Sanders - Herrmann
Denison Review, 10-20-1899
On Thursday, October 12th, 1899, at Van Horn, Iowa, Mr. Peter Sanders and Miss Hattie Herrmann, Rev. Theiss officiating. Mr. Sanders, the groom, is a Denison young man, growing up to manhood in this city. He is energetic, highly esteemed and will make an ideal husband. He is a painter by trade and is in demand when any of that kind of work is wanted. The bride is a stranger to us and comes from Van Horn, Iowa, where she has many friends who wish her a happy future with the man of her choice.
Sasges - Christiansen
Schleswig Leader - February 16, 1912
Invitations are out for the wedding of Clara Christainsen to Andrew Sasges of Charter Oak. The ceremony is to be performed next Tuesday at the Catholic church at Charter Oak.
Schleswig Leader - February 23, 1912
On Tuesday moring at the Catholic church at Charter Oak, occurred the wedding of Clara Christiansen of this place to Andrew Sasges of Charter Oak. The bride is a daughter of Chas. Christiansen and wife, and is a beautiful young lady, who will be an ideal helpmate to her husband. The groom is an energetic and successful farmer. They will make their home on a farm near Charter Oak. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the home of the bride's parents here where a reciption was held for a number of invited guests. The Leader wishes the happy young couple prosperity and happiness.
Denison Review 2-28-1912 - Charter Oak
On Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, Rev. L. Schenkelberg performed the wedding ceremony which united Andrew Sasges of this place and Miss Clara Christiansen of Schleswig. Quite a company of friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony. The bride wore a beautiful white satin gown and in her hand she carried roses. Her maid, Miss Ella Leutzen wore a very pretty pink cashmere gown. Both the groom and his attendant were dressed in suits of dark blue. After the ceremony, the happy couple left at once for Ricketts, from where they took a train for Schleswig, where the wedding feast was spread. The young people will make their future home on the Sasges farm near the Oak.
Scanlan - Laughran
Denison Review 9-27-1911 - Nishnabotny News
A pretty double wedding was solemnized last Wednesday at the Sacred Heart church in Manilla, when Tom Monahan, of Dunlap, and Miss Nellie Laughran, Dan Scanlan of Vail and Miss Annia Laughran, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. Jams Murphy performed the ceremony. After the ceremony at the church, the wedding party assembled at the Laughran home, where a wedding breakfast was served to the immediate relatives. These young people have the best wishes of their many friends in wedded life.
Schafer - Butterworth
Denison Review 7-19-1893 - Page 4 - Dow City
The wedding bells have sounded once more in our midst. Mr. Frank R. Schafer and Miss Mary E. Butterworth were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Sunday evening, July 16th, at the Later Day Saints church Dow City, Iowa. The event was not at all unexpected, but only near relatives were aware of the exact date until within a few days before. The church was tastefully decorated by the dexterous hands of obliging friends. The floral arch, from the top of which an anchor was suspended, erected over the speaker's stand was indeed fine.
The singing was done by the Galland's Grove choir, comprised of fifteen voices. Instrumental music was organ, ably assisted by Mr. Clarence Wilder on the violin. Those having the musical part of the program in charge certainly deserve much credit. Long before the appointed the church was filled with relatives and friends. Promptly at 8:45 the violin and organ struck up the wedding march and the audience knew that the bridal party would soon appear.
Elder Joseph F. McDowell, preceded the rest; he was followed by the groomsman, Mr. M. J. Schafer and the bridesmaid, Miss Nellie Butterworth. The bride and groom marched gracefully and made a fine appearance. After the necessary words were spoken that made the contracting parties man and wife , they turned to the audience, the latter having been asked to rise, thereby expressing their congratulations to the newly wedded pair.
The bride and groom are well and favorably know in the community, both having lived in Paradise Township the greatest part of this lives. They have fitted themselves for teachers and have taught successfully in this county for several years. They expect shortly to visit World's Fair and relatives in Illinois. May joy go with them and may their ? be prosperous and full of peace and happiness.
Schelldorf - Gehlsen
Denison Review 10-2-1912 - West Side
Wednesday at high noon, William G. Schelldorf and Miss Emma Gehlsen were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Gehlsen, who reside on their farm southeast of this city. Miss Frances Mumm played Lohnengrin's wedding march, after which Rev. Fauth performed the ceremony using the impressive ring service. Mr. Am. Gehlsen and Mrs. Will Greves of Schleswig were the witnesses. These young people need no introduction to the people of this community s they have grown up in our midst. Their friends are many. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Schelldorf well be at home in the C. H. Kruse residence until next spring when will move on a farm.
Schlil - Kleaver
Schleswig Leader, January 27, 1911
On Wednesday occurred the wedding of Miss Minnie Kleaver to Mr. Aug. Schlil of this vicinity. Emil Kleaver acted as best man, while Bertha Schlil was bridesmaid. The wedding was held at the Lutheran parsonage at Denison, the party driving, after the ceremony to the home of the bride's parents, Carl Kleaver and wife, where a big celebration was held. The Leader extends congratulations.
Schroeder - Frahm
Denison Review, Friday, 8-10-1900
On Wednesday, August 8th, 1900, Mr. Jurgen Schroeder of Schleswig and Mrs. Christine Frahm, of Denison, were married in Denison, Rev. Lothringer of the Lutheran church officiating. Mr. Schroeder is postmaster and general factorum of Schleswig and is one of the best known of the German citizens of this county. Mrs. Frahm, is the widow of Mr. John Frahm and is a woman of many accomplishments. After the wedding the newly married couple left for a brief trip to Chicago and Milwaukee, after which they will return to their new home in Schleswig. The Review extends congratulations.
Schouten - Coon
Denison Review 3-21-1894
At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coon, Arion, Iowa, March 14, 1894 by Rev. Wm. E. Randall of Boone and Rev. T. M. Coffey of Dow City, Mr. W.M. Schouten and Miss Jessemine Coon
- Among the throng of young people of Dow City and vicinity, none are held in higher esteem than this happy couple. Reared in a home of affection and affluence, Miss Jessemine's life has developed into one of rare qualities of heart. Love and devotion wrought well, and the bride at the altar was one worthy of the best human heart. The only daughter of this home has been given into the keeping of one who has enjoyed the respect of the entire community from childhood and manly in heart and competent in business, Mr. Schouten will share life's prosperity with a most congenial companion. The wedding was private. After a sumptuous repast the wedded couple left for a two weeks' trip to Chicago and Wisconsin points. Business interests will call Mr. Schouten to Ohio after a few weeks but the prospects are good for a return to Crawford county after the lapse of a year for a permanent home. An unnumbered host of friends will join in wishing these young people a pleasant voyage over the matrimonial seas.
Schreiber - Lenz
Denison Review 11-4-1898
Mr. Ed. W. Schreiber of Soldier township and Miss Emilie E. Lenz were married at the home of the bride's parents in Paradise township, Oct. 27, Rev. F. Lothringer officiating. These young people are well known by a wide circle of friends all of whom wish them a happy and prosperous journey through life.
Schroeder - Kruse
Denison Review 5-4-1910
Last Wednesday at Denison occurred the marriage of Miss Clara Kruse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kruse of this place and Hannas Schroeder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder, living northwest of town. Miss Clara has a host of friends here who congratulate her and wish her a long and happy life. The groom is a worthy young man, fully able to make a good home for his chosen bride. Sometime ago the groom struck his foot with a pickaxe and lay in the hospital for several weeks. As soon as he is able to work he and his wife will begin farming near Manning. The happy couple returned to Manning Wednesday night and received a hearty welcome from a party of young folks. The Monitor congratulates.
Manning Monitor
Schleswig-Leader - October 6, 1911
from the Bulletin:
Today (Wednesday) at twelve o'clock at the residence of the bride's mother in Denison occurred the marriage of Mr. Henry B. Schroeder and Miss Sarah A. Lefrentz, Rev. Frese officiating.
The wedding was a family affair, and was witnessed only by the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. A grand wedding feast was spread immediately after the ceremony.
Mr. Schroeder is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schroeder, formerly of near Schleswig, who have recently built a fine new home in west Denison. He is a young man of high character and worth, and a host of friends join in wishing him a long life of happiness.
The bride is the attractive daughter of Mrs. Nicolaus Lefrentz, a young lady who has spent the best years of her life in Denison and who is widely popular among a host of friends.
The young couple will make their home on the Schroeder farm near Schleswig. The congratulations of theirmany friends, in which the Schleswig Leader joins, are extended to them.
Schultz - Graham
Schleswig Leader, December 30, 1910
On Wednesday at the home of the bride in Boone, occurred the wedding of Miss Kathryn Graham to Mr. Albert G. Schultz of this place. The groom is one of our foremost business men, and a man well worthy of the prize he has won. The bride is one of the most charming young ladies of her town.
After a short trip they will come to Schleswig and start housekeeping in the groom's fine residence here.
Herman Schultz went to Boone Wednesday to be present at the wedding of his son Albert to Miss Graham of that place.
Schultz - Macentun
Schleswig Leader, October 14, 1910
On Thursday, October 13, occurred the wedding of Miss Marie Elizabeth Macentun to Mr. Herman B. Schultz. The ceremony was performed at the Grant township church in Ida county, and only the immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties were present.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mancentun, who resides near here, and is a young lady well known and highly respected by all.
The groom is a son of Mrs. Dobals and a young man of high character. He has been a mail carrier on route 1 for several years, hence is well known to all.
The Leader joins with the many friends of this happy young couple in wishing them the best of everything that this life contains.
Schultz - Rodewald
Schleswig Leader, January 20, 1911
On Wednesday at the Aug. Schultz home occurred the wedding of Miss Martha Rodewald to Mr. Ernest Schultz. Both parties are well known here, the bride being from Hanover, the groom a son of Mayor Schultz and wife. They left for a short wedding trip to Fort Dodge and Manning, after which they will start housekeeping on a farm in Hanover. The Leader joins its congratulations with those from their many other friends.
Schurke - Henningsen
January 4, 1941
The marriage of Miss Emily Henningsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Henningsen of Goodrich township and Alven Schurke, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schurke of near Deloit, was solemnized on Sunday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock at the Lutheran parsonage in Denison. The Rev. C. W. Schmidt performed the double ring ceremony.
Miss Laura Mae Schurke, sister of the bridegroom, attended the bride, a maid of honor, while the bridegroom was attended by the bride's brother, Harold Henningsen.
The bride wore an ensemble of light solider blue, trimmed in gold, with which she wore black accessories. She carried an arm bouquet of Briarcliff roses, baby's breath, and white mums. For the something old she wore her mother's wedding ring.
Miss Schurke also wore a light soldier blue street length dress, trimmed in white, with black accessories, complimented by a large corsage of Briarcliff roses and white mums.
A six o'clock wedding supper was served to thirty relatives and close friends at the home of the bride's parents. Room decorations were in the bride's chosen colors, blue and white. Centering the bridal table was a three tier wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom, which was a gift of the bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. Walter Henningsen. Bernice Henningsen and Mrs. Milroy Henningsen, sister and sister-in-law of the bride, acted as waitresses and wore organdy aprons, gifts of the bride. The supper was prepared by Mrs. Harry Sachau and Mrs. Rudolph Heide, both sisters of the bride.
Mrs. Schurke attended the rural schools of Milford township. Since completing her education she has assisted her mother at home.
Mr. Schurke attended the rural schools of Milford township and graduated from the Deloit high school with the class of 1935. Since then he has been assisting his parents at home.
The young couple will make their home with the bridegroom's parents for the present time.
Schwenn - Hintz
Schleswig Leader, Jan 14, 1910
Mary Hintz, waitress at the Brick Hotel, attended the wedding of her sister Agusta to Mr. Robert Schwenn in Ricketts last Thursday
Scott - Jordan
Denison Review, Friday, 1-5-1900
Married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Jordan in Paradise township, Wednesday evening, Mr. Henry Scott of Earling and Miss Lizzie Jordan, Rev. H. F. Tibbits of the Dow City Baptist church performing the ceremony. Miss Agnes Robinson of Council Bluffs presided at the organ and promptly at 6 o'clock the wedding party took their places to the strains of the wedding march. Mr. Caleb Robinson served as groomsman and Miss Maud Bryan of Denison acted as bridesmaid.
The bride and bridesmaid were both becomingly dressed in white. The bride's dress was of swiss and was trimmed with white baby ribbon and small ruffles of white satin. The entire costume was a gift of the bride's aunt, a prominent modiste in Boston. The presents were numerous and expensive consisting of china, silverware, table linen, etc. In addition there were fine and beautiful rocking chairs. After spending some time in visiting friends in this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Scott will make their home in Earling where Mr. Scott has charge of the St. Paul & Kansas City Grain Co's. elevator. The Review joins in congratulations to this worthy young couple.
Scriver - O'Connor
Denison Review - 7-7-1909 - Charter Oak
Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Mr. William John Scriver and Miss Florence Ellen O'Connor at Los Angeles, Cal., on the thirtieth of June. All the Charter Oak friends congratulate.
Seemann - Wise
Denison Review - 10-3-1899
On Sunday evening, October 1, 1899, at the M. E. parsonage, Mr. Wm. Seemann and Miss Blanche Wise, Rev. J. B. Harris officiating. Thus are joined two of Crawford county's most popular young people.
The groom, William Seemann, is the junior member of the firm of Seemann Brothers, in the jewelry store, and has had full charge of the business the past year. He was born in Crawford county and is known by an extensive acquaintanceship as an honest, upright and enterprising young gentleman. He is a member of Dowdall Lodge No. 90, Knights of Pythias, and is an earnest worker in the order.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Wise of Dow city and is an accomplished and charming young lady. For some time she was teacher of music in the schools of that city where she gave the best of satisfaction. She is a lady of broad mind and will make a most worthy helpmate. The young couple took the Sunday evening train for Omaha and returned Monday evening to Denison, their future home. The Review joins in wishing them every possible success.
Servoss - Alexander
Denison Review 12-6-1911
Saturday evening at the home of her brother, William Roy, at Denison, occurred the marriage of Mrs. Pearl Alexander and Mr. Servoss, of Denison, Rev. J. Jas. DePree officiating. A large number of friends were present. A bountiful wedding dinner was served at the home of Mr. Servoss' parents. The bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy, could not be present on account of being under quarantine. Mr. Servoss had a home ready where they immediately went to keeping house and are at home to their friends.
Sharp - Butterworth
Denison Review 6-11-1919 - Dow City
Notable Wedding at Dow City
Event of Unusual Interest Saturday When Miss Mildred Butterworth Becomes Bride of Lieut. Sharp
Rev. G. A. Barker Officiates
Bride one of Dow City's most Popular Young Ladies
Groom Recently Returned from Abroad
On Saturday morning at 9:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Butterworth, a very pretty wedding and one of unusual interest took place, when their daughter, Mildred, became the bride of Lieut. Floyd Sharp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brinten Sharp. The rooms were artistically decorated with ferns, peonies, carnations and roses, the central point of interest being a canopy of roses and ferns.
At the appointed hour to the strains of Mendolsons wedding march, beautifully rendered by Mrs. H...... of the bride and groom, the bridal party descended from the stairs. First came Mrs. Nelson Butterworth, matron of honor, attired in a dress of navy blue Georgette, with picture hat to match and wearing a corsage bouquet of sweet peas and roses. Little Naomi Butterworth, niece of the bride served as ring bearer and performed the duties of her position most adequately, she being dressed in while and carrying the ring in the heart of a red rose.
Next came the bride accompanied by her father. She, lovely in her traveling suit of navy blue and georgette waist to match with a beautiful corsage bouquet of red roses and wearing a black lace hat made a picture long to be remembered. They took their places under the canopy of roses and ferns, where the groom and his attendant, Nelson Butterworth, brother of the bride, awaited the party, both gentlemen appearing in uniform.
The bride was then given away by her father. The ever impressive service with the ring ceremony, was performed by Red. G. A. Barker, of the Baptist church. After the congratulations of relatives and friends had been received, a most delicious tray breakfast of three courses was served to about fifty guests. Those in charge of the serving were the Misses Lois Goddard, Balbina Potter and Blanche Cole.
The guests from out of town were Elder J. M. Baker and wife and Miss Mabel Rosenbaum of Missouri Valley, Mrs. R. O. McConnaughey and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bowling of Denison; Mrs. Carol Denlo of Wall Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Butterworth and two children of David City, Nebr., and the Dunham families of Dunlap. The newlyweds were the recipients of an unusual array of very beautiful and substantial presents, testifying to the esteem in which they are held.
The bride is one of the most popular of Dow City's charming girls and is very active in club work and social life. She is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Butterworth, highly respected citizens of the community. She was born and reared to young womanhood here and is a member of the graduating class of 1909 of the local school. She is a highly accomplished musician having devoted considerable time in teaching music during the past few years.
The groom is the fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Brinten Sharp, who are numbered among our best people. He, too, was reared in this vicinity and is recognized as a young man of sterling worth, enjoying the respect of all who know him. He completed a course in the veterinary school at Kansas City some three years ago, after which he practiced his profession for nearly a year in the town of Charter Oak. He then entered the army veterinary department and just recently returned from abroad, come here from New York on a fifteen day's furlough.
He, with his bride, left on the 11:30 train amid showers of rice and old shoes, a large number of friends accompanying them as far as Denison. Excepting he receives further orders, they will go to Camp Dix, New Jersey, where he expects to be finally discharged. That they may enjoy many years of health, wealth and happiness is the sentiment of the community.
Sharp - Mitchell
Dow City Enterprise - 3-8-1907
Adam Sharp and Patience E. Mitchell were married March 6 at the home of elder J. L. Butterworth, he performing the ceremony. Only a few relatives were present. They will make their future home on the groom's farm in Willow township. The Enterprise sincerely wishes this worthy couple the happiness and prosperity they deserve.
Shives - Anderson
Denison Review March 22, 1911 - Deloit
Ray Shives and Huldah Anderson were married at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. Wahl Wednesday, March 15, 1911. The best wishes of the community go with this worthy young couple through life. They will go to housekeeping in the Flint house on Main street on the west side of town.
Shives - Cruzan
Denison Review, Friday, December 15, 1899
Married, Tuesday, December 12th at the M. E. parsonage, Mr. A. E. Shives and Miss E. L. Cruzan, Rev. Maxwell officiating. The groom is a son of Wm. Shives, a prosperous farmer of Boyer and his bride the accomplished daughter of Wm. Cruzan living near Deloit. Their many friends join in wishing them success and happiness.
Sievers - Luney
Denison Review, Friday, 6-8-1900
On Tuesday, June 5, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Will H. Sievers and Miss Ida B. Luney were married, Rev. a. G. Martyn, of the Presbyterian church officiating. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate relatives of the families and was an impressive one. The bride was charmingly attired in a gown of while silk trimmed with chiffon.
She is the daughter of Mr. Sam'l Luney and has grown to womanhood in our midst and is loved by all, being an earnest worker in all social and church affairs and will make an ideal helpmate to the husband of her choice.
The groom, Mr. Will H. Sievers, is the second son of Mrs. Claus Sievers, and is an exemplary young man. He is the junior partner in the firm of C. Sievers & Sons, success crowning his every effort and has a bright future. After the ceremony the happy couple took the train for Denver where they will visit a couple of weeks and then return to Denison, their future home, where the husband has a beautiful home prepared for his bride. From a very wide circle of friends comes an expression of congratulation. As they enter so auspiciously upon the voyage of matrimony, the Review but voices the sentiment of all in wishing that the future may realize their highest ideals of life in unalloyed happiness and true success.
Signel - Muxen
Denison Review 2-24-1909 - Jackson
At nine o'clock mass in St. Joseph's church, Wall Lake, occurred the marriage of Phil Signel and Miss Katherine Muxen. The bride was gowned in a light tan silk mohair and wore a hat to match. She was attended by the groom's sister, who wore a blue silk dress and hat to match. The groom was attended by a brother of the bride. Miss Anna Quinn touched the chords of the wedding march. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served by a sister of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Signel will soon depart for their future home on a farm down near Manning, Iowa. All wish them prosperity.
Slater - Sewing
Denison Review 2-24-1909 Buck Grove
The little God, Cupid, has again been busy in our ranks and this time Roy Slater and Hattie Sewing are his victims. They were married last Wednesday, February 17th, at the home of John McKeon near Bentley, Iowa, the home of one of the bride's sisters. The ceremony was performed at six o'clock in the evening in the presence of a number of relatives of the contracting parties. They left Thursday morning for a trip to Kansas City, Mo. and on their return will make their home in Dunlap where Roy is employed by the Stewart Lumber Co. These young people are well and favorably known here and good wishes from a host of friends will follow them into their new lives.
Slechta - Childress
Denison Review - 5-13-1908 - Deloit
Married - Sunday p.m. a large number of guests assembled at the home of Milton Childress and wife near Deloit to witness the marriage ceremony of their daughter, Josephine, to Ernest Slechta. Edna Childress took her place at the piano at 4 o'clock and rendered a beautiful wedding march while the bride and groom accompanied by their attendants, Lois Childress and Adolph Slechta, took their places by the west parlor window and were united in marriage by Ev. G. W. Bruce, pastor of the M. E. church of Deloit. The bride was gowned in white and carried bride's roses. The groom wore the usual black. After the ceremony Mrs. Bruce favored the guests with a few musical selections. Then the guests were ushered into the dining room where the waitresses served strawberry Sundae and cake. The young couple received many beautiful and useful presents. They expect to make their home near Vail.
Sleeper - Ballantine
Denison Review 9-13-1893
During the month of August, Clerk Schlumberger issued a marriage license to
G. A. Sleeper - Charter Oak
Jennie Ballantine - Charter Oak
Smith - Copps
Denison Review, Tuesday, 4-17-1900
Married, Monday, April 16th, at 9 a.m. at the Catholic church, Mr. Peter Smith of Willow township and Miss Nellie Copps of Charter Oak, Father Cooper officiating. We unite with their many friends in congratulations. Ned Copps and wife were down from Sioux City to attend the wedding.
Smith - Clough
Denison Review, Friday, 4-6-1900
The many friends of Miss Nettie Clough were surprised to learn of that ladies marriage which took place on Saturday, March 31. She was married to a Mr. Jas. Smith at Woodward, Oklahoma, a ranch owner, and immediately went to the new home he had provided for her, some sixty miles from Woodward. The surprise was all the greater as Mrs. Kemming had been expecting a visit from her in the near future. Her many Denison friends trust that her future may be full of sunshine and full of many happy and prosperous years.
Smith - Rudd
Denison Review 10-16-1885 - Dow City
Married, October 13th at the residence of M. Presba at Pretty Prairie by Rev. Craven, Mr. H. N. Smith of Linn county, Iowa to Miss S. A. Rudd of Dow City. May peace and joy go with them.
Smith - Sherman
Dow City Enterprise 3-15-1907
At high noon Feb. 27 at the home of Mr. And Mrs. E. B. Sherman occurred the marriage of their daughter Sarah F. to Mr. Benson Smith of Dow City. Only immediate friends and relatives being present. Rev. M. A. Gable officiating.
The bride wore a princess dress of dove colored lansdown while the groom wore the conventional black. After the ceremony congratulations were extended, then the guests were served with a fine three course luncheon.
The bride has grown to young woman-hood in this community and is esteemed and honored by all who know her. The groom, a prosperous farmer in Union township, Crawford County has a host of friends. They were the recipients of many useful and valuable presents. In the evening they left for their future home on the groom's farm two miles east of Dow City amid the showers of rice and old shoes thrown by the bride's sisters, brothers and cousins. They were wished a long and happy life. The Enterprise extends congratulations.
Smith - Shumate
Dow City Enterprise 12-17-1909
Mr. Cyrus H. Smith and Miss Sarah Jane Shumate were married at the home of R. B. Smith Wednesday morning, Elder C. E. Butterworth officiating. We extend congratulations.
Soels - Smith
Denison review, Tuesday, 7-31-1900
At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chamberlin, on Saturday, July 28, 1900, Mr. Bert Soels, of East Boyer, and Miss Jessie Smith, of Carroll, Rev. J. B. Harris officiating. The bride is a niece of Mr. George Chamberlin of this city and is a young lady of many accomplishments and is amply fitted for an ideal wife. The groom is a prosperous farmer of East Boyer township, very popular and is on the highway to success. We wish them happiness
Staley - McKinstry
Charter Oak Times- October 27, 1915
Staley-Mckinstry Vows Spoken
The marriage of Mr. William J. Staley and Mis Angela McKinstry was spoken this morning by Rev. Father Schaefer in St. Boniface Catholic church in Charter Oak.
Mr. Staley is one of the sons of Otto Staley. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Mary McKinstry, whose passage from earth was recorded in these columns a few months ago.
Staley - Murphy
Charter Oak - February 7, 1921
The marriage of Charles Staley and Miss Anna Murphy was spoken Monday in the Catholic Church in Hornick by Rev. Father .... of Trinity College of Sioux City. Of the family of Mr. Staley none were present except Asa and Miss Florence. Asa was best man and Miss Helena Murphy, sister of the bride was bridesmaid.
They took Miss Florence by surprise. She was invited to the wedding and accepted the invitation, not knowing until she reached Hornick that she was to play and sing the High Mass for the occasion. However, she got through it all right by finding a small book with the service in it. She had left her own music at home.
Staley - Schmitz
Carroll - August 30, 1916
Miss Gertrude Schmitz and Mr. Leonard Staley were married by Father Schenkelberg of Odebolt yesterday morning, August 30, at the Catholic church in Mt. Carmel. Their attendants were Miss Edith Staley of Charter Oak, a sister of the groom and Will Schmitz, a brother of the bride. The wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Schmitz, and was attended fully by 75 relatives.
The out of town guests at the wedding were the groom's father Otto Staley of Charter Oak, Charles, Frank, Verna and Florence Staley and Mr. and Mrs. Luke Staley, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Staley, Ace Staley, Paul Staley and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pithan. All brothers and sisters of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Eich of Charter Oak were also among the guests.
The young couple will make their home on a farm, near Charter Oak. The bride is one of the popular young ladies of Mount Carmel. The groom has been working near Mount Carmel for the past year. Prior to that time he lived near Charter Oak.
One of the pleasing things of the wedding day was that it celebrated the 24th wedding anniversary of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Schmitz and the 64th birthday of the groom's father, Otto Staley.
Stang - Smith
Denison Review 1-1-1912 - Deloit
Miss Ida Smith and Chas. Stang were married at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clark Dillivan, Christmas day. We are not acquainted with the parties, but have heard they were worthy young people who will make good in life and we wish them every success
Starek - Frost
Denison Review - May 12, 1909 - Vail
May Frost of Atlantic and Alfred Starek of this town, were married May 4 at the home of the bride, Fourth and Locust Street, Atlantic. Alf's Vail friends are tendering congratulations.
Stender - Aldag
Schleswig Leader - September 15, 1911
Last Wednesday, Sept. 6, occurred the wedding of Miss Annie Aldag and Mr. Carl Stender, at the Lutheran church in Grant township, Ida county, Rev. Amstein officiating. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aldag, and is a charming and accomplished young lady.
The groom is the eldest fon of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Stender, and is an honest and upright young man. These young people have lived in this vicinity for quite a while, and have scores of friends who wish them joy.
They will make their home on a farm near here. The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them happiness and prosperity.
Sterrett - Sharp
Denison Review Oct. 27, 1909 - Dow City
Miss Addie Sharp and Mr. William Sterrett were married on October 19th. Both were former residents of this vicinity but wend to Wendte, S. D. to hold down homesteads. Miss Addie was one of Crawford county's successful teacher. They have many friends here who will wish for them a successful and happy married life.
Stockfleth - Meeves
Denison Review - 5-5-1909 - Schleswig
On Saturday evening at 7 o'clock occurred the marriage of Lena Meeves to Herman Stockfleth at the groom's home southeast of town. May this happy couple have every blessing that life affords is the wish of their many friends.
Stoffers - Bauers
Denison Review 3-16-1909 - West Side
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Honnas Stoffers at Arcadia last Thursday afternoon occurred the marriage of Miss Sophia Bauers of West Side and Mr. Fred Stoffers of Arcadia, Rev. Karl Fauth of West Side officiating. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stoffers have many West Side friends who wish them much joy and happiness in their married life. We understand the young couple will reside on a farm near Arcadia with a brother of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stoffers.
Stoltenberg - Burch
Schleswig Leader - June 16, 1911
On Wednesday occurred the wedding of Miss Mary C. Burch to Mr. Albert H. Stoltenberg. The ceremony was performed at 6 o'clock p.m. at the home of the bride in Denison, only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties being present.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Burch of Denison and is a winsome and lovable young lady. She is well known here, having taught the intermedial department of the Schleswig schools for the past two years.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Stoltenberg of this place and is a young man of sterling qualities. He is to be congratulated on the charming bride he has won. After the ceremony, a bounteous wedding supper was served, after which the happy young couple left for Lake Okoboji where they will spend a few days. They will start housekeeping in the pleasant rooms over the Schultz hardware store. The Leader extends congratulations.
Stone - Robertson
Denison Review 7-3-1895? - Dow City
June 26 occurred the wedding of Mr. F. S. Stone and Miss Belle Robertson, both of Dow City. Mr. Stone came to Dow City about eight years ago, and has charge of Scriver & Co's lumber yard. Miss Robertson has spent about all her days here and has been one of Crawford County's best school "mams." The young couple took the evening train for New York state where they will visit Mr. S's friends. On their return they will take up their abode in Dow City.
Denison Review 9-9-1898 - Charter Oak
By invitation of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Holmes, the M. E. church was well filled Thursday to witness the marriage ceremony of their daughter Miss Irene Holmes to Mr. Samuel M. Stouffer of Sac City, Rev. W. W. Brown officiating.
Miss Holmes is one of the most popular young ladies of Charter Oak, having taught a number of summers in the Charter Oak high school. She is a graduate of Woodbine Normal College. She was a great worker in church and social life and will be missed by her many friends here. Mr. Stouffer is the popular editor of the Sac Sun, a young man of promising abilities.
The bride was dressed in white India linen trimmed with lace. She carried a bouquet of bridal roses. The groom wore the conventional black with a bouquet of roses. Mrs. Brown played the wedding march. The ceremony was short but impressive, after which an informal reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. Stouffer took the noon train to visit friends in Illinois and showers of old shoes and rice and the hearty wishes of long life and happiness of many friends.
Streeter - Clark
Denison Review - Wednesday, March 21, 1917 - Deloit
A beautiful wedding, beautiful because of its marked simplicity and solemnity, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark, of Runnells, Iowa on Sunday evening, March 11, 1917, at 6 o'clock when their oldest daughter, Alameda became the wife of Mr. Carl (Babe) Streeter of Deloit.
The bride was gowned in beautiful blue crepe-de-chine very lovely in his simple straight lines and was attended by her friend Miss Nova Park, while the groom was becomingly clad in the much favored dark blue serge, being attended by Mr. Rollin Thomas. After the ceremony performed by Elder Henry Casting of the L. D. S. church and congratulations received, the party was served a dainty, delicious two course luncheon. A short time was thus passed in pleasant conversation then all repaired to the L. D. S. church where the evening services were appropriately enjoyed.
Miss Clark is the oldest daughter of the family and has been employed the past year in a doctor's office where she was held in the highest respect and esteem by all who knew her. She will be greatly missed by her unlimited number of friends but their loss is our gain and we are doubly glad to welcome such an estimable young lady into our midst.
The groom has grown to manhood here in Deloit and we can vouch for his integrity and strength of character and kind and pleasant ways. May the stream of peace and happiness be a continuous one and the bountiful flow of health and wealth be heirs to enjoy thru this life, is the sentiment of the entire community.
These young people will be found at home in the Lloyd Winans home after March 25 and invite all friends and neighbors to call early and be sociable. They were the recipients of many useful and beautiful gifts from loving friends and relatives showing the high esteem in which the bride was held in her home. Her parents held a pre-nuptial shower on Saturday evening, March 10, for the near relatives and S. S. class when about thirty guests were present, each bringing useful gifts for the bride elect.
The following is copied from the "Runnell's Telegram". "A shower was given by Miss Nora Park in honor of Miss Allie Clark at the home of J. M. Park Thursday evening. Many beautiful and useful presents were given. About 40 guests were present to enjoy the delicious lunch and occasion.
Struck - Bendixen
Schleswig Leader, Feb 18, 1910
Julius Struck and Mary Bendixen were married Wednesday at the home of the bride, that of Mr. And Mrs. Will Bendixen
Sullivan - Kral
Denison Review 10-18-1911 - Deloit
Mrs. Abbie Worley and husband went over to her parental home, Mrs. Krals, Monday to accept the invitation to attend the wedding of her sister, Bertha Kral and Daniel P. Sullivan at St. Ann's church in Vail Tuesday morning. A reception was given at the home of the bride's parents at 10 a.m.
Talcott - Rule
Denison Review 4-29-1908 - Kenwood
At the home of the bride's parents, Wm. Rule and wife, occurred the quiet wedding of Miss Jeannette Rule to Mr. Talcott of Arion, Wednesday evening. Only the immediate relatives were present. A delicious luncheon was served and those present report a most enjoyable time. Miss Hallowell of Ames and Howard Rule of Sioux City, Miss Ranninger of Denison and Garfield Rule of Dunlap were the out of town guests. All join in wishing this couple every joy and happiness possible. They will live with the groom's mother just south of Arion.
Denison Review - 4-29-1908 - Arion
A very pretty wedding took place last Wednesday evening at the home of Wm. H. Rule, where Geo. Talcott was united in marriage to Nettie Rule. Only a few relatives and friends witnessed the happy event. Mr. Talcott is a young man of ability and one of our most respected and prosperous young farmers. Miss Rule is a favorite of the entire community from her long service in the telephone office, here she became so well known. These worthy young people have the brightest prospects in life. All join in heartily congratulations.
Talcott - Town
Denison Review June 28, 1906
The Town-Talcott Wedding
Popular Young People Will be Joined in Matrimony Today
This afternoon occurs the wedding of Mr. Benjamin West Talcott of Dow City and Miss Olive Mae Town of Denison. The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Salem Town and will be attended only by relatives and the most intimate friends.
The bride is one of Denison's most popular young ladies. She has been a recognized leader in the social life of our young people. Her personality is a charming one and she has in abundance those graces of mind and heart that should insure a life of happiness. The groom is one of the sturdy young men of western Crawford. He is capable, efficient and industrious. This union of two of the best known of our pioneer families is most auspicious and the Review joins in the hearty congratulations and good wishes extended by their many friends.
Taylor - Brogden
Denison Review 10-24-1894 - Deloit
Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Brogden, Mr. John Taylor to Miss Stella Brogden, Oct. 21, Elder Turner officiating. We congratulate.
Teut - Naeve
Schleswig Leader - August 23, 1912
On Tuesday forenoon, August 20, a very pretty wedding occurred at Denison when two popular young people of this vicinity were united in marriage. It was Miss Edna Naeve and Otto Teut. After the wedding the happy pair went to the bride's home where a wedding dinner awaited them. In the evening a charivari crowd from here went out to the Naeve home and gave them a grand serenade.
The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Naeve, who live near here, and is well and favorably known to all our readers.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Teut of Denison, who formerly lived near here. He is an industrious young man and is worthy of the fair bride he has chosen for a life-mate. He is now tilling the soil on his father's farm, nine miles west of here, and will take his new partner to that place where they will live happily, each sharing the joys and sorrows of the other. The Leader wishes to extend most hearty congratulations to this happy couple and hope for them a life of health, joy and prosperity.
Thew - Smith
Denison Review 5-9-1884
Marriage licenses issued during April, 1884
Clifton Thew - Emma Smith
Thompson - Cook
Denison Review 10-2-1885
Married - on September 20th, 1885, by Rev. Mills, . .... Thompson and Miss Sadie Cook of Vail.
Thorpe - Allen
Denison Review, Wednesday, May 9, 1917 - Deloit
Miss Adelaid May Allen, youngest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Allen, was united in marriage to Mr. Willard B. Thorpe, of Ottawa at the Methodist parsonage on Tuesday, May 1st, Rev. Allen officiating. Miss Allen has resided in Deloit only a few months, but in that time has made many friends. She has been active in all kinds of church work and has won a place of respect in the social life of the community. Mr. Thorpe, in the several visits he has made here has made a very favorable impression. Everyone joins in wishing this worthy young couple a long and happy wedded life. They left immediately for Wynat, Neb. Which place they propose to make their future home.
Vanderwall - Luney
Denison Review, February 21, 1917
Mr. Wilbur Vanderwall and Miss Mary Luney were united in marriage at 8 o'clock on Saturday evening, Feb. 17, at the home of the bride's parents in Denison. They received many beautiful and useful presents from the few friends and immediate relatives who were present. This year the newly wedded pair will make their home on the Joe Brogden farm near Deloit. The people of this vicinity extend their congratulations, best wishes for a bountiful crop and may they never regret having moved into the best section of the best state in the Union.
VanFleet - Kropf
Denison Review, Wednesday, March 7, 1917 - Deloit
On February 26, in Denison at the German Lutheran parsonage occurred the marriage of Miss Lizzie Kropf and Mr. Lyle VanFleet. They were attended by Miss Delia Kropf, sister of the bride and Mr. Van Fleet, brother of the groom. The bride was gowned in pale blue silk crepe de chine, white hat, shoes and gloves. Miss Delia was clad in blue silk poplin with champagne hat, shoes and gloves. The groom was dressed in blue surge while the brother wore a grey suit.
The happy couple repaired to the home of his parents where a sumptuous evening dinner was served to the immediate relatives only. The evenings pleasant entertainment was interrupted by the usual boisterous crowd who have long forgotten and possibly did not know that that form of enjoyment is out of date and never entered into by the better class of people.
Mrs. VanFleet has grown to womanhood on her father's farm and is known to all in this community. She has lived in Deloit during the past year and has many warm friends who have learned to love her for her good qualities.
Mr. VanFleet has been helping his father with farm work, occasionally assisting neighbors and friends in time of need and everyone speaks a good word for his energy. This coming year they will be at home on the Joe Inghram place. The best wishes for a prosperous year and a happy wedding life are extended to them by us all.
Vickery - Hoiten
Schleswig Leader, August 12, 1910
On Wednesday, August 10, at 12:30 o'clock p.m. occured the wedding of Miss Sara Hoiten of this place to Mr. Avery Vickery of Hayes Twp., Ida county, the wedding taking place at the Methodist parsonage in Ida Grove.
Ella Hoiten, a sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid while Pyrl Vickery, a brother of the groom, was best man. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present.
The bride is a daughter of George Hoiten of this place and is a young lady who is highly respected by all. She has resided in Schleswig for several years and during that time has won the friendship and love of all. She will make home an ideal place for her husband.
The groom is one of the foremost of the young farmers of Hayes township and is respected by all for his straightforwardness and uprightness in all his dealings.
The happy young couple left Wednesday afternoon for a short wedding trip to different South Dakota points, after which they well go to housekeeping on the groom's farm.
The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them the best of everything this life affords.
VonCourt - Lohmann
Schleswig Leader, Oct. 15, 1909
On Tuesday morning, October 5, at the home of the bride at Ute, occurred the wedding of Miss Florence Lohmann of Ute to Mr. W. W. VonCourt of Schleswig. The ceremony was performed by Father Shenkelberg of Charter Oak, there being about 50 present.
The bride is one of the popular young ladies of Ute, and is held in high esteem by all who know here. The groom is a popular and well liked young man, who is proprietor of one of the barbershops here. The happy young couple went from Ute to Plainview, Neb., for a visit with friends there.
They will soon start housekeeping in Schleswig, where they will be welcomed by all. The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them joy and happiness thruout their journey thru this life.
The following is from the Ute Independent: About 50 guest were royally entertained at the Lohmann home and a profusion of charming gifts were left to show the high esteem entertained by all for these young people. The bride is one of the best known and most popular young ladies of this vicinity, and has a large number of friends who wish her great happiness. The groom is an active young business man of Schleswig, and is to be congratulated on the charming young bride he has won.
Vore - Buss
Denison Review 10-9-1885
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Buss, near Dow City, Thursday, October 1st, 1885, Mr. Louis A. Vore and Miss Lydia Buss, Rev. H. H. Barton officiating. A large company gathered in the parlors to witness the ceremony and offer congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Vore left on the evening train for a wedding tour in Ohio. A number of presents were given to the newly married party. All wish them long life and great pleasure.
Waddington - Carroll
Denison Review 6-9-1909 - Charter Oak
I Waddington and Mrs. Carroll were married at the Catholic parsonage by Rev. Schenkelberg last Tuesday morning. They went to Sioux City on their wedding trip.
Wainright - Frahm
Denison Review 3-17-1909
The wedding of Mr. Charles Wainright and Miss Emma Frahm occurred last Wednesday.
Denison Review 3-24-1909 - Boyer Ripplings
On Wednesday, March 17, 1909, occurred the marriage of Mr. Charles Wainright and Miss Emma Frahm, both of this place. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Claus Frahm at 4 o'clock, Rev. O. Richter officiating. The bride was becomingly dressed in light blue taffeta silk. Their attendants were Misses Mary Sass of Ida Grove, and Greda Otifier of Denison and Messers Walter Wainright and Claus Frahm. After the ceremony which was witnessed by a host of relatives and friends, the company partook of the repast which had been prepared for them. In the evening a dance was held at the hall in their honor. Among those who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. August Sass, of Ida Grove, Albert Sass, Mr. Peter Henderickson and wife of Deloit, Mrs. Mary Kinise, Cherokee, Iowa and Henry and Albertine Senhen. The best wishes of all are extended to them.
Waldron - Plough
Denison Review 8-11-1909
Married in Minnesota - Pretty Denison Girl Was Married Last Week in Duluth, Minnesota
On Wednesday, August 4th, at Duluth, Minn., occurred the wedding of Miss Doris Jetta Plough and Mr. Lawrence Alfred Waldron. The bride is a charming and beautiful young lady. She was born and raised in this county and she has many friends who will join in good wishes to her and in congratulations to the happy groom. We are sure she will make a happy home for the fortunate young man. Mr. Waldron comes from Louisville, Neb. And is likewise well known in this county. He is a young man of ability, industry and excellent character. They will live on the farm which the groom purchased last spring at Knife River, Minn. The review joins with their host of friends in congratulations and kindly wishes for a long and happy wedded life.
Watke - Bowne
Denison Review 3-27-07
Wednesday occurred the wedding of one of our popular lady teachers, Goldie Bowne to Ed. Watke. They were married at the Lutheran church and entertained at six o'clock supper at her parents. We congratulate.
Weffenbach - Roherbeck
Schleswig Leader - July 28, 1911
Miss Mathilda Roherbeck and Wm. Weffenbach were united in marriage by Rev. Amstein Wednesday afternoon, July 19, at the home of the bride's sister in Hayes township, in the presence of a number of friends. The happy couple will make their home on one of the Fred Reinking farms which the groom has rented. Both young people are popular and have a host of friends in the county. - Ida County Pioneer.
Wherry - Rachwitz
Denison Review 2-21-1912
Mr. William Wherry and Miss Magdalena Rachwitz were secretly married on Monday, February 19th, at Glenwood, Iowa.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rachwitz, of this city and is a graduate of the Denison high school, graduating from that institution last June with high honors. Her marriage is a surprise to friends and relatives of the family, but all join in extending the happy couple congratulations.
Mr. William Wherry has been employed for the past nine months as baggageman at the Chicago & Northwestern Station.
The couple returned to Denison on Tuesday evening and will make this their permanent home.
White, Miss Clara
Denison Review, 2-12-1886 - Deloit
The marriage of Miss Clara White had the effect of showing this community it was possible for a young couple to unite their fortunes without consulting anyone outside of themselves and parents.
White - Talcott
Dow City Enterprise 3-29-1907
Mrs. Bertha E. Talcott and Mr. Ernest L. White were married in Denver, Col., last Monday, March 25, Rev. B. B. Tyler, pastor of the South Broadway Christian church, officiating. Mrs. Talcott is very well known in this community and her many friends will gladly join with the Enterprise in extending congratulations and best wishes for their future happiness.
Whiteing - Sullivan
Vail Observer, October 31, 1929?
Double Wedding Ceremony
Married in Missouri Valley IA
Lucille Sullivan married Lawerence Whiteing
Luverne Sullivan married Francis Farley
Attendants for both couples: Maxine Farley and Lyle Whiteing. Brides daughters of Mr. and Mrs Daniel Sullivan of Vail. Lawrence Whiteing son of Mr. and Mrs George D. Whiteing, Vail. Francis Farley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farley, Vail.
Wilcox - Miller
Denison Review 7-12-1911
Miss Esther Miller and Harry Wilcox were married at Dixon, Iowa, on Saturday, July 1st. They will make that place their future home. Friends here congratulate.
Denison Review 4-23-1886
On the 14th day of April, at Denison, by J. Fred Meyers, J. P., Mr. Charles R. Wiley to Miss Julia Ann Dobson, both of Deloit. We acknowledge the receipt of some very nice wedding cake and wish the contracting parties long life, health and prosperity.
Willert - Kolholf
Schleswig Leader, May 27, 1910
On Wednesday morning occurred the wedding of Miss Anna Kolholf to Mr. John Willert, the Rev. Wetzler performing the ceremony at the parsonage. Just the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were in attendance. A brother of the groom acted as best man while a sister of the bride acted as bridal maid.
The bride is a charming young lady who is well known here, having made Schleswig her home for some time. The groom is a young man well known here, having been foreman on the section for some time.
The happy young couple left the same day for his home at Auburn where they will spend a few days before starting housekeeping.
The Leader joins with their many friends in wishing them the best of everything that life affords.
Kiron News
(as reported in the Schleswig Leader, June 3, 1910)
Yesterday morning at ten o'clock Miss Anna Kolholf was married to Mr. Willert, the section foreman at Schleswig, both well known in that town. To escape the usual rice and old shoe parties, they, with another young couple, had Hugo Krohnke take them to Kiron in his fine Overland touring car. Here they departed on the noon train, well riced and old shoes as ornaments dangling from the groom's coat-tail.
Schleswig Leader - February 9, 1912
Fred Willert was married on Wednesday to a young lady near Auburn. We do not know the young lady, but she is not doubt worthy of his choice. Fred is an industrious young man, and is employed on his brother Ed's dray line. They will make their home over the Petersen meat market. The Leader extends congratulations to the happy young couple.
Willert - Jochims
Schleswig Leader - March 8, 1912
On Wednesday at the home of the bride here occurred the wedding of Rosie Jochims to Ed Willert, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Wetzler. The couple was attended by Johannes Jochims, Jr. and Selma Willert.
The bride is the daughter of Johannes Jochims and wife and is a beautiful and accomplished young lady who is well known, and liked by all.
The groom, a son of Ferninand Willert and wife of Auburn, is proprietor of the city dray line, and is a hustling, energetic young man who is making a success of his business. A wedding supper and celebration was held at the Jochims home for the immediate friends and relatives. The happy young couple will live in the residence just vacated by Will Pipgras. The Leader extends its congratulations.
Williamson - DeLong
Denison Review 3-20-1912 - Arion
Roy Williamson and Miss Alta DeLong, of near Deloit, were married last week in Omaha at the home of the Rev. James Baker. They stopped in Arion over Sunday to visit with his sister, Mrs. Dean Talcott. We extend best wishes and hearty congratulations.
Schleswig Leader, November 25, 1910
Mrs. Wilson and two sons Thursday to be in attendance at the wedding of her son Paul to Miss Ella Witt on Saturday of this week.
Winans - McKim
Denison Review 12-3-1873
At Deloit on Thanksgiving day, Nov. 27th, 1873, by Elder Thos. Dobson, Mr. Josiah Winans and Miss Mary Ann McKim, both of Crawford county.
Winans - Albright
Denison Review 2-25-1898 - Deloit
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hunt, Deloit, Wednesday evening, February 23, 1896, occurred the marriage of Elmer Winans and Vida T. Albright, both of Deloit, Elder Hunt officiating. These young people are well and favorably known. They have a bright future. The Review extends congratulations.
Winans - Newcom
Denison Review 4-3-1907 - Deloit Diary
Married at Bonesteel S. D., Wednesday, March 26, 1906, Earl Winans and Mae Newcom. Earl Winans is the son of Mrs. Ann Winans, who recently broke up housekeeping on the old farm. Earl had been living with his mother and taking charge of the farm and is one of Crawford county's most prosperous farmers.
His bride was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cash Newcom and was raised here and was one of our Crawford county teachers. She moved with her parents to Bonesteel, S. D. several years ago and has ever since continued teaching. She has now taken a school of one scholar. We predict he will be a good and obedient scholar judging from his being so good to his widowed mother. They came to Deloit Friday to visit among friends and relatives. His bride has a claim on the rosebud reservation. We have not learned where they expect to make their future home, but all join in wishing this worthy young couple every joy and a prosperous journey through life.
Woodland - Aylesworth
Denison Review, Friday, Nov. 10, 1899
Married at the residence of the bride's parents in Denison on Wednesday evening, November 10, Mr. Jasper Woodland and Miss Grace Aylesworth. The groom is an enterprising young business man who has many friends in the community, the bride is one of Denison's best and most capable young ladies. We wish for them every happiness in their new relation.
Woodruff - Newcomb
Dow City Enterprise 10-8-1909
The following announcement was received Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Newcomb announce the marriage of their daughter, Varena Anna to Mr. Robert Woodruff on Wednesday, the sixth of October, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at Gibson City, Illinois, at home after the tenth of November, Green River, Utah. All know Bob too well to need an introduction as he was raised near our town and will wish for him and Mrs. Woodruff a long, happy and prosperous life.
Denison Review 9-13-1893
During the month of August, Clerk Schlumberger issued a marriage license to
John H. Worley - Deloit ,Iowa
Mary E. Enright - Deloit, Iowa
Worley - Kral
Denison review 6-8-1910 - Deloit
William Worley and Abbie H. Kral were married at Sac City, Iowa by Justice of the Peace J. N. Natter. J. B. Worley, brother of the groom and wife were with them and gave them a wedding supper. They spent a few days there and came down to Boyer the following Saturday, spending Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Daisy Prentice. They then came back to Deloit and will be at home to their friends soon in the residence recently purchased from Claude McKim in Deloit. They have the best wishes of a host of friends in their voyage through life.
Wulf - Darling
Denison Review 2-28-1894 - Vail
Three weddings are to be reported this week. Tuesday, Mr. Petter Wulf and Miss Emily Darling were married at the Presbyterian parsonage by Rev. D. W. Cassett. Thursday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Elmer Griffin and Miss Grace Slater were united in holy wedlock and the same day Rev. Lothringer of Denison tied the nuptial knot between Mr. Fred Rassmussen and Miss Amelia Danielson. The young people are all favorably known throughout the district and congratulations are showered upon them abundantly.
Yankey - Shives
Denison Review - Dec. 25, 1912 - Deloit
Several from here attended the wedding of Miss Mabel Shives and Mr. J. Yankey at the home of her parents Wednesday evening. We wish them a long, happy wedded life and prosperity.
Zea - Streeter
Denison Review 12-13-1893 - Deloit
A quiet wedding occurred in town on Wednesday evening, Nov. 29th, at the home of the bridegroom, the contracting parties being Mr. Geo. Zea and Miss Martha Streeter. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few relatives, Rev. G. L. Griggs officiating. We wish this young couple all the success that can befall anyone in this life.
Scott - Talcott
Denison Review
Marriage Licenses, February 3, 1897
Walter J. Scott and Minnie Talcott - Jan. 5
Tink - Miller
Denison Review
Marriage Licenses, February 3, 1897
E. Tink and Sally Miller - Jan. 6
Samuelson - Anderson
Denison Review - August 27, 1901
Married, at Sioux City, on Wednesday evening, August 20th, by Rev. C. J. Almquist, Mr. J. B. Samuelson of this locality to Mrs. Anderson from Worthington, Minn. The couple arrived home Thursday to reside on Mr. Samuelson's farm north of Kiron. May joy and peace follow them.
Schluter - Kolln
Denison Review - January 15, 1901 - Westside
A ceremony which united the destinies of two worthy young people occurred at the home of the bride in DeWitt, Ia., Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1901. Mr. John H. Schluter and Miss Anna Kolln were the interested parties in the above transaction. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schluter of this place and is a capable, industrious and exemplary young man in every respect. The bride's parents reside in DeWitt, Ia., but the young lady has made her home for the past year with her cousin, Mrs. Rob't. Nickelsen of Jackson township and is, therefore, well known and highly esteemed among her many friends here. Mr. Schluter has been engaged by Mr. John Dieter and will manage one of his farms the coming year.
Schwartz - Hilbert
Denison Review - December 31, 1901
Married - Mr. Paul Schwartz and Miss Minnie Hilbert were married this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. John Tamm in Denison, Rev. C. G. Claussen officiating.
The ceremony was a quiet one only a few of the intimate friends and relatives being present. The bridal couple stood under a wedding bell of narcissus and the lovely home was still further beautified with lavish decorations of lilacs, carnations and roses. Mr. Peter Hilbert acted as best man and Miss Brodersen stood up with the lovely bride who was gowned in a most artistic creation of white mulle over white silk. The young couple will in Denison until Saturday when they will journey to their new home in Big Sandy, Montana.
The bride is a beautiful and accomplished, healthy and wholesome young lady. She is possessed of many charms and the manly groom who has won her deserves hearty congratulations.
Mr. Schwartz in the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Schwartz of this city and is a worthy son of a most honorable and upright family. We sincerely rejoice with the many friends over these most happy nuptials.
Schwenk - Considine
Denison Review - December 31, 1901
Many friends of Miss Lenora Considine will be pleased to hear of her marriage Dec. 24 at Omaha to Mr. Alpha Schwenk. They will make their home at Omaha where Mr. Schwenk is employed as an engineer.
Schweison - Grage
Denison Review - March 5, 1901 - Manilla
Aug. Schweison and Miss Alvena Grage were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon at the Lutheran Church, Rev. Krogg officiating. The many friends of the young people wish them much joy and happiness.
Sibbert - Bergsted
Denison Review - July 21, 1897
Married, Saturday, July 17th, Mr. J. W. Sibbert and Miss Anna Bergsted, both of this city, Rev. F. Lothringer officiating. The wedding was a quiet one, only the relatives and immediate friends being present. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Henry Bergsted, one of our substantial and highly respected German citizens. Mrs. Sibbert is employed by J. P. Miller & Co. and his industry and genial disposition have made him many friends. We congratulate the happy couple.
Sievers - Hinricksen
Wollesen - Dreesen
Denison Review - December 24, 1901
Married December 18, Mr. Louis Wollesen of Wall Lake Township, Sac County, to Miss Math. S. Dreessen, of Jackson Township. Witnesses, Wm. Schults, Mary Petersen, Aug. Evers and Lizzie Schwecke. Also Mr. Herm. J. Sievers to Miss Christine M. Hinricksen, both of Charter Oak Township. Witnesses, Herbert Sievers and Mary Hinricksen, Rev. Lothringer officiated in both cases.
Sievers - Wenzel
Denison Review - November 5, 1901
At the German Lutheran Church, Wednesday at 5 o'clock, Mr. Jacob Sievers and Miss Mattie Wenzel were married, Rev. Kellogg officiating. After the marriage ceremony they repaired to the bride's parents, where a bountiful supper was served. Both bride and groom are well known in this place and have hosts of friends who wish them much joy and happiness. They will reside on a farm north of town.
Simmon - Cruzan
Denison Review - February 24, 1897
At the home of the bride's parents in Milford Township, Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 3 o'clock p.m. occurred the marriage of Mr. Henry P. Simmon to Miss Grace Cruzan, Rev. G. S. Clift of Deloit performing the ceremony. After the ceremony an elegant supper was served of which nearly all was prepared by the bride. This happy young couple is so well known throughout the county that there is no need of an introduction and the very best wishes accompany them. They were the recipients of many valuable and pretty presents. Mr. and Mrs. Simmon will make their home near Oto, Woodbury Co. The Review extends hearty good wishes for a bright and prosperous future and may these young people reap their share of happiness as they go through life together.
Simpson - Knaul
Denison Review November 26, 1901
Married on Tuesday, November 26th at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. George Naeve, Miss Bertha Knaul to Dr. Hal C. Simpson, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating.
The ceremony was performed at 12:30 p.m. Miss Agnes King played Mendelssohn's Wedding March as the bridal party marched down the stairs into the library, grouping themselves beneath that symbol of "good luck" a horseshoe made of carnations. Miss Alice Knaul was bridesmaid and was very pretty in white, Persian lawn, wearing carnations. Her bouquet was of the same flower. The best man was the bride's brother, Mr. Otto Knaul.
The winsome bride was especially lovely in her gown of white mousseline de sole over taffeta silk, carrying a shower bouquet of bride's roses. The decorations in the library were very elaborate and effective, consisting of smilax, ferns, palms, carnations, and bride's roses, the crowning decorations being the floral horseshoe. The parlor and reception hall were decorated in roses and chrysanthemums, the back parlor was lovely with roses and carnations, while the dining room and table were adorned with brides roses, white chrysanthemums and smilax.
The guests were Judge and Mrs. Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Lally, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Romans, Mrs. Martyn, Dr. and Mrs. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Lies, Mr. and Mrs. Knaul, Mrs. Greek, Misses Balle and Whitem, Mr. Tillinghast, Mr. and Mrs. Naeve and Marie and Erma Maeve.
During the congratulations Miss King played Wagner's Wedding March. An elegant two course lunch was served in the dining room, the favor being heart shaped boxes lined with white ribbons, containing wedding cake. May beautiful and useful presents of china, silver, cut glass, jewelry, furniture and needle ware were presented Mr. and Mrs. Simpson.
Mrs. Simpson is as bonny and sweet a bride as the sun ever shone upon; lovely in face and character. She has made and kept countless friends. Dr. Simpson has proved himself to be a man of worthy ambition and we congratulate him upon having secured such a lovely helpmate for life's journey. Dr. and Mrs. Simpson left at half past two for a ten days wedding trip with Dr. Simpson's relatives in Kansas City, Mo. And Neola, Ks. Dr. and Mrs. Simpson will room at Dr. Gibson's until they can get to housekeeping and Mrs. Simpson will remain in the office of Conner & Lally, where she is the valued and faithful stenographer.
Smith - Chapin
Denison Review - March 29, 1901
Smith - Chapin - Married - on Wednesday evening, March 27, 1901, Mr. W. W. Smith and Miss Nettie Jane Chapin, Rev. R. Venting officiating. The ceremony was a quiet one only immediate relatives being present. The wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Campbell, the impressive ring ceremony being used.
The groom is one of Denison's most industrious and thoroughly upright young men, for some time he has been in the employ of Mr. R. M. Wilcox and he has proven himself capable, efficient and thoroughly trustworthy.
The fair bride is a young lady of exceptional graces and attainments, she was one of the brightest students of our public schools and is a general favorite with a wide circle of friends. All unite in wishing these young people every happiness and a smooth and pleasant journey through life.
Smith - Rhodie
Denison Review - May 17, 1901 - West Side
Mr. John Smith and Miss Lizzie Rhode of this place, were married at Vail by Father Murphy, Wednesday. The young people are at home in their neat little cottage in the south part of town. The West Side cornet band showed their respect and well wishes for the couple by rendering some fine selections of music at their home Wednesday evening.
Denison Review - May 17, 1901 - Vail
Miss Lizzie Rhodie and Mr. John Smith of West Side were married Wednesday morning at the St. Ann's church, Rev. Father Murphy officiating. After a sumptuous wedding repast at the Pound home the couple drove to their new home prepared at West Side.
Staudenmaier - Streck
Denison Review - October 13, 1899
On Thursday afternoon, October 12, the wedding of Mr. Jacob Staudenmaier and Miss Minnie Streck, both of Grant Township, Ida County, took place at the German Lutheran church thee, Rev. F. Schug officiating. Witnesses were Henry Streck and Emma Wiegand, Bernhard Streck and Martha Schug, of Denison. Mr. Herman Hartwig and Mrs. Rev. Lothringer and children were also present. Mrs. Lothringer is the groom's sister.
Steward - Pollock
Denison Review - March 24, 1897
At the Presbyterian parsonage in Denison, Iowa, Wednesday, March 10, 1897, Rev. A. G. Martyn officiating, Mr. Harry Steward and Miss Hattie May Pollock, both of Denison township. These worthy young people have been reared in this community and their friends will wish them happiness in their entrance upon matrimonial life. They have begun housekeeping upon a farm west of the city.
Stewart - Luney
Denison Review - June 9, 1897
At the home of the bride's parents, Wednesday, June 2nd, 1897, Rev. Martyn, pastor officiating, Mr. Samuel Stewart and Miss Mirriam Luney were married. Only the members of the family and a few intimate friends were present to witness the uniting of the young couple. The marriage ceremonies were performed at 7:30 p.m. after which the company sat down and partook of the excellent supper prepared by loving hands in honor of the occasion. After supper the company passed a few hours in social intercourse, after which the happy couple went to their home east of Denison where they will reside in the future. These young people are well known in society and church circles. They are both members of the Presbyterian Church and active workers in the Christian Endeavor Society. They have a wide circle of warm friends who wish them happiness abundant in which the Review joins.
Stocks - Wieland
Denison Review - March 24, 1897
Dr. C. L. Stocks from Bushong, Kansas, and Miss Lena Wieland of Denison, were married March 23 about 9 o'clock in the evening at the parsonage of the German M. E. Church, before the witnesses, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wieland. Dr. Stocks is held in kind remembrance by a wide circle of friends in our city, having lived here several years ago in the capacity of a druggist in Knaul's Pharmacy. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wieland. She has lived in Denison all her life and leaves relatives and many friends, who wish her the best in life's store. Dr. and Mrs. Stocks started early this (Wednesday) morning for their future home, where the groom enjoys a lucrative practice. The Review congratulates the happy couple and wishes them many joyful days.
Stuek - Watland
Denison Review - June 11, 1901 - Vail
Henry Stuek of Vail and Miss Elsie Watland of New Sharon were married Thursday evening, June 6th at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Watland at New Sharon, the Rev. Perden of the M. E. church performing the ceremony, Fay Williams and Maynard Watland acting as bridesmaid and groomsman. After the ceremony a reception was given them. The newly married couple arrived at Vail Friday afternoon where they will make their home. The bride has for the past year made her home here with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Vail and during that time won the esteem of many friends. Mr. Stuek has been cashier of the Traders' Bank for the past year and a half and previous to that was cashier at the J. P. Miller store in Denison. They have the best wishes of many friends.
Swartz - Erickson
Denison Review - January 4, 1901
Last evening at the Wilson House there occurred a quiet wedding. Rev. F. W. Bateson officiated and the contracting parties were Mr. Geo. P. Swartz of Windom, Minn. And Miss Lydia Erickson, of Kiron. About ten guests were present and a wedding supper was served after the ceremony.
Talcott - Gibson
Denison Review - June 9, 1897
Married: Mr. W. Talcott to Miss Ida Gibson, Rev. Goodell performing the ceremony. A host of friends wish the young couple a happy life. They will live in the McLaughlin house east of town.
Terrell - Rose
Denison Review - July 23, 1901
Married at the Presbyterian parsonage, Denison, Tuesday, July 23, 1901, Rev. A. G. Martyn, officiating, Mr. Gordon E. Terrell of Arion and Miss Effie Rose of Dunlap.
Tilton - Adams
Denison Review - January 18, 1901 - Charter Oak
Married on Wednesday evening at the M. E. parsonage, Mr. Warren Tilton and Miss Edith Adams. Edith is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong Adams living near Charter Oak and a general favorite with all. The groom is the nephew of Mrs. C. Robertson, coming here about two years ago from Des Moines. All join in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life.
Trimbell - Scott
Denison Review - December 3, 1901 - Dow City
Married Thanksgiving day at 4 p.m. by Rev. L. V. Slocum at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Scott, in Dow City, Miss Fay Scott to Mr. J. W. Trimbell of Dunlap. The room was well filled with guests, relatives of the parties. The happy couple took the 6:30 train for Dunlap.
Tyler - Woodyard
Denison Review - July 2, 1901 - Manilla
Mr. Will B. Tyler and Miss Eva Woodyard were married at the residence of the bride's parents in Manilla at 6 o'clock on Sunday evening, June 30th, Rev. M. M. Cable of Defiance officiating. The wedding was a quiet affair with only the relatives and a few invited friends being present. After the ceremonies the usual wedding banquet was spread of which all partook with the relish usually displayed upon such happy occasions.
Unz - Ingalls
Denison Review - October 22, 1901 - Vail
Otto F. Unz was married Sunday, Oct. 20th, to Miss Charlotte I. Ingalls at the home of the bride's parents in Sioux City. They will return to Vail in a few days and will go to housekeeping in the residence just vacated by Geo. Tempest and will be home after Nov. 15th. Mr. Unz has been with Glynn Bros the last six months and during that time has proved himself an expert pharmacist and has made many friends. We welcome them.
Ward - Everett
Denison Review - January 25, 1901
Henry T. Ward, editor of the Kiron Sentinel and Miss Anna Everett, of Perry, Iowa, were married at the home of the bride's parents last Sunday at Perry, Iowa, returning to Kiron their future home.
Mr. Ward is well-known among our people, who after years of loneliness and boarding house days, has taken unto himself a wife and will now enjoy the bliss of married life - evidently concluding that life would be more pleasant if he changed to a benedict. Tuesday evening, the people of Kiron held a reception at Mr. P. A. Peterson's, extending to Mr. and Mrs. Ward a hearty welcome. After a pleasant and sociable evening, luncheon was served. A little surprise was sprung on the happy couple in presenting them a gift of a handsome mantle clock and a linen tablecloth.
Mrs. Ward is a total stranger in our midst, but during her few days stay has made an impression on all, of being an excellent and affable lady and possessing the qualities of presiding in the home and to take good care of the editor in a praise-worthy manner. They have commenced housekeeping in the Lawrence building. May success and joy ever be theirs in their journey through life together.
Weeks - Wygant
Denison Review - January 4, 1901
Wedding bells have been mingling their gladsome peals with the New Year chimes this week and three young and popular couples are beginning the new century together.
The first wedding of the week was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wygant on Monday at high noon at which time occurred the marriage of their daughter, Edith, to Mr. Gaylord Weeks.
Rev. Allen Judd performed the ceremony in the presence of about sixty relatives and friends. The pleasant home looked lovely in holiday dress of potted plants, Christmas greens, holly and mistletoe. Miss Abbie McHenry played Mendelsson's wedding march as the bridal party took their places beneath a true lovers know of white satin ribbon, suspended from which was a large spray of mistletoe. The entire bay window was a bower of green and white.
The bridal party consisted of the bridesmaid, Miss Minnie Balle, gowned in white Swiss and carrying a bouquet of red and white carnations and Mr. Howard Wygant. Next came the groom with his best man, Mr. Tripp and last the bride on the arm of her father, Mr. J. G. Wygant.
The bride's gown was of white Point de Sprey over white satin, made en traine, she carried white carnations and looked very sweet in her girlish beauty. After congratulations had been extended, the wedding breakfast was served. Pink carnations adorned the table and pink candles burned under pink shades. In a room adjoining the parlor, the numerous and elegant gifts received by this highly favored couple were displayed. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks left at two o'clock for their future home in Iowa City amid a shower of rice, old shoes and hearty good wishes from all.
The bride is a charming and much beloved young lady. She has blossomed into womanhood in our little city and all are her friends and well wishers. Coming as she does from a home of refinement and intelligence, she possesses at once both the graces and enduring qualities of true womanhood. We sincerely congratulate the groom on having won so fair a bride and at the same time we know of no young man more worthy.
Mr. Weeks is one of the young men who is predestined to be successful. He is a young man of whom all Denison is proud and his qualities of determination, industry and perseverance are such as to leave no doubt in any mind but that some day he will place himself at the head of his profession. Those who know how hard he has worked, how much self-sacrifice he has shown and how much of sacrifice has been made by his loved ones for him, cannot fail to be interested in his career and to wish him the best that life affords.
Mr. Weeks now holds a lucrative position in the Civil Engineering department of the State University at Iowa City and is at the same time gaining a knowledge of his chose profession which will enable him to be secure of employment for life.
Wiggins - Griffin
Denison Review - March 1, 1901 - Buck Grove
Congratulations are in order upon the marriage of Willis Wiggins of Dow City and Miss Kate Griffin of this place, which took place at Charter Oak last week.
Wilson - Larson
Denison Review - January 25, 1901 - Charter Oak
Mr. Marion Wilson and Miss Anna Larson, both of this place, were married Wednesday forenoon at the Swedish Mission church. They will live on the Joe Wilson farm south of town. We unit with their many friends in congratulations.
Winey - Newton
Denison Review - January 10, 1902
Married, on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1902, at the home of the bride's parents at 3 p.m., Mr. Albert Winey and Miss Ethel Newton, by Rev. W. C. Lee of Minnesota, an uncle of the bride. Invitations and announcements had been previously sent to a number of relatives and friends and several were present to witness the ceremony. Mr. Albert Winey is a son of Mr. and Mrs. David Winey, a prosperous farmer and Albert is well versed in that line of business. Miss Ethel Newton is one of Crawford's best teachers and is at present teaching a few miles from home, driving to her school each morning. As soon as her school is finished they will move onto the place adjoining the Mr. Jos. Brogden farm which he had previously rented for this year. They have many friends here who wish them a happy and prosperous life.
Wood - Jones
Denison Review - April 7, 1897
At the M. E. Parsonage Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Harry L. Wood was married to Miss Minnie I. Jones, Rev. IlgenFritz officiating. These young people are from near Charter Oak and highly respected. They begin married life under favorable circumstances, the groom being a prosperous young farmer of Soldier Township. Their many friends wish them a long and happy life.
Wulf - Kohrs
Denison Review - June 11, 1901 - Schleswig
Last Tuesday Rev. Vonder Au performed the wedding ceremony between Mr. John Wulf and Miss Charlotte Kohrs at the home of the groom, who is one of our prosperous young farmer living west of town. Miss Kohrs is a bright, intelligent lady. She arrived from Germany only a few weeks ago.