Submittors of announcements: Melba McDowell, Helen Carey Papelekas, Paula Curcio, Joyce Heide, Bob Kuehl
W. F. Maloy and Myrtie Williams
Denison Review - 2-28-1903 - Vail
Married at St. Ann's Church at 10 o'clock on Monday, February 23, W. F. Maloy and Miss Myrtie Williams, Rev. James Murphy officiating, J. M. Maloy acting as groomsman and Miss Ella Lawler as bridesmaid.
Both of these young people are residents of Jackson Township and are highly esteemed by their many friends who are extending congratulations to the happy couple. They will probably make their home in Missouri in about two weeks and the very best wishes go with them to their new home. The Observer wishes to add its warm congratulations and wishes for their future happiness.
Harry G. Mann and Fay Cook
Denison Review - 7-18-1902
As chronicled in the last Review, the wedding of Miss Fay Cook and Mr. Harry G Mann of Council Bluffs took place at the Wilson house on last Tuesday afternoon.
The ceremony was a quiet affair, only immediate friends and relatives being present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. M. Holmes of the M. E. church. The parlors of the Wilson House were beautifully decorated for the occasion and the bride looked most charming in her handsome wedding gown. After the wedding the newly married couple went to Carroll for a brief visit with friends, returning to Denison today. They will be the recipients of an elaborate reception at the Wilson House this evening. They will make Denison their home for the present and will take a more extended wedding trip in August.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cook and is a most attractive and capable young lady. She has made for herself a host of friends in Denison who wish her the utmost happiness in life and who congratulate the fortunate groom upon having won such a winsome bride.
Mr. Mann is a traveling salesman for the Empkie-Schugrt Implement house of Council Bluffs. He is a bright and able young man and is in every way fitted to make a model husband. The Review joins with the many other friends in congratulations and best wishes for a life-time filled with happiness.
Emil Martensen and Grace McClure
Denison Review - 10-21-1902
Emil Martensen, formerly of this place, was married to Miss Grace McClure of Mapleton on Wednesday at Sioux City.
Delano W. McAhren and Maud Hunter
Denison Review - 8-19-1903 - Dunlap
Today (Wednesday) at high noon in Dunlap will occur the marriage of Mr. Delano W. McAhren to Miss Maud Hunter. Mr. Milton McAhren, brother of the groom will act as best man, and Miss Gertie Hunter, sister of the bride as bridesmaid. Rev. Mr. Carson will perform the ceremony.
Immediately after the ceremony a wedding luncheon will be partaken of and the happy couple will start for Colorado Springs on their wedding tour. They will visit Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo and other Colorado cities before returning, being absent about three weeks.
Mr. McAhren was born and grew to manhood in Denison and is so well and favorably known by all that anything we might say could not add to his popularity and true worth. He is connected with the Denison Clothing Co. and enjoys the confidence of all who have dealings with that firm. In social circles he has been a leader and no function has been a success without his presence.
Miss Hunter is likewise well known in Denison, where she has made her home for many years. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hunter of Dunlap. She is possessed of a bright, intellectual mind, attriactive manners and is thoroughly competent to take up the duties of married life. Her friends are numerous and all join in wishing her and the husband of her choice prosperity and happiness which they richly deserve.
Samuel McCullough and Margaret Breen
Denison Review - 7-1-1903 - Vail
The marriage of Mr. Samuel McCullough of Denison and Miss Margaret Breen of this place, occurred this Wednesday morning at St. Ann's Church at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. M. J. Farrelly of Denison performed the nuptial ceremony.
The happy couple were attended by Martin McCullough and Tressa Breen. The bride's sister, Miss Agnes, presided at the organ during the entering and retiring of the bridal party. Only the members of the families of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony, after which a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents. The newly married couple took the 10:30 a.m. train for Clinton, Chicago and Gilman, Ill., where they will visit relatives for some time. On their return home they will occupy their residence in East Denison.
The bride has been one of Crawford county's most successful school teachers and is a model young lady of rare intelligence and charming disposition, and is possessed of the many womanly graces which go to make life happy.
The groom is one of Crawford's most enterprising and industrious young men. He is of pleasing disposition and natural endowments that fit him to meet and surmount the difficulties that must be encountered in life. He is to be congratulated upon his choice of a helpmate. The Observer wishes to extend its hearty congratulations for the future happiness of these estimable people.
-Vail Observer
Edward McCutcheon and Linda Blocker
Denison Review - 7-18-1902 - Denison
The marriage of Mr. Edward McCutcheon and Miss Linda Blocker of the vicinity of Vail, occurred at the Presbyterian parsonage in Denison on Wednesday, July 16th, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating. They are among the choice young people of East Boyer and the Review joins in hearty congratulations to them in their plighting of the mutual vows of affection at the marriage altar.
F. D. McIlravey and Jessie Campbell
Denison Review - 7-1-1903 - West Side
Announcements were received last week of the marriage of Miss Jessie Campbell of West Side and Mr. F. D. McIlravey, which took place at West Side last Wednesday. The bride is a very estimable young lady and her friends wish her happiness in the union with the husband of her choice. They will be at home at Riceville, Iowa where Mr. McIlravey is principal of the schools.
Walter C. McMiniemee and Veda Anderson
Denison Review - 10-17-1902
Married, Oct. 15, 1902, at 5:30 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stone, Rev. M. Bohart officiating, Miss Veda Anderson and Mr. Walter C. McMiniemee.
After the ceremony a bounteous dinner was served, after which the happy couple departed for a brief stay in Omaha.
The bride is an estimable young lady with many accomplishments. She has been one of Crawford county's successful school teachers. After graduating from the Denison Normal and Business College, she accepted a position as stenographer for a large publishing house in Cincinnati, O., where she has been the past three years.
The groom is an industrious young man and is the manager of the Nye, Schneider and Co. grain and livestock business at Crowell, Nebr., at which place they will be at home after Nov. 15th. The best wishes of their many friends go with them.
C. W. Meier and A. Mary Schluter
Denison Review - 6-27-1902 - Westside
Married June 24th, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Richard C. W. Meier to Miss A. Mary Schluter, both of Westside Township; witnesses Frank Faul and Barbara Lothringer.
Charles W. Menagh and Sadie E. Bohart
Denison Review - 3-14-1903 - Denison
A very joyous marriage took place on Thursday eve, March 12, 1903 at the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. Bohart in Denison. The contracting parties were Mr. Charles W. Menagh and Miss Sadie E. Bohart.
The impressive marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. A. G. Martyn, pastor of the Presbyterian church, in the presence of the large family circle who witnessed the plighted vows that made two lives one, while the earnest pray was offered that their mutual love thus given might never know blight nor change. The bridal party presented a most attractive appearance as they stood with the background of beautiful ferns and flowers artistically arranged. A most bountiful wedding supper was served to the large company present. They were the recipients of many wedding gifts.
The bride is a most estimable young lady, reared in Denison and whose amiable character and modest bearing has won her many warm friends.
The groom is also a Denison youth of Industry and good character. The Review joins in extending hearty congratulations.
Alfred Mirrick and Mable Cushman
Denison Review - 6-3-1903 - Denison
At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cushman on Wednesday evening at seven thirty o'clock, Miss Mable Cushman and Mr. Alfred Mirrick of Crafton, Pennsylvania were united in marriage, Rev. G. E. Murphy officiating.
The bride being one of Crawford County's fairest and most attractive daughters this event has an interest for a large circle of friends and acquaintances. This was, however, a quiet home wedding, only intimate friends of the family being present. Miss Florence Abbot of Seattle attended the bride as bridesmaid and Mr. P. J. Klinker acted as groomsman for the groom.
The ceremony was impressively conducted. At the appointed time Miss Maude Hunter assumed her place at the piano and to the noble strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March, the happy couple marched to the parlor assuming their positions in the bay window. There, under the floral wedding bell and almost surrounded by ferns and palms, smilax and carnations, their plighted faith was received and their marriage laws were sealed. Congratulations having been heartily given, a wedding supper having been partaken of, the happy couple proceeded on their journey to their home in Pennsylvania. The bride wore a gown of white silk mulle having a long train and flounces of lace and ribbons. The waist had a yoke and a wide collar. Thus costumed and carrying a bouquet of brides roses, the charming young lady presented a picture of unsurpassed loveliness. The bridesmaid wore a dress of blue and white. The gentlemen in conventional black suitably completed the bridal group. The many friends and admirers of Miss Cushman will join with the Review in wishing her peace, happiness and prosperity in her new home.
The groom is a young man of excellent character and prospects, being a civil engineer in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Herman Munn and Georgia Dewey
Denison Review - 8-5-1903 - Westside
Herman Munn was quietly married Wednesday afternoon to Miss Georgia Dewey, at Denison, Iowa. Justice of the Peace, W. M. McLennan officiated.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dewey of this city and has lived here from childhood. She is an accomplished young lady and will make a model wife, one sure to make home pleasant.
The groom is a son of Mr. John Munn of this city. He is a sober, industrious young man and one who is well able to provide for the one of his choice. That their lives will be bright and happy is the wish of a host of friends. They left on the evening train for Blaine, Washington, where they will hereafter reside.
- West Side Journal
John Naeve and Minnie Campbell
Denison Review - 7-18-1902 - Manilla
Mr. John Naeve and Miss Minnie Campbell were married on Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Campbell, at Lake Andes, S. Dak. They arrived at this place Friday evening where they will make their home. Hosts of friends extend congratulations.
C. Wilbur Nellis and Kate M. Kelly
Denison Review - 6-24-1903 - Denison
Married on Wednesday morning, June 17, at the home of the bride's parents, Miss Kate M. Kelly and Mr. C. Wilbur Nellis, Rev. Dr. Miller officiating.
The ceremony was performed in the presence of only the immediate relatives and intimate friends. Promptly at ten o'clock, to the strains of a wedding march, the bridal couple descended the stairs unattended and assumed their position in front of a bank of ferns and flowers, where the vows were plighted. The impressive ring ceremony was used. The bride wore white silk elaborately trimmed in medallions, and carried a large bunch of bride's roses. The groom wore conventional black. After congratulations, a very nice two-course luncheon was served. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nellis, parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Nellis, Miss Blanche Nellis, and Mr. Dan Nellis, all of Botna, Iowa. The bridal party left for a short trip on the 2:45 train, amid a shower of rice and old shoes. They will be at home to their friends after July 15, on their farm in Shelby county.
Miss Kelly has grown to womanhood in Denison and has for several years been a successful teacher in our public schools. Those who know her best love her most, for her own true worth.
The groom is a comparative stranger in Denison, but we understand is a young man of sterling qualities, upright character, study and industrious. The good wishes of their friends go with them.
Daniel Namitz and Therese Aklebine
Denison Review - 10-21-1903 - Ricketts
Miss Therese Aklebine of Hanover and Mr. Daniel Namitz of Soldier were married at high noon at the German Lutheran Church by Rev. Runge.
The wedding march was played by Prof. Guysemann and the bridal party marched in. The bridesmaids were Miss Louisa Namitz and Miss Lentz. The groomsmen were Mr. Schultz and Mr. Lentz. The bride was very tastefully attired in a black satin trimmed with white silk applique and her head was beautifully adorned with a bridal wreath and veil. After the ceremony the immediate relatives partook of a bountiful repast at the bride's mother's . The bride's cake was in pyramid form, its crest adorned with flowers and the circumference of the cake was elegantly lighted with burning colored candles. We extend congratulations to Mr. Namitz on securing so beautiful and worthy a bride and we hope they will live happily together to a ripe old age.
John Nicholsen and Maggie Hardar
Denison Review - 3-12-1903 - Denison
A quiet but very happy nuptial event occurred Wednesday noon, March 11, 1903, at the Presbyterian parsonage in Denison, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating. The bridal couple were Mr. John Nicholsen of Schleswig and Miss Maggie Hardar of Denison.
The groom is one of the best known and popular young men who have claimed Denison as their home and was for sometime in connection with the firm of Pfarr, Gebert and Hunt, where he won a host of friends by his business ability. More recently he has been in the clothing business at Schleswig. In his bride he has won a young lady of most excellent character and grace of person who will prove a most worthy helpmate and one that will prove a benefaction to his heart and home. The Review wishes the happy couple the greatest happiness attainable in life a long voyage on the matrimonial sea and a most prosperous one.
Alf. Nordholm and Hannah Sjogren
Denison Review - 4-25-1903 - Kiron
On Wednesday evening last week, relatives and friends to the number of over a hundred gathered at the pleasant home of A. G. Sjogren, three and one half miles south of Kiron to witness the marriage of Alf. Nordholm to Miss Hannah Sjogren.
At seven o'clock the bridal couple together with their attendants marched into the parlor to music rendered by Miss Grace Selander of Denison. Rev. N. Wicksell performed the impressive and important ceremony that made them man and wife. Congratulations were showered upon this estimable couple, whereafter, a most dainty supper was served. A very complete assortment of valuable and useful presents was tendered the couple. Among the guests from away were Mr. and Carl Flodine of Boone, Mrs. Gust. Selander, Grace Selander, sister and two brothers, P. E. Flodine and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Lillieholm all from Denison, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nordholm and other relatives of Battle Creek.
The bride is the oldest daughter of our farmer friend A. G. Sjogren and is well and favorable known in these parts, who possesses traits of a true woman and to preside over the home in a model manner and to make life cheerful for the man she has wed. The fortunate groom is one of our industrious young farmers and by his manly and affable ways has won the esteem of all who know him. They have gone to housekeeping on the Winquist farm one mile south of Kiron. May success and happiness be theirs.
A. J. O'Connell and Alice Kennally
Denison Review - 10-24-1902 - Ashland, Wis.
The following taken from the Ashland, Wis. News tells of the wedding of a young man who is well and most favorably known to many Denison people. He has been here but a comparatively short time but he already has a host of friends who will extend congratulations to him and a hearty welcome to his bride.
A very pretty wedding ceremony was solemnized at St. Agnes church this morning at 9 o'clock, the contracting parties being Miss Alice Kennally of Ashland and A. J. O'Connell of Denison, Iowa.
The bride is well and favorably known here having resided here for the past two years with her brother. The groom is also well known here having resided here up till about four years ago. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connell leave on the 7:20 train for their future home in Denison, Iowa, where the groom is employed by the North Western Road.
Oria Offinier and Maud Woodyard
Denison Review - 5-20-1903 - Manilla
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Woodyard, on Tuesday, Miss Maud Woodyard to Mr. Oria Offinier, Rev. Stire officiating.
Mich. J. P. Olderog and Catherine G. Lueitjens
Denison Review - 11-7-1902 - Denison
Married November 5th, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Mr. Mich. J. P. Olderog of Hanover Township to Miss Catherine G. Lueitjens of Denison: Witnesses - Leul and Pauline Leuitjens.
Emil Olsen and Emeli Molin
Denison Review - 1-31-1903 - Kiron
Married at the Presbyterian parsonage, Denison, Iowa, Monday, January 26, 1903, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating, Mr. Emil Olsen and Miss Emeli Molin, both of Kiron.
Fred Parker and Clara Buss
Denison Review - 10-3-1902 - Dow City
A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. Chas. Buss about four miles west of town on Tuesday at 3 p.m. when Miss Clara Buss was married to Mr. Fred Parker of St. Clair Michi.
The house was well filled with invited guests, neighbors and friends of the family. Mrs. Sands played the wedding march. The high contracting parties occupied a portion under a grand floral arch and Rev. Houghtelin performed the ceremony making the happy couple one. The bride was accompanied by Miss Ada Johnson while Mr. Ralph Johnson accompanied the groom. Many presents, useful and ornamental, were tendered the happy bride.
They left on Friday morning for their new home in St. Clair, Mich. Mrs. Buss, the bride's mother, accompanied them for a prolonged stay. So our Dottie has left us, a bright winsome young lady with many good qualities and will doubtless be a model helpmate. The best wishes of the community go with them.
E. W. Pilcher and Fay M. Winans
Denison Review - 8-5-1902 - Deloit
Happy Nuptials at Deloit - Pilcher - Winans - Saturday evening August 2, 1902 at 8 o'clock at the home of the brides parents, in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends, Mr. E. W. Pilcher of Ida Grove and Miss Fay M. Winans of Deloit.
The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. A. G. Martyn, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Denison. The bride was dressed in blue silk with trimmings of appliqué and ribbon and the groom in conventional black. Josie Childress acted as bridesmaid and Harry Childress as best man. After the ceremony a sumptuous supper was served.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Winans and is most highly esteemed being loved and respected by all who know her.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pilcher of Ida Grove and is an industrious and prosperous young man of sterling qualities, being at present employed by the Green Bay Lumber Co. at Ida Grove. Miss Winans is a charming young lady and Mr. Pilcher is to be congratulated on securing such an excellent wife. The happy couple start out with the best wishes of a host of friends for their future welfare. They will be at home to their friends after Aug. 20.
Robert Plimpton and Etta Walker
Denison Review - 12-16-1902 - Denison
Dr. Robert Plimpton surprised his many friends by returning to Denison this week with a fair and charming bride. Congratulations are many and heartfelt, especially among those who have known Dr. Plimpton since his boyhood days and who knew what a fine, manly and upright life he has led. He is one of the young men of whom Denison is justly proud and in whose future happiness and well being all have a most friendly concern. It is therefore, with pleasure that they greet the beautiful bride, and wish for her many happy days and a happy home in Denison.
The ceremony which united Dr. Plimpton and Miss Etta Walker took place at Orient, Iowa, on Wednesday, December 10th, at the home of the brides parents.
Mrs. Plimpton graduated at Des Moines college in 1897, being a classmate and friend of Miss Emma Rollinson, afterward she took a year of post graduate work in Chicago University. She has been an instructor in German at the Sac City Institute and is thus thoroughly equipped to make a most admirable helpmeet for this promising young physician.
Dr. and Mrs. Plimpton came to Denison on Saturday evening after a pleasant visit with Dr. Wm. Plimpton at Glenwood, Iowa. They are now at home at their residence on Broadway. The Review joins in heartfelt and hearty congratulations.
Allen Rae and Etta Belle Page
Denison Review - 9-12-1902 - Dow City
We are in receipt of the announcement of the wedding at the home of the bride's parents at Grant Works, Cook Co., Ill. On Sept 10th of Miss Etta Belle Page and Mr. Allen Rae of Dow City, Rev. H. H. Barten of Adel, Iowa officiating.
The groom is well known in this county as the son of Mr. Thos. Rae of Dow City. He is a young man of great promise. As an electrical engineer he has already made his mark and while in the service of the U. S. Navy he has visited the far corners of the earth and as the readers of the Review are well aware from his interesting letters which we have published from time to time, he has made the most of his opportunities. Better than all he is an upright Christian young man, a credit to his lineage and to the county in which he was reared. We are unacquainted with the bride but we trust and believe that she is all that should be to make for Allen a happy and helpful wife. We congratulate the young couple and wish them a long life and a prosperous one.
John Ritchie and Anna Biett
Denison Review - 4-4-1903
Mr. John Ritchie and Miss Anna Biett, a sister of Mrs. Silleto were married at the home of Mr. Herman Grill, Thursday, April 2nd - Judge McLennan performed the ceremony.
About twenty five guests were present. The bride wore a very stylish blue gown and she and her husband received many congratulations. Mrs. Grill served a very lavish and elegant wedding supper. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie received a number of very handsome presents. They are now house keeping in their new home. The Review joins with their many friends in wishing them a long and happy life.
Charles E. Robinault and Alta Mae Biggs
Denison Review - 3-3-1903 - Goodrich Twp.
Happy March Wedding - A happy nuptial event occurred on the afternoon of March 1st at the pleasant and hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Biggs in Goodrich Township near Denison. It was the marriage of their daughter, Miss Alta Mae to Mr. Charles E. Robinault of Denison.
The impressive marriage ceremony that united their hearts and lives in mutual affection was performed by Rev. A. G. Martyn, of the Presbyterian church of Denison. Only the immediate family relatives were present to witness the plighted vows and extend congratulations. A most excellent wedding dinner was served.
The bride is one of the choice young ladies of Goodrich and will prove a true helpmeet in every sense of the word.
The groom is a young man of pleasing address and sterling worth and one of Crawford County's successful teachers, having been a student at our Normal College. The Review joins many friends in wishing this excellent young couple all the happiness and prosperity possible in life. They will make Denison or vicinity their home.
William Rhodenbaugh and Faith Pierce
Denison Review - 7-1-1903 - Denison
At the residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pierce on Wednesday, June 24, 1903, Mr. William Rhodenbaugh and Miss Faith Pierce, Rev. Emory Miller officiating.
The ceremony which united this happy couple was performed at 5 o'clock in the presence of the relatives of both parties and a few intimate friends. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served and a half hour spent in congratulations and well wishes for the future happiness of the couple. Both parties are well and very favorably known in Crawford County, having lived here all their lives.
The bride is a bright and winsome lady of good education and high mindedness. She is a graduate of the Denison High School having graduated four years ago. Since that time she has been teaching in the country and city schools. In church and Sunday School she has always been a helpful worker and her services have always won much praise. We congratulate the groom upon having won so estimable a bride. She is indeed well fitted for the new duties she has entered upon.
The groom is a son of Mr. W. W. Rhodenbaugh and is a young man of exemplary habits and possessed of the highest qualities of manhood. For a number of years he has been making his home in Denison where he has been connected in a business way and has by his affable manner and strict integrity won the esteem of all.
The happy couple will reside on the grooms farm in Hays Township where a new home has been erected and awaits its queen. In wishing Mr. and Mrs. Rhodenbaugh a successful and happy life, The Review voices the sentiment of the entire community.
John M. Rollins and Susie McCutcheon
Denison Review - 7-29-1902 - Denison
Married at the Presbyterian parsonage on Sunday, July 26, 1902, Mr. John Rollins and Miss Susie McCutcheon, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating.
The groom, Mr. John Rollins, quietly came down from Algona on Saturday last and hunted up the county clerk and secured the license and the minister and Sunday, he and the bride to be were on hand ready for the ceremony that made them husband and wife, thus surprising all their friends.
John is at present connected with Prof. Spencer at Algona, where he has a very lucrative position as stenographer and bookkeeper. He is a graduate of Denison Normal and is a young man of the highest type of Christian character, active in doing work, faithful to every trust committed to him and is prepared to make his way in the world.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. McCutcheon of East Boyer township and is said to be a lady of intellectual ability, charming in person and well fitted as a companion to the man of her choice. A wedding supper was served to the happy couple at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rollins in East Boyer on Sunday evening and they then left on the Illinois Central for St. Paul and Duluth where Mr. Rollins has land interests. They will shortly return to Algona their future home and will be at home to their friends after Aug. 15. We congratulate the young people, may they have a long and happy life.
Clyde Rose and Julia Henry
Denison Review - 12-2-1902 - Arion
Arion was blessed this week with two marriages. Thursday morning at St. Patrick's church at Denison occurred the happy marriage of Mr. Clyde Rose and Miss Julia Henry, by Rev. Father Farrelly.
After the ceremony they retired to the bride's house where, after an elegant wedding dinner was served, they received congratulations from the many friends.
The bride is one of Arion's society ladies who has a circle of friends and is highly esteemed by all. The groom is the well known operator in the interlocking station at this point and is well thought of both by the railroad company and by the city as well. They start housekeeping with the best wishes of the community.
S. E. Rudd and Estelle McBride
Denison Review - 5-27-1903 - Dow City
Mr. S. E. Rudd and Miss Estelle McBride were married at the home of Harrison Rudd, May 18th, Harrison Rudd performing the ceremony.
Nels E. Sandstrom and Mabel Lundell
Denison Review - 3-12-1903
On Wednesday evening, March 4th, the happenings took place that moved the names of Nels E. Sandstrom and Mabel Lundell off the single list to the married files.
The ceremony took place at the Swedish Lutheran Church at seven o'clock, when Rev. J. Christianson of Dayton, Iowa spoke the words that made this happy couple husband and wife. The bridesmaids were Edna Lundell and Delphi Lindsborg and the groomsman Martin Sandstrom and Enoch Lindskoog. The church was profusely decorated in a most pleasing and artistic style with plants, flowers and ribbons. Three arches appropriately trimmed with ribbon presented a beautiful sight. The church was packed with friends and relatives of the couple to witness.
A reception was held at the bride's home to which friends and relatives to the number of a hundred gathered the same evening. A fine supper was awaiting the couple and the guests on their arrival from the church. A large number of handsome and useful presents was tendered them. Among the guests from afar we mention Miss Sarah Seivers from Omaha, Sereaphim Seivers from Stanhope, Iowa and Harry Nord of Oklahoma, Oliver Broleen from Dalesburg, S. D. At a late hour the guests departed after having spent a royal time and surely not one will forget the marriage of Nels and Mable.
On Friday they left for a short wedding trip to Omaha. A large number of friends and relatives were at the depot to see them go and they boarded the train in showers of rice that was thrown. The groom is well known as is the bride, being two of the most respected and affable young people and the wishes are the heartiest of all for their success and happiness as they together glide down the stream of live and may no heavy tempestuous storms meet them. As Nels intends to farm they will soon be settled on his father's last farm. "Success" may it ever be theirs is the added wish of the writer.
Roscoe C. Saunders and Mae E. Breckenridge
Denison Review - 10-21-1903 - Manilla
On Wednesday afternoon at Manilla occurred the marriage of Mr. Roscoe C. Saunders and Miss Mae E. Breckenridge also of that city, Rev. P. C. Stire of Logan performing the ceremony.
The wedding is said to have been one of the finest that has taken place in Manilla for many a day, the house was profusely decorated for the occasion with smilax, pink and white carnations, etc. Mr. Saunders is one of Crawford County's best young men, he is a partner in the hardware business of Barstow and Saunders and is also manager of the Manilla Telephone Co. and is a thoroughly up-to-date young man with a good education and every prospect for a prosperous life. The bride is spoken of as a very charming and accomplished young lady, worthy in every way of the man of her choice.
Gust F. Schlotfelt and Margaret D. C. Schroeder
Denison Review - 9-5-1902
There were married, Sept. 3, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Mr. Gust F. Schlotfelt of Kiron to Miss Margaret D. C. Schroeder of Schleswig, before the witnesses, Wm. H. Schroeder and Lena Kahler.
Wm. Schmidt and Amanda Witt
Denison Review - 10-03-1902 - Schleswig
Mr. Wm. Schmidt and Miss Amanda Witt were married Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. Claussen of Denison, at the home of Mr. Fritz Witt, father of the bride.
The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The bride is the charming and accomplished daughter of Fritz Witt and has lived in that vicinity for years and who by her loving disposition and good trains has won the good will and admiration of everyone who knew her.
Mr. Wm. Schmidt is the good natured manager of the Noble avd Dressell Lumber co. and is well known and popular with all classes of business men. He has started to build an elegant cottage of five rooms in which they will live. They will go to keeping house about November 1st and have the best wishes of the community to aid them in their new enterprise.
Albert Schultz and Elizabeth Kagal
Denison Review - 10-21-1902 - Charter Oak
On Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 took place the happy marriage of Miss Elizabeth Kagal to Mr. Albert Schultz at the Hanover Lutheran church northeast of town.
After the ceremony the guests assembled at the bride's home where a very pleasant dinner was served which was greatly enjoyed by all. Many beautiful presents were received. The bride wore a dress of white satin trimmed in silk with orange blossoms white charande.
The bride is an accomplished young lady who is well known in this vicinity and is esteemed by the whole community.
The groom is well known here and is a sober, industrious, homes, careful man and has a host of friends who wish him and his wife success in their new enterprise. The Review also extends hearty congratulations.
Thomas Servoss and Rauza Taylor
Denison Review - 9-3-1903 - Vail
Miss Rauza Taylor and Mr. Thomas Servoss were married last Wednesday at the Catholic parsonage, Rev. Father Murphy officiating. After the wedding a dinner was served to a few relatives and friends at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Taylor. The bride is a young lady of refinement. She has been a teacher the past year in the schools at Henderson, Iowa. Tom is one of Vail's popular young men and has a host of friends who wish him and his bride many happy days. They will reside in Vail.
Clyde Seymour and Unknown
Denison Review - 10-10-1902 - Denison
Mr. Clyde Seymour surprised his friends Tuesday by dropping in on them accompanied by his bride. They were married at Emmettsburg, Iowa the home of the bride and came to Denison. Mr. Seymour's mother had prepared a reception for them upon their arrival to which there were a goodly number present. All join in extending congratulations to Mr. Seymour and his bride and wish them much joy and happiness. They will remain in Denison for a week and then go to New Orleans, where Clyde is working with the Illinois Central surveyors.
Homer C. Shaffer and Kate B. Hill
Denison Review - 12-30-1902 - Denison
Married at the brides residence in Denison, Tuesday, December 30, 1902, Rev. A. G. Martyn of the Presbyterian church officiating, Mr. Homer C. Shaffer of Council Bluffs and Miss Kate B. Hill.
The groom is an Express Messenger on the Illinois Central R. R. and his bride is recently from Ft. Dodge. The Review joins in sincere congratulations for these worthy young couples in their entrance upon the voyage of matrimonial life.
Will Shove and Kate Claussen
Denison Review - 6-24-1903 - Vail
Miss Kate Claussen and Mr. Will Shove were married last Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents near Arcadia, Rev. Christwell of the Presbyterian Church performing the ceremony. The bride has been a teacher in our public schools the past 8 years and has made a host of friends during her stay in Vail. Mr. Shove is the efficient assistant cashier at the Traders bank and is a bright, sober, industrious young man. Their many friends congratulate.
Ernst F. Sibbert and Hertha C. VonTuil
Denison Review - 10-17-1902 - Denison
On Wednesday evening, Oct. 15th, took place the marriage of Mr. Ernst F. Sibbert and Miss Hertha C. VonTuil, both of Denison.
The ceremony was performed at the parsonage of the Lutheran church, Rev. F. Lothringer officiating. Later they were one of two bridal couples to take No. 5 west for a wedding trip.
The bride is the attractive and popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Von Tuil of this city. She is possessed of every grace necessary for the realization of a happy home and we sincerely congratulate Mr. Sibbert upon his good fortune in securing her as his helpmate through life.
Mr. Sibbert is one of the four Sibbert boys who came to this country from Germany not very many years ago. Each of them has made his own was through life and has become a useful and respected citizen. Ernst has our good wishes and congratulations.
Mr. Simmons and Anna Dietz
Denison Review - 1-23-1903 - Charter Oak
Mr. Simmons and Miss Anna Dietz were married at St. Boniface's church on Jan. 15th.
Will Smith and Delie Runkle
Denison Review - 7-22-1903 - Denison
On Wednesday evening, Mr. Will Smith and Mrs. Delie Runkle were quietly married at the M. E. parsonage, Rev. Emory Miller officiating. The marriage was a surprise to their friends who are now wishing them happiness and prosperity. Both are well known in Denison, where they will make their home for the present and will later move to Denver.
George Sprecher and Grace Baer
Denison Review - 6-20-1902 - Denison
On Wednesday, June 18 at 9 PM there were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Baer, Mr. George Sprecher and Miss Grace Baer.
The wedding ceremony was a quiet one, Rev. Dr. E. M. Holmes officiating in the presence of a few immediate relatives only. The happy couple left on the early morning train for a brief honeymoon season to be spent in Hot springs, South Dakota. The date and hour of the wedding was kept a close secret and thus the friends of this popular couple were prevented from that outpouring of rice and music which had been so studiously planned. It is said that even the prospective best man was not informed of the time of the ceremony and the boys were completely fooled. The groom is to be congratulated in having secured for his helpmate through life, one of the brightest, most capable and most charming of Denison's daughters.
Like her husband, she was born in Denison and her life here has been one of cheerful helpfulness. She has been prominent in lodge and social circles and she possesses all the attributes of noble womanhood.
George Sprecher is one of the salt of the earth, efficient, accommodating, kind-hearted and faithful. As assistant postmaster of Denison he has gained the friendship of the entire community and one and all join in congratulations and best wishes for a long, prosperous and happy life. Mr. and Mrs. Sprecher will return before the first of July and will occupy one of the handsome new houses just erected in South Denison by Mr. J. H. Jones. Here's luck to George and Grace. May they live long and prosper.
Claus H. Storm and Emma Fineran
Denison Review - 4-4-1903 - Goodrich Twp.
On April first occurred the marriage of Mr. Claus H. Storm of Goodrich township and Miss Emma Fineran, Rev. Lothringer officiating.
M. Talcott and Nettie Green
Denison Review - 10-14-1902 - Arion
Arion was blessed this week with two marriages, the first being Wednesday evening at the home of Levi Green, the contracting parties being Mr. M. Talcott and Miss Nettie Green, Rev. A. W. McNeel officiating. The groom is a trusted employee of the Illinois Central and the bride is the accomplished daughter of Levi Green. Both are highly esteemed and have a host of friends who wish them success in life.
Carlin Talcott and Dora Jackson
Denison Review - 12-2-1902 - Dow City
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jackson of Dow City, Miss Dora Jackson to Mr. Carlin Talcott. The ceremony was performed by Elder Charles Derry of Woodbine. The happy couple went to housekeeping at once in the Sheldon cottage.
Howard Town and Ethel Williams
Denison Review - 9-30-1903 - Buck Grove
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams at Eugene, Oregon, Wednesday morning, Sept. 9, 1903, Mr. Howard Town of Buck Grove, Iowa and Miss Ethel Williams of Eugene, Oregon, Rev., Rowland pastor of the M. E. church officiating.
The wedding was one of the prettiest home weddings which has occurred at Eugene this season. The parlors were profusely and appropriately decorated for the occasion with ivy and astors, a bank of ivy and ferns in one corner of the main parlor making the position to be taken up by the bridal party, directly beneath a large evergreen and floral wreath. Only the intimate friends of the bride were present. Promptly at 10 o'clock the contracting parties presented by Rev. Rowland, appeared in the parlors, Miss Effie presiding at the piano rendering Lohengren's wedding march. Rev. Rowland conducted the simple and impressive ritualistic ceremony of the Methodist Episcopal Church in his usual pleasing manner. The bride carried a boquet of white carnations and looked charming in a beautiful gown of white silk mull. The groom wore the conventional black. After the ceremony and congratulations, a dainty wedding luncheon was served. The bride is a very charming, popular and winsome young lady and is held in the highest esteem by her many friends.
Mr. Town is a very successful and esteemed farmer of Buck Grove, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Town left on the afternoon train for points in the east where they will visit on their way to Buck Grove, Iowa where they will reside on their large and beautiful farm.
Joseph Turechek and Jennie Kral
Denison Review - 2-21-1903 - Vail
On February 17th, a happy wedding took place near Vail, when Mr. Joseph Turechek, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turechek, of Carroll, Iowa and Miss Jennie Kral, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kral of Vail, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony.
The ceremony was impressingly performed by Rev. Morgan of Deloit. Miss Rose Kral of Vail, a cousin of the bride and Miss Anna Shems of Carroll, a cousin of the groom acted as bridesmaids, while Edward Turechek, a brother of the bridegroom acted as best man. After the wedding ceremony, a bountiful supper was served the seventy-five guests present after which all joined in a social dance for which the music was furnished by Mr. John Knowles and his daughter Anna of Vail. Many beautiful and useful gifts testified the good will and hearty congratulations of the many friends of the happy couple.
The guests from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Turechek of Sioux City, Miss Mary Shems of Yetter, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Egemayer, Chas. Egemayer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turechek, Edward and George Turechek, all of Carroll, Mrs. And Mrs. Eugene Graves and Miss Anna Shems of Glidden and Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Jacobs and Frank Shems of Willie, Iowa.
The bride is a Crawford county girl of intelligence, beauty and fine womanly qualities. The groom is to be congratulated upon having won her for his bride.
Mr. Turechek is an industrious, energetic and capable young man and we doubt not but that their home on their farm near Carroll will be a happy one. The Review joins in extending congratulations.
Harry N. Turner and Mary E. Mill
Denison Review - 12-19-1902 - Deloit
A very pleasant home wedding occurred on Wednesday evening of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Snell near Deloit. It was the marriage of their niece Miss Mary E. Mill of Schaller, Iowa, to Mr. Harry N. Turner from near McGregor, Iowa.
The brief but impressive nuptial ceremony by which their lives were blended by mutual vows of affection was performed by Rev. A. G. Martyn, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Denison. Sincere congratulations were given by the relatives and friends present after which an elegant wedding supper was served.
The bride has been one of the Sac County's most excellent public school instructors, numbering her friends by the score by reason of her fine Christian character.
The groom is a choice young man of good business gratifications from eastern Iowa where their future home will be. The Review joins in best wishes for the future happiness of these worthy young people.
John Vogt and Minnie N. Blunk
Denison Review - 3-7-1903
Married March 4, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Mr. John Vogt, of Paradise Township to Miss Minnie N. Blunk, of Hanover Township. Witnesses: Chas Blunk and Elizabeth Vogt.
John H. Watje and Miss Burmeister
Denison Review - 4-25-1903
A happy wedding occurred at the home of Christ Burmeister, his eldest daughter was married to Mr. John Watje of Sioux City, Ia. The Arndt band furnished the music.
Bernhard Westphalen and Emma I. Pobanz
Denison Review - 1-17-1903
Married Jan. 11, Rev Lothringer officiating, Mr. Bernhard Westphalen of Hanover Township to Miss Emma I. Pobanz of Goodrich Township, witnesses being Wm. Mueller and Anna Tech, Fred Pobanz and Hulda Mueller.
Alex Wilson and Pearl Palmer
Denison Review - 10-3-1902 - Manilla
A pretty wedding took place at the M. E. parsonage at Manning, Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, the contracting parties being Mr. Alex Wilson and Miss Pearl Palmer. A reception was given at the home of the bride who is the daughter of our popular townsman, Mr. A. W Palmer. Both parties are well known here and are held in high esteem by the entire community who wish them success in their new venture.
Maurice Winans and Ella Streeter
Denison Review - 10-14-1903 - Deloit
Married Winans - Streeter - Mr. Maurice Winans and Miss Ella Streeter were married at Denison last Saturday afternoon Oct 10, 1903. The groom is the youngest son of Mrs. Ann Winans and the bride the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Streeter. Both are well and favorably known and all wish them a pleasant journey through life.
Bert Wright and Lillian Jones
Denison Review - 7-8-1903 - Charter Oak
June 30, 1903 at high noon, at the home of the brides parents in Charter Oak, Ia., Miss Lillian Jones and Mr. Bert Wright of Gayville, S. D., Rev. J. Lewis Gillies of Radcliff, Ia. officiating.
Promptly at the appointed hour, the bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March and took their places beneath a beautiful bower of ferns, daises and roses. The bride was attired in white silk mulle and carried a boquet of bride's roses. The groom wore the conventional black. They were attended by Arthur Jones as groomsman, Miss Marie Monahan as bridesmaid and two little girls in white, a niece and a cousin of the bride, as ring bearer and flower girl. After the ceremony and congratulations a bounteous luncheon was served to about forty guests.
The out of town guests were Mrs. Wright of Sioux City, mother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Frank West of Wisner, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. M. Wright of Yankton, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. R. Schneck of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kepford and Mary Clinton of Ute and Miss Ethel Sacha of Manilla.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright left Wednesday amid a shower of rice and old shoes, for a few days visit to Sioux City. They expect to visit Niagara and other places of interest before going to their future home at Gayville. These young people are well known and highly esteemed by their many friends in this vicinity; the bride being one of Crawford County's most successful teachers; a charming and accomplished young lady. The groom who is a model young man, is to be congratulated in choosing so worthy a help mate. We are indeed sorry to lose them from our midst but the best wishes of a host of friends follow them wherever they go.

W. F. Maloy and Myrtie Williams
Denison Review - 2-28-1903 - Vail
Married at St. Ann's Church at 10 o'clock on Monday, February 23, W. F. Maloy and Miss Myrtie Williams, Rev. James Murphy officiating, J. M. Maloy acting as groomsman and Miss Ella Lawler as bridesmaid.
Both of these young people are residents of Jackson Township and are highly esteemed by their many friends who are extending congratulations to the happy couple. They will probably make their home in Missouri in about two weeks and the very best wishes go with them to their new home. The Observer wishes to add its warm congratulations and wishes for their future happiness.
Harry G. Mann and Fay Cook
Denison Review - 7-18-1902
As chronicled in the last Review, the wedding of Miss Fay Cook and Mr. Harry G Mann of Council Bluffs took place at the Wilson house on last Tuesday afternoon.
The ceremony was a quiet affair, only immediate friends and relatives being present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. M. Holmes of the M. E. church. The parlors of the Wilson House were beautifully decorated for the occasion and the bride looked most charming in her handsome wedding gown. After the wedding the newly married couple went to Carroll for a brief visit with friends, returning to Denison today. They will be the recipients of an elaborate reception at the Wilson House this evening. They will make Denison their home for the present and will take a more extended wedding trip in August.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cook and is a most attractive and capable young lady. She has made for herself a host of friends in Denison who wish her the utmost happiness in life and who congratulate the fortunate groom upon having won such a winsome bride.
Mr. Mann is a traveling salesman for the Empkie-Schugrt Implement house of Council Bluffs. He is a bright and able young man and is in every way fitted to make a model husband. The Review joins with the many other friends in congratulations and best wishes for a life-time filled with happiness.
Emil Martensen and Grace McClure
Denison Review - 10-21-1902
Emil Martensen, formerly of this place, was married to Miss Grace McClure of Mapleton on Wednesday at Sioux City.
Delano W. McAhren and Maud Hunter
Denison Review - 8-19-1903 - Dunlap
Today (Wednesday) at high noon in Dunlap will occur the marriage of Mr. Delano W. McAhren to Miss Maud Hunter. Mr. Milton McAhren, brother of the groom will act as best man, and Miss Gertie Hunter, sister of the bride as bridesmaid. Rev. Mr. Carson will perform the ceremony.
Immediately after the ceremony a wedding luncheon will be partaken of and the happy couple will start for Colorado Springs on their wedding tour. They will visit Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo and other Colorado cities before returning, being absent about three weeks.
Mr. McAhren was born and grew to manhood in Denison and is so well and favorably known by all that anything we might say could not add to his popularity and true worth. He is connected with the Denison Clothing Co. and enjoys the confidence of all who have dealings with that firm. In social circles he has been a leader and no function has been a success without his presence.
Miss Hunter is likewise well known in Denison, where she has made her home for many years. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hunter of Dunlap. She is possessed of a bright, intellectual mind, attriactive manners and is thoroughly competent to take up the duties of married life. Her friends are numerous and all join in wishing her and the husband of her choice prosperity and happiness which they richly deserve.
Samuel McCullough and Margaret Breen
Denison Review - 7-1-1903 - Vail
The marriage of Mr. Samuel McCullough of Denison and Miss Margaret Breen of this place, occurred this Wednesday morning at St. Ann's Church at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. M. J. Farrelly of Denison performed the nuptial ceremony.
The happy couple were attended by Martin McCullough and Tressa Breen. The bride's sister, Miss Agnes, presided at the organ during the entering and retiring of the bridal party. Only the members of the families of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony, after which a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents. The newly married couple took the 10:30 a.m. train for Clinton, Chicago and Gilman, Ill., where they will visit relatives for some time. On their return home they will occupy their residence in East Denison.
The bride has been one of Crawford county's most successful school teachers and is a model young lady of rare intelligence and charming disposition, and is possessed of the many womanly graces which go to make life happy.
The groom is one of Crawford's most enterprising and industrious young men. He is of pleasing disposition and natural endowments that fit him to meet and surmount the difficulties that must be encountered in life. He is to be congratulated upon his choice of a helpmate. The Observer wishes to extend its hearty congratulations for the future happiness of these estimable people.
-Vail Observer
Edward McCutcheon and Linda Blocker
Denison Review - 7-18-1902 - Denison
The marriage of Mr. Edward McCutcheon and Miss Linda Blocker of the vicinity of Vail, occurred at the Presbyterian parsonage in Denison on Wednesday, July 16th, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating. They are among the choice young people of East Boyer and the Review joins in hearty congratulations to them in their plighting of the mutual vows of affection at the marriage altar.
F. D. McIlravey and Jessie Campbell
Denison Review - 7-1-1903 - West Side
Announcements were received last week of the marriage of Miss Jessie Campbell of West Side and Mr. F. D. McIlravey, which took place at West Side last Wednesday. The bride is a very estimable young lady and her friends wish her happiness in the union with the husband of her choice. They will be at home at Riceville, Iowa where Mr. McIlravey is principal of the schools.
Walter C. McMiniemee and Veda Anderson
Denison Review - 10-17-1902
Married, Oct. 15, 1902, at 5:30 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stone, Rev. M. Bohart officiating, Miss Veda Anderson and Mr. Walter C. McMiniemee.
After the ceremony a bounteous dinner was served, after which the happy couple departed for a brief stay in Omaha.
The bride is an estimable young lady with many accomplishments. She has been one of Crawford county's successful school teachers. After graduating from the Denison Normal and Business College, she accepted a position as stenographer for a large publishing house in Cincinnati, O., where she has been the past three years.
The groom is an industrious young man and is the manager of the Nye, Schneider and Co. grain and livestock business at Crowell, Nebr., at which place they will be at home after Nov. 15th. The best wishes of their many friends go with them.
C. W. Meier and A. Mary Schluter
Denison Review - 6-27-1902 - Westside
Married June 24th, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Richard C. W. Meier to Miss A. Mary Schluter, both of Westside Township; witnesses Frank Faul and Barbara Lothringer.
Charles W. Menagh and Sadie E. Bohart
Denison Review - 3-14-1903 - Denison
A very joyous marriage took place on Thursday eve, March 12, 1903 at the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. Bohart in Denison. The contracting parties were Mr. Charles W. Menagh and Miss Sadie E. Bohart.
The impressive marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. A. G. Martyn, pastor of the Presbyterian church, in the presence of the large family circle who witnessed the plighted vows that made two lives one, while the earnest pray was offered that their mutual love thus given might never know blight nor change. The bridal party presented a most attractive appearance as they stood with the background of beautiful ferns and flowers artistically arranged. A most bountiful wedding supper was served to the large company present. They were the recipients of many wedding gifts.
The bride is a most estimable young lady, reared in Denison and whose amiable character and modest bearing has won her many warm friends.
The groom is also a Denison youth of Industry and good character. The Review joins in extending hearty congratulations.
Alfred Mirrick and Mable Cushman
Denison Review - 6-3-1903 - Denison
At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cushman on Wednesday evening at seven thirty o'clock, Miss Mable Cushman and Mr. Alfred Mirrick of Crafton, Pennsylvania were united in marriage, Rev. G. E. Murphy officiating.
The bride being one of Crawford County's fairest and most attractive daughters this event has an interest for a large circle of friends and acquaintances. This was, however, a quiet home wedding, only intimate friends of the family being present. Miss Florence Abbot of Seattle attended the bride as bridesmaid and Mr. P. J. Klinker acted as groomsman for the groom.
The ceremony was impressively conducted. At the appointed time Miss Maude Hunter assumed her place at the piano and to the noble strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March, the happy couple marched to the parlor assuming their positions in the bay window. There, under the floral wedding bell and almost surrounded by ferns and palms, smilax and carnations, their plighted faith was received and their marriage laws were sealed. Congratulations having been heartily given, a wedding supper having been partaken of, the happy couple proceeded on their journey to their home in Pennsylvania. The bride wore a gown of white silk mulle having a long train and flounces of lace and ribbons. The waist had a yoke and a wide collar. Thus costumed and carrying a bouquet of brides roses, the charming young lady presented a picture of unsurpassed loveliness. The bridesmaid wore a dress of blue and white. The gentlemen in conventional black suitably completed the bridal group. The many friends and admirers of Miss Cushman will join with the Review in wishing her peace, happiness and prosperity in her new home.
The groom is a young man of excellent character and prospects, being a civil engineer in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Herman Munn and Georgia Dewey
Denison Review - 8-5-1903 - Westside
Herman Munn was quietly married Wednesday afternoon to Miss Georgia Dewey, at Denison, Iowa. Justice of the Peace, W. M. McLennan officiated.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dewey of this city and has lived here from childhood. She is an accomplished young lady and will make a model wife, one sure to make home pleasant.
The groom is a son of Mr. John Munn of this city. He is a sober, industrious young man and one who is well able to provide for the one of his choice. That their lives will be bright and happy is the wish of a host of friends. They left on the evening train for Blaine, Washington, where they will hereafter reside.
- West Side Journal
John Naeve and Minnie Campbell
Denison Review - 7-18-1902 - Manilla
Mr. John Naeve and Miss Minnie Campbell were married on Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Campbell, at Lake Andes, S. Dak. They arrived at this place Friday evening where they will make their home. Hosts of friends extend congratulations.
C. Wilbur Nellis and Kate M. Kelly
Denison Review - 6-24-1903 - Denison
Married on Wednesday morning, June 17, at the home of the bride's parents, Miss Kate M. Kelly and Mr. C. Wilbur Nellis, Rev. Dr. Miller officiating.
The ceremony was performed in the presence of only the immediate relatives and intimate friends. Promptly at ten o'clock, to the strains of a wedding march, the bridal couple descended the stairs unattended and assumed their position in front of a bank of ferns and flowers, where the vows were plighted. The impressive ring ceremony was used. The bride wore white silk elaborately trimmed in medallions, and carried a large bunch of bride's roses. The groom wore conventional black. After congratulations, a very nice two-course luncheon was served. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nellis, parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Nellis, Miss Blanche Nellis, and Mr. Dan Nellis, all of Botna, Iowa. The bridal party left for a short trip on the 2:45 train, amid a shower of rice and old shoes. They will be at home to their friends after July 15, on their farm in Shelby county.
Miss Kelly has grown to womanhood in Denison and has for several years been a successful teacher in our public schools. Those who know her best love her most, for her own true worth.
The groom is a comparative stranger in Denison, but we understand is a young man of sterling qualities, upright character, study and industrious. The good wishes of their friends go with them.
Daniel Namitz and Therese Aklebine
Denison Review - 10-21-1903 - Ricketts
Miss Therese Aklebine of Hanover and Mr. Daniel Namitz of Soldier were married at high noon at the German Lutheran Church by Rev. Runge.
The wedding march was played by Prof. Guysemann and the bridal party marched in. The bridesmaids were Miss Louisa Namitz and Miss Lentz. The groomsmen were Mr. Schultz and Mr. Lentz. The bride was very tastefully attired in a black satin trimmed with white silk applique and her head was beautifully adorned with a bridal wreath and veil. After the ceremony the immediate relatives partook of a bountiful repast at the bride's mother's . The bride's cake was in pyramid form, its crest adorned with flowers and the circumference of the cake was elegantly lighted with burning colored candles. We extend congratulations to Mr. Namitz on securing so beautiful and worthy a bride and we hope they will live happily together to a ripe old age.
John Nicholsen and Maggie Hardar
Denison Review - 3-12-1903 - Denison
A quiet but very happy nuptial event occurred Wednesday noon, March 11, 1903, at the Presbyterian parsonage in Denison, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating. The bridal couple were Mr. John Nicholsen of Schleswig and Miss Maggie Hardar of Denison.
The groom is one of the best known and popular young men who have claimed Denison as their home and was for sometime in connection with the firm of Pfarr, Gebert and Hunt, where he won a host of friends by his business ability. More recently he has been in the clothing business at Schleswig. In his bride he has won a young lady of most excellent character and grace of person who will prove a most worthy helpmate and one that will prove a benefaction to his heart and home. The Review wishes the happy couple the greatest happiness attainable in life a long voyage on the matrimonial sea and a most prosperous one.
Alf. Nordholm and Hannah Sjogren
Denison Review - 4-25-1903 - Kiron
On Wednesday evening last week, relatives and friends to the number of over a hundred gathered at the pleasant home of A. G. Sjogren, three and one half miles south of Kiron to witness the marriage of Alf. Nordholm to Miss Hannah Sjogren.
At seven o'clock the bridal couple together with their attendants marched into the parlor to music rendered by Miss Grace Selander of Denison. Rev. N. Wicksell performed the impressive and important ceremony that made them man and wife. Congratulations were showered upon this estimable couple, whereafter, a most dainty supper was served. A very complete assortment of valuable and useful presents was tendered the couple. Among the guests from away were Mr. and Carl Flodine of Boone, Mrs. Gust. Selander, Grace Selander, sister and two brothers, P. E. Flodine and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Lillieholm all from Denison, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nordholm and other relatives of Battle Creek.
The bride is the oldest daughter of our farmer friend A. G. Sjogren and is well and favorable known in these parts, who possesses traits of a true woman and to preside over the home in a model manner and to make life cheerful for the man she has wed. The fortunate groom is one of our industrious young farmers and by his manly and affable ways has won the esteem of all who know him. They have gone to housekeeping on the Winquist farm one mile south of Kiron. May success and happiness be theirs.
A. J. O'Connell and Alice Kennally
Denison Review - 10-24-1902 - Ashland, Wis.
The following taken from the Ashland, Wis. News tells of the wedding of a young man who is well and most favorably known to many Denison people. He has been here but a comparatively short time but he already has a host of friends who will extend congratulations to him and a hearty welcome to his bride.
A very pretty wedding ceremony was solemnized at St. Agnes church this morning at 9 o'clock, the contracting parties being Miss Alice Kennally of Ashland and A. J. O'Connell of Denison, Iowa.
The bride is well and favorably known here having resided here for the past two years with her brother. The groom is also well known here having resided here up till about four years ago. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connell leave on the 7:20 train for their future home in Denison, Iowa, where the groom is employed by the North Western Road.
Oria Offinier and Maud Woodyard
Denison Review - 5-20-1903 - Manilla
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Woodyard, on Tuesday, Miss Maud Woodyard to Mr. Oria Offinier, Rev. Stire officiating.
Mich. J. P. Olderog and Catherine G. Lueitjens
Denison Review - 11-7-1902 - Denison
Married November 5th, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Mr. Mich. J. P. Olderog of Hanover Township to Miss Catherine G. Lueitjens of Denison: Witnesses - Leul and Pauline Leuitjens.
Emil Olsen and Emeli Molin
Denison Review - 1-31-1903 - Kiron
Married at the Presbyterian parsonage, Denison, Iowa, Monday, January 26, 1903, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating, Mr. Emil Olsen and Miss Emeli Molin, both of Kiron.
Fred Parker and Clara Buss
Denison Review - 10-3-1902 - Dow City
A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. Chas. Buss about four miles west of town on Tuesday at 3 p.m. when Miss Clara Buss was married to Mr. Fred Parker of St. Clair Michi.
The house was well filled with invited guests, neighbors and friends of the family. Mrs. Sands played the wedding march. The high contracting parties occupied a portion under a grand floral arch and Rev. Houghtelin performed the ceremony making the happy couple one. The bride was accompanied by Miss Ada Johnson while Mr. Ralph Johnson accompanied the groom. Many presents, useful and ornamental, were tendered the happy bride.
They left on Friday morning for their new home in St. Clair, Mich. Mrs. Buss, the bride's mother, accompanied them for a prolonged stay. So our Dottie has left us, a bright winsome young lady with many good qualities and will doubtless be a model helpmate. The best wishes of the community go with them.
E. W. Pilcher and Fay M. Winans
Denison Review - 8-5-1902 - Deloit
Happy Nuptials at Deloit - Pilcher - Winans - Saturday evening August 2, 1902 at 8 o'clock at the home of the brides parents, in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends, Mr. E. W. Pilcher of Ida Grove and Miss Fay M. Winans of Deloit.
The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. A. G. Martyn, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Denison. The bride was dressed in blue silk with trimmings of appliqué and ribbon and the groom in conventional black. Josie Childress acted as bridesmaid and Harry Childress as best man. After the ceremony a sumptuous supper was served.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Winans and is most highly esteemed being loved and respected by all who know her.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pilcher of Ida Grove and is an industrious and prosperous young man of sterling qualities, being at present employed by the Green Bay Lumber Co. at Ida Grove. Miss Winans is a charming young lady and Mr. Pilcher is to be congratulated on securing such an excellent wife. The happy couple start out with the best wishes of a host of friends for their future welfare. They will be at home to their friends after Aug. 20.
Robert Plimpton and Etta Walker
Denison Review - 12-16-1902 - Denison
Dr. Robert Plimpton surprised his many friends by returning to Denison this week with a fair and charming bride. Congratulations are many and heartfelt, especially among those who have known Dr. Plimpton since his boyhood days and who knew what a fine, manly and upright life he has led. He is one of the young men of whom Denison is justly proud and in whose future happiness and well being all have a most friendly concern. It is therefore, with pleasure that they greet the beautiful bride, and wish for her many happy days and a happy home in Denison.
The ceremony which united Dr. Plimpton and Miss Etta Walker took place at Orient, Iowa, on Wednesday, December 10th, at the home of the brides parents.
Mrs. Plimpton graduated at Des Moines college in 1897, being a classmate and friend of Miss Emma Rollinson, afterward she took a year of post graduate work in Chicago University. She has been an instructor in German at the Sac City Institute and is thus thoroughly equipped to make a most admirable helpmeet for this promising young physician.
Dr. and Mrs. Plimpton came to Denison on Saturday evening after a pleasant visit with Dr. Wm. Plimpton at Glenwood, Iowa. They are now at home at their residence on Broadway. The Review joins in heartfelt and hearty congratulations.
Allen Rae and Etta Belle Page
Denison Review - 9-12-1902 - Dow City
We are in receipt of the announcement of the wedding at the home of the bride's parents at Grant Works, Cook Co., Ill. On Sept 10th of Miss Etta Belle Page and Mr. Allen Rae of Dow City, Rev. H. H. Barten of Adel, Iowa officiating.
The groom is well known in this county as the son of Mr. Thos. Rae of Dow City. He is a young man of great promise. As an electrical engineer he has already made his mark and while in the service of the U. S. Navy he has visited the far corners of the earth and as the readers of the Review are well aware from his interesting letters which we have published from time to time, he has made the most of his opportunities. Better than all he is an upright Christian young man, a credit to his lineage and to the county in which he was reared. We are unacquainted with the bride but we trust and believe that she is all that should be to make for Allen a happy and helpful wife. We congratulate the young couple and wish them a long life and a prosperous one.
John Ritchie and Anna Biett
Denison Review - 4-4-1903
Mr. John Ritchie and Miss Anna Biett, a sister of Mrs. Silleto were married at the home of Mr. Herman Grill, Thursday, April 2nd - Judge McLennan performed the ceremony.
About twenty five guests were present. The bride wore a very stylish blue gown and she and her husband received many congratulations. Mrs. Grill served a very lavish and elegant wedding supper. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie received a number of very handsome presents. They are now house keeping in their new home. The Review joins with their many friends in wishing them a long and happy life.
Charles E. Robinault and Alta Mae Biggs
Denison Review - 3-3-1903 - Goodrich Twp.
Happy March Wedding - A happy nuptial event occurred on the afternoon of March 1st at the pleasant and hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Biggs in Goodrich Township near Denison. It was the marriage of their daughter, Miss Alta Mae to Mr. Charles E. Robinault of Denison.
The impressive marriage ceremony that united their hearts and lives in mutual affection was performed by Rev. A. G. Martyn, of the Presbyterian church of Denison. Only the immediate family relatives were present to witness the plighted vows and extend congratulations. A most excellent wedding dinner was served.
The bride is one of the choice young ladies of Goodrich and will prove a true helpmeet in every sense of the word.
The groom is a young man of pleasing address and sterling worth and one of Crawford County's successful teachers, having been a student at our Normal College. The Review joins many friends in wishing this excellent young couple all the happiness and prosperity possible in life. They will make Denison or vicinity their home.
William Rhodenbaugh and Faith Pierce
Denison Review - 7-1-1903 - Denison
At the residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pierce on Wednesday, June 24, 1903, Mr. William Rhodenbaugh and Miss Faith Pierce, Rev. Emory Miller officiating.
The ceremony which united this happy couple was performed at 5 o'clock in the presence of the relatives of both parties and a few intimate friends. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served and a half hour spent in congratulations and well wishes for the future happiness of the couple. Both parties are well and very favorably known in Crawford County, having lived here all their lives.
The bride is a bright and winsome lady of good education and high mindedness. She is a graduate of the Denison High School having graduated four years ago. Since that time she has been teaching in the country and city schools. In church and Sunday School she has always been a helpful worker and her services have always won much praise. We congratulate the groom upon having won so estimable a bride. She is indeed well fitted for the new duties she has entered upon.
The groom is a son of Mr. W. W. Rhodenbaugh and is a young man of exemplary habits and possessed of the highest qualities of manhood. For a number of years he has been making his home in Denison where he has been connected in a business way and has by his affable manner and strict integrity won the esteem of all.
The happy couple will reside on the grooms farm in Hays Township where a new home has been erected and awaits its queen. In wishing Mr. and Mrs. Rhodenbaugh a successful and happy life, The Review voices the sentiment of the entire community.
John M. Rollins and Susie McCutcheon
Denison Review - 7-29-1902 - Denison
Married at the Presbyterian parsonage on Sunday, July 26, 1902, Mr. John Rollins and Miss Susie McCutcheon, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating.
The groom, Mr. John Rollins, quietly came down from Algona on Saturday last and hunted up the county clerk and secured the license and the minister and Sunday, he and the bride to be were on hand ready for the ceremony that made them husband and wife, thus surprising all their friends.
John is at present connected with Prof. Spencer at Algona, where he has a very lucrative position as stenographer and bookkeeper. He is a graduate of Denison Normal and is a young man of the highest type of Christian character, active in doing work, faithful to every trust committed to him and is prepared to make his way in the world.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. McCutcheon of East Boyer township and is said to be a lady of intellectual ability, charming in person and well fitted as a companion to the man of her choice. A wedding supper was served to the happy couple at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rollins in East Boyer on Sunday evening and they then left on the Illinois Central for St. Paul and Duluth where Mr. Rollins has land interests. They will shortly return to Algona their future home and will be at home to their friends after Aug. 15. We congratulate the young people, may they have a long and happy life.
Clyde Rose and Julia Henry
Denison Review - 12-2-1902 - Arion
Arion was blessed this week with two marriages. Thursday morning at St. Patrick's church at Denison occurred the happy marriage of Mr. Clyde Rose and Miss Julia Henry, by Rev. Father Farrelly.
After the ceremony they retired to the bride's house where, after an elegant wedding dinner was served, they received congratulations from the many friends.
The bride is one of Arion's society ladies who has a circle of friends and is highly esteemed by all. The groom is the well known operator in the interlocking station at this point and is well thought of both by the railroad company and by the city as well. They start housekeeping with the best wishes of the community.
S. E. Rudd and Estelle McBride
Denison Review - 5-27-1903 - Dow City
Mr. S. E. Rudd and Miss Estelle McBride were married at the home of Harrison Rudd, May 18th, Harrison Rudd performing the ceremony.
Nels E. Sandstrom and Mabel Lundell
Denison Review - 3-12-1903
On Wednesday evening, March 4th, the happenings took place that moved the names of Nels E. Sandstrom and Mabel Lundell off the single list to the married files.
The ceremony took place at the Swedish Lutheran Church at seven o'clock, when Rev. J. Christianson of Dayton, Iowa spoke the words that made this happy couple husband and wife. The bridesmaids were Edna Lundell and Delphi Lindsborg and the groomsman Martin Sandstrom and Enoch Lindskoog. The church was profusely decorated in a most pleasing and artistic style with plants, flowers and ribbons. Three arches appropriately trimmed with ribbon presented a beautiful sight. The church was packed with friends and relatives of the couple to witness.
A reception was held at the bride's home to which friends and relatives to the number of a hundred gathered the same evening. A fine supper was awaiting the couple and the guests on their arrival from the church. A large number of handsome and useful presents was tendered them. Among the guests from afar we mention Miss Sarah Seivers from Omaha, Sereaphim Seivers from Stanhope, Iowa and Harry Nord of Oklahoma, Oliver Broleen from Dalesburg, S. D. At a late hour the guests departed after having spent a royal time and surely not one will forget the marriage of Nels and Mable.
On Friday they left for a short wedding trip to Omaha. A large number of friends and relatives were at the depot to see them go and they boarded the train in showers of rice that was thrown. The groom is well known as is the bride, being two of the most respected and affable young people and the wishes are the heartiest of all for their success and happiness as they together glide down the stream of live and may no heavy tempestuous storms meet them. As Nels intends to farm they will soon be settled on his father's last farm. "Success" may it ever be theirs is the added wish of the writer.
Roscoe C. Saunders and Mae E. Breckenridge
Denison Review - 10-21-1903 - Manilla
On Wednesday afternoon at Manilla occurred the marriage of Mr. Roscoe C. Saunders and Miss Mae E. Breckenridge also of that city, Rev. P. C. Stire of Logan performing the ceremony.
The wedding is said to have been one of the finest that has taken place in Manilla for many a day, the house was profusely decorated for the occasion with smilax, pink and white carnations, etc. Mr. Saunders is one of Crawford County's best young men, he is a partner in the hardware business of Barstow and Saunders and is also manager of the Manilla Telephone Co. and is a thoroughly up-to-date young man with a good education and every prospect for a prosperous life. The bride is spoken of as a very charming and accomplished young lady, worthy in every way of the man of her choice.
Gust F. Schlotfelt and Margaret D. C. Schroeder
Denison Review - 9-5-1902
There were married, Sept. 3, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Mr. Gust F. Schlotfelt of Kiron to Miss Margaret D. C. Schroeder of Schleswig, before the witnesses, Wm. H. Schroeder and Lena Kahler.
Wm. Schmidt and Amanda Witt
Denison Review - 10-03-1902 - Schleswig
Mr. Wm. Schmidt and Miss Amanda Witt were married Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. Claussen of Denison, at the home of Mr. Fritz Witt, father of the bride.
The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The bride is the charming and accomplished daughter of Fritz Witt and has lived in that vicinity for years and who by her loving disposition and good trains has won the good will and admiration of everyone who knew her.
Mr. Wm. Schmidt is the good natured manager of the Noble avd Dressell Lumber co. and is well known and popular with all classes of business men. He has started to build an elegant cottage of five rooms in which they will live. They will go to keeping house about November 1st and have the best wishes of the community to aid them in their new enterprise.
Albert Schultz and Elizabeth Kagal
Denison Review - 10-21-1902 - Charter Oak
On Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 took place the happy marriage of Miss Elizabeth Kagal to Mr. Albert Schultz at the Hanover Lutheran church northeast of town.
After the ceremony the guests assembled at the bride's home where a very pleasant dinner was served which was greatly enjoyed by all. Many beautiful presents were received. The bride wore a dress of white satin trimmed in silk with orange blossoms white charande.
The bride is an accomplished young lady who is well known in this vicinity and is esteemed by the whole community.
The groom is well known here and is a sober, industrious, homes, careful man and has a host of friends who wish him and his wife success in their new enterprise. The Review also extends hearty congratulations.
Thomas Servoss and Rauza Taylor
Denison Review - 9-3-1903 - Vail
Miss Rauza Taylor and Mr. Thomas Servoss were married last Wednesday at the Catholic parsonage, Rev. Father Murphy officiating. After the wedding a dinner was served to a few relatives and friends at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Taylor. The bride is a young lady of refinement. She has been a teacher the past year in the schools at Henderson, Iowa. Tom is one of Vail's popular young men and has a host of friends who wish him and his bride many happy days. They will reside in Vail.
Clyde Seymour and Unknown
Denison Review - 10-10-1902 - Denison
Mr. Clyde Seymour surprised his friends Tuesday by dropping in on them accompanied by his bride. They were married at Emmettsburg, Iowa the home of the bride and came to Denison. Mr. Seymour's mother had prepared a reception for them upon their arrival to which there were a goodly number present. All join in extending congratulations to Mr. Seymour and his bride and wish them much joy and happiness. They will remain in Denison for a week and then go to New Orleans, where Clyde is working with the Illinois Central surveyors.
Homer C. Shaffer and Kate B. Hill
Denison Review - 12-30-1902 - Denison
Married at the brides residence in Denison, Tuesday, December 30, 1902, Rev. A. G. Martyn of the Presbyterian church officiating, Mr. Homer C. Shaffer of Council Bluffs and Miss Kate B. Hill.
The groom is an Express Messenger on the Illinois Central R. R. and his bride is recently from Ft. Dodge. The Review joins in sincere congratulations for these worthy young couples in their entrance upon the voyage of matrimonial life.
Will Shove and Kate Claussen
Denison Review - 6-24-1903 - Vail
Miss Kate Claussen and Mr. Will Shove were married last Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents near Arcadia, Rev. Christwell of the Presbyterian Church performing the ceremony. The bride has been a teacher in our public schools the past 8 years and has made a host of friends during her stay in Vail. Mr. Shove is the efficient assistant cashier at the Traders bank and is a bright, sober, industrious young man. Their many friends congratulate.
Ernst F. Sibbert and Hertha C. VonTuil
Denison Review - 10-17-1902 - Denison
On Wednesday evening, Oct. 15th, took place the marriage of Mr. Ernst F. Sibbert and Miss Hertha C. VonTuil, both of Denison.
The ceremony was performed at the parsonage of the Lutheran church, Rev. F. Lothringer officiating. Later they were one of two bridal couples to take No. 5 west for a wedding trip.
The bride is the attractive and popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Von Tuil of this city. She is possessed of every grace necessary for the realization of a happy home and we sincerely congratulate Mr. Sibbert upon his good fortune in securing her as his helpmate through life.
Mr. Sibbert is one of the four Sibbert boys who came to this country from Germany not very many years ago. Each of them has made his own was through life and has become a useful and respected citizen. Ernst has our good wishes and congratulations.
Mr. Simmons and Anna Dietz
Denison Review - 1-23-1903 - Charter Oak
Mr. Simmons and Miss Anna Dietz were married at St. Boniface's church on Jan. 15th.
Will Smith and Delie Runkle
Denison Review - 7-22-1903 - Denison
On Wednesday evening, Mr. Will Smith and Mrs. Delie Runkle were quietly married at the M. E. parsonage, Rev. Emory Miller officiating. The marriage was a surprise to their friends who are now wishing them happiness and prosperity. Both are well known in Denison, where they will make their home for the present and will later move to Denver.
George Sprecher and Grace Baer
Denison Review - 6-20-1902 - Denison
On Wednesday, June 18 at 9 PM there were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Baer, Mr. George Sprecher and Miss Grace Baer.
The wedding ceremony was a quiet one, Rev. Dr. E. M. Holmes officiating in the presence of a few immediate relatives only. The happy couple left on the early morning train for a brief honeymoon season to be spent in Hot springs, South Dakota. The date and hour of the wedding was kept a close secret and thus the friends of this popular couple were prevented from that outpouring of rice and music which had been so studiously planned. It is said that even the prospective best man was not informed of the time of the ceremony and the boys were completely fooled. The groom is to be congratulated in having secured for his helpmate through life, one of the brightest, most capable and most charming of Denison's daughters.
Like her husband, she was born in Denison and her life here has been one of cheerful helpfulness. She has been prominent in lodge and social circles and she possesses all the attributes of noble womanhood.
George Sprecher is one of the salt of the earth, efficient, accommodating, kind-hearted and faithful. As assistant postmaster of Denison he has gained the friendship of the entire community and one and all join in congratulations and best wishes for a long, prosperous and happy life. Mr. and Mrs. Sprecher will return before the first of July and will occupy one of the handsome new houses just erected in South Denison by Mr. J. H. Jones. Here's luck to George and Grace. May they live long and prosper.
Claus H. Storm and Emma Fineran
Denison Review - 4-4-1903 - Goodrich Twp.
On April first occurred the marriage of Mr. Claus H. Storm of Goodrich township and Miss Emma Fineran, Rev. Lothringer officiating.
M. Talcott and Nettie Green
Denison Review - 10-14-1902 - Arion
Arion was blessed this week with two marriages, the first being Wednesday evening at the home of Levi Green, the contracting parties being Mr. M. Talcott and Miss Nettie Green, Rev. A. W. McNeel officiating. The groom is a trusted employee of the Illinois Central and the bride is the accomplished daughter of Levi Green. Both are highly esteemed and have a host of friends who wish them success in life.
Carlin Talcott and Dora Jackson
Denison Review - 12-2-1902 - Dow City
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jackson of Dow City, Miss Dora Jackson to Mr. Carlin Talcott. The ceremony was performed by Elder Charles Derry of Woodbine. The happy couple went to housekeeping at once in the Sheldon cottage.
Howard Town and Ethel Williams
Denison Review - 9-30-1903 - Buck Grove
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams at Eugene, Oregon, Wednesday morning, Sept. 9, 1903, Mr. Howard Town of Buck Grove, Iowa and Miss Ethel Williams of Eugene, Oregon, Rev., Rowland pastor of the M. E. church officiating.
The wedding was one of the prettiest home weddings which has occurred at Eugene this season. The parlors were profusely and appropriately decorated for the occasion with ivy and astors, a bank of ivy and ferns in one corner of the main parlor making the position to be taken up by the bridal party, directly beneath a large evergreen and floral wreath. Only the intimate friends of the bride were present. Promptly at 10 o'clock the contracting parties presented by Rev. Rowland, appeared in the parlors, Miss Effie presiding at the piano rendering Lohengren's wedding march. Rev. Rowland conducted the simple and impressive ritualistic ceremony of the Methodist Episcopal Church in his usual pleasing manner. The bride carried a boquet of white carnations and looked charming in a beautiful gown of white silk mull. The groom wore the conventional black. After the ceremony and congratulations, a dainty wedding luncheon was served. The bride is a very charming, popular and winsome young lady and is held in the highest esteem by her many friends.
Mr. Town is a very successful and esteemed farmer of Buck Grove, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Town left on the afternoon train for points in the east where they will visit on their way to Buck Grove, Iowa where they will reside on their large and beautiful farm.
Joseph Turechek and Jennie Kral
Denison Review - 2-21-1903 - Vail
On February 17th, a happy wedding took place near Vail, when Mr. Joseph Turechek, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turechek, of Carroll, Iowa and Miss Jennie Kral, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kral of Vail, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony.
The ceremony was impressingly performed by Rev. Morgan of Deloit. Miss Rose Kral of Vail, a cousin of the bride and Miss Anna Shems of Carroll, a cousin of the groom acted as bridesmaids, while Edward Turechek, a brother of the bridegroom acted as best man. After the wedding ceremony, a bountiful supper was served the seventy-five guests present after which all joined in a social dance for which the music was furnished by Mr. John Knowles and his daughter Anna of Vail. Many beautiful and useful gifts testified the good will and hearty congratulations of the many friends of the happy couple.
The guests from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Turechek of Sioux City, Miss Mary Shems of Yetter, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Egemayer, Chas. Egemayer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turechek, Edward and George Turechek, all of Carroll, Mrs. And Mrs. Eugene Graves and Miss Anna Shems of Glidden and Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Jacobs and Frank Shems of Willie, Iowa.
The bride is a Crawford county girl of intelligence, beauty and fine womanly qualities. The groom is to be congratulated upon having won her for his bride.
Mr. Turechek is an industrious, energetic and capable young man and we doubt not but that their home on their farm near Carroll will be a happy one. The Review joins in extending congratulations.
Harry N. Turner and Mary E. Mill
Denison Review - 12-19-1902 - Deloit
A very pleasant home wedding occurred on Wednesday evening of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Snell near Deloit. It was the marriage of their niece Miss Mary E. Mill of Schaller, Iowa, to Mr. Harry N. Turner from near McGregor, Iowa.
The brief but impressive nuptial ceremony by which their lives were blended by mutual vows of affection was performed by Rev. A. G. Martyn, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Denison. Sincere congratulations were given by the relatives and friends present after which an elegant wedding supper was served.
The bride has been one of the Sac County's most excellent public school instructors, numbering her friends by the score by reason of her fine Christian character.
The groom is a choice young man of good business gratifications from eastern Iowa where their future home will be. The Review joins in best wishes for the future happiness of these worthy young people.
John Vogt and Minnie N. Blunk
Denison Review - 3-7-1903
Married March 4, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Mr. John Vogt, of Paradise Township to Miss Minnie N. Blunk, of Hanover Township. Witnesses: Chas Blunk and Elizabeth Vogt.
John H. Watje and Miss Burmeister
Denison Review - 4-25-1903
A happy wedding occurred at the home of Christ Burmeister, his eldest daughter was married to Mr. John Watje of Sioux City, Ia. The Arndt band furnished the music.
Bernhard Westphalen and Emma I. Pobanz
Denison Review - 1-17-1903
Married Jan. 11, Rev Lothringer officiating, Mr. Bernhard Westphalen of Hanover Township to Miss Emma I. Pobanz of Goodrich Township, witnesses being Wm. Mueller and Anna Tech, Fred Pobanz and Hulda Mueller.
Alex Wilson and Pearl Palmer
Denison Review - 10-3-1902 - Manilla
A pretty wedding took place at the M. E. parsonage at Manning, Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, the contracting parties being Mr. Alex Wilson and Miss Pearl Palmer. A reception was given at the home of the bride who is the daughter of our popular townsman, Mr. A. W Palmer. Both parties are well known here and are held in high esteem by the entire community who wish them success in their new venture.
Maurice Winans and Ella Streeter
Denison Review - 10-14-1903 - Deloit
Married Winans - Streeter - Mr. Maurice Winans and Miss Ella Streeter were married at Denison last Saturday afternoon Oct 10, 1903. The groom is the youngest son of Mrs. Ann Winans and the bride the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Streeter. Both are well and favorably known and all wish them a pleasant journey through life.
Bert Wright and Lillian Jones
Denison Review - 7-8-1903 - Charter Oak
June 30, 1903 at high noon, at the home of the brides parents in Charter Oak, Ia., Miss Lillian Jones and Mr. Bert Wright of Gayville, S. D., Rev. J. Lewis Gillies of Radcliff, Ia. officiating.
Promptly at the appointed hour, the bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March and took their places beneath a beautiful bower of ferns, daises and roses. The bride was attired in white silk mulle and carried a boquet of bride's roses. The groom wore the conventional black. They were attended by Arthur Jones as groomsman, Miss Marie Monahan as bridesmaid and two little girls in white, a niece and a cousin of the bride, as ring bearer and flower girl. After the ceremony and congratulations a bounteous luncheon was served to about forty guests.
The out of town guests were Mrs. Wright of Sioux City, mother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Frank West of Wisner, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. M. Wright of Yankton, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. R. Schneck of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kepford and Mary Clinton of Ute and Miss Ethel Sacha of Manilla.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright left Wednesday amid a shower of rice and old shoes, for a few days visit to Sioux City. They expect to visit Niagara and other places of interest before going to their future home at Gayville. These young people are well known and highly esteemed by their many friends in this vicinity; the bride being one of Crawford County's most successful teachers; a charming and accomplished young lady. The groom who is a model young man, is to be congratulated in choosing so worthy a help mate. We are indeed sorry to lose them from our midst but the best wishes of a host of friends follow them wherever they go.