will perform the ceremony. This popular young couple will reside on the the groom's father's farm in Ida county. The Leader joins in wishing them success.
Harry Miller and Anna Abbe
Schleswig Leader - March 13, 1913
Last week Wednesday occured the wedding of Miss Anna Abbe of Ida county to Mr. Harry Miller of Morgan township. At two o'clock the young couple left for Ida county church where Rev. Schwenk , the pastor, performed the ceremony. After the ceremony the happy couple returned to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Abbe, where a large crowd of friends and relatives gathered to celebrate the happy event. The time was spent in dancing, card playing and other amusements.
Rudolph Jensen and Ella Johannsen
Schleswig Leader - February 13, 1913 - Denison
Rudolph C. Jensen and Miss Ella L. Johannsen were married today at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Johannsen, in Denison, Rev. Frese of the Luthern officiating. The wedding was a happy home affair in which a number of friends and relatives of the contracting party participated. All join in wishing the couple much joy and prosperity. - Denison Bulletin.
Edw. Krohnke and Amanda Hinkle
Schleswig Leader - August 13, 1914 - Denison
Edw. Krohnke and Miss Amanda Hinkle were married yesterday in Denison. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Frese, pastor of the Lutheran church, and took place at the parsonage. The young couple then left on a wedding trip which will include among other places, stops at Larchwood, Ia., and Ipswich, S. D. Later they will be at home on the old home farm of the groom's father, Claus Krohnke.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Krohnke, and has been a citizen of Schleswig practically since the town was founded.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Hinkle of Berne, and has lived there there for a number of years. The young couple have many friends who extend congratulations and best wishes for a happy wedded life.
Albert Reimers and Alma Rehmke
Schleswig Leader - March 12, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
On Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Grant township church occurred the marriage of Mr. Albert Reimers and Miss Alma Rehmke, Rev. H. Schwenke officiating. The witnesses were: Messrs. William and Herman Reimers and Misses Theresa Rehmke and Minnie Reimers.
A large number of relative and friends were present at the church to see the twain made one, who immediately after the ceremony repaired to the home of the bride where a bounteous wedding spread awaited them and where feasting and merry making were indulged in till the wee small hours of the morning.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Thos. Rehmke, living north of town in Grant township, while the groom is a son of Mrs. John Reimers, east of town, whose farm the happy couple will occupy in the future, Mrs. Reimers coming to Schleswig to live.
The Leader joins their many friends in extending congratulations and wishes them continued wedding bliss.
Fred C. Freemann and Elsie M. Jones
Schleswig Leader - April 15, 1915
Anthon Herald: At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jones, Easter Sunday, April 4th, Miss Elsie M. Jones and Fred C. Freemann were united in marriage, Rev. J. A. Campbell of the United Evangelical church officiating. Only the immediate friends and relatives were present.
Miss Jones is a Correctionville girl having been born and reared to womanhood there. She has the sweet disposition and energy which is sure to make a happy and successful home.
Fred, or more commonly known as "Piny" is also a Correctionville product and although he has engaged in business at different places, he has been located in his home town most of his life. His father D. K. Freemann and Wm. Chapman started the Correctionville paper many years ago. It has changed hands a number of times and Fred purchased half interest in it two years ago but sold his share last autumn and now owns and edits the Schleswig Leader. He is a boy of rare newspaper ability, capable printer, and is sure to win renown and success. As a ball player, he has taken the laurels from many a professional pitcher. The Herald wishes the happy couple all the joy and good fortune which may attend a long wedded life.
Herman Claussen and Margarete D. Rusch
Schleswig Leader - August 14, 1913
Yesterday forenoon at ten o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Margarete D. Rusch to Mr. Herman Claussen, Rev. Wetzeler officiating. They were attended by Meta and John Rusch. The happy couple departed the same day for Bloomfield, Nebr., where they will visit relatives. The Leader joins in congratulating the newly-weds.
Louie C. Zobel and Anna M. Schwenk
Schleswig Leader - August 14, 1913 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Yesterday afternoon at three o'clock at the church in Grant township, Ida county, occurred the marriage of Anna M. Schwenk, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. H. Schwenk, to Louie C. Zobel. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father.
Immediately after the services at the church, the wedding guests were invited to the home of the bride's parents where a bountiful repast awaited them. The social event of this occasion lasted well into the night, the guests all having an excellent time.
Both these young people are well and favorably known in their community, the groom being the German teacher in the school in his township.
The Leader joins the host of friends in extending congratulations.
Friedrick Linke and Minnie K. Aldag
Schleswig Leader - January 16, 1913 - Schleswig
A Happy Wedding
A happy wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents yesterday afternoon when Miss Minnie K. Aldag and Mr. Friedrick Linke were united in marriage . Rev. H. Schwenk officiated.
After the ceremony a bountiful wedding feast was served to the large number of relatives and friends who were present, and the evening was spent in dancing and various other forms of amusement.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aldag who reside four miles northeast of here. She is a charming young lady of many accomplishments, and her sweet disposition and winning ways have won for her a host of friends who are numbered by her acquaintances. She was born and raised in this county and has a wide acquaintance.
The groom is an industrious young man, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Linke who reside six and one-half miles east of here. He came to this county about nine year ago and by hard work and saving has prospered. He is a man of excellent habits and is to be congratulated upon winning for a life mate Miss Aldag.
For the present the young people will make their home with the brides parents. The first of March they will go to housekeeping on the F. D. Reinking farm two and one-half miles southeast of here, which place the groom has rented. The Leader joins the many friends in wishing this popular young couple the best there is in life with the usual allotment of happiness and prosperity.
Herbert Riggs and Henrietta Frahm
Schleswig Leader - December 16, 1915 - Omaha, Nebr.
Word was received last week that Miss Henrietta Frahm of this place was married just recently in Omaha Nebr., to Mr. Herbert Riggs of Wayne, Nebr. The young couple left for Denver, Colo., to make their future home where he has a position. Mr. Riggs was formerly employed here in the Pipgras & Mahlstedt meat market. He made many friends while in Schleswig. His bride has lived here for some time and has a host of friends who sincerely wish them success and happiness during their wedded life.
Henry Jessen and Bertha Bendixen
Schleswig Leader - October 15, 1914
A wedding of great interest to Schleswig people was solemnized at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. Miss Bertha Bendixen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bendixen and one of Schleswig's most popular young ladies was united in marriage to Henry Jessen of Whittier, Cal. Rev. Wetzeler of Friedens church officiating.
The young couple were attended by the bride's sister, Miss Martha Bendixen and Alex Lehfeldt. A sumptuous wedding dinner was served at noon. The couple left immediately on a wedding trip to Long Beach, Cal., and will be at home after Nov 1st at Whittier, Cal., where the groom has a lemon plantation. Miss Bertha Bendixen was born and reared here and her many friends join with The Leader in wishing them success and happiness in their new endeavor.
Wm. Grell and Ella A. Aldag
Schleswig Leader - July 17, 1913 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Yesterday afternoon at four o'clock at the church in Grant township occured the marriage of Miss Ella A. Aldag , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aldag, to Mr. Wm. Grell. Rev. Schwenk officiated. After the ceremony the visitors gathered at the home of the bride's parents where a bountiful wedding dinner awaited them. Both these young people are well and favorably known to most of our people who will join with us in wishing them a happy and prosperous life.
Julius R. Iwen and Minnie J. M. Stender
Schleswig Leader - September 17, 1914 - Schleswig
Julius R. Iwen and Miss Minnie J. M. Stender were united in marriage yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The wedding took place at the farm home of Willie Miller, 3 miles north west of Schleswig, Rev. Wetzeler performed the ceremony.
Attendants of the bridal couple were Willie Stender, Edna Ernst, Bahne Iwen and Miss Hattie Kai of Manning. A number of relatives of the couple were present. After the ceremony all present enjoyed a splendid wedding dinner. The young couple will live at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Stender, untill next spring when they will go to a farm near Ricketts. Friends of the young couple wish them happiness and prosperity.
Peter Munster and Martha Baak
Schleswig Leader - June 17, 1915 - Ricketts
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hollander returned last week from Ricketts, at which place they attended the marriage of her cousin, Miss Martha Baak, to Peter Munster.
Henry Jensen and Frieda Naeve
Schleswig Leader - September 18, 1913 - Denison
On Tuesday, September 9th, at Denison, occurred the marriage of Frieda Naeve to Henry Jensen. Both people are well known here and rather sprung a surprise on their friends.
Henry Marth and Malinda Friedrichsen
Schleswig Leader - March 19, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
At the Lutheran parsonage in Grant township there were united in marriage by Rev. H. Schwenk on Tuesday afternoon, March 17, Mr. Henry Marth and Miss Malinda Friedrichsen, the attendants being Albert Marth, brother of the groom, and Miss Frieda Friedrichsen, sister of the bride.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Friedrichsen, living northeast of Schleswig, and is a very estimable young lady, while the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Marth, living a few miles north of Schleswig.
The young couple will occupy Mr. Marth's farm
The Leader extends congratulations and bids them godspeed.
W. C. Carnes and Olga Schroeder
Schleswig Leader - March 20, 1913 - Schleswig
On Wednesday, March 19, 1913, at 11 a. m., at the German Luthern church in Schleswig, occurred the wedding of Mr. W. C. Carnes to Miss Olga Schroeder, Rev. Wetzeler officiating, the witnesses being E. and Frieda Schroeder, brother and sister of the bride.
Thus were united two of Schleswig's most estimable young people. The bride is the beautiful daughter of Mr. Jurgen Schroeder and is known for her many charming qualities of heart and hand and is well qualified to make a fitting helpmate to the young man of her choice. She has practically grown to womanhood right here in Schleswig and is accounted one of the city's finest and handsomest young ladies.
The groom is Schleswig's efficient station agent, which position he has held for the past year. He is regarded as very painstaking and accurate employee by the company for which he works, as well as by the many patrons that he daily serves here. These qualities usually spell rapid advancement and are sure to land Mr. Carnes on the topmost rung of the ladder of railroad success.
Immediately after the wedding ceremony the happy couple left on the noon train on a two week honeymoon trip to Chicago. At the station they were showered with a veritable deluge of rice and well wishes.
The Leader joins their many friends in hearty congratulations, and wishes them a wedded life of unalloyed happiness and prosperity.
Herman Rathje and Dorothea Nissen
Schleswig Leader - March 20, 1913 - Schleswig
At the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jochim Rathje, of this city, there were united in marriage on Tuesday, March 18, 1913, Mr. Herman Rathje and Miss Dorothea Auguste Nissen, Rev. Wetzeler officiating.
Mr. Rathje just recently returned from a visit to Germany and brought Miss Nissen over with him, whose home is in Husum, Schleswig Holstein. The Leader joins in congratulations and wishes them a full measure of wedded bliss.
Peter Frank and Bertha Jahde
Schleswig Leader - May 20, 1915 - Ida Grove
Peter Frank and Mrs. Bertha Jahde of Ida Grove were united in marriage at that place Sunday Rev. W. R. Wetzeler officiating. The marriage was performed in the bride's home.
Jochim Hansen and Meta Evers
Schleswig Leader - August 21, 1913 - Schleswig
At Frieden's parsonage here Wednesday occured the marriage or Miss Meta Evers, of Denison, to Jochim Hansen, of Galva, Iowa. Rev. Wetzeler officiating. They were attended by Otto Evers and Minnie Martens. Immediately after the ceremony they left for a short visit at Denison, after which they will be at home to their many friends on the farm two miles north of Galva. The Leader joins friends in congratulations.
L. Thiede and Ella M. Hansen
Schleswig Leader - October 21, 1915 - Boyer
A wedding of great interest to Schleswig people was solemnized at Boyer last Thursday evening at eight o'clock when Miss Ella M. Hansen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hansen of that place was united in marriage to Mr. L. Thiede son of August Thiede of this place.
The ceremony took place in the home of the bride and was performed by Rev. Wm. Frese of Denison in the presence of relatives and friends. The charming bride in her gown of white silk net was attended by Misses Helma Lafrentz and Liddy Thiede of this place, who were attired in light blue messaline. Henry Stehr and Aug. J. Hansen acted as groomsman. The little flower girl wore a which lace dress and carried white carnations.
Miss Elsie Baker played the wedding march. A wedding supper followed the ceremony. The West Side band furnished music throughout the evening. Both young people are well known here and their many friends wish them success and happiness. They will reside on the August Thiede farm 3 miles northeast of Kiron.
John L. Hansen and Christine M. Iversen
Schleswig Leader - January 22, 1914 - Schleswig
Yesterday at 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, Jan. 21, at Friedens church in Schleswig, there were united in the bonds of holy wedlock John L. Hansen and Christine M. Iversen, both of Morgan township, Rev. W. R. Wetzeler tying the nuptial knot.
The bridal couple were attended by Juergen Iversen and Miss Annie Schwartz.
Thus were united two of this community's most estimable young people. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. C. Iversen of Omaha, but for a number of years has made her home with her uncle, Jurgen Iversen, in Morgan township. She is possessed of many fine virtues of heart and hand and will make a fitting helpmate to the man of her choice. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hansen of Schleswig and owns a fine farm in Morgan township, where he and his bride will reside in the future.
The happy couple took the afternoon train for Omaha, amidst a shower of rice and well wishes of their relatives and friends, where they will spend a brief honeymoon.
The Lead joins their many friends in extending congratulations and wishes them the fullest measure of joy and prosperity.
Chris P. Petersen and Julie Nielsen
Schleswig Leader - January 22, 1914 - Schleswig
Married, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nielsen in Schleswig, on Wednesday, Jan. 21, at 11 a. m., Mr. Chris P. Petersen, of Battle Creek, to Miss Julie Nielsen of Schleswig, Rev. Wetzeler officiating. The attendants were Mr. Hans Petersen and Miss Anna Nielsen.
Immediately after the ceremony the bridal couple left for a three weeks' honeymoon trip to Jones county, Iowa, and Rock Island, Ill., where they have relatives. Upon their return they will move onto a farm in Soldier township. The Leader congratulates and wishes them unalloyed happiness in their wedded life.
Roy Boettger and Anna Boehm
Schleswig Leader - January 22, 1914 - Ricketts
On Wednesday of last week, Jan. 14, occurred the marriage of Mr. Roy Boettger, of Denison, to Miss Anna Boehm, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Boehm, living three miles north of Ricketts in Soldier township. The Leader extends congratulations and wishes them much happiness and prosperity.
Carl Hamann and Jessie Teague
Schleswig Leader - April 24, 1913 - Denison
On last Saturday at Denison occurred the marriage of Carl Hamann of this place to Miss Jessie Teague of Crofton, Nebraska. The happy couple will make their home in the rooms back of the postoffice. All of the many friends join in showering congratulations.
Wilson Jones and Emma Kalb
Schleswig Leader - September 23, 1915 - Minnesota
Denison Bulletin: The many Crawford county friends of Miss Emma Kalb will be pleased to learn that she is to be married this afternoon at Owatonna, Minn., to Mr. Wilson Jones, county superintendent of schools of Ida county.
The wedding takes place at the home of Miss Kalb's brother, A. H. Kalb, of Owatonna. It is to be a simple affair, to which the relatives have been invited. None from Denison are in attendance, however. After a few days the happy couple will be at home in Ida Grove.
The wedding has been expected for some time, so is no great surprise. Miss Kalb is very well known in Denison and Crawford county, having taught school in the county since 1879, and for many years in the city of Denison, and she was one of the most efficient teachers the Denison schools have had. She resigned her post here last year.
Mr. Jones is known to many people of this vicinity, being the father of Dr. Jones, of Schleswig. The contracting parties have the congratulations and good wishes of hosts of friends.
Hans Jurgens and Emma Hausmann
Schleswig Leader - January 23, 1913 - Schleswig
Hans Jurgens and Emma Hausmann were united in marriage last Friday by Rev. Wetzeler. The ceremony took place at the groom's home six miles from here. A host of friends join the Leader in extending congratulations.
Arnold Jahde and Ella Rusch
Schleswig Leader - April 24, 1913 - Schleswig
At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Rusch, on Wednesday of this week, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Ella, to Mr. Arnold Jahde, formerly of this place, but now of Kansas City. The wedding was a quiet affair, just a few relatives being present. Rev. Wetzeler performed the ceremony. Both of these young people are well known by our readers and have the best wishes of a host of friends for a happy and prosperous life.
They left today for Davenport where they will visit for a few days, and then go to Kansas City, where the groom will again take up his school work in the care and repair of automobiles.
Herman Carstens and Anna M. Woock
Schleswig Leader - December 24, 1914 - Denison
Miss Anna Woock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woock of this place, was married Thursday at Denison at 2 o'clock p. m. to Mr. Herman Carstens, also of this place. The ceremony was performed by a Crawford county justice and the young couple were attended by the bride's sister, Miss Martha Woock, and Mr. H. Bliesman.
The bride is a popular young lady with a pleasing personality. The groom is industrious and well liked.
Carl Schiernbeck and Clara Hill
Schleswig Leader - July 24, 1913 - Schleswig
At the German Friedens church yesterday at 11 o'clock a. m. occurred the marriage of Miss Clara Hill to Mr. Carl Schiernbeck. Rev. Wetzeler officiating. They were attended by George Hill and and Magdaline Schiernbeck. They have rented rooms in the old hotel building where they will go to housekeeping at once. The Leader joins in congratulations.
Levi J. Carr and Lena Engelking
Schleswig Leader - February 25, 1915 - Schleswig
Miss Lena Engelking, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Engelking of this place, and Mr. Levi J. Carr of Austin, Minnesota, were married Saturday evening in the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Wetzeler of the Friedens church officiated. The wedding was a quiet affair only immediate relatives being present.
The young couple will go to housekeeping on the bride's father's farm located in Ida county on the Soldier Creek seven miles from Schleswig. The groom has been employed in this vicinity for the past year and is known as a hard worker. The bride is a popular young woman and has lived here many years. The Leader joins their legion of friends in wishing them success in their new home.
John Schwartz and Helen D. Wohlert
Schleswig Leader - February 25, 1915 - Schleswig
Miss Helen D. Wohlert, daughter of Mrs. Fred Meyer, and John Schwartz, were married Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Friedens church, Rev. Wetzeler, officiating. The young couple were attended by Chris Wohlert and Miss Amelia Schwartz. The couple will go to housekeeping on the farm which will be vacated by the groom's father who will move to Schleswig. This young couple are wished success and happiness.
Chas. Wakehouse and Edna Miller
Schleswig Leader - March 25, 1915 - Morgan Twp.
Miss Edna Miller, daughter of Mrs. Dorthea Miller of Morgan township, was married to Chas. Wakehouse of Pisgah on Sunday at noon in the former's home. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler of Friedens church. The young couple were attended by Miss Hilda Miller and George Miller. The event was fittingly observed by a celebration in the Miller home Sunday afternoon. The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them success and happiness.
C. C. Iversen and Esther Blume
Schleswig Leader - March 25, 1915 - Kiron
Mr. and Mrs. George Iversen went to Kiron yesterday and attended the wedding of Esther Blume of Kiron to C. C. Iversen of Alta. The groom is a brother of Geo. and H. H. Iversen of this place.
Martin Knudsen and Gretha Petersen
Schleswig Leader - February 26, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Wednesday, February 18, at 2 p. m. at the Lutheran church in Grant township occurred the marriage of Mr. Martin Knudsen and Miss Gretha Petersen, Rev. H. Schwenk officiating.
The groom is the oldest son of Mr. Math. Knudsen of Grant township and the bride is the only daughter of Mr. Thomas Petersen of near Battle Creek. They were attended by the Messrs. Fred Knudsen and Henry Petersen and by the Misses Dora Nielsen and Caroline Knudsen. After March 1st the young couple will go to house keeping on Mr. Knudsen's farm in Soldier township.
Hans H. Iversen and Laura M. Hollander
Schleswig Leader - March 26, 1914 - Schleswig
On Wednesday afternoon, March 25, at 3:30 o'clock; at the Emmanuel Lutheran church in Schleswig, Rv. H. Schwenk pronounced the words that made husband and wife Mr. Hans H. Iversen and Miss Laura M. Hollander.
This was the first marriage solemnized in the new church, and the ceremony was witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The young couple, attended by Mr. Bernhard Hollander and Miss Caroline Holland, marched into the church under the strains of Mendelsohn's Wedding March, played by Miss Loretta Schmidt, and took their seats before the altar, where, after a short discourse by the minister, they exchanged their marriage vows and were proclaimed husband and wife.
After the ceremony a large number of invited guests were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hollander in celebration of the happy event.
The groom is the junior member of the firm of Iversen Bros., which is doing a flourishing plumbing business in Schleswig, and is a diligent and experience mechanic. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hollander and is a young lady of sterling character and worth.
The Leader joins their many friends in extending congratulations and wishes them a wedded life of unalloyed happiness and prosperity.
The out-of-town guests who attended the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Christ Iversen, Mrs. Carl Haggemann, and the Misses Caroline, Lottie and Emma Haggemann and Miss Anne Iversen, all of Charter Oak; Miss Alma Klotz of Holstein, Miss Esther Blume of Kiron, Charley Iversen of Marcus, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. John Dorfler and Willie and Lizzie Dorfler of Ricketts, and Miss Hattie Stegemann of Holstein.
Julius H. Petersen and Amanda Hollander
Schleswig Leader - August 27, 1914
The comfortable farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Ingwert Hollander was the scene of a brilliant wedding yesterday, when their only daughter, Amanda Margaretha, became the bride of Julius H. Petersen.
Promptly at 4 p. m., the bridal couple entered to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Sophia Brodersen of Battle Creek, a cousin of the bride. The south bay window had been decorated with a pink and white arch and wedding bell, and beneath this the couple heard the words that made them man and wife, the Rev. Wetzeler performing the ceremony. Miss Rosa Lafrentz of Lloyd, Montana, attended the bride, and John Hollander, a brother of the bride was best man. Ethel Marie Hollander was the ring bearer.
The bride was attired in a gown of imported French hand-made voile, the groom wearing the conventional black. After the ceremony the guests partook of a bounteous wedding supper, the tables being in charge of the following young women: Misses Margaret Clark, of Denison; Alanda Chamberlain, of Denison; Malinda Oldsen, of Wall Lake; Marie Petersen, of Boone; Hulda Miller, Agnes Hahn, and Anna Schultz, neighbors of the bride. Following the supper the guests repaired to a pavilion specially constructed for the occasion and danced till a late hour.
The bride is a charming young woman who has been reared in this vicinity. The groom, since he has been in business in Schleswig has won the respect of all who know him, by his industry and integrity. He will dispose of his meat market as soon as possible, after which the couple will be at home home on a farm located four and a half miles east of Schleswig. A host of friends extend their heartened felicitations to the happy couple.
The list of guests from out of town included: Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Miller, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Moeller, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Witt of Denison; Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Tadsen and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oldsen, of Wall Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jensen of Sac City; Mr. and Mr. Fred Brodersen and daughter Hertha and Amanda, of Battle Creek; Misses Marie and Anna Petersen of Boone; Herman Werben, of Holstein; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chamberlain and daughter Alanda and Aurora of Dunlap; Asmus Holland and wife, of Osmond, Nebr., Mrs. Ingeborg Sonnicksen, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bielenberg, of Ida Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Naeve of Bronson.
Max Hollander and Emma Schroeder
Schleswig Leader - August 27, 1914 - Denison
Max Hollander and Miss Emma Schroeder were married in Denison Tuesday, Aug. 25. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schroeder, at 11:30 a. m., and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. Freese.
Miss Elma Schroeder and Theodore Hollander accompanied the bridal couple as bridesmaid and groomsman respectively. Only the closer relatives of the couple witnessed the ceremony. After congfatulations all present sat down to a splendid wedding dinner. The young couple expect to leave on a wedding trip which will include stops in Des Moines and other points. Upon their return they will be at home of the farm of the groom's father, Thos. P. Hollander, six miles north east of Schleswig.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. P. Hollander, who are among the most substantial citizens in this vicinity. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schroeder, who formerly lived near her but are now making their home in Denison. Both the bride and groom have a host of friends who join in extending best wishes and heartiest congratulations.
Harry Seehusen and Frieda Lonn
Schleswig Leader - August 27, 1914 - Battle Creek
Harry Seehusen of this place and Miss Frieda Lonn of Battle Creek were married Tuesday at the home of the bride's parents. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present. The young couple will live on a farm near Battle Creek. The best wishes of their many friends are extended.
Karl Friedrichsen and Ella Brockman
Schleswig Leader - February 27, 1913 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Karl Friedrichsen, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Friedrichsen of Otter Creek township, and Miss Ella Brockman, daughter of Mrs. Brockman of Hayes township, Ida county, were united in marriage this afternoon at two o'clock at the home of the bride's mother. John Friedrichsen and Miss Josie acted as witnesses and Rev. W. R. Wetzeler officiated.
Only the near relatives of the two families and a few intimate friends were present. After the ceremony the wedding party sat down to a bountiful wedding dinner and afterwards resource was taken to all kinds of entertainment and the wee small hours of the morning had come before the last guests started for home. Mr. and Mrs. Friedrichsen will occupy a farm in Morgan township which the father of the groom purchased last fall. May these young people ever prosper.
Ben Witt and Luella Koontz
Schleswig Leader - November 27, 1913 - Fremont, Nebr.
Thanksgiving Wedding
On Thanksgiving Day at Fremont, Nebraska, occurred the marriage of Miss Luella Koontz to Mr. Ben Witt.
Both bride and groom are well known here, the bride having taught the Lafrantz school east of town for the past three years. The groom is a prosperous farmer now residing on his father's farm south of town where the couple will make their home.
The Leader joins in extending congratulations.
Albert W. Riessen and Rosa Ehler
Schleswig Leader - February 27, 1913
Albert W. Riessen and Miss Rosa Carolina Ehler were united in marriage on Wednesday of this week at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Ehler. A large number of friends and relatives were present to witness the ceremony, after which a bountiful wedding dinner was served. Both young people are well and favorably known to most of our readers, the groom being a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Riessen of this place. The Leader joins the host of friends in showering congratulations.
Wm. More and Emma Peters
Schleswig Leader - February 27, 1913 - Denison
Wm. More and Emma Peters were married at Denison Wednesday. They will make there home on a farm three miles south of here where they have the best wishes of a host of friends.
Jurgen Iversen and Anna Schwartz
Schleswig Leader - January 28, 1915 - Schleswig
Miss Anna Schwartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz, prominent Morgan township residents, and Mr. Jurgen Iversen also of Morgan township, were married in Schleswig yesterday by Rev. Wetzeler in his home. The young couple were attended by Miss Emilie Schwartz and Matt Iversen. The bride and groom left after the ceremony on a wedding trip to Omaha. They will reside on the groom's farm in Morgan township. The Leader joins the many friends of this popular young couple in wishing them happiness.
Harold Reincke and Christina Volkmann
Schleswig Leader - January 28, 1915
A very pretty wedding was solemnized last Wednesday at 3 p. m., when Miss Christina Volkmann daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Volkmann became the bride of Harold H. T. Reincke. The ceremony which was performed by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler took place in the bride's home. The young couple were attended by Misses Anna Volkmann, Laura Reincke and Messrs. Moritz Reincke and John F. Boll. An elegant wedding dinner was served after the ceremony.
Both young people are well known and respected here and their many friends join with The Leader in wishing them much happiness through their wedded life. After March 1st they will reside on a farm near Danbury.
John C. Rabe and Emma S. Grell
Schleswig Leader - April 30, 1914 - Hanover Twp.
John C. Rabe and Miss Emma S. Grell, of Ricketts, were united in marriage by Rev. Runge at the Hanover township Lutheran church on Wednesday, April 22. They will make their home in Schleswig and have already gone to housekeeping in the Henry Krohnke residence in the east part of town.
Louie C. Schmidt and Frieda Schurke
Schleswig Leader - January 29, 1914 - Denison
Last Wednesday, Jan. 21, occurred the marriage of Mr. Louie C. Schmidt of Goodrich township to Miss Frieda Schurke of Stockholm township, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Frese of the German Lutheran church in Denison. The witnesses were Robert Schmidt, brother of the groom, and John Schurke, brother of the bride; Miss Emma Schmidt, sister of groom, and Miss Ida Pithan, cousin of the bride.
The groom is the second oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt, living southeast of Schleswig, and the bride is the second oldest daughter of August Schurke of near Kiron.
Upon their return from an extended honeymoon trip to Clinton and other points in eastern Iowa the happy couple will make their home on one of Papa Schmidt' farms.
The Leader congratulates and joins their many friends in wishing them continued happiness.
Frank Carpenter and Dagmer Hansen (Schiernbeck)
Schleswig Leader - January 29, 1914 - Schleswig
On Tuesday forenoon, Jan. 27, at the parsonage in Schleswig, Rev. Wetzeler pronounced the words that made husband and wife Mr. Frank Carpenter and Miss Dagmer Hansen (Schiernbeck), both of this community. The witnesses were Mr. John Friedrichsen and Miss Bertha Bendixen. After the ceremony the bridal couple drove to Denison where they took the train for a honeymoon trip to Clinton, Ia.
Charlie F. Miller and Emma M. Tedren
Schleswig Leader - January 30, 1913 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Charlie F. Miller and Miss Emma M. Tedren were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon. The ceremony took place at the pleasant farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Miller of Grant Township, Ida County, Iowa, Rev. Wetzeler of this place officiating. A large number of friends and relatives were present to witness the happy event, and to wish the young couple and help them to celebrate the happy day. After the ceremony a bountiful wedding dinner was served and enjoyed by all. Many beautiful and useful wedding presents were received by the young couple.
Mr. Miller and his bride are well and favorable known in this community both having been born and brought up in this vicinity. They will move onto a farm in Grant township, Ida County, where they will be at home to there friends after March first. Mr. Miller is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Miller and is an industrious young man of many fine qualities. His bride is a daughter of Mr. Carl Tedsen and a young lady of many attainments.
Emil Maas and Clara Ehler
Schleswig Leader - December 30, 1915 - Schleswig
Yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Friedens church before a large audience of friends and relatives, Miss Clara Ehler, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ehler, was married to Mr. Emil Maas. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Wetzeler. The young couple were attended by Misses Edna Ehler and Maas, and by Eddie Ehler and Paul Maas. A wedding celebration was held on Wednesday in the home of the bride's parents.
The bride and groom are well known and respected in Schleswig where they have resided for several years. They will go to housekeeping on the bride's father's farm located one-half mile north of Schleswig. The Leader joins the many friends of the young couple in wishing them a full measure of happiness in their new endeavor.
Julius Evers and Theresa Lorenzen
Schleswig Leader - July 30, 1914 - Sioux City
Married in Sioux City, Wednesday, July 22, Julius Evers and Theresa Lorenzen. The ceremony was witnessed by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hannes Lorenzen. Immediately thereafter the couple left for a wedding trip through Minnesota and South Dakota. On their return they will be at home of the Hannes Lorenzen farm six miles northwest of town. Both bride and groom are estimable young people and have many friends who join in wishing them a happy voyage on the sea of life.
Adolph Nelson and Marie Bekkerud
Schleswig Leader - September 23, 1915 - Kiron
Adolph Nelson, the Kiron harness-man, was married last week to Miss Marie Bekkerud, of Newmans Grove, Neb.

Gustav Hollander and Henrietta Ebert
Schleswig Leader - September 25, 1913
At the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ebert on Wednesday, September 24, at four o'clock in the afternoon, occurred the marriage of their daughter Henrietta Emma Frieda, to Mr. Gustav Petersen Hollander, Rev. C. Runge, officiating.
The bridal couple were attended by Max Hollander, A. E. Schultz, Walter L. Weiss, Emma Schroeder, Caroline Hollander and Mary Ebert
The bride is well and favorably known to most of our readers, having spent her entire life in this county. Her charming manner and winning ways have won for her the admiration of all her acquaintances, who are unanimous in congratulating her upon the winning of such an admirable life mate.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. P. Hollander, and one of Schleswig's most enterprising business men, being proprietor of one of the garages here. His life has been spent in this county where he has admirers by the score. His friends extend congratulations to him in winning such an estimable lady to share his joys and sorrows through life's long journey.
They will go to housekeeping in the John Nicholsen residence which the groom recently purchased.
Gus Engelking and Hazel Williams
Schleswig Leader - January 1, 1914 - Schleswig
On Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1914, there were united in marriage at Friedens church in this city, Mr. Gus Engelking of Schleswig and Miss Hazel Williams, of Austin, Indiana, Rev. Wetzeler officiating. Mr. Engelking is a hustling young farmer, the son of Mr. Dick Engelking of this place, and he and his bride will make their home on his father's farm, north of town.
George Conyers and Lizzie Baak
Schleswig Leader - July 2, 1914 - Ricketts
M. A. Hollander and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baak were at Ricketts Sunday where they attended the wedding of Mrs. Hollanders' cousin, Miss Lizzie Baak to George Conyers, the marriage being solemnized by Rev. Wolfram of the Soldier township Lutheran church at the brides' parents home, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Baak of that place. Magnus Hollander was toastmaster at this happy event and it is said by those present that he outdid himself in his many gracious and voluble felicitations.
Julius Peters and Amanda Engelking
Schleswig Leader - July 2, 1914 - Schleswig
Saturday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock in the Friedens church of Schleswig the marriage service was read by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler for Miss Amanda Engelking and Mr. Julius Peters, both of this city. At the appointed time the couple, attended by Miss Elma Schroeder, cousin of the groom, and Mr. Alfred Engelking, brother of the bride, entered the church to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Mildred Wetseler, and took their places in the church where the service was performed.
Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party and guests were taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zabel, where seated at two large tables, they were served with a splendid wedding supper. The rooms and tables were neatly decorated with the bride's chosen colors, white and pink. After the wedding feast was concluded the evening was spent in dancing, card playing and conversation.
The bride was handsomely dressed in a gown of white crepe de chine, and home of her uncle, Theo. Rohwer, carried a shower bouquet of white and pink carnations. The groom wore a dark blue serge.
The bride is the second youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Engelking.
The groom is the second oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Peters. The bridal couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents from their relatives and friends. The Leader's hearty congratulations are hereby extended to the happy married twain for a successful union.
Bernhard Kahler and Leona Wieck
Schleswig Leader - January 2, 1913 - Schleswig
At the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Detlef Wieck, occurred the marriage of their daughter Leona to Mr. Bernhard Kahler. The young people are both well and favorable known to most of our readers who will join in wishing them a happy and prosperous life. They will go to housekeeping in Nebraska. The wedding occurred last Saturday, Rev. Wetzeler, officiating.
Chris Gierstorf and Lizzie Schwartz
Schleswig Leader - October 2, 1913 - Hanover Twp.
At 2:30 yesterday morning at the church in Hanover township, was solemnized the marriage of Lizzie Schwartz to Chris Gierstorf, Rev. C. Bunge officiating.
After the ceremony the wedding party went to the home of the bride's parents where a bountiful repast awaited them. Invited guests remained until the wee hours of the morn', all making merry and enjoying the event in accordance with the generous hospitality of the home.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz and is popular among all her acquaintances. The groom is a son of Mrs. Sophie Gierstorf of Morgan township, and is one of the prosperous farmers of that community, having had charge of the home farm since the death of his father four years ago.
They will go to housekeeping on the home farm of the groom where all wish them a happy and prosperous life.
Albert Naeve and Meta Rusch
Schleswig Leader - December 3, 1914 - Schleswig
One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Church of Friedens, when Miss Meta W. Rusch, charming daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Rusch became the bride of Albert Naeve of Bronson, Iowa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Naeve of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler in the presence of relatives and friends. Mrs. W. R. Wetzeler played the wedding march and the church choir rendered two selections. Miss Meta Naeve, sister, of the bridegroom, and Miss Margaret Kruse of Wylie, Minn., a friend of the bride, acted as bridesmaids, while Bernhard Naeve, brother of the groom and Herman Rusch, brother of the bride were the grooms attendants.
The bride looked handsome in her gown of white silk brocaded charmeuse and her long wedding veil. She carried a shower bouquet of pink and white carnations. The bridesmaids were attired in pink wool crepe dresses.
At the close of the ceremony a five o'clock dinner was served to the relatives and intimate friends in the Claus Rusch home. The home was beautifully decorated in the wedding colors of pink and white. Misses Anna Lohse, Ella Ernst, Alvena Kroeger, and Ruth Naeve assisted as waitresses.
At eight o'clock in the evening a reception was given in the new home of the brides sister, Mrs. John Claussen. The evening was spent in dancing. Music was furnished by Jensen Bros. The young couple received many beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Naeve left today for an extended wedding trip to Davenport, Clinton, Bryant, and Charlotte, Iowa, and will be at home after Jan. 1st, 1915 at Bronson, Iowa, where the groom has a farm. Both these young people are well known and respected having lived here since childhood and they many friends join with The Leader in wishing them prosperity in wedded life.
The out of town relatives present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Peters of Battle Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Naeve and daughter, Luella, of Bronson, Iowa, and Gus Clopping of Sioux City.
Harold Hendersen and Bernice Bonny
Schleswig Leader - December 3, 1914
Cards have been received here announcing the marriage of Miss Bernice Bonny of Buck Grove to Harold Hendersen of Kamrah, Ia., on November, 16. Miss Bernice Bonny who is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Bonny of Buck Grove is well known here having taught the second room in the public school. They will make their home at Kamrah. Her many friends wish them much happiness in their new endeavor.
A number of the scholars in Miss Bernice Bonny's room presented her with a beautiful hand painted cracker bowl for a wedding present.
A. L. Bloom and Emma Carlson
Schleswig Leader - March 6, 1913 - Kiron
Miss Emma Carlson and Mr. A. L. Bloom were united in marriage on Wednesday evening of last week at the home of the bride's mother near Kiron. The bride has a large acquaintance here, having taught music in and around here for some time. Her many friends hasten to extend congratulations.
Frank Rath and Sophie Boehem
Schleswig Leader - November 6, 1913 - Denison
On Wednesday afternoon at Denison occurred the marriage of Miss Sophie Boehem to Mr. Frank Rath, Rev. Freese of the German Lutheran church officiating.
The bride is a resident of Soldier township, where she is well and favorably known. The groom is a carpenter of Hanover township and is well known to most of our readers, having erected many buildings in his and adjoining townships.
The will go to housekeeper in rooms over the Petersen meat market, where the Leader joins their many friends in extending congratulations.
Albert Bielenberg and Freda Schmaedke
Schleswig Leader - March 4, 1915 - Hanover Twp.
Albert Bielenberg, son of Henry Bielenberg, was married Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Hanover township church, to Miss Freda Schmaedke, daughter of John Schmaedke. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Runger. The young couple were attended by Ida Schmaedke, Alvena Bielenberg, Herman Bielenberg, and Fred Schmaedke.
The bride wore a white silk dress trimmed with silk shadow lace and silver beads. The bride's maids word pink silk dresses with violet trimmings. The groom was dressed in blue serge and his attendants were dressed in dark blue. The popular couple left the first of the week for Chicago, Ill., and other points for a two weeks stay.
The popular young couple will reside near here on the groom's father's farm. Their many friends wish them success in the realm of matrimony.
Harry Lorenzen and Hulda Carstens
Schleswig Leader - December 2, 1915
On Friday November 16th, Mr. Harry Lorenzen, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Lorenzen, was united in marriage to Miss Hulda Carstens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Honas Carstens, at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler of the Friedens church. The young couple were attended by Miss Lillie Johannsen and Walter Schroeder. The event was celebrated by a large number of relatives on Sunday in the Honas Carstens home.
The groom is a well know and well thought of Schleswig young man. For some time he has been employed by the Green Bay Lumber Co. both at Schleswig and Ricketts. He is industrious and the kind that makes good. His bride is well known and well liked. Their many friends, among whom The Leader wishes to be observed, wishes them health, wealth, and prosperity in their new home at Ricketts where Mr. Lorenzen is now employed by the Green Bay Co.
Henry Paulsen and Dora Hanneman
Schleswig Leader - December 2, 1915 - Schleswig
Henry Peter Paulsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paulsen of this place and Miss Dora Amelia Hanneman, of this vicinity, were married Wednesday forenoon at 10 o'clock at the Emmanuel Lutheran church in Schleswig. Rev. W. H. Schwenk performed the ceremony which was witnessed by a party of relatives.
The couple were attended by Miss Vienna Bielenberg, Miss Lillie Paulsen, Mr. Emil Hanneman, and Mr. Louie Reimers. The bride was attired in white and carried a lovely bouquet of flowers. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served in the Aug. Paulsen home. The young couple then left on a wedding trip to Omaha, Nebr., after which they will return to Schleswig and go to housekeeping in the rooms vacated by Miss Bothilda Hansen over the Schroeder meat market building.
The groom is a hard working young man of good character and he intends to go into business in Schleswig. His bride is a daughter of Gustav Hanneman of Oklahoma and has made many friends because of her womanly qualities. The many friends of the young couple join The Leader in extending congratulations.
Rudolph Christensen and Caroline Hollander
Schleswig Leader - August 5, 1915 - Schleswig
Miss Caroline M. Hollander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hollander was united in marriage at three o'clock yesterday afternoon to Mr. Rudolph W. Christensen. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. H. Schwenk at the Ev. Emmanuel church before a large number of relatives and friends. The wedding was simple and very pretty. The bride was attired in white satin with an overdress of which chiffon. The long wedding veil was caught in place with white roses, of which she carried a bouquet.
The young couple were attended by the bride's cousin Miss Martha Stegemann, who was gowned in white silk crepe, and by Mr. William Christensen of Charter Oak a brother of the groom. Miss Loretta Schmidt played the wedding march. A delicious wedding supper was served in the bride's home.
The bride is one of Schleswig's most charming young ladies and has matured to womanhood in this vicinity. Her personality and congenial ways have won her legions of friends who like her for her kindness and womanly qualities.
The groom came to Schleswig from Charter Oak four years ago and engaged in the painting business. Being industrious and of good habits he achieved success at his trade and during his residence has made good at making friends which is the greatest thing in life's travel from the cradle to the grave. For four years "Poody" has been a star player of the Schleswig ball team and the greatest hit of his career was made yesterday. The young couple will go to housekeeping immediately in the residence vacated by M. A. Hollandeer and family. The young couple are wished success and happiness by their many friends among whom The Leader wishes to be observed.
Out of town guests who attended the wedding were; Mr. and Mrs. Hans Christensen and daughter, Hilda, of Charter Oak, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nielsen and daughter, Emma, Mrs. Wm. Rath and daughter Marie of Denison, Mrs. John Dirfler of Ricketts and Mrs. Knut Iversen of Charter Oak.
Theodore Jochims and Laura Laumbach
Schleswig Leader - January 7, 1915 -
Miss Laura Laumbach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laumbach of near Mapleton and Mr. Theodore Jochims, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jochims of this place, were married Wednesday forenoon at nine o'clock in the home of the groom's parents. Rev. Wetzeler of the Schleswig Friedens church officiated. The bride and groom were attended by Peter Laumbach and Miss Alwine Jochims. The young couple will go to housekeeping on a farm near Lake Park, Ia.
The bride is well known in Schleswig where she is respected and has scores of friends. She was born in the vicinity north of town where she lived until young womanhood with her parents. They recently moved to a farm near Mapleton. The groom is a popular young man of good character and ability. He was born in Otter Creek township and is an industrious worker. Their many friends, among whom The Leader wishes to be observed, wishes them success and happiness in their new endeavor.
Bernhardt Evers and Freda Schroeder
Schleswig Leader - October 7, 1915 - Denison
Bernhardt Evers, a prominent young business man of Schleswig, was married yesterday at 3:30 p.m. at Denison to Miss Freda Schroeder, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schroeder of that city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Frese of the German church. The wedding march was played by the Misses Hattie and Selma Bendixen of Schleswig. A wedding supper was served after the ceremony. A number from here attended the wedding. The groom has lived here many years and is an exemplary young man. The bride formerly lived near Schleswig and has many friends. After a wedding trip they will be at home in Schleswig in the Brockmann residence. The young couple are wished success by their many friends.
Alfred Bockhaus and Louise Paulsen
Schleswig Leader - September 10, 1914 - Schleswig
Mr. Alfred E. Bockhaus and Miss Louise E. Paulsen were married at Friedens church last Thursday afternoon, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Wetzeler. The bride and groom were attended by Henry Bockhaus and Leona Paulsen. After March 1st next they will be at home on the farm of Otto Bockhaus, father of the groom.
A. C. Hansen and Hattie Sinjen
Schleswig Leader - April 8, 1915 - Denison
Miss Hattie Sinjen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Sinjen, and A. C. Hansen, a prominent young Schleswig man were married on Wednesday of last week at Denison in the German Lutheran parsonage by Rev. Hesse. The young couple are well known and are popular with everyone. They have gone to housekeeping in Schleswig and are wished success by their many friends.
Fred Freeman and Elsie Jones
Schleswig Leader - April 8, 1915 - Correctionville
Fred C. Freeman, editor of The Leader was united in marriage on Easter morning at 9 o'clock in Correctionville to Miss Elsie M. Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jones. The ceremony took place in the bride's home and was performed by Rev. Campbell. Only immediate relatives were present. A two course wedding breakfast followed the ceremony after which the young couple left their birthplace for Sioux City arriving home in Schleswig on Tuesday.
Carl Johannsen and Hulda Mueller
Schleswig Leader - July 8, 1915
Miss Hulda Mueller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jacobsen, was united in marriage to Carl Johannsen at four o'clock p.m. Tuesday, in the home of her parents. The young couple were attended by her sister, Miss Dora, and his brother, Paul Johannsen. Rev. Wetzeler performed the ceremony in the presence of relatives and friends. A wedding supper was served following the ceremony. Both young people are well known around Schleswig where they are respected. They will reside on a farm near Denison. Their many friends wish them success and happiness.
Out of town guests who attended the wedding were: John D. Olsen and daughter Malinda, and Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Todsen and children of Wall Lake; Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Jensen of Sac City; Mr. and Mrs. Matt Jacobsen and Emma Loge, of Ida Grove; Chris Petersen of Lyons, Ia., and Roy Ollsen of Wall Lake.
John Dethmann and Bertha Groneberg
Schleswig Leader - December 9, 1915
Miss Bertha Groneberg of near Holstein, a sister of Ernest Groneberg of this place, was united in marriage yesterday to Mr. John Dethmann. Ernest Groneberg and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jahde of this place attended the wedding ceremony. The bride is well known here where she formerly resided and had many friends.
Albert Ernst and Marie Schwenk
Schleswig Leader - February 11, 1915 - Grant Twp., Ida County
Miss Marie H. Schwenk, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Schwenk, and Albert Ernst, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ernst, were married Sunday at 3 p. m. in the Grant township church, Rev. Schwenk, officiated. The couple were attended by Misses Martha Schwenk and Hertha Ernst, and Messrs Walter Schug, and Theo Ernst. Both are excellent young people and are popular. They will live on the groom's father's farm 10 miles northwest of here. The Leader joins in wishing them success.
Anton Stockfleth and Bertha Stier
Schleswig Leader - June 11, 1914 - Charter Oak
Anton Stockfleth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stockfleth, and Miss Bertha Stier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stier, were married on May 27th at Charter Oak, Rev. A. Amstein officiating.
Louie Frahm and Emma Maltmann
Schleswig Leader - June 11, 1914 - Sioux City
Mr. Louie Frahm and Miss Emma Maltmann, both of Schleswig, were quietly married one day last week at Sioux City. This was a surprise to their many friends here and The Leader joins in wishing the young couple a happy and prosperous wedded life.
John Bendixen and Emma Ernst
Schleswig Leader - June 11, 1914 - Schleswig
Bendixen-Ernst Wedding
Wednesday afternoon, June 10, 1914, at promptly 4 o'clock, at the Friedens church in Schleswig, Iowa, occurred the marriage of Mr. John F. Bendixen and Miss Emma M. Ernst, both of this city, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler. The witnesses were Louie Ernst and Julius Friederichsen, Hattie Bendixen and Ella Ernst. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple returned to the pleasant home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ernst, where a bountiful wedding supper was served.
Mr. Bendixen is a son of Mrs. Agnes Bendixen and has been engaged in the furniture business here for several years and is a man of excellent habits and sterling worth and we are proud of him as a citizen.
Miss Ernst is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ernst and is a well accomplished young lady and needs no special words of praise. She has been engaged as clerk for some time in the C. Gottburg & Co. store and is a favorite of all who know her. She has been organist in the Friedens church ever since it was built, which is nearly eleven years ago.
The newly wedded couple were the recipients of many valuable presents.
They departed this afternoon on their wedding tour and were greeted at the depot by the usual amount of rice. They will visit in Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado and other western states before returning to Schleswig. We all join in wishing them a happy and prosperous married life and hope their troubles will only be little ones.
Henry Riessen and Dora Hollander
Schleswig Leader - February 12, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Wednesday forenoon, Feb. 11, there were united in marriage by Rev. H. Schwenk at the Grant township Lutheran church Mr. Henry Riessen and Miss Dora Hollander, both of near Schleswig. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left on a honeymoon trip to Sioux City and other points west. After March 1st they will be at home on Mr. Riessen's farm, three miles southeast of Schleswig.
Ernest Rehmke and Mary Rossow
Schleswig Leader - February 12, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
At the Grant township Lutheran church, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. H. Schwenk solemnized the marriage of Mr. Ernest Rehmke and Miss Mary Rossow, the witnesses being Albert Reimer and Wm. Rossow and the Misses Alma Rehmke and Louise Rossow. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the Bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rossow, five miles north of Schleswig. After March 1st Mr. and Mrs. Rehmke will be at home on their farm, ten miles northwest of Battle Creek.
Herman Mildenstein and Anna Trinkelbach
Schleswig Leader - February 12, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
On Wednesday of last week there was a double wedding at the Grant township Lutheran church, Rev. R. Schwenk officiating. The contracting parties were Mr. Herman Mildenstein and Miss Anna Trinkelbach and Mr. John Cohrt and Miss Dora Trinkelbach. The witnesses of the first named couple were Henry Mildenstein, brother of the groom, Miss Alma Trinklebach, sister of the bride. The attendents of the other couple were Robert Hesse and Miss Emma Cohrt, sister of the groom. The brides are sisters and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Trinklebach, living two and a half miles northwest of Schleswig, and are well known hereabouts. Both couple will make their homes on the farm this spring.
John Cohrt and Dora Trinkelbach
Schleswig Leader - February 12, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
On Wednesday of last week there was a double wedding at the Grant township Lutheran church, Rev. R. Schwenk officiating. The contracting parties were Mr. Herman Mildenstein and Miss Anna Trinkelbach and Mr. John Cohrt and Miss Dora Trinkelbach. The witnesses of the first named couple were Henry Mildenstein, brother of the groom, Miss Alma Trinklebach, sister of the bride. The attendents of the other couple were Robert Hesse and Miss Emma Cohrt, sister of the groom. The brides are sisters and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Trinklebach, living two and a half miles northwest of Schleswig, and are well known hereabouts. Both couple will make their homes on the farm this spring.
Orville Hilton and Lillie Pahl
Schleswig Leader - November 11, 1915
Miss Lillie Pahl of Denison who formerly taught school in Hanover township was married last week to Orville Hilton of Vail. The bride has many friends in Schleswig and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Pahl of Denison.
Julius Friedrichsen and Suella Schmidt
Schleswig Leader - March 11, 1915
Julius Friedrichsen and Miss Suella Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Schmidt, will be married this afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Wetzeler will perform the ceremony. This popular young couple will reside on the the groom's father's farm in Ida county. The Leader joins in wishing them success.
Harry Miller and Anna Abbe
Schleswig Leader - March 13, 1913
Last week Wednesday occured the wedding of Miss Anna Abbe of Ida county to Mr. Harry Miller of Morgan township. At two o'clock the young couple left for Ida county church where Rev. Schwenk , the pastor, performed the ceremony. After the ceremony the happy couple returned to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Abbe, where a large crowd of friends and relatives gathered to celebrate the happy event. The time was spent in dancing, card playing and other amusements.
Rudolph Jensen and Ella Johannsen
Schleswig Leader - February 13, 1913 - Denison
Rudolph C. Jensen and Miss Ella L. Johannsen were married today at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Johannsen, in Denison, Rev. Frese of the Luthern officiating. The wedding was a happy home affair in which a number of friends and relatives of the contracting party participated. All join in wishing the couple much joy and prosperity. - Denison Bulletin.
Edw. Krohnke and Amanda Hinkle
Schleswig Leader - August 13, 1914 - Denison
Edw. Krohnke and Miss Amanda Hinkle were married yesterday in Denison. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Frese, pastor of the Lutheran church, and took place at the parsonage. The young couple then left on a wedding trip which will include among other places, stops at Larchwood, Ia., and Ipswich, S. D. Later they will be at home on the old home farm of the groom's father, Claus Krohnke.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Krohnke, and has been a citizen of Schleswig practically since the town was founded.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Hinkle of Berne, and has lived there there for a number of years. The young couple have many friends who extend congratulations and best wishes for a happy wedded life.
Albert Reimers and Alma Rehmke
Schleswig Leader - March 12, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
On Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Grant township church occurred the marriage of Mr. Albert Reimers and Miss Alma Rehmke, Rev. H. Schwenke officiating. The witnesses were: Messrs. William and Herman Reimers and Misses Theresa Rehmke and Minnie Reimers.
A large number of relative and friends were present at the church to see the twain made one, who immediately after the ceremony repaired to the home of the bride where a bounteous wedding spread awaited them and where feasting and merry making were indulged in till the wee small hours of the morning.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Thos. Rehmke, living north of town in Grant township, while the groom is a son of Mrs. John Reimers, east of town, whose farm the happy couple will occupy in the future, Mrs. Reimers coming to Schleswig to live.
The Leader joins their many friends in extending congratulations and wishes them continued wedding bliss.
Fred C. Freemann and Elsie M. Jones
Schleswig Leader - April 15, 1915
Anthon Herald: At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jones, Easter Sunday, April 4th, Miss Elsie M. Jones and Fred C. Freemann were united in marriage, Rev. J. A. Campbell of the United Evangelical church officiating. Only the immediate friends and relatives were present.
Miss Jones is a Correctionville girl having been born and reared to womanhood there. She has the sweet disposition and energy which is sure to make a happy and successful home.
Fred, or more commonly known as "Piny" is also a Correctionville product and although he has engaged in business at different places, he has been located in his home town most of his life. His father D. K. Freemann and Wm. Chapman started the Correctionville paper many years ago. It has changed hands a number of times and Fred purchased half interest in it two years ago but sold his share last autumn and now owns and edits the Schleswig Leader. He is a boy of rare newspaper ability, capable printer, and is sure to win renown and success. As a ball player, he has taken the laurels from many a professional pitcher. The Herald wishes the happy couple all the joy and good fortune which may attend a long wedded life.
Herman Claussen and Margarete D. Rusch
Schleswig Leader - August 14, 1913
Yesterday forenoon at ten o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Margarete D. Rusch to Mr. Herman Claussen, Rev. Wetzeler officiating. They were attended by Meta and John Rusch. The happy couple departed the same day for Bloomfield, Nebr., where they will visit relatives. The Leader joins in congratulating the newly-weds.
Louie C. Zobel and Anna M. Schwenk
Schleswig Leader - August 14, 1913 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Yesterday afternoon at three o'clock at the church in Grant township, Ida county, occurred the marriage of Anna M. Schwenk, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. H. Schwenk, to Louie C. Zobel. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father.
Immediately after the services at the church, the wedding guests were invited to the home of the bride's parents where a bountiful repast awaited them. The social event of this occasion lasted well into the night, the guests all having an excellent time.
Both these young people are well and favorably known in their community, the groom being the German teacher in the school in his township.
The Leader joins the host of friends in extending congratulations.
Friedrick Linke and Minnie K. Aldag
Schleswig Leader - January 16, 1913 - Schleswig
A Happy Wedding
A happy wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents yesterday afternoon when Miss Minnie K. Aldag and Mr. Friedrick Linke were united in marriage . Rev. H. Schwenk officiated.
After the ceremony a bountiful wedding feast was served to the large number of relatives and friends who were present, and the evening was spent in dancing and various other forms of amusement.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aldag who reside four miles northeast of here. She is a charming young lady of many accomplishments, and her sweet disposition and winning ways have won for her a host of friends who are numbered by her acquaintances. She was born and raised in this county and has a wide acquaintance.
The groom is an industrious young man, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Linke who reside six and one-half miles east of here. He came to this county about nine year ago and by hard work and saving has prospered. He is a man of excellent habits and is to be congratulated upon winning for a life mate Miss Aldag.
For the present the young people will make their home with the brides parents. The first of March they will go to housekeeping on the F. D. Reinking farm two and one-half miles southeast of here, which place the groom has rented. The Leader joins the many friends in wishing this popular young couple the best there is in life with the usual allotment of happiness and prosperity.
Herbert Riggs and Henrietta Frahm
Schleswig Leader - December 16, 1915 - Omaha, Nebr.
Word was received last week that Miss Henrietta Frahm of this place was married just recently in Omaha Nebr., to Mr. Herbert Riggs of Wayne, Nebr. The young couple left for Denver, Colo., to make their future home where he has a position. Mr. Riggs was formerly employed here in the Pipgras & Mahlstedt meat market. He made many friends while in Schleswig. His bride has lived here for some time and has a host of friends who sincerely wish them success and happiness during their wedded life.
Henry Jessen and Bertha Bendixen
Schleswig Leader - October 15, 1914
A wedding of great interest to Schleswig people was solemnized at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. Miss Bertha Bendixen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bendixen and one of Schleswig's most popular young ladies was united in marriage to Henry Jessen of Whittier, Cal. Rev. Wetzeler of Friedens church officiating.
The young couple were attended by the bride's sister, Miss Martha Bendixen and Alex Lehfeldt. A sumptuous wedding dinner was served at noon. The couple left immediately on a wedding trip to Long Beach, Cal., and will be at home after Nov 1st at Whittier, Cal., where the groom has a lemon plantation. Miss Bertha Bendixen was born and reared here and her many friends join with The Leader in wishing them success and happiness in their new endeavor.
Wm. Grell and Ella A. Aldag
Schleswig Leader - July 17, 1913 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Yesterday afternoon at four o'clock at the church in Grant township occured the marriage of Miss Ella A. Aldag , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aldag, to Mr. Wm. Grell. Rev. Schwenk officiated. After the ceremony the visitors gathered at the home of the bride's parents where a bountiful wedding dinner awaited them. Both these young people are well and favorably known to most of our people who will join with us in wishing them a happy and prosperous life.
Julius R. Iwen and Minnie J. M. Stender
Schleswig Leader - September 17, 1914 - Schleswig
Julius R. Iwen and Miss Minnie J. M. Stender were united in marriage yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The wedding took place at the farm home of Willie Miller, 3 miles north west of Schleswig, Rev. Wetzeler performed the ceremony.
Attendants of the bridal couple were Willie Stender, Edna Ernst, Bahne Iwen and Miss Hattie Kai of Manning. A number of relatives of the couple were present. After the ceremony all present enjoyed a splendid wedding dinner. The young couple will live at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Stender, untill next spring when they will go to a farm near Ricketts. Friends of the young couple wish them happiness and prosperity.
Peter Munster and Martha Baak
Schleswig Leader - June 17, 1915 - Ricketts
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hollander returned last week from Ricketts, at which place they attended the marriage of her cousin, Miss Martha Baak, to Peter Munster.
Henry Jensen and Frieda Naeve
Schleswig Leader - September 18, 1913 - Denison
On Tuesday, September 9th, at Denison, occurred the marriage of Frieda Naeve to Henry Jensen. Both people are well known here and rather sprung a surprise on their friends.
Henry Marth and Malinda Friedrichsen
Schleswig Leader - March 19, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
At the Lutheran parsonage in Grant township there were united in marriage by Rev. H. Schwenk on Tuesday afternoon, March 17, Mr. Henry Marth and Miss Malinda Friedrichsen, the attendants being Albert Marth, brother of the groom, and Miss Frieda Friedrichsen, sister of the bride.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Friedrichsen, living northeast of Schleswig, and is a very estimable young lady, while the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Marth, living a few miles north of Schleswig.
The young couple will occupy Mr. Marth's farm
The Leader extends congratulations and bids them godspeed.
W. C. Carnes and Olga Schroeder
Schleswig Leader - March 20, 1913 - Schleswig
On Wednesday, March 19, 1913, at 11 a. m., at the German Luthern church in Schleswig, occurred the wedding of Mr. W. C. Carnes to Miss Olga Schroeder, Rev. Wetzeler officiating, the witnesses being E. and Frieda Schroeder, brother and sister of the bride.
Thus were united two of Schleswig's most estimable young people. The bride is the beautiful daughter of Mr. Jurgen Schroeder and is known for her many charming qualities of heart and hand and is well qualified to make a fitting helpmate to the young man of her choice. She has practically grown to womanhood right here in Schleswig and is accounted one of the city's finest and handsomest young ladies.
The groom is Schleswig's efficient station agent, which position he has held for the past year. He is regarded as very painstaking and accurate employee by the company for which he works, as well as by the many patrons that he daily serves here. These qualities usually spell rapid advancement and are sure to land Mr. Carnes on the topmost rung of the ladder of railroad success.
Immediately after the wedding ceremony the happy couple left on the noon train on a two week honeymoon trip to Chicago. At the station they were showered with a veritable deluge of rice and well wishes.
The Leader joins their many friends in hearty congratulations, and wishes them a wedded life of unalloyed happiness and prosperity.
Herman Rathje and Dorothea Nissen
Schleswig Leader - March 20, 1913 - Schleswig
At the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jochim Rathje, of this city, there were united in marriage on Tuesday, March 18, 1913, Mr. Herman Rathje and Miss Dorothea Auguste Nissen, Rev. Wetzeler officiating.
Mr. Rathje just recently returned from a visit to Germany and brought Miss Nissen over with him, whose home is in Husum, Schleswig Holstein. The Leader joins in congratulations and wishes them a full measure of wedded bliss.
Peter Frank and Bertha Jahde
Schleswig Leader - May 20, 1915 - Ida Grove
Peter Frank and Mrs. Bertha Jahde of Ida Grove were united in marriage at that place Sunday Rev. W. R. Wetzeler officiating. The marriage was performed in the bride's home.
Jochim Hansen and Meta Evers
Schleswig Leader - August 21, 1913 - Schleswig
At Frieden's parsonage here Wednesday occured the marriage or Miss Meta Evers, of Denison, to Jochim Hansen, of Galva, Iowa. Rev. Wetzeler officiating. They were attended by Otto Evers and Minnie Martens. Immediately after the ceremony they left for a short visit at Denison, after which they will be at home to their many friends on the farm two miles north of Galva. The Leader joins friends in congratulations.
L. Thiede and Ella M. Hansen
Schleswig Leader - October 21, 1915 - Boyer
A wedding of great interest to Schleswig people was solemnized at Boyer last Thursday evening at eight o'clock when Miss Ella M. Hansen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hansen of that place was united in marriage to Mr. L. Thiede son of August Thiede of this place.
The ceremony took place in the home of the bride and was performed by Rev. Wm. Frese of Denison in the presence of relatives and friends. The charming bride in her gown of white silk net was attended by Misses Helma Lafrentz and Liddy Thiede of this place, who were attired in light blue messaline. Henry Stehr and Aug. J. Hansen acted as groomsman. The little flower girl wore a which lace dress and carried white carnations.
Miss Elsie Baker played the wedding march. A wedding supper followed the ceremony. The West Side band furnished music throughout the evening. Both young people are well known here and their many friends wish them success and happiness. They will reside on the August Thiede farm 3 miles northeast of Kiron.
John L. Hansen and Christine M. Iversen
Schleswig Leader - January 22, 1914 - Schleswig
Yesterday at 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, Jan. 21, at Friedens church in Schleswig, there were united in the bonds of holy wedlock John L. Hansen and Christine M. Iversen, both of Morgan township, Rev. W. R. Wetzeler tying the nuptial knot.
The bridal couple were attended by Juergen Iversen and Miss Annie Schwartz.
Thus were united two of this community's most estimable young people. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. C. Iversen of Omaha, but for a number of years has made her home with her uncle, Jurgen Iversen, in Morgan township. She is possessed of many fine virtues of heart and hand and will make a fitting helpmate to the man of her choice. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hansen of Schleswig and owns a fine farm in Morgan township, where he and his bride will reside in the future.
The happy couple took the afternoon train for Omaha, amidst a shower of rice and well wishes of their relatives and friends, where they will spend a brief honeymoon.
The Lead joins their many friends in extending congratulations and wishes them the fullest measure of joy and prosperity.
Chris P. Petersen and Julie Nielsen
Schleswig Leader - January 22, 1914 - Schleswig
Married, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nielsen in Schleswig, on Wednesday, Jan. 21, at 11 a. m., Mr. Chris P. Petersen, of Battle Creek, to Miss Julie Nielsen of Schleswig, Rev. Wetzeler officiating. The attendants were Mr. Hans Petersen and Miss Anna Nielsen.
Immediately after the ceremony the bridal couple left for a three weeks' honeymoon trip to Jones county, Iowa, and Rock Island, Ill., where they have relatives. Upon their return they will move onto a farm in Soldier township. The Leader congratulates and wishes them unalloyed happiness in their wedded life.
Roy Boettger and Anna Boehm
Schleswig Leader - January 22, 1914 - Ricketts
On Wednesday of last week, Jan. 14, occurred the marriage of Mr. Roy Boettger, of Denison, to Miss Anna Boehm, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Boehm, living three miles north of Ricketts in Soldier township. The Leader extends congratulations and wishes them much happiness and prosperity.
Carl Hamann and Jessie Teague
Schleswig Leader - April 24, 1913 - Denison
On last Saturday at Denison occurred the marriage of Carl Hamann of this place to Miss Jessie Teague of Crofton, Nebraska. The happy couple will make their home in the rooms back of the postoffice. All of the many friends join in showering congratulations.
Wilson Jones and Emma Kalb
Schleswig Leader - September 23, 1915 - Minnesota
Denison Bulletin: The many Crawford county friends of Miss Emma Kalb will be pleased to learn that she is to be married this afternoon at Owatonna, Minn., to Mr. Wilson Jones, county superintendent of schools of Ida county.
The wedding takes place at the home of Miss Kalb's brother, A. H. Kalb, of Owatonna. It is to be a simple affair, to which the relatives have been invited. None from Denison are in attendance, however. After a few days the happy couple will be at home in Ida Grove.
The wedding has been expected for some time, so is no great surprise. Miss Kalb is very well known in Denison and Crawford county, having taught school in the county since 1879, and for many years in the city of Denison, and she was one of the most efficient teachers the Denison schools have had. She resigned her post here last year.
Mr. Jones is known to many people of this vicinity, being the father of Dr. Jones, of Schleswig. The contracting parties have the congratulations and good wishes of hosts of friends.
Hans Jurgens and Emma Hausmann
Schleswig Leader - January 23, 1913 - Schleswig
Hans Jurgens and Emma Hausmann were united in marriage last Friday by Rev. Wetzeler. The ceremony took place at the groom's home six miles from here. A host of friends join the Leader in extending congratulations.
Arnold Jahde and Ella Rusch
Schleswig Leader - April 24, 1913 - Schleswig
At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Rusch, on Wednesday of this week, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Ella, to Mr. Arnold Jahde, formerly of this place, but now of Kansas City. The wedding was a quiet affair, just a few relatives being present. Rev. Wetzeler performed the ceremony. Both of these young people are well known by our readers and have the best wishes of a host of friends for a happy and prosperous life.
They left today for Davenport where they will visit for a few days, and then go to Kansas City, where the groom will again take up his school work in the care and repair of automobiles.
Herman Carstens and Anna M. Woock
Schleswig Leader - December 24, 1914 - Denison
Miss Anna Woock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woock of this place, was married Thursday at Denison at 2 o'clock p. m. to Mr. Herman Carstens, also of this place. The ceremony was performed by a Crawford county justice and the young couple were attended by the bride's sister, Miss Martha Woock, and Mr. H. Bliesman.
The bride is a popular young lady with a pleasing personality. The groom is industrious and well liked.
Carl Schiernbeck and Clara Hill
Schleswig Leader - July 24, 1913 - Schleswig
At the German Friedens church yesterday at 11 o'clock a. m. occurred the marriage of Miss Clara Hill to Mr. Carl Schiernbeck. Rev. Wetzeler officiating. They were attended by George Hill and and Magdaline Schiernbeck. They have rented rooms in the old hotel building where they will go to housekeeping at once. The Leader joins in congratulations.
Levi J. Carr and Lena Engelking
Schleswig Leader - February 25, 1915 - Schleswig
Miss Lena Engelking, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Engelking of this place, and Mr. Levi J. Carr of Austin, Minnesota, were married Saturday evening in the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Wetzeler of the Friedens church officiated. The wedding was a quiet affair only immediate relatives being present.
The young couple will go to housekeeping on the bride's father's farm located in Ida county on the Soldier Creek seven miles from Schleswig. The groom has been employed in this vicinity for the past year and is known as a hard worker. The bride is a popular young woman and has lived here many years. The Leader joins their legion of friends in wishing them success in their new home.
John Schwartz and Helen D. Wohlert
Schleswig Leader - February 25, 1915 - Schleswig
Miss Helen D. Wohlert, daughter of Mrs. Fred Meyer, and John Schwartz, were married Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Friedens church, Rev. Wetzeler, officiating. The young couple were attended by Chris Wohlert and Miss Amelia Schwartz. The couple will go to housekeeping on the farm which will be vacated by the groom's father who will move to Schleswig. This young couple are wished success and happiness.
Chas. Wakehouse and Edna Miller
Schleswig Leader - March 25, 1915 - Morgan Twp.
Miss Edna Miller, daughter of Mrs. Dorthea Miller of Morgan township, was married to Chas. Wakehouse of Pisgah on Sunday at noon in the former's home. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler of Friedens church. The young couple were attended by Miss Hilda Miller and George Miller. The event was fittingly observed by a celebration in the Miller home Sunday afternoon. The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them success and happiness.
C. C. Iversen and Esther Blume
Schleswig Leader - March 25, 1915 - Kiron
Mr. and Mrs. George Iversen went to Kiron yesterday and attended the wedding of Esther Blume of Kiron to C. C. Iversen of Alta. The groom is a brother of Geo. and H. H. Iversen of this place.
Martin Knudsen and Gretha Petersen
Schleswig Leader - February 26, 1914 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Wednesday, February 18, at 2 p. m. at the Lutheran church in Grant township occurred the marriage of Mr. Martin Knudsen and Miss Gretha Petersen, Rev. H. Schwenk officiating.
The groom is the oldest son of Mr. Math. Knudsen of Grant township and the bride is the only daughter of Mr. Thomas Petersen of near Battle Creek. They were attended by the Messrs. Fred Knudsen and Henry Petersen and by the Misses Dora Nielsen and Caroline Knudsen. After March 1st the young couple will go to house keeping on Mr. Knudsen's farm in Soldier township.
Hans H. Iversen and Laura M. Hollander
Schleswig Leader - March 26, 1914 - Schleswig
On Wednesday afternoon, March 25, at 3:30 o'clock; at the Emmanuel Lutheran church in Schleswig, Rv. H. Schwenk pronounced the words that made husband and wife Mr. Hans H. Iversen and Miss Laura M. Hollander.
This was the first marriage solemnized in the new church, and the ceremony was witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The young couple, attended by Mr. Bernhard Hollander and Miss Caroline Holland, marched into the church under the strains of Mendelsohn's Wedding March, played by Miss Loretta Schmidt, and took their seats before the altar, where, after a short discourse by the minister, they exchanged their marriage vows and were proclaimed husband and wife.
After the ceremony a large number of invited guests were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hollander in celebration of the happy event.
The groom is the junior member of the firm of Iversen Bros., which is doing a flourishing plumbing business in Schleswig, and is a diligent and experience mechanic. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hollander and is a young lady of sterling character and worth.
The Leader joins their many friends in extending congratulations and wishes them a wedded life of unalloyed happiness and prosperity.
The out-of-town guests who attended the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Christ Iversen, Mrs. Carl Haggemann, and the Misses Caroline, Lottie and Emma Haggemann and Miss Anne Iversen, all of Charter Oak; Miss Alma Klotz of Holstein, Miss Esther Blume of Kiron, Charley Iversen of Marcus, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. John Dorfler and Willie and Lizzie Dorfler of Ricketts, and Miss Hattie Stegemann of Holstein.
Julius H. Petersen and Amanda Hollander
Schleswig Leader - August 27, 1914
The comfortable farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Ingwert Hollander was the scene of a brilliant wedding yesterday, when their only daughter, Amanda Margaretha, became the bride of Julius H. Petersen.
Promptly at 4 p. m., the bridal couple entered to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Sophia Brodersen of Battle Creek, a cousin of the bride. The south bay window had been decorated with a pink and white arch and wedding bell, and beneath this the couple heard the words that made them man and wife, the Rev. Wetzeler performing the ceremony. Miss Rosa Lafrentz of Lloyd, Montana, attended the bride, and John Hollander, a brother of the bride was best man. Ethel Marie Hollander was the ring bearer.
The bride was attired in a gown of imported French hand-made voile, the groom wearing the conventional black. After the ceremony the guests partook of a bounteous wedding supper, the tables being in charge of the following young women: Misses Margaret Clark, of Denison; Alanda Chamberlain, of Denison; Malinda Oldsen, of Wall Lake; Marie Petersen, of Boone; Hulda Miller, Agnes Hahn, and Anna Schultz, neighbors of the bride. Following the supper the guests repaired to a pavilion specially constructed for the occasion and danced till a late hour.
The bride is a charming young woman who has been reared in this vicinity. The groom, since he has been in business in Schleswig has won the respect of all who know him, by his industry and integrity. He will dispose of his meat market as soon as possible, after which the couple will be at home home on a farm located four and a half miles east of Schleswig. A host of friends extend their heartened felicitations to the happy couple.
The list of guests from out of town included: Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Miller, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Moeller, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Witt of Denison; Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Tadsen and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oldsen, of Wall Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jensen of Sac City; Mr. and Mr. Fred Brodersen and daughter Hertha and Amanda, of Battle Creek; Misses Marie and Anna Petersen of Boone; Herman Werben, of Holstein; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chamberlain and daughter Alanda and Aurora of Dunlap; Asmus Holland and wife, of Osmond, Nebr., Mrs. Ingeborg Sonnicksen, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bielenberg, of Ida Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Naeve of Bronson.
Max Hollander and Emma Schroeder
Schleswig Leader - August 27, 1914 - Denison
Max Hollander and Miss Emma Schroeder were married in Denison Tuesday, Aug. 25. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schroeder, at 11:30 a. m., and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. Freese.
Miss Elma Schroeder and Theodore Hollander accompanied the bridal couple as bridesmaid and groomsman respectively. Only the closer relatives of the couple witnessed the ceremony. After congfatulations all present sat down to a splendid wedding dinner. The young couple expect to leave on a wedding trip which will include stops in Des Moines and other points. Upon their return they will be at home of the farm of the groom's father, Thos. P. Hollander, six miles north east of Schleswig.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. P. Hollander, who are among the most substantial citizens in this vicinity. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schroeder, who formerly lived near her but are now making their home in Denison. Both the bride and groom have a host of friends who join in extending best wishes and heartiest congratulations.
Harry Seehusen and Frieda Lonn
Schleswig Leader - August 27, 1914 - Battle Creek
Harry Seehusen of this place and Miss Frieda Lonn of Battle Creek were married Tuesday at the home of the bride's parents. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present. The young couple will live on a farm near Battle Creek. The best wishes of their many friends are extended.
Karl Friedrichsen and Ella Brockman
Schleswig Leader - February 27, 1913 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Karl Friedrichsen, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Friedrichsen of Otter Creek township, and Miss Ella Brockman, daughter of Mrs. Brockman of Hayes township, Ida county, were united in marriage this afternoon at two o'clock at the home of the bride's mother. John Friedrichsen and Miss Josie acted as witnesses and Rev. W. R. Wetzeler officiated.
Only the near relatives of the two families and a few intimate friends were present. After the ceremony the wedding party sat down to a bountiful wedding dinner and afterwards resource was taken to all kinds of entertainment and the wee small hours of the morning had come before the last guests started for home. Mr. and Mrs. Friedrichsen will occupy a farm in Morgan township which the father of the groom purchased last fall. May these young people ever prosper.
Ben Witt and Luella Koontz
Schleswig Leader - November 27, 1913 - Fremont, Nebr.
Thanksgiving Wedding
On Thanksgiving Day at Fremont, Nebraska, occurred the marriage of Miss Luella Koontz to Mr. Ben Witt.
Both bride and groom are well known here, the bride having taught the Lafrantz school east of town for the past three years. The groom is a prosperous farmer now residing on his father's farm south of town where the couple will make their home.
The Leader joins in extending congratulations.
Albert W. Riessen and Rosa Ehler
Schleswig Leader - February 27, 1913
Albert W. Riessen and Miss Rosa Carolina Ehler were united in marriage on Wednesday of this week at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Ehler. A large number of friends and relatives were present to witness the ceremony, after which a bountiful wedding dinner was served. Both young people are well and favorably known to most of our readers, the groom being a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Riessen of this place. The Leader joins the host of friends in showering congratulations.
Wm. More and Emma Peters
Schleswig Leader - February 27, 1913 - Denison
Wm. More and Emma Peters were married at Denison Wednesday. They will make there home on a farm three miles south of here where they have the best wishes of a host of friends.
Jurgen Iversen and Anna Schwartz
Schleswig Leader - January 28, 1915 - Schleswig
Miss Anna Schwartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz, prominent Morgan township residents, and Mr. Jurgen Iversen also of Morgan township, were married in Schleswig yesterday by Rev. Wetzeler in his home. The young couple were attended by Miss Emilie Schwartz and Matt Iversen. The bride and groom left after the ceremony on a wedding trip to Omaha. They will reside on the groom's farm in Morgan township. The Leader joins the many friends of this popular young couple in wishing them happiness.
Harold Reincke and Christina Volkmann
Schleswig Leader - January 28, 1915
A very pretty wedding was solemnized last Wednesday at 3 p. m., when Miss Christina Volkmann daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Volkmann became the bride of Harold H. T. Reincke. The ceremony which was performed by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler took place in the bride's home. The young couple were attended by Misses Anna Volkmann, Laura Reincke and Messrs. Moritz Reincke and John F. Boll. An elegant wedding dinner was served after the ceremony.
Both young people are well known and respected here and their many friends join with The Leader in wishing them much happiness through their wedded life. After March 1st they will reside on a farm near Danbury.
John C. Rabe and Emma S. Grell
Schleswig Leader - April 30, 1914 - Hanover Twp.
John C. Rabe and Miss Emma S. Grell, of Ricketts, were united in marriage by Rev. Runge at the Hanover township Lutheran church on Wednesday, April 22. They will make their home in Schleswig and have already gone to housekeeping in the Henry Krohnke residence in the east part of town.
Louie C. Schmidt and Frieda Schurke
Schleswig Leader - January 29, 1914 - Denison
Last Wednesday, Jan. 21, occurred the marriage of Mr. Louie C. Schmidt of Goodrich township to Miss Frieda Schurke of Stockholm township, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Frese of the German Lutheran church in Denison. The witnesses were Robert Schmidt, brother of the groom, and John Schurke, brother of the bride; Miss Emma Schmidt, sister of groom, and Miss Ida Pithan, cousin of the bride.
The groom is the second oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt, living southeast of Schleswig, and the bride is the second oldest daughter of August Schurke of near Kiron.
Upon their return from an extended honeymoon trip to Clinton and other points in eastern Iowa the happy couple will make their home on one of Papa Schmidt' farms.
The Leader congratulates and joins their many friends in wishing them continued happiness.
Frank Carpenter and Dagmer Hansen (Schiernbeck)
Schleswig Leader - January 29, 1914 - Schleswig
On Tuesday forenoon, Jan. 27, at the parsonage in Schleswig, Rev. Wetzeler pronounced the words that made husband and wife Mr. Frank Carpenter and Miss Dagmer Hansen (Schiernbeck), both of this community. The witnesses were Mr. John Friedrichsen and Miss Bertha Bendixen. After the ceremony the bridal couple drove to Denison where they took the train for a honeymoon trip to Clinton, Ia.
Charlie F. Miller and Emma M. Tedren
Schleswig Leader - January 30, 1913 - Grant Twp. Ida County
Charlie F. Miller and Miss Emma M. Tedren were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon. The ceremony took place at the pleasant farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Miller of Grant Township, Ida County, Iowa, Rev. Wetzeler of this place officiating. A large number of friends and relatives were present to witness the happy event, and to wish the young couple and help them to celebrate the happy day. After the ceremony a bountiful wedding dinner was served and enjoyed by all. Many beautiful and useful wedding presents were received by the young couple.
Mr. Miller and his bride are well and favorable known in this community both having been born and brought up in this vicinity. They will move onto a farm in Grant township, Ida County, where they will be at home to there friends after March first. Mr. Miller is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Miller and is an industrious young man of many fine qualities. His bride is a daughter of Mr. Carl Tedsen and a young lady of many attainments.
Emil Maas and Clara Ehler
Schleswig Leader - December 30, 1915 - Schleswig
Yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Friedens church before a large audience of friends and relatives, Miss Clara Ehler, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ehler, was married to Mr. Emil Maas. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Wetzeler. The young couple were attended by Misses Edna Ehler and Maas, and by Eddie Ehler and Paul Maas. A wedding celebration was held on Wednesday in the home of the bride's parents.
The bride and groom are well known and respected in Schleswig where they have resided for several years. They will go to housekeeping on the bride's father's farm located one-half mile north of Schleswig. The Leader joins the many friends of the young couple in wishing them a full measure of happiness in their new endeavor.
Julius Evers and Theresa Lorenzen
Schleswig Leader - July 30, 1914 - Sioux City
Married in Sioux City, Wednesday, July 22, Julius Evers and Theresa Lorenzen. The ceremony was witnessed by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hannes Lorenzen. Immediately thereafter the couple left for a wedding trip through Minnesota and South Dakota. On their return they will be at home of the Hannes Lorenzen farm six miles northwest of town. Both bride and groom are estimable young people and have many friends who join in wishing them a happy voyage on the sea of life.
Adolph Nelson and Marie Bekkerud
Schleswig Leader - September 23, 1915 - Kiron
Adolph Nelson, the Kiron harness-man, was married last week to Miss Marie Bekkerud, of Newmans Grove, Neb.