Galland - Crandall
Denison Review 8-2-1911 - Deloit
Earl Galland, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Galland, who grew to manhood here, was married Wednesday, July 19th, to a Miss Crandall of Moorhead, at the home of her parents.
They went to Arlington, Neb. To visit his parents and returned to their home at Moorhead by the way of Deloit on Wednesday, calling on relatives and some of his many friends, as their stay was very short. They purchased their furniture in Omaha and had their house ready to furnish upon their return. Earl has been working for the elevator company for about two years and they find him an honest, industrious young man, which always speaks for a position anywhere. His wife is a stranger here but has the appearance of a fine young lady, who will make Earl a good companion through life. May joy and prosperity be theirs to enjoy.
Gardner - Offiner
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
J. B. Gardner - Mary Offiner
Dow City Enterprise 2-8-1907
A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. And Mrs. L. A. Vore, Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock, when their daughter Nellie was united in marriage to Mr. I. C. Gardner. The wedding was a quiet one, there being only the immediate relatives and a few intimate friends present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. L. Curtis. A very delicate two course luncheon was served. We know nothing of the future intentions of these young people but trust that prosperity and happiness may be theirs to enjoy through life.
Garvin - Harrington
Denison Review 9-1-1909 - Vail
The many friends of Miss Nellie Harrington will be interested to learn of her marriage which takes place at Dixon, Neb. Wednesday morning, September 1, to Patrick Garvin of that place. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Harrington of this town. Mr. Garvin formerly lived near Vail with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Garvin and has many friends who will be interested in his marriage.
Gary - Faus
Denison Review, Friday, March 9, 1900
We learned too late for last issue of the marriage of Mr. Eugene Gary of this place to Miss Annie Faus of Cherokee, at the home of the bride's parents last Saturday. Mr. Gary is a faithful and conscientious young man and too well known here to need further introduction while the bride is a sister of the Faus Bros. of this place. They will visit with friends here for a time and afterward will locate at Onawa where Mr. Gary will work at the cement walk business. The Review extends congratulations to this worthy young couple.
Gary - Hoffman
Denison Review, Tuesday, 4-17-1900
Mr. Gordon Gary and Miss Emma Hoffman were married at Charter Oak last Sunday by Rev. L. Hild of Ute. We have not the pleasure of knowing the fair bride but we know Gordon as one of the brightest and best young men in Crawford county. He has been a successful teacher and has always been upright and straightforward. We are most sincere in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Gary every happiness.
Gibbons - Costeloe
Denison Review 12-27-1893 - Vail
Two marriages came to pass this week. Wednesday, Mr. Thos. Bennett and Miss Loie Shove were united in the bonds of holy matrimony, and Monday, the same know was tied between Mr. Austin Gibbons and Miss Johanna Costeloe. The contracting parties are favorably known throughout our community. Ye correspondent wishes them all the happiness on this earth obtainable.
MARRIAGE: Dennison Bulletin - May 5, 1926
Miss Cecile McAndrews and Mr. Geo. Giblin Become Man and Wife at Vail, Wednesday
A wedding of unusual interest because of the popularity of the contracting parties was solemnized Wednesday, April 28th, at St. Ann's church in Vail. Miss Cecile McAndrews became the wife of Mr. Geo. Giblin. The ceremony was most impressive and was performed by Father J.J. Sullivan, who also celebrated nupital high mass. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Anne McAndrews, and Mr. Vincent Gallagher was groomsman.
The bridal party took their places at the alter to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Miss Nell Hickey. High mass was sung by Miss Nell Hickey and Mr. S. J. McAlpin. Mr. McAlpin also sang, "O, Promise Me", and "A Lesson from the Violet".
Following the ceremony the bridal party went to the home of the bride's parents, where a scumptuous four course breakfast was served. The immediate families of the contracting parties only being present.
The bride was beautiful in a dress of blue crepe roma with a hat to match. The bridesmaid wore a gown of miama rose georgette crepe. The groom and groomsman were attired in dark suits. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.B. McAndrews of Vail and is one of Vail's accomplished young ladies, being prominent in all social affairs and is a charming and talented young lady, capable of making the man of her choice happy. She is a graduate of St. Ann's Academy of Vail, and for the last few years has been employed in Omaha, being a fitter for Haas Brothers.
The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Giblin of Denison. He is a graduate of the Denison schools and also attended the Iowa State College at Ames. He is an industrious young man, of excellent character and is a musician of note. Mr. and Mrs. Giblin have a host of friends in Crawford county with whom the Bulletin joins in extending congratulations and wishes for a long, happy, and prosperous wedded life.
They will take a honeymoon to the south and upon their return will be at home to their many friends in Denison.
Glassburner - Logsdon
Denison Review - Dow City Items - 10-6-1909
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Logsdon, Oct. 1, at high noon, their eldest daughter, Miss Gertrude M. Logsdon and Mr. Frank J. Glassburner, Rev. G. W. Koser of the M. E. church officiating. There was present only the near relatives and a few of the most intimate friends. Thus another Christian home is established, both being active members of the Dow City M. E. church. Both have lived almost all their lives in this immediate vicinity and are numbered among our best young people, and are so well and favorably known that they need no introduction to our people. The presents were many and very nice. After the ceremony a very fine wedding dinner was served. The happy pair took the afternoon train for a wedding trip east. Their many friends extend to them their hearty congratulations and wish for them all the happiness that life can give.
Glau - Riessen
Schleswig Leader, March 11, 1910
On Wednesday afternoon, March 9, at the Church of Peace, occurred the wedding of Miss Dora Riessen to Mr. John E. Glau, the Rev. Wetzler performing the ceremony.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Riessen of this place and is a young lady who is loved by all for her pleasant and winning ways. The groom is a young man well known in this vicinity, having run the photograph gallery here for several years. He is known as an honest and upright man.
The groom has bought a house in Charter Oak, where they will make their future home.
The Leader extends congratulations to the happy couple.
Goddard - Hover
Dow City Enterprise 7-2-1909
Wedding Bells - What more appropriate time could there be for the union of hearts than the midsummer season when all nature looks the loveliest and when the sweet scented flowers abound with their fragrance and when the hearts of the whole world are going out to their fellowman. Love is the formation of all that is pure and good. At the Presbyterian parsonage in Denison Tuesday evening was solemnized the marriage of Miss Essie Hover to Mr. G. M. Goddard of Dow City, Rev. J. J. Dupree, pastor of the Presbyterian church performing the ceremony. The bride is one of Denison's choicest young ladies, who until about a month ago has been operator in the central office of the Iowa Telephone Co. in Denison, a position she filled to the satisfaction of the general public. The groom is from one of our best families and has grown to manhood in our midst and is at present a respected business man in our town, who, because of his honor and integrity will make his mark in the world. The Enterprise wafts to them its heartiest congratulations.
Goodrich - Butler
Denison Review, August 27, 1873 - Union Twshp
November 5th by Rev. Geo. Scott, Mr. Oscar Goodrich and Miss Lucy Butler, both of Crawford County.
Schleswig Leader, Sept. 24, 1909
Diamond Wedding
On Tuesday, September 21, 1909, at Ellingstead, Schleswig, Germany, the diamond wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Johann Gottburg took place, they having been married 60 years.
Mr. Gottburg is 91 years old and his good wife in 80. Both are enjoying good health, and have recently written to their children here, who are Mrs. Chris Kruse, Mrs. Martin Friedrichsen and Claus Gottburg.
The following telegram of congratulations was sent to Germany:
"Dear parents and grandparents: Congratulations from your children and grandchildren of Schleswig, Iowa."
Johannes, Henry and Herman Holst of this vicinity are grandchildren of this worthy couple.
Griffin - Slater
Denison Review 2-7-1894
Cards of invitation have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Slater for a wedding reception to their daughter, Miss Grace Slater, who recently married Mr. Elmer E. Griffin. The reception will take place on the evening of February 22nd. Mr. Saul Slater is one of the old settlers of Crawford county, who has a host of friends. We doubt not the reception will be one of the noted social events of the season.
Denison Review 2-28-1894 - Vail
Three weddings are to be reported this week. Tuesday, Mr. Petter Wulf and Miss Emily Darling were married at the Presbyterian parsonage by Rev. D. W. Cassett. Thursday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Elmer Griffin and Miss Grace Slater were united in holy wedlock and the same day Rev. Lothringer of Denison tied the nuptial knot between Mr. Fred Rassmussen and Miss Amelia Danielson. The young people are all favorably known throughout the district and congratulations are showered upon them abundantly.
Groncheski - Barnes
Denison Review 10-16-1912
The following License to wed have been issued by the county clerk since the last issue of the Review Oct. 5: Joseph F. Groncheski and Vera B. Barnes
Gustafson - Johnson
Denison Review 7-31-1895 - Kiron
Mr. John Gustafson and Mrs. Mary Johnson went to Denison Tuesday and before returning had the knot tied that made them man and wife. We extend our congratulations and wish them many snuffs of joy on their journey through life.
Haefner - Simons
Denison Review, Tuesday, February 20, 1900 - Hanover
Feb. 12th, at the Catholic church in Charter Oak, were married Mr. Hubert Haefner and Miss Regena Simons, Father Cooper officiating. The bride was attired in a beautiful pale blue gown. The groom wore a suit of conventional black. After the ceremony the guests repaired to the home of the bride where a sumptuous dinner was served. The evening was spent in dancing, the music being furnished by the Mesenbrink orchestra. The groom is one of Schleswig's prominent business men and it is at that place the happy couple will make their future home. We join with a host of friends in wishing them a happy future.
Hagan - McKim
Denison Review 1-1-1894 - Deloit
Wednesday, the 27th of Dec. 1893, occurred the wedding of Mr. S. Hagan of Sioux City to Miss Edna McKim, of Deloit, at the L. D. S. church of which they are both members. The ceremony took place in the presence of about 25 relatives and friends, Elder J. T. Turner officiating. They took their departure the same day for Sioux City where they will make their future home. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKim. May peace and happiness always be theirs to enjoy.
Hain - Brewster
Denison Review 10-30-1912 - Buck Grove
Invitations are out for the wedding of Franklin Hain and Mabel Brewster at the home of her parents Wednesday, October 30th.
Hall - Davis
Denison Review, Friday, March 9, 1900 - Charter Oak
Married at the M. E. Parsonage, March 7th, Mr. Wilbur Hall and Mrs. Ida Mae David, Rev. Thos. Carson officiating.
Ham - Bargenquast
Miss Dorothea Bargenquast of Manilla and H.H. Ham of Des Moines in Carroll on Saturday April 9th. Attendants: Ida Ehlers and Jack Boeck Brides parents: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bargenquast, Manilla, will live in Des Moines.
Hansen - Miller
Schleswig Leader - June 7, 1912
On Wednesday occurred the wedding of Doretta Miller to Henry Hansen. The bride is a daughter of Hans Miller and wife, and is a young lady who is well know here, and who numbers her friends by the score. The groom is an energetic young farmer who is respected by all. The young couple will make their home on a farm near here. The Leader adds its congratulations.
Hargens - Marth
Schleswig Leader, October 14, 1910
At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Hans Marth, occurred the wedding of Clara Marth to Emil Hargens of Battle Creek, last Wednesday, Rev. Amstein performing the ceremony. They will move on an Ida county farm in the spring.
Harkins - White
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
T. A. Harkins - Alice M. White
Hartwig - Knapp
Denison Review - 7-6-1910
Henry Hartwig United in Marriage to New York State Lady
A surprise to His friends
At eleven o'clock on Wednesday morning the marriage of Miss Linda M. Knapp, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Knapp, to Henry C. Hartwig of Denison, Iowa was solemnized at the German Lutheran Concordia church by Rev. H. H. Hartwig, uncle of the groom. The church was handsomely decorated with ferne and roses. The bride was beautifully gowned in white satin, trimmed with pearl trimmings. The veil of tulle was cut up with bridal roses. The bride carried a shower boquet of bridal roses and was given away by her father. The groom met her at the alter. The best man was Prof. Geo. Hartwig of Hickory, N. C., a cousin of the groom. The maid of honor was the sister of the groom, Miss Lena Hartwig, of Denison, gowned in white silk and carrying a shower boquet of white carnations.
The bridesmaids were the sister of the bride, Miss Mabel Knapp and Miss Elsie Noweck of Kent, gowned in white embroidery and carrying bouquets of pink carnations. The flower girls were little Miss Edith Knapp, cousin of the bride, and Miss Ella Knapp, a sister of the bride. They were gowned in pink silk and carried a basket filled with pink carnations and maiden hair ferns. The groom's men were Mr. William Radtke of Rochester and Mrs. Fred Knapp, brother of the bride.
The ushers were Mr. Fred Waterstreet of Kent and Mr. August Krobel of Kendall. The Logrham wedding march was played by Estella Morrill of Kendall and during the ceremony she played sweet melodies. Following the ceremony the guests repaired to the house. The bride and groom received congratulations under an arch of evergreens and roses, after which all sat down to a bountiful dinner. The table decorations were in pink and white. After a wedding trip they will leave for Denison, Iowa where they expect to make their future home. The bride received many beautiful presents in cut glass and silver.
The out-of-town guests were the mother and sister of the groom and Prof. Geo. Hartwig of Hickory, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Ammen; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knapp and son, Franklin; Mr. William Radtke, Miss Louise Spitnagel and Mrs. Ann Waterstreet of Rochester, Miss Emma Waterstreet and Miss Anna Pradel of Brockport.
Hast- Hink
Denison Review - Buck Grove News, 2-18-1898
Married at the residence of the bride's parents in Washington township, Miss Lizzie, daughter of County Supervisor Hink to Mr. Henry Hast. Both of these young people are well known and their many friends wish them a happy and prosperous journey through life.
Havelyn - Burgess
Denison Review - Paradise Punches, 1-7-1898
Laura Burgess and Wm. Havelyn were married at the bride's home in Bell at 11 a.m. January 1.
Heide - Henningsen
December 14, 1932
Milda Henningsen Becomes Bride of Mr. Rudolf Heide
The marriage of Miss Milda Henningsen and Mr. Rudolf Heide was solemnized at the Lutheran parsonage in Denison Wednesday afternoon, December 14th, at one o'clock, Rev. Wm. Frese performing the single ring ceremony. They were attended by Miss Irene Henningsen, sister of the bride, and Mr. Magnus Jacobsen, cousin of the bridegroom.
The bridal party motored to the home of the bride's parents, following the ceremony, where at five-thirty a most delicious wedding dinner was served, to about thirty-three relatives and close friends. The rooms were prettily decorated in blue and white and a huge wedding cake graced the bridal table.
The bride wore a charming dress of blue crepe and carried an arm bouquet of roses and sweet peas. Her attendant, Miss Henningsen, was dressed in light blue crepe and wore a corsage of roses and sweet peas.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Henningsen of Goodrich township. She attended the rural schools of that township and since completing her education has been assisting her mother at home. She is a popular young lady, of pleasant personality and charm and well fitted as a helpmate to the man of her choice.
The bridegroom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Heide of this city. He has been employed on the farm since completing his education and is known as an upright young man, of sterling character and ambition.
Mr. and Mrs. Heide will make their home on the bridegroom's father's farm in Goodrich township.
Hemer - Wagner
Denison Review 2-15-1898
A double wedding will occur at the home of Mr. Hemer, one-half mile south of Arthur, on Wednesday, February 16, the parties being Mr. Adam Hemer and Miss Wagner and Mr. Alfred Dobson and Miss Rose Hemer. Elder Hunt will officiate. Mr. Dobson formerly lived at this place but for some time has resided on one of the Cook farms northwest of Odebolt.
Hemphill - Cork
Denison Review 7-1-1908 Buck Grove
Earl Hemphill of Herrick, South Dakota and Miss Hazel Cork, of Burke, South Dakota, were married at Fairfax, South Dakota, June 23rd. They went at once to Omaha and then here to visit Earl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hemphill, who gave a reception for them Wednesday evening the 24th of June. Forth guests were invited and all responded and all report a splendid time. The handsome home of Mr. Hemphill was thrown open for the young folks. It was properly decorated for the occasion. Dainty refreshments were served and many presents received.
Out of town guests were the Misses Ava and Fern Butler of Arion; Misses Helen and Mae Hunter, Ada Reynolds and Messrs. Will Hunter and Floyd Reynolds, of Defiance; Miss Althea and Mrs. Fred Wiley of Dow City, also Miss Martha Hugg and her brothers, Walter and Emil, of Denison, Earl grew to manhood in this community and has very many friends, all of who wish him and his young wife a successful voyage on the matrimonial sea.
Henderson - Simmerman
Denison Review, Friday, 12-6-1899
Married on Tuesday evening, December 12, Mr. William Frank Henderson and Miss Edna Maude Simmerman; also, on December 13, Mr. Walter Cole and Miss Anna Brinkman, all of Denison. Both ceremonies were performed at the Baptist parsonage, Rev. F. W. Bateson officiating. We extend sincere congratulations to the young people and wish them every happiness in life.
Henningson - Klink
March 2, 1932
Miss Clara Klink and Mr. Walter Henningsen Wed
On Wednesday afternoon, March 2, 1932, at two o'clock, Miss Clara Klink became the bride of Mr. Walter Henningsen, the ceremony being performed in the Lutheran parsonage, Rev. Wm. Frese performing the ring ceremony. Miss Elizabeth Klink, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Melroy Henningsen, brother of the bridegroom, as best man.
Following the wedding the bridal party motored to the home of the bride's parents, where a most delicious wedding dinner was served to about twenty-five guests. The rooms and table had been prettily decorated in a color scheme of blue and tan with a huge wedding cake as the center piece on the table.
The bride wore a most becoming dress of light blue flat crepe with light shoes and hose to correspond. Her bouquet was fashioned of roses and sweat peas. Her attendant wore a pretty dress of tan silk crepe with accessories to match. She also carried a bouquet similar to that of the bride. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klink of near Denison. She attended the rural schools and following her education has spent part of her time at home and working in this community. She is a young lady of charming ways and pleasing personality, which qualities have endeared her to all.
The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Henningsen of Otter Creek township. He is a young farmer, well liked and of sterling character, and sure to make a success of life.
Mr. and Mrs. Henningsen will make their home on a farm in Goodrich township.
Henningsen - Heide
September 3, 1939
Miss Eleanor Heide and Milroy Henningsen were united in marriage on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 3, at one o'clock at the Lutheran parsonage in Denison. The Rev. C. W. Schmidt performed the double ring ceremony in the presence of Miss Lucinda Heide, sister of the bride and Harold Henningsen, brother of the bridegroom.
The bride was charming in a medium blue dress with black accessories, and carried an arm bouquet of pink roses and baby's breath. Her attendant wore a dull rose dress, with black accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses.
At five-thirty a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, for the close relatives of the bride and bridegroom. Covers were laid for thirty-four. The table and rooms were decorated in the bride's chosen colors, blue and white. A three their wedding cake was the centerpiece on the table. The waitresses were the Misses Luella Heide and Bernice Henningsen, sisters of the bride and bridegroom. Both wore blue and pink aprons.
Mr. and Mrs. Henningsen are well known in Goodrich township having always lived in that community. Mrs. Henningsen is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johann C. Heide. She attended the rural school in Goodrich township and after completing her education in the rural schools she attended the Lutheran school and was confirmed in the Lutheran faith in 1931. Since then she has been assisting her father and mother on the farm.
The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Henningsen. He attended the rural schools in Goodrich township and since has been assisting his father on the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Henningsen will make their home with the bridegroom's parents until next spring when they will start farming.
Henry - Ettleman
Denison Review - Arion, 1-7-1898
Fred Pett Esq. Married Mart Henry and Carrie Ettleman on New Year's Day.
Hensen - Morris
Denison Review, Friday, March 30, 1900 - Deloit
On Wednesday, March 28, 1900, occurred the wedding of Miss Jennie Morris and Mr. William R. Hensen, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Morris, near Deloit. The ceremony which united this happy couple, was performed by Rev. A. G. Martyn of the Presbyterian Church, of which Miss Morris has been a long and faithful member and was witnessed by the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. At the conclusion a bounteous wedding supper was partaken of and greatly enjoyed by all present.
The groom, Mr. William Hensen, is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Hensen, and with the exception of a few years spent in Montana, has always lived in Crawford county. He is a graduate of the Agricultural college of Ames. During his boyhood he lived on the old place west of Deloit and attended the Deloit schools. This little berg has the distinction of sending a number of sons on the highway to wealth and Mr. Hensen is one of them. He has conducted successfully a large ranch in Montana and is now in position to enjoy a life of happiness.
The bride is well known in Crawford, is one of the best educational instructors, is a lady of refinement and true worth and is in every way fitted for the husband of her choice. The happy couple will visit Chicago and St. Augustine, Florida and then go to the home in Montana. The Review joins in wishing them every possible happiness.
Hoffman - Waugh
Denison Review 10-3-1899 - Vail
T. J. Hoffman and Miss Anna Waugh were married Wednesday, September 27, at Humboldt, Iowa. After spending a couple of days at Omaha and Woodbine they returned to Vail, Saturday evening. Mr. Hoffman is one of our staunch business men and our genial postmaster and has a host of friends who extend congratulations. The bride is a stranger to our people but has been a nurse for some time at the hospital at Carroll where Mr. Hoffman formed her acquaintance.
Holdtrof - Schoetru
Denison Review, August 27, 1873
In Denison, November 10th, Mr. J. Holdtrof and Miss S. Schoetru.
Hollander - Baak
Schleswig Leader, Nov 5, 1909
On Sunday afternoon, October 31, at the home of Dr. W. H. Schultz here, occurred the ceremony that united till death the hearts of Mr. Magnus A. Hollander and Miss Emma C. Baak, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Amstein of the Morgan church.
At exactly four o'clock p.m. to the solemn strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March, played by Mis Helen Garber, the bridal party marched into the parlor where the ceremony was performed.
The bride was dressed in a beautiful Old Rose traveling dress, and wore a charming black and white hat. The groom wore the conventional black.
The couple was attended by Mr. Otto Hollander and Miss Lorette Schmidt, also by Mr. August E. Schultz and Miss Alice Jensen. The two bridesmaids also wore traveling suits and hats.
After Wm. Baak, the father had given his daughter to Mr. Hollander, the ring ceremony was used to seal the marriage vows. After this the congratulations of those assembled were showered upon the young couple.
Mr. Hollander, the bridegroom, is a young man of rare ability and pleasing nature. for the past couple of years he has been employed as clerk in the Schultz drug store here, where he has won the friendship of all by his good nature and ever present smile. "Mag", as his is familiarly called, is well known here and in this vicinity, and is a friend to both old and young alike. He is a particular friend to the children, each of them having a warm spot in his, or her heart for "Mag".
The bride is a daughter of Mr. Wm. Baak of Ricketts, and is a young lady of a most pleasing nature, who is loved by all who know her. She will make home "the only spot (on) earth" for her husband. She is well known both in Ricketts and in Schleswig, and all who know her have only words of highest praise to speak of her. Mr. Hollander is indeed to be congratulated of the charming bride he has won.
Only the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties were present. At five o'clock the guests assembled in the dining room where a sumptuous 5-course supper was served.
At 6:45 about 25 of the young boys and girls gathered in the front yard and proceeded to make things lively with tin cans, pails, boilers, etc. They were all invited into the house where they given all the candy they could carry.
Soon after this a large crowd of the older boys and young women came up and held a charvari. They were also invited into the house and treated to cigars and "other things". After most of these had left a crown of young men and women came up and spent the evening in dancing, singing, etc. At 10:30 another fine supper was served. At midnight all departed after wishing the happy young couple happiness and prosperity thruout their journey thru life together.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollander were the recipients of many beautiful gifts from their friends, showing the high esteem in which they are held by all.
They left Monday noon for his home at Charlotte, this state, for a short visit. They will soon start housekeeping in Schleswig, where they well be at home to their many friends.
The Leader joins with all of their many friends in wishing them the best of everything thruout this life. May they live long in happiness and prosper!
Hollander - Lorenzen
Schleswig Leader, February 25, 1910
At high noon on Tuesday, February 25, at the home of the bride's parents in Denison, occurred the wedding of Miss Adelina Lorenzen to Mr. Peter Hollander of Schleswig. The wedding march was played by Miss Elfrieda Naeve, Rev. Frese performing the ceremony. The bride wore a beautiful gown of white messaline while the groom wore the conventional black. The room was beautifully decorated in red, white and blue, while the table was profusely decorated with red and white carnations.
The groom was attended by John Bendixen of Schleswig and August Christiansen of Denison, while Annie Hollander of Schleswig and Marie Petersen of Boone attended the bride. The ceremony was performed in the presence of but few relatives and friends.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lorenzen of Denison and is an accomplished young lady whose friends are many. The groom is a well known business man, having been engaged in the clothing business here for the past several years. During that time he has won the respect and trust of all by his ever upright dealings.
The happy couple left Denison Tuesday evening for a wedding trip to Chicago and other points. They will return the latter part of this week or the first of next and start housekeeping. Their many Schleswig friends will welcome them.
Those in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Lorenzen of Gilmore City, Lorenz Hollander, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hollander, Bernhard and Lille Hollander, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stegemann of Schleswig, Hans P. Hub of Boone, Mr. and Mrs. John Wiese, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Evers and Sarah Lafrantz of Denison.
The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them the best of everything in this life.
Hollander - Kahl
Denison Review 2-26-1913 - Schleswig
Asmus C. Hollander and Emma Kahl were united in marriage on Wednesday of this week by Rev. Wetzler. The wedding took place at 3 o'clock p.m. at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kahl. Detlef Christiansen and Dora Hollander acted as witnesses to the ceremony. Only near relatives of the couple were in attendance at the wedding. At 5 o'clock an elegant dinner was served after which the guests were entertained at various forms of amusement until quite lat in the evening. The couple will go to housekeeping on Mr. Kahl's farm in Otter Creek township, where they have the best wishes of a host of friends.
Asmus C Hollander and Emma Kahl
Schleswig Leader - February 20, 1913
Asmus C. Hollander and Emma Kahl were united in marriage on Wednesday of this week by Rev. Wetzeler. The wedding took place at three o'clock p. m. at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kahl. Detlef Christiansen and Dora Hollander acted as witnesses to the ceremony.
Only near relatives of the couple were in attendance at the wedding. At five o'clock an elegant dinner was served after which the guests were entertained at various forms of amusement until quite late in the evening. The couple will go to house keeping on Mr. Kahl's farm in Otter Creek township, where they have the best wishes of a host of friends.
Horn - Gibson
Dow City Enterprise - 1-4-1907
Mr. Charles Horn and Miss Edna Gibson were united in marriage in Dow City last Tuesday by Rev. A. L. Curtis. All will join in wishing them happiness in their new relations. We are glad to note the fact that they will be numbered among our citizens.
Horr - Lewis
Denison Review, Friday, March 9, 1900 - Deloit
Miss Leialah Lewis and Marion A. Horr were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Horr and J. C. Phillips and wife were present besides other relatives. They will soon go to housekeeping in Deloit. Their many friends congratulate.
At high noon on Wednesday, March 7th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis in the presence of relatives and friends occurred the marriage of Marion Horr and Miss Leilah Lewis, Elder B. F. Wicks officiating. After congratulations the guests proceeded to the dining room where an elaborate dinner was served. The bride was beautifully attired in a gown of pale green cashmere trimmed in lace and braid. She is a very nice young lady of good education having taught successfully several terms at school in the county.
The groom is the son of Jas Horr of Odebolt, a young man of excellent habits, a carpenter by trade. The happy couple took their departure in the afternoon for LeMars where a reception will be tendered them by an aunt of Mr. Horr after which they will return to Deloit and "be at home" to their many friends.
Householder - Robinson
Dow City Enterprise 6-25-1909
At the home of Mrs. Carrie Robinson in Lamar, Col., occurred the marriage of her daughter Daisy to Mr. Ernest Householder, yesterday evening. Miss Robinson is well known in Dow City and all join in extending best wishes for unbounded joy and happiness to accompany the newly wedded couple.
Houston - Blackman
Denison Review 12-23-1898 - Dow City
Married: Mr. Robert Houston and Miss Mamie Blackman at the residence of the bride's mother. At 4 o'clock Wednesday evening Rev. Molesworth pronounced them husband and wife. They expect to take up their future abode on Wm. Houston's farm in Paradise. May success and happiness crown their efforts and that the voyage of life's troubled sea may be a pleasant one.
Huebner - Kemming
Denison Review, Friday, 12-8-1899
Married on Sunday, December 8, 1899, at high noon at the home of the bride's mother in Hanover township, Mr. Albert Huebner and Miss Ricka Kemming, Rev. C. Runge officiating. The bride was gowned in white silk trimmed with chiffon and wearing a beautiful boquet of orange blossoms, while the groom wore the conventional black. Miss Gusta Huebner dressed in white, with orange blossoms, acted a s bridesmaid while Mr. F. W. Kemming acted as best man to the groom.
The bride is the youngest sister of Mayor C. C. Kemming and C. J. Kemming of this city and is a most excellent and loveable young woman.
Mr. Huebner is a son of Mr. Herman Huebner and is an industrious, upright and worthy young farmer. After the ceremony the party partook of a bountiful repast served by Mesdames C. C. and C. J. Kemming. We wish every happiness in life for the young couple so happily united.
Igou - Miller
Dow City Enterprise 6-4-1909
Mr. Geo. Igou and Miss Susie Miller were married in Denison Wednesday.
Denison Review 12-11-1912 - Buck Grove
Word has reached here that Clarence Iseminger is married to a young lady in North Dakota. Clarence has many acquaintances here who will wish him well in his new life.
Ivens - Paulsen
Schleswig Leader, February 17, 1911
On Wednesday at the parsonage occurred the wedding of Miss Maggie Paulsen to Henry Ivens. The Leader joins with their many friends in extending congratulations. Full particulars are not at hand at time of going to press.
Schleswig Leader - Feb. 17, 1911
On Wednesday at the home of the bride occured the wedding of Miss Minnie Miller to Mr. Herman Jannsen, the Rev. Amstein officiating.
The bride wore a beautiful gown of while messaline trimmed with silk lace and insertion, and carried a large boquet.
She is the daughter of Mrs. Hans Miller and a charming young lady who is beloved by all. The groom is a prosperous young farmer who numbers his friends by the score.
The bride was attended by Misses Edna Miller and Mary Jannsen, while Chas. and George Miller acted as best men.
After the ceremony the large crowd in attendance very enjoyably spent the time in dancing and playing cards.
The Leader extends it congratulations to the happy young couple.Jensen - Smith
Denison Review, Tuesday, 1-16-1900
Married on Monday evening, January 15, Miss Edith M. Smith and Mrs. Chas. H. Jensen at the Baptist parsonage, Rev. F. W. Bateson officiating. The contracting parties are two of Denison's well known and well liked young people. Charley is industrious, energetic and of the best character. He has made the most of every opportunity and has the well earned respect and confidence of the community. The bride is a charming young lady well calculated in everyway to be the presiding genius of a happy home. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen will keep house in a portion of Mrs. Johnson's residence opposite M. King's. We heartily wish them every joy and happiness in life.
Jepsen - Seehusen
Schleswig Leader - September 26, 1912
Louie Jepsen and Maggie Seehusen were married at Denison yesterday. A reception was held at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Seehusen. A large number of guests were present to help the young folks celebrate the occasion. These young people are very popular in this vicinity and have friends by the score. The Leader joins their many friends in wishing for them the many good things that this life affords.
Denison Review 1-8-1913 - Schleswig
Wm. E. Jochims and wife, of Lake Park, Minn. are here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jochims. He was just married the 18th of last month and has been receiving many congratulations from his many friends here.
Johannsen - Baeth
Schleswig Leader - August 11, 1911
On Thursday afternoon at the Church of Peace here occurred the wedding of Miss Emma Baeth to Mr. Fred Johannsen, Rev. Wetzler performing the ceremoney.
The bride is a daughter of Hans Baeth and wife of this vicinity and is a young lady who is known and loved by all.
The groom is a son of Hans Johannsen of near Denison and is an industrious and spright young man. The Leader joins with their many friends in extending congratulations to the happy young couple.
Johannsen - Baath
Denison Review 8-16-1911 - Schleswig
At the Lutheran church in Schleswig occurred the marriage of Miss Emma Baath to Fred Johannsen on Thursday. The bride wore a beautiful white dress and the groom wore black. The Misses Johansen and Emma Todsen acted as bridesmaids and Charlie Miller and John Baath as best men. The bride is a daughter of Hans Baath and wife and is a charming young lady. The groom is a son of Hans Johansen and wife, and is an industrious young farmer. We extend hearty congratulations for a bright and happy future.
Johannsen - Lohse
Schleswig Leader, Dec 31, 1909
Ferdinand Johannsen and Elma Lohse were married Wednesday, at the home of the bride's parents, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Wetzler. The bride is the daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Hans Lohse and is a charming young lady who has won hosts of friends in this vicinity. The groom is a young man who is well known and well liked here. The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them every joy thruout life.
Johannsen - Hollman
Schleswig Leader - September 5, 1912
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hollman in Morgan township occured the marriage of their daughter Katie last Wednesday to Hans Johannsen, Rev. Wetzler officiating. A large number of relatives and friends were present to witness the ceremony and partake of the great wedding feast that Mrs. Hollman had prepared. These young people are both well known to all our readers and have the best wishes of all. They will go to housekeeping on Mr. Johannsen's farm in Ida county. The Leader joins the many friends in extending congratulations.
Denison Review 12-20-1911 - Deloit
Jesse Johnson, who has been in Omaha the past few years, has decided that married bliss excels single blessedness and took unto himself a better half Thursday evening. December 14th, at Omaha, where his friends here will wish him success and happiness.
Johnson - Barnes
ca. 1920s or 1930s
Thursday afternoon October 15, Ethelyn Barnes married Carl Johnson at Methodist parsonage in Harlan IA. Attendants: Blanche Johnson and Sewell Yost of Irwin. Brides parents: C.E. Barnes, moved to Council Bluffs 2 yrs ago. Grooms Parents: Mr. and Mrs. John E. Johnson of Manilla. Employed on bridge work in Council Bluffs. They will live in Council Bluffs.
Johnson - Michaelson
Denison Review, 6-1-1900
Married at the home of the bride-s parents near Kiron Saturday evening, May 26, 1900, Mr. Aron F. Johnson and Miss Christina Michaelson, Rev. A. P. Hanson officiating, in the presence of relatives and a few friends. The fortunate and joyous groom is an enterprising and successful merchant in Akron, Iowa, a gentleman of strict integrity and high morals and respected by all who know him.
The happy bride, so well known in our midst, is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Michaelson, a very practical and excellent lady, reared in a home where the highest elements of practical life are taught and practiced, possessing a sweetness and charm and inborn lovableness of manner that has endeared her to all, so that her friends numbered her acquaintances.
On Tuesday the happy couple took the train for their new home at Akron, Ia. Her large circle of friends are most sorry that she moves away from Kiron, but she carries the best of wishes for a pleasant and enjoyable life with her. May this happy couple find the best of all things in store for them on their journey through life together. Mr. Johnson brings back to Akron a prize he can justly be proud of, while Kiron thereby loses it. Quite a number of friends met at the depot to bid the bride goodbye and wish her together with her husband all the joy possible.
Johnson - Munson
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
John Johnson - Elma Munson
Johnson - Laughery
Denison Review 1-1-1894 - Deloit
Married at the residence of N. L. Hunt, Mr. W. R. Johnson to Miss Juliet Laughery, both of Deloit, Rev. G. H.? Grigg officiating. They are well and favorably known and received the hearty congratulations of their many friends.
Jones - Boltze
Denison Review 6-3-1908 - Aspinwall
At the Lutheran Church of Manilla on the 27th of May, Pastor Hansen, officiating, one of the best respected young men of this community, Mr. Matthaises Jones was wed to Miss Louise Boltze of Clinton county. The groom is well known and is a quiet, industrious, jovial fellow and follows the occupation of farming. The bride recently came from Germany to Clinton county and thence here, where she has been only a few weeks. According to all appearance she is an educated and jolly lady of more than ordinary ability. This worthy couple will reside on the farm owned by the groom's father adjoining the town where they already have taken up housekeeping. As both of them are industrious and no spendthrifts, we predict a successful career through their life's journey.
Jones - James
Denison Review, Tuesday, 12-26-1899
At the residence of the bride's parents in east Denison, on Monday evening, December 25, Mr. Chas. M. Jones and Miss Mertie James, Rev. J. B. Harris officiating. The ceremony which made this happy couple man and wife was performed in the presence of some thirty-five friends and was very impressive. After the ceremony the company sat down to a bounteous dinner to which they did justice. The presents were numerous showing the esteem in which the happy couple is held.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John James and has lived in Crawford county all her life. For the past five years she has taught school near Charter Oak, where she was well liked - in fact her directors would release her from duty only while she was being married and she has yet seven weeks of school remaining.
The groom is a young man well fitted for the lady of his choice. He owns a nice farm, well stocked, near Charter Oak, is very industrious and starts married life with flattering prospects. The Review joins the friends in wishing the newly married couple every joy and happiness, knowing well that "Jones pays the freight."
Jordan - Dunbar
Denison Review (Date not available - between 2-5-1890 and 4-30-1890 papers)
James Jordan and Belle Dunbar were married Feb. 4th and have gone to housekeeping in one of Esau McKim's houses attended by the best wishes of this community.
Jurgensen - Schurkey
Schleswig Leader, December 30, 1910
In Charter Oak Monday occurred the wedding of Mrs. Schurkey of that place to Mr. Pye Jurgensen of Schleswig. The groom is well and favorably known here, having made Schleswig his home for many years. The bride is well known in Charter Oak and is well liked by all. They will make their home in Charter Oak.
The Leader joins with the many friends of both couples in wishing them every happiness in their journeys through this life.
Chas. Jurgensen and wife and Frank Jannsen and wife of this vicinity attended the wedding of Mrs. Schurkey to Pye Jurgensen at Charter Oak Monday.
Justice - Igou
Denison Review, Tuesday, 12-26-1899
Married in Washington township, at the residence of the bride's parents, December 25, 1899, Mr. John F. Justice and Miss Leora Igou, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating. The well wishes and congratulations of many friends are extended the young couple in their entrance upon married life.
Justice -Jordan
Denison Review 1-1-1894 - Vail
A quiet marriage was contracted at the residence of Rev. Cassat Friday evening. Mr. Sam Justice and Miss Amy Jordan resolved to go down the vale of life hand in hand, together to share the storms together to be glad in the sunshine. May their affections never be blighted and their hopes never be blasted.
Kaspersen - Wilkens
Denison Review - 7-1-1908 - West Side
Alfred Kaspersen and Miss Agnes Wilkens were married on Thursday, June 25th, at the German church in West Side, Rev. Carl Fauth officiating. A number of relatives and intimate friends witnessed the ceremony.
After the ceremony the bridal party drove immediately to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Wilkens, who live north of town, where a bountiful repast was enjoyed by all. The young couple left for Omaha that evening. They will reside on a farm north of West Side. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Wilkins and has lived near West Side since a child, being well known and much admired by a host of friends. The groom is also well known, having lived on a farm near West Side for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Kaspersen are an estimable young couple and congratulations of a host of friends follow them to their new home.
Kelly - Prentice
Denison Review 1-6-1909 - Goodrich
Wednesday occurred the ringing of the wedding bells we promised to tell about in this week's issue, Miss Mae Prentice of Deloit being married to Mr. Kelly of Cincinnati, Ohio. Miss Mae grew to womanhood in this neighborhood. A little over a year ago she felt the call to prepare herself for missionary work so went to Cincinnati to study and there she met Rev. Kelly, her future husband.
Miss Mae left here on Saturday evening for the home of her aunt, Mary Burham, in Chicago, where she was united in marriage on Wednesday, Dec. 30th, 1908. Miss Mae was gowned in a dark blue jumper suit trimmed in blue velvet, the guimpe was pale blue silk crepe with blue ruching to match. We are not acquainted with the groom but from his photos, he looks like an ideal partner for Mae. A number of gifts were given them by their intimate friends here and the best wishes of all are extended to them.
Kelly - Doyle
Denison Review 1-29-1913 - Vail
The many friends of Pat Kelly, formerly of Vail, will be interested to learn of his marriage which took place at the Catholic church in Chicago on Tuesday, January 14th, to Miss Margaret Doyle. Mr. Kelly holds a responsible position with one of the large stores at Chicago, where the young couple will make their home.
Kepford -Huffman
Denison Review 2-6-1889 - Dow City
Last Thursday evening, Jan. 31st, at the M. E. parsonage, Mr. Joseph Kepford and Miss Edith Huffman were married, the Rev. H. Linn officiating. We wish the young couple a long and happy life.
Kibbie - Keeney
ca. 1920s
Nell Keeney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Keeney, and John Kibbie, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Kibbie of Emmettsburg IA. At St. Ann's church Vail Iowa, bridesmaid: Teresa Keeney, best man: Charles Kibbie
Kinnan - Carson
Denison Review, Tuesday, 6-12-1900
Married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bohart, June 11, 1900 at 7:30 a.m. Mr. Warren Kinnan and Miss Maria Carson, Rev. Seth C. Rees of Providence, R. I. officiating. Only a few intimate friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony after which a delightful breakfast was served.
Mr. Kinnan is a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Kinnan of Denison and is miller for the Mystic Milling Co. of Sioux City. The bride is an accomplished lady and has been a successful school teacher for a number of years. The happy couple took their departure on the 1:20 train for their home in Sioux City. Many friends join in wishing them much joy and happiness on their journey of life.
Denison Review March 22, 1911 - Schleswig
On Wednesday at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride occurred the wedding of Miss Minnie Hollander to Mr. Henry Klotz, Rev. Amstine officiating. Miss Laura Hollander, a sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Chas. Klotz, a brother of the groom, acted as best man. The bride wore a beautiful crepe de chene dress and the groom wore the conventional black.
The bride is the youngest daughter of Andrew Hollander and wife and is a charming young lady with a host of friends. The groom is a son of Fred Klotz and wife, of Holstein.
He has for the past year been employed in the Baxter, Reed & Co. bank in Schleswig. He is an honest, reliable young man and has a host of friends and is worthy of his fair young bride. A wedding celebration was held in the evening, a large crowd of relatives and friends being present. The many friends of theirs wish them a most successful life and untold happiness.
Koerner - Miller
Denison Review, Tuesday, 6-5-1900
Married at the Lutheran church in Hanover Township on Thursday, June 7th, Mr. Herman Koerner of Morgan township and Miss Lizzie Miller of Hanover Township, Rev. C. Rudge officiating. The Charter Oak band furnished the music.
Kortman - Ackelbein
Denison Review, Tuesday, 2-20-1900
Married, Sunday, February 18 at the Hanover church, Mr. Fred Kortman of this place to Miss Minnie Ackelbein of Hanover, Rev. Runze officiating. They will be at home to their many friends after March 1 at the Cooper house opposite the M. E. parsonage. We join in congratulations.
Kremine - Doughenbaugh
Dow City Enterprise 1-27-1907
Mr. Fred Kremine and Miss Grace Doughenbaugh were married in Denison last Tuesday. The groom is a farmer living southeast of Dow City and the bride is a daughter of D. Doughenbaugh living in Dow City. They will in the future live on the groom's farm. We extend hearty congratulations to this young couple and wish for their happiness in the future.
Kutschinsky - Jahn
Denison Review, Tuesday, February 20, 1900 - Hanover
On Thursday, Feb. 14th, occurred the marriage of Mr. Chas. Kutschinsky and Miss Lizzie Jahn at St. Paul's Lutheran church, Rev. Runge officiating. After the marriage a number of friends assembled at the bride's home and spent the evening in social entertainment and merry making.
Kuehl - Miller
Schleswig Leader, Feb 11, 1910
On Wednesday, Feb 9, at the home of the bride near here, occurred the wedding of Emil Kuehl to Miss Mamie Miller. The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Hans Miller, and is a charming young lady well known and liked by all. The groom is a prosperous young farmer, and is to be congratulated on the bride he has won. In the evening many friends gathered at the Miller home to wish them every happiness thru life. The Leader extends congratulations.
Kuehl - Reitz
Schleswig Leader - March 1, 1912
Ella Reitz, the only daughter of Frank Reitz and wife of Mapleton, was married on February 14th to Edward Kuehl, youngest son of Adolph Kuehl and wife. Both of these families formerly lived at Schleswig.
Lakin - Berendes
Schleswig Leader, Jan 21, 1910
(Article from the Gregory, S. Dak Times)
Prominent People Are Wedded
The M. E. church was the scene of a beautiful wedding ceremony on Sunday, Jan. 9, 1910 at three, when Mr. Thomas V. Lakin and Miss Ada Berendes were united in marriage by the pastor.
The strains of the wedding march played by Elma, sister of the bride, the bridal party entered the church and came to the altar rail preceded by Rev. Ferguson of the Methodist church and Rev. Pollard of the Congregational church.
Then came Luella, another sister, who carried the ring in the heart of a beautiful rose. The bride came next on the arm of her father, followed by the groom, while Mr. Frank Lakin as groomsman and Miss Emma Berendes as bridesmaid completed the party.
After the ceremony those present congratulated the newly wedded while the choir sang a selection. At five o'clock a wedding supper was served to more that fifty invited guests at the home. The bride received a large number of exquisite and useful presents.
The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Berendes and is esteemed by all her acquaintances for her many excellent qualities and lovable disposition. Her marriage is the first break in the home circle of this unusually happy family, although she will not be separated from them at once as they will live there for a time till ready to go on Mr. Lakin's claim in Tripp county.
The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lakin, who came here a little over a year ago, where their son Frank bought the Dakota Meat Market. Tom has made many friends in business and in social life here who congratulate him on this happy event ans wish him success in the future.
The Times editor joins in these felicitations with more than usual fervency for he knows well both parties and thinks very highly of them as worthy of all the good things of life which may come to them. Gregory, S. Dak, Times
Lally - McCann
November 20, 1925?
Adrian Lally of Manilla and Helen McCann of Dunlap, married 7am Monday morning in Dunlap. Attendants: Ethel McCann, and Francis Lally. To live on the P.J. Lally farm north of Manilla.
Lally- Giblin
Adrian J. Lally of Manilla and Miss Anna Mae Giblin of Denison at St. Rose of Lima's in Denison. Bridesmaid: Myrtle Giblin, Broomsman: Francis Lally. Brides parents: Mr. and Mrs T.J. Giblin of Denison Groom's parents: Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Lally north of Manilla.
Larson - Bodkin
Denison Review, Friday, March 16, 1900
At the home of the bride's parents, Wednesday, March 14 at 11 o'clock a.m., Mr. C. J. G. Larson and Miss Blanche H. Bodkin, Rev. E. Miller D. E. of Shenandoah, Iowa officiating. The groom is one of Crawford counties most intelligent farmers. He has recently purchased a farm near Denison where he and his estimable lady will reside.
The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bodkin of Willow township. She has proved to be one of Crawford counties most successful teachers having had eight years experience. The happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. After the ceremony the guests sat down to a sumptuous dinner. Many friends join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Larson smooth sailing on their voyage o'er life's sea.
Larson - Falk
Denison Review 5-15-1889 - Sweede Settlement
In our last it should have read Andrew Larson and Manda Falk instead of Andrew Larson and Manda Talk were married April 30th.
Lazerus - Reuben
Denison Review 12-29-1909
Married in Omaha, December 26th at five o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Herman Lazerus and Miss Sara Reuben. Mr. Lazerus is one of our best known business men. Until quite recently he was the junior member of the firm of Cohen & Son. He is now the proprietor of the mercantile business, having purchased the interested of the other member of the firm. He is a good business man, clean and honorable. The bride is only slightly known here, she having visited a few times at the Cohen home and is much admired as a sweet, lovable girl. They will come home some time this week. Herman has many warm friends here who will extend the glad hand of welcome to his wife and wish for them that this partnership may be a happy one.
Dow City Enterprise 12-31-1909
Mr. Herman Lazerus and Miss Sarah Ruben were married last Sunday evening in Omaha, Rabbi Cohn officiating. There were about 150 guests present. Those present from Dow City were John Ahart and wife, A. A. Luke and wife, E. N. Chamberlain and wife and W. E. Fishel and wife. L. Cohen and wife and daughters were also present. A very sumptuous feast was served at Gentlemen's hall to all guests and all had a very joyous time. Mr. Lazerus is a well known merchant in Dow City, a man of splendid habits and respected in the community. Miss Ruben is a lady of very pleasing appearance and manner but is not well known in Dow City although she has visited here a few times. She will be given a cordial welcome to society and all wish for this happy couple that their happiness and joy may continue.Lee - Fink
Denison Review 3-4-1908
Wedding bells have been jingling in Goodrich. Ella Fink and Roy Lee were married Sunday. Many are the good wishes extended to the young people. May health and prosperity be theirs.
Leitner - Watson
Denison Review 3-20-1889
Mr. Dan'l Leitner and Miss Alice Watson of Vail were married on Wednesday, March 13, by Rev. J. R. Wellborn.
Lelone - Holliday
Denison Review, Tuesday, 5-8-1900 - Dow City
Last Wednesday the people were shocked by the elopement of one of the young girls of our midst. Maud Holliday has been trying for some romantic reasons to get away from home and on last week Tuesday started away on the train but was stopped. A girl friends secured a team and they got out of town but were again brought back. That evening with the help of gentlemen they got away and Wednesday Miss Maud and Wm. Lelone of Dunlap stopped all further efforts at capture by being married at Dunlap. We do not know the young man but if they both are as determined to win in the battle of life as they were to marry, success will surely crown their efforts.
Lentz - Wescott
Denison Review 5-16-1894 - Deloit
Married last Sunday, Mr. Ed Lentz and Miss Maggie Wescott, E. Gulick of Denison tied the know. May happiness be theirs. The cigars are yet to come Ed.
Lenz - Otto
Denison Review, Friday, 6-15-1900
Last Wednesday occurred the marriage of Fred Lenz of this township to Anna Otto of Goodrich. This young couple is well known to quite a number here who wish them much happiness.
Dow City Enterprise 1-18-1907
Mr. Ordie Leslie of Dow City and Miss Bessie Conley of Boyer township were married at the home of P. C. Dunham Wednesday at noon, Rev. A. L. Curtis officiating. The Enterprise extends best wishes to them in their new relations.
Lindberg - Nelson
Denison Review 4-4-1894 - Kiron
Married at the bride's home on Friday evening, Mr. Albert Lindberg and Miss Annie Nelson, Rev. E. O. Olson officiating. About fifty Kiron friends and relatives and others from far away were present to witness the ceremony which made them one. After the wedding services a collection of delicious refreshments were served. A large assortment of useful and ornamental presents were received by the young couple. Among those present we mention Mr. S. A. Nelson, from Chicago, Mr. Arthur Nelson, Mrs. Williams, Miss Lydia and Leonard Anderson, from Omaha, Mrs. C. Lindberg and her two daughters, Misses Mary and Emma from Wall Lake. Ye scribe congratulates and wishes future prosperity without limit.
Linquist - Pehrsou
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
John Linquist - Nellie Pehrsou
Lochmiller - Bartels
Clara Bartels and Reinhold Lochmiller, October 1925. Married in Boone IA Brides parents: Mr. and Mrs. William Bartels Denison, Grooms parents: Henry Lochmiller of East Boyer township.
Lorenzen - Pfankuch
Denison Review 7-1-1908 - West Side
Frank Lorenzen and Miss Johanna Pfankuch were married Wednesday, June 24th, at the home of the bride's mother, north of town. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzen are well and favorably known to the people of West Side. Congratulations follow.
Lorenzen - Van Alstine
Schleswig Leader, Sept 24, 1909
P. C. Hollander went to Gilmor City, this state, Monday to attend the wedding of Lorenz Lorenzen of Denison, who is cashier of the Gilmor City bank, to Miss Winnifred Van Alstine, a daughter of the president of the bank. The wedding took place on Wednesday.
Lorenzen - Schmadeke
Schleswig Leader, Oct 22, 1909
Invitations are out for the wedding of Andrew Lorenzen to Dora Schmadeke at the home of the bride near here Sunday.
Schleswig Leader, Oct 29, 1909On Sunday, October 24, in the Hanover church near here, occurred the marriage of Andrew Lorenzen to Miss Dora Schmaedka. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Carl Runge of that church, there being many friends and relatives present.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schmadke of this vicinity, and is a charming young lady of high accomplishments, and one who will make home a happy place for her husband.
The groom is assistant cashier in the German Bank here, and is a young man of integrity and worth, who is to be congratulated on the charming bride he has won.
They were the recipients of many useful and valuable gifts, showing the high esteem in which they are held by their many friends.
The happy young couple left Monday, via Denison, for their honeymoon trip, to Clinton and Preston, this state. They will soon start housekeeping in Schleswig in the house recently vacated by J. J. Ladenburger.
The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them every happiness in their journey thru life together.
Lowrenson - Howlett
Denison Review 12-5-1893 - Boyer
On Wednesday of last week occurred the wedding of Thos. Lawrenson to Miss Emma Howlett, both of Willow. They were married at the residence of the bride's parents. They will remove to near Ute where Mr. Lawrenson owns a farm. Congratulations are extended.
Lundgren - Williams
Denison Review, Friday, March 9, 1900 - Kiron
Married, Wednesday March 7, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Benson, Miss Esther Williams and Mr. Sam Lundgren both of Denison, Rev. A. P. Hanson officiating. The relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony. The bridal attendants were Messers. Aaron Sedarberg and Arthur Benson and the Misses Emma Benson and Annie Lundgren.
The bride has grown to womanhood in our midst and has many warm friends and acquaintances who wish her all possible happiness. Being a most affable and accomplished young lady she will make a model wife and an ideal housekeeper. The groom is nearly a stranger in this vicinity, his home being in Denison where he has spent the most of his time. Mr. Lundgren is to be congratulated in securing for a life helpmate the prize he has won. May peace and happiness be their constant guests through life's journey.
Jordan - Raine
Denison Review
Marriage Licenses, February 3, 1897
A. W. Jordan, Dunlap and Bird M. Raine, Denison, Jan. 21
Keith - Johnson
Denison Review
Marriage Licenses, February 3, 1897
Walter Keith, Deloit and Carrie Johnson, Jan. 23 Put data here
Gable - Town
Denison Review - December 31, 1901
A very beautiful wedding occurred Christmas evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Salem Town, when their eldest daughter, Miss Minnie and Mr. S. L. Gable were happily united in the bonds of matrimony. The house was prettily decorated in winter colors, cotton and evergreens giving a realistic appearance of a snowy park, also covering a large bell suspended from the bridal arch while carnations and roses were tastefully arranged around the rooms. The bride wore a dress of white organdie trimmed with chiffon and ruching. Promptly at 6 o'clock Mrs. Lida Sands began playing Wagner's Lohengrin Bridal March when the happy couple, accompanied by Miss Olive Town and Mr. Merle Gable, entered the parlor and the Rev. D. M. Houghtelin made them husband and wife. After the ceremony all partook of a bountiful Christmas dinner when the bridal party left for Sioux City.
Both are well known around Denison having spent most of their lives in the community. The bride attended Denison College and for a time was a stenographer in Chicago. Last summer she made an extensive western trip visiting her sister and brother in Montana and the National Park. She also has been one of Crawford's best teachers.
Mr. Gable was a resident of Denison for many years he attended school at Cornell College and now is in the Real Estate business in Wagner, S. D. where they will begin housekeeping in a new modern cottage prepared for them. The guests besides the family were: Mrs. Lida Sands, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Misses Ethel and Florence Williams, Mrs. Maggie Talcott, Messer. George and Bert Talcott, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Wilder, Miss Pearl Eisley, Messers. Merle and Lewis Gable.
Gable - Weeks
Denison Review - January 18, 1902
On Sunday evening, January 26, at seven o'clock, at the home the bride's parents, Mr. Francis J. Gable and Miss Jessie A. Weeks, Rev. F. W. Bateson officiating.
The many acquaintances of this young couple join the Review in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Gable hearty congratulations. Both of the parties have lived all their lives in Denison, their "growing up" has been watched and progress made by each one daily noted.
Mr. Gable is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gable and is a young man of good education, character and a good business man. After attending the high schools of our city he graduated from the Denison Normal and Business College, and for some time previous to engaging in the mercantile business conducted a general stenographic office. Later he purchased the book and stationery store of Mr. C. M. Staley, which he still conducts under the name of F. J. Gable & Co.
The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Weeks, a young lady of true moral worth, pure minded, and in every way fitted for the duties of this life. She has taken a leading part in all social work among the young people, and in church has been a most indefatigable helper. That this young couple may meet success and joy along the rugged path of life is the wish of everyone.
Giage - Wenzel
Denison Review - July 16, 1901 - Manilla
Married at the home of the bride's parents east of town, on Wednesday, July 10th, Mr. C. Giage and Miss Ida Wenzel, Rev. Krogg officiating. The wedding was a quiet one, only the near relatives and a few invited friends being present. These young folks are too well known to need an introduction having resided here for several years. They will make their home in Manilla for the present.
Giblin - McNamara
Denison Review - June 7, 1901 - Vail
Miss Mary McNamara and Mr. John Giblin were married Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock at the St. Ann's church by Rev. Father Murphy. Mary O'Shea acted as bridesmaid and Chas. Smutney as groomsman. A reception was given them at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. McNamara. The bride and groom were both reared in this vicinity and have many friends that wish them a happy future.
Goff - Matthews
Denison Review - December 10, 1901
Mr. Clarence A. Goff and Miss Cora Matthews were married on the afternoon of Monday Dec. 9th at the parsonage of the First Baptist Church, Rev. F. W. Bateson officiating. Both of these young people are well and favorably known in Denison and the Review join their numerous friends in extending congratulations and best wishes for a happy weeded life.
Goodwin - Paris
Denison Review - September 18, 1901
Married at home of the bride's parents, Miss Blanche Paris and Mr. Herbert Goodwin.
Greene - Hover
Denison Review - November 25, 1903
On Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 6 P.M., occurred at the home of the bride's parents in Denison in the presence of relatives and friends, the marriage of Miss Zelia May Hover and Mr. Arthur C. Greene.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. E. Morphy of the Baptist Church. The wedding march was rendered by Miss Smith of the College. To its strains the bridal party marched to the parlor where the vows binding these two lives into one were made and witnessed. The bride was accompanied by Miss May Kelly as bridesmaid, while Mr. Wolf acted as groomsman. The bride looked very pretty in a gown of cream mohair trimmed with white appliqué and carrying a bouquet of carnations. The groom wore the conventional black. The presents were numerous and elegant, testifying to the high esteem in which these young people are held by their friends. After a short trip west they will return and make their home in this city.
The bride is a young lady of charming manners and fine accomplishments and will prove a good helpmate to a worthy young man.
Mr. Greene has been engaged with his father for some time in the business of brick making and in due time will assume the management of the business. Many friends wish them a prosperous and happy journey through life.
Hagedorn - Kruse
Denison Review - October 8, 1901
Married, Sept. 27th, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Mr. Wm. H. Hagedorn to Mrs. Magd. Kruse nee Lemster, both of Hays Township. Witnesses were Paul W and Cath. Jahn.
Hammond - Thison
Denison Review - February 12, 1901 - Charter Oak
Mr. Carl Hammond of this place and Mrs. Albertina Thison of Newark, N. J. were married Friday by Rev. Armstein at the Lutheran parsonage.
Hattery - Patchin
Denison Review - March 17, 1897
Married on Sunday, March 14th, Mr. Jas. Hattery of Vail, a gentleman of moral habit and industry takes from our vicinity Miss Hattie Patchin, an estimable lady of superior qualities, Rev. J. T. Turner officiating. After the ceremony the guests were invited to a grand feat prepared by that most competent cook - Mrs. L. Patchin.
Hawley - Osterlund
Denison Review - March 8, 1901 - Vail
Miss Larua Osterlund and Mr. Robert Hawley were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, the Rev. Allbrook of the M. E. church performing the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Osterlund of Milford Township and is a young lady of refinement, is well thought of and has a host of friends. "Bob" is one of our staunch young farmers and recently bought the Warbasse farm south of Vail where he and his bride will make their home. They have the congratulations of their many friends.
Healy - Topf
Denison Review - February 5, 1901
Married at the Catholic Church on Tuesday, by Father Cooper, Mr. James Healy of Denison and Miss Marguerite Topf of this place. After the ceremony, a large number of invited guests repaired to the home of the brides mother, three miles from town, where a sumptuous wedding dinner was served. Mr. Healy had a home prepared at Denison where he is senior partner of the firm of Healy Bros. We unite with their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life. They received many useful and costly presents.
Hedderman - Dixon
Denison Review - May 31, 1901 - Arion
Mr. Pat Hedderman of this place was married May 28th to Miss Mary Dixon of Bloomington, Ill. The couple have the good wishes of the people here, where they will make their future home.
Herrman - Riessen
Denison Review - February 3, 1897
There were married Jan. 26, Mr. Julius Herrman of Morgan Township to Miss Catherine Riessen of Otter Creek Township, before the witnesses Herman Koerner, Louis, Marie and Wilhelmina Riessen, Rev. F. Lothringer officiating. The young couple started on a journey for Davenport the same evening.
Hill - Morris
Denison Review - February 24, 1897
Wednesday, February 17, at the residence of the bride's parents in Denison, Mr. Frank C. Hill and Miss Winnie Morris were married, Rev. R. Venting officiating. The groom is a young man of good character and pleasing manner, having been, except for the last few months, one of the members of the firm of Hill Brothers at this place. The bride is one of Denison's accomplished young ladies, well known as an active worker in church and society circles and she has the best wishes of a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will be at home at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Morris. The Review presents congratulations and wishes them a pleasant and happy future.
Hodkin - Wickwire
Denison Review - Feburary 11, 1902
On Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1902, there occurred a very pretty yet quiet wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wickwire of Willow township when their eldest daughter Miss Effie Wickwire and Mr. Horace W. Hodkin were united in holy bonds of matrimony in the presence of a few friends and relatives, Rev. E. N. Miller D. E. of Shenandoah, Ia. officiated.
Miss Daisy Hodkin, sister of the groom and Mr. Bert Wickwire, brother of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and groomsman. The bride is an accomplished young lady of good talents. She has spent most of her life in Willow Township and is well known by the people of that community.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodkin also of Willow Township. He is a prosperous young farmer and he and his estimable bride will make their future home on one of Mr. Wickwire's farms. After a short yet impressive ceremony all sat down to a bountiful wedding dinner. The presents received by this happy couple were very useful. Among which was a bedroom set, rocker, silver knives and forks, a beautiful clock, a large family bible, three water sets, two parlor lamps, a berry set and other useful articles. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hodkin wish them a long and happy life with smooth sailing o'er life's rugger sea.
Hoffman - Robertson
Denison Review - August 4, 1897 - Dow City
At the home of A. Robertson and wife in Dow City, occurred the wedding of their daughter, Alexzenia to Mr. F. L. Hoffman of Charter Oak. We, with a host of friends join in wishing them a long and happy life.
Hoffman - Williamson
Denison Review - December 3, 1901 - Vail
Married, Wednesday afternoon at 5 p.m. at the Methodist Church, Mr. H. B. Hoffman and Miss Naomi Williamson, both of Vail. Rev. A. M. Allbrook performed the ceremony beneath a beautiful wedding bell. Miss Lulu Maguire and Earl Hoffman acted as best lady and man. After the ceremony a supper and reception was given them at the groom's parents, only relatives and a few near friends being present. The newly wedded couple left on the evening train for a two weeks visit with relatives at Conway and Woodbine, Iowa and Missouri.
The bride is a young lady of culture and refinement, a daughter of W. H. Williamson, a former Vail resident and has made her home the past few years with her sister, Mrs. A. King in Milford Township.
Mr. Hoffman is a son of Postmaster Hoffman and was formerly deputy postmaster but now one of our young business men. He was born and raised in Vail and his friends are as numerous as his acquaintances. May their future path be strewn with happiness.
Holmes - Edwards
Denison Review - January 22, 1901 - Manilla
Mr. John Holmes and Miss Millie Edwards were married Sunday, at high noon, at the home of the bride's parents, five miles southeast of Manilla. The happy couple will go to housekeeping on a farm near Harlan. They both belong to most highly respected families and their many friends extend congratulations.
Houlihan - Meehan
Lally - Meehan
Denison Review - May 3, 1901
Under this heading the Manilla Times gives an account of a double wedding which took place Wednesday morning. A very happy nuptial event was the wedding of Miss Agnes R. Meehan to Mr. C. C. Houlihan of Charter Oak, Ia and of Miss Nellie F. Meehan to Mr. P. J. Lally of West Side, Ia., which was solemnized Wednesday morning at 9:00 o'clock at the Sacred Heart church conducted by the Rev. Father Tierney, in the presence of a number of invited guests and friends. At the hour named the bridal party entered the church.
Agnes R. was attended by Miss Ellen Houlihan, sister of the groom and the groom was attended by Mr. John Meehan, brother of the bride, while Nellie F. was attended by Miss Nora Hanrahan and the groom by his brother, Francis Lally.
After congratulations had been tendered the four happy young people, they with their guests repaired to the country home of Mrs. Hannan Meehan, where a bounteous wedding dinner was served and where a reception was held in honor of the newly wedded couples. The brides appeared very sweet and womanly in beautiful silk gowns handsomely trimmed. The grooms were clothed in the conventional black. They were the recipients of many valuable presents.
Both these young ladies have grown to womanhood in this locality and have endeared themselves to a wide circle of friends by whom they are held in high esteem.
Mr. C. C. Houlihan and Mr. P. J. Lally are both young men of excellent aims and ambitions and are possessed of the highest personal integrity, being held in high esteem in the localities in which they reside.
Hullman - Naeve
Denison Review - August 27, 1901
Married, August 14th, Mr. Henry Hullmann to Mrs. Lydia Naeve nee Roeh, both of Denison, Rev. Lothringer officiating. Fred and Henrietta Eisenhauer were witnesses.
Hunt - Duckett
Denison Review - March 24, 1897
At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Duckett, near Glidden, Iowa, Sunday, March 21st, at 11 o'clock a.m., occurred the marriage of Mr. Charles J. Hunt of Deloit to Miss Etta Duckett, Pres. Joseph Smith of Lamoni, Iowa officiating.
Mr. Fred B. Shumate of Dunlap, Iowa, acted as groomsman and Miss Lora Duckett, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid. Mr. Fred B. Shumate of Dunlap, Iowa acted as groomsman and Miss Lora Duckett, sister of the bride as bridesmaid. The parlors were appropriately decorated for the occasion. Only near relatives were present to witness the ceremony, which was short but very impressive.
Mr. Hunt is a young man of integrity and true moral worth, of whom Crawford County feels justly proud. For ten years he was junior partner of the late firm of Hunt Bros. at Deloit, where they carried on an extensive business in general merchandising and was one of the most prosperous firms in the county. He sold his interest to his partner, M. L. in 1893. During the time he was engaged in the mercantile business he was postmaster six years. Eleven years ago he became identified with the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, whose headquarters and publishing house is at Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa. For the past five years he has been laboring as an evangelist for that society in northern Iowa. In 1894 he was ordained to the office of Seventy by Apostles A. H. Smith and E. C. Briggs, which position means that he is expected to devote his life to missionary work. His ministerial career has so far proven him to be a forcible and entertaining speaker, a logical reasoned and an effectual worker.
The bride is an accomplished lady of pleasing attainments and as an educator ranks high in educational and social circles, being one of Carroll County's most efficient teachers. As a leading spirit in teacher's assemblies and educational meetings she has won the respect and honor of her co-workers, who join in extending their hearty congratulations to the happy bride. Her parents are highly respected and well-to-do farmers near Glidden. Mrs. Hunt is of the same religious faith as her husband and is contributor to publications of that society. The bride and groom will spend the months of April and May visiting friends in southern Iowa and Missouri, during which time they will attend the World's Conference of the church of which they are members, convening at Lamoni, Iowa, April 6.
Jacques - Thompson
Denison Review - October 20, 1899
A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thompson on Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock when their daughter, Miss Minnie, was united in marriage to Mr. Charlie Jacques of Ute, Rev. Hill of Ute officiating. We unite with their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life.
Jepsen - Jochims
Denison Review - April 2, 1901 - Schleswig
At the home of the bride's parents east of town, the marriage of Mr. Wm. Jepsen and Miss Lena Jochims was celebrated, Wednesday. A large number of friends assisted at this joyous occasion.
Johnson - Erickson
Denison Review - December 9, 1903
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Erickson, on Wednesday eve November 25th, occurred one of the most pleasant home weddings known in the history of this locality when the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erickson, Miss Ettie, was married to Mr. C. S. Johnson.
The solemn ceremony was performed by Rev. Carl Oberg, of Omaha, assisted by Rev. Bergland of Kiron. The ring ceremony was carried out without a hitch to the delight of all. The Mendelsohn's wedding march excellently rendered by Mrs. Geo. Swartz, sister of the bride, accompanied by Miss Bertha Newcom; announced the arrival of the bridal couple and their attendants who took their places in the parlor, the couple standing in an area made of smilax and chrysanthemums tied with white satin ribbon.
The best men were Fred Erickson and Charlie Winquist and the bridesmaids were Hilma Johnson and Angie Swartz. The bride was attired in a beautiful white satin dress trimmed in tucked chiffon and silk appliqué. The groom wore the conventional black.
After the solemn vows were taken and given a splendid three course luncheon was served which was enjoyed by all. Music was rendered during the evening by Prof. Joseph Mengis and Miss Bertha Newcom, which was greatly enjoyed by all. The tables were beautifully adorned by ferns, smilax and chrysanthemums and by each plate a candle was placed and when lit illuminated in a manner which made the appearance of the table very attractive. The couple received a large number of useful and valuable gifts.
This couple is well known in our midst and comment is unnecessary. The bride has grown up in this community and has won the respect and good will of all, possessing the charm and talents of a lady in the truest sense of the word. The groom is to be congratulated in his success in winning one of Kiron's best and surely will be rewarded with a noble wife to grace his household. The best of happiness and joy is wished them. The happy couple is at present on their wedding trip to Chicago.
Johnson - Johnson
Denison Review - January 18, 1901 - Kiron
Married at the Lutheran parsonage on Saturday by Rev. Mauritzon, Mr. Otto Johnson to Mrs. Anne Johnson in the presence of a few relatives. This couple have a host of friends who extend to them the best wishes of joy and happiness. They left the same day for Sioux City to visit relatives.
Jones - Pithan
Denison Review - March 26, 1901
Married at the Lutheran parsonage, Charter Oak, Iowa, at 12 o'clock, noon, Wednesday, March 20, 1901, Mr. Harry Jones to Miss Emma Pithan. The groom is a son of John Jones living four miles northeast of town. The bride is the daughter of Herman Pithan living two miles northeast of town. Both the young people are well and favorably known here. The Times joins with their many friends in wishing them a long and happy married life.
Jordan - Raine
Denison Review - January 27, 1897
Married at the M. E. Parsonage Thursday, Jan. 21, Mr. A. N. Jordan of Dunlap to Miss Birdie M. Raine of this city, Rev. E. E. IlgenFritz officiating. The bride is well known in Denison, having spent all her life in our midst, and is recognized as a lady possessing many accomplishments. Mr. Jordan fills the position of assistant cashier in the First National Bank of Dunlap, of which his father is president, and is a young man of sterling qualities. Their many friends join us in expressing hearty congratulations.
Justice - Purcell
Denison Review - June 18, 1901
Mr. Eugene B. Justice and Miss Maggie Purcell were married on Monday afternoon at four o'clock, Rev. Father M. J. Farrelly officiating. The young people are both well known in Crawford County. Gene was one of the boys who showed his patriotism by responding to the call for troops during the Cuban war and he is a bright and industrious young man. The bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Purcell of Paradise and is a young lady of exceptional charm and character. The young people will reside on the farm of the groom's father in Goodrich Township and we wish for them every joy in life.
Kropt - Grill
Denison Review - August 27, 1901
Married, August 12th, Rev. Lothringer officiating, Mr. Max H. Kropt of Soldier Township to Miss Agnes Grill of Otter Creek Township, Christ Grill and Emma Kropt serving as witnesses.
Lane - Hasset
Denison Review - October 8, 1901
Mr. Patrick Lane and Miss Margaret Hasset were married at St. Rose Lima Church on Wednesday, October 2nd. Both of these young people are well and favorably known by a host of Denison and Crawford County friends. Mr. Lane has proven himself a capable business man and is a man of the strictest honor and integrity. The bride is a lady of many winning and charming qualities and their many friends unite in congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy life.
Lane - McCormick
Denison Review - August 6, 1901 - Vail
Ed Lane and Gertrude McCormick were married Monday morning at 9 AM at the St. Ann's Church, the Rev. Father Murphy performing the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. T. McCormick and is very highly spoken of. Mr. Lane is one of Crawford County's prosperous farmers. We congratulate.
Larson - Meyer
Denison Review - March 31, 1897
Mr. Frank Larson of Deloit and Miss Annie Meyer, of St. Paul, Minn., were united in marriage at the residence of the Baptist minister, Friday afternoon, March 26, at two o'clock. Mr. Larson's brother and wife were present to witness the interesting event. Rev. Venting officiating in his usual charming style, spoke the magic words that united this excellent couple for life.
The bride is a charming young lady of fine personal appearance and possesses the chief characteristics of a good wife and Mr. Larson is to be congratulated on his choice.
The groom is an intelligent young man of integrity and Christian character and he is held in high esteem by all his friends. They will make their future home at Deloit on Mr. Larson's farm. We desire to extend congratulations and wish them happiness through life.
LeDuc - Hoffman
Denison Review - June 9, 1897
Mr. Andrew Le Duc and Miss Susie Hoffman were married June 2nd, 1897, at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. Frank Hoffman. Father Farrelly performed the ceremony in the presence of only the immediate friends of the young couple. We wish this couple happiness through the years to come.
Lee - Potter
Denison Review - October 6, 1899
October 4 at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents north of town, Artie M. Potter and Geo. W. Lee, Dr. H. L. Stetson, president of the Des Moines College, assisted by the father of the groom, officiating. The guests from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Lee and son Roy. After congratulations, dainty refreshments were served and before the departure of the guests Rev. F. W. Bateson led in prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Lee left on the evening train for their new home in Sac City.
The bride is one of Denison's comliest and move lovable daughters. Her life as a young lady, as a teacher and a Christian worker has been a model for all. It is with regret we see her go from our community but we know that a happy home awaits her.
Prof. G. W. Lee, at present principal of the Sac City Academy is a young man of the highest moral integrity. As a principal of the Denison High School he had the esteem and affection of all. These young people are well mated in disposition, inclination and religious thought and we predict for them the utmost happiness.
Liddle - Parvis
Denison Review - June 14, 1901 - Vail
Miss Cassie Parvis and Mr. Will Liddle were quietly married, Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents in Vail, the Rev. A. H. Hulburd of the Presbyterian Church performing the ceremony. They left on the afternoon train for their new home at Rippey, where Mr. Liddle is in business. The best wishes of a host of friends go with them.
Liggett - Pease
Denison Review - July 23, 1901 - Manilla
A very happy wedding was celebrated at the home of Mrs. S. C. Pease on Wednesday evening at 8:30, the occasion being the marriage of her youngest daughter, Mollie E., to Dr. W. B. Liggett.
Promptly at the hour named the bride and groom-to-be took their places. The solemn service performed by Rev. L. Bradford of the M. E. church which made them man and wife, occupied but a brief time and then the happy couple were flooded with congratulations and words of love and kindness. The preparations for the reception of the guests were unexcelled and after the ceremony a delicious wedding supper was served. Many beautiful and artistic gifts from loving friends, attested the affection felt for these young people, who are about to tread life's pathway together. Both bride and groom are well known here and are held in high esteem.
The groom is our genial resident dentist, a young man of exemplary habits, is a graduate of the Iowa State University. He came here in 1809(?) from Rockford, Ill., since which time he has won hosts of friends and has built up a lucrative business in his profession.
In Miss Pease he has secured one of Manilla's best and choicest. There is not a person but who is glad to have known her. Her life has been a model of all that is best in girlhood and young womanhood. She is a graduate of our schools here and has taught in this vicinity. She has been faithful in all things, to her home, her church, her work and her friends and she deserves nothing but happiness and while we know that absolute happiness in this world is an impossibility, we hope for her the best that life can give. These young people start out on life's pathway together under favorable circumstances and their many friends wish them success. Among the out-of-town guests present at the wedding were Mr. Joe Pease and wife of Yankton, S. D. and Miss Anna Liggett of Rockford, Ill., sister of the groom.
Lingle - Kuebler
Denison Review - January 3, 1902
Married at Denison, Dec. 31, 1901, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating, Geo. W. Lingle and Charlotte E. Kuebler
Lohrman - Joens
Denison Review - February 15, 1901 - West Side
The marriage of Mr. Henry Lohrman to Miss Emma Joens, both of Hays township is announced to take place at the Five Mile House this Friday evening, Rev. Shoni will officiate. A large number of guests have been invited. The writer wishes to extend congratulations to this most estimable young couple.
Denison Review - February 5, 1901
At the residence of the bride's parents in Denison on Monday, Feb. 4, 1901, Mr. William Lorentzen and Miss Cora Bell Jobe were married. These young people are well known in Denison, both have grown up in our community and have a host of friends who join the Review in wishing them every happiness. They have gone to housekeeping in a comfortable house in east Denison where they will be at home to friends after March 1st.
Luney - Lochmiller
Denison Review - April 21, 1897
Married at the residence of Samuel Luney "Esq.", Tuesday, April 20, 1897, Rev. A. G. Martyn, of the Presbyterian Church officiating, Mr. William Luney and Miss Emma Lochmiller, both of Denison. This was a quiet wedding, only the immediate family being present to witness the plighting of mutual vows and extend congratulations. A beautiful wedding dinner was served and the bridal party left on the noon train for Omaha.
The groom is one of our well known business men - a member of the firm of Luney Bros. Milling Co. and is esteemed by all for his uprightness of character, general bearing and business qualifications.
The bride is a young lady, reared in this community where she has friendship as wide as her acquaintance of many excellences of character and will prove a most worthy helpmeet in the journey of married life. Mr. and Mrs. Luney will soon be at home to their friends in their new and handsome residence in southeast Denison.
Lochmueller - Schneider
Denison Review - February 3, 1897
There were married, Jan. 29, in East Boyer Township, Mr. August C. Lochmueller to Miss Maria G. Schneider, both of East Boyer Township, before the witnesses John Chr. Schneider and Anna Bumann, Rev. F. Lothringer officiating.
Lungren - Johnson
Denison Review - March 10, 1897r
Married on Saturday, February 28, were Mr. Victor Lungren to Miss Clara Johnson at the Baptist parsonage, Rev. C. J. Clrader performing the ceremony.
Victor is one of Kiron's ambitious and affable young men who is an earnest and tireless worker in the Baptist Church. He has a large circle of friends who wish him unbounded joy and happiness in his new era of life.
Miss Johnson is a perfect stranger in our midst, having resided in Chicago, but has made the impression of a lady in every respect and possesses all the accomplishments which grace young womanhood. They have commenced housekeeping in the P. Norden residence, north of Kiron.
On Saturday evening a number of young folks called upon them for a surprise and enjoyed a most pleasant time with this estimable couple. Refreshments furnished by the party, which were of the very best, were served and left a handsome oak rocking chair for the young couple to remember the occasion.