Military Involvement
Servicemen - B surnames |
Pic/s |
Baird, Alfred Ray, Jr. |
X |
Baird, Charles Allen |
X |
Baker, John Franklin |
X |
X |
Baker, Raymond Russell |
Baker, Wesley Carrel |
Baldus, Frank Raymond |
Ballantine, Gailord |
Ballantine, Merle W. |
Barkema, Donald DeVere |
Barquist, Clifford Merle "Kip" |
X |
Barr, Merle Douglas |
X |
Barr, Russell Willard |
X |
Bashford, Eugene |
X |
Bashford, Francis Edward |
X |
Bashford, Joseph McCaulley |
Bashford, Laverne Franklin |
Bashford, William Thomas |
Batcheller, Kenneth Worthan |
X |
Bateman, Jack Leonard |
X |
Bates, Walter Laverne |
X |
Bauer, Curtis |
Baxter, Marvin Verne |
X |
Beard, Burrus Everett |
X |
Becker, Darrell Lee |
Becker, Kenneth John |
Beckner, Raymond I. |
Beckwith, Robert Oliver |
X |
Bedford, Don |
Bedford, Frank B. Jr. |
Bedford, Glenn Frederick |
Bedford, Robert L. |
Beem, Robert Harry |
Beermann, Richard Harold |
X |
Behrens, Laverne Myron |
Beightol, Duane A. |
X |
Beightol, LeRoy Earl |
X |
Beightol, Ward Weldon |
X |
Beightol, Willis E. |
X |
Belding, Arthur Richard |
Bell, Everette Lyle |
Bell, John Raymond |
Bell, Marion Richard 'Mike' |
Bell, Maurice Whitfield |
Bell, Melvin Sidney |
Bell, Thomas Dale |
Benson, Arnold Gaylord |
Benson, Edwin Stanley |
X |
Benson, John Donald |
Benson, Leonard L. |
Bentley, Harold E. |
Benton, George Edward |
Beougher, Marvin Ellis |
Beougher, Richard D. |
Berg, Alvin A. |
Berg, Erwin Arthur |
X |
Berg, Omer Edward |
Berg, Sylven I. |
Bergeson, Leonard M. |
X |
Berggren, Ray Reuben |
Berglund, Berkeley A. |
Berglund, Carl W. |
X |
Berglund, Marvin Leroy |
X |
Bergman, Alvie Arthur |
Bergman, Edwin Arthur |
Bergman, Robert Cecil |
Bergman, Rudy Myron |
Bergsten, Victor Clarence |
Berleen, John Edward |
Berleen, William Floyd |
Bernard, Francis Walter |
X |
Berry, Claude Eldon |
X |
Berry, Donald Lowell |
X |
Berry, Gerald Otto |
X |
Berryhill, Howard |
X |
Berryhill, Russell |
X |
Bertholet, Gaston Roger |
Berven, Boyd Lester |
X |
Berven, Homer D. |
X |
Berven, Lyle George |
X |
Bever, Everett Dean |
X |
Bever, Franklin Robbins |
Bever, Gerald Weldon |
X |
Bever, Guy |
Bibler, Orlo Oscar |
X |
Bickford, Joseph Ezra |
Bickford, Neil Eldon |
Bickford, Robert Lloyd |
X |
X |
Biggs, John Harmous |
X |
Biggs, Harold Thomas |
Biggs, Marvin Eugene |
X |
Biggs, Melvin O. |
X |
Billings, Lester Leon |
Billingsley, Dennis M. |
Bisbee, David LuVerne |
Bishop, Alan Ray |
Bishop, Kenneth Wesley |
Bishop, Robert Marion |
Bixler, Robert Mark |
Bjustrom, Godfrey Lawrence |
Black, Francis Gunnel |
X |
Black, Harvey Herbert |
X |
Black, Richard Calvin |
Black, Russell Harvey |
X |
Black, Vernon Galen |
Blair, Edwin Myron |
Blair, Elmer R |
Blair, James Daniel |
X |
Blake, Dale Sheldon |
X |
Blodgett, Marcus Sterling |
Bloomquist, Norman Albert |
Blough, Orval Roscoe |
Blue, Walter A. |
X |
Bly, Wilburn |
Bly, Winfred |
Boal, Joseph Fotsch |
Boe, Clifford Jacobson |
Boeye, John F. |
X |
Boeye, Robert B. |
Bole, Delmar Paul |
X |
Boling, Marvin Henry |
Bolt, Lewis Garwin |
Bonsall, Levi Ivan |
Boone, Max Edward |
Borcherding, Ralph Clarence George |
Borcherdt, Carl Christian |
Borg, Jerold Ardin |
X |
Borg, Oscar Arnold |
X |
Borwick, Harold Lenard |
Boss, William Dale |
X |
Boston, Howard B. |
Bosworth, Guy Harvey |
Bosworth, Perry Franklin |
Bosworth, Ronald Clyde |
X |
Bottorff, Kenneth Lyle |
Boucher, Robert Leonard |
X |
Boughton, Merlyn Edward |
Bourne, Ellis Wayne |
Bourne, Roy S. |
Bourne, Russell W. |
Bowman, Arthur Paul |
Boyd, Morris Kent |
Boyd, Orville George |
Boylan, Oliver Joseph |
X |
Brackett, Donald Leon |
Brackett, Robert Milton |
X |
Braden, Phillip Leroy |
X |
Braden, Rex Dale |
Bradshaw, Donald Lee |
Brady, John Michael |
X |
Braland, Mervin Everett |
Branch, Nelson A. |
X |
X |
Branch, Willard Alvin |
X |
Brandrup, Gale Kit |
Brandrup, Maris Donald Jr. |
Brandt, Darrell Max |
Brandt, Donald Helmer |
X |
Brandt, Ordean Albert |
Brandt, Vernon Keith |
Brant, Robert Dale |
X |
Brant, Ronald Lyle |
X |
Branyord, Arnold Lyle |
X |
Branyord, Kermith Raymond |
X |
Brattebo, John Henry |
Brattebo, Norman Benjamin |
Braund, Donald J. |
Bray, James Edward |
X |
Breitenkamp, Howard Eldo |
Brekken, Burdell W. |
Brekken, Burdette G. |
Brekken, Judean |
Brenneman, Charles Todd |
Brewer, Herbert Roland |
Brewer, Joseph Kiester |
Brewer, Lee Edward |
Bricker, Frank I. |
Briggs, Hugh Carpenter |
X |
Briggs, Ulis Charles |
X |
Brighton, Chester LeRoy |
Brighton, Harold William |
Brighton, Thomas A. |
Brill, Elton Orville |
Briles, Kenneth Ellsworth |
Brim, Bob L. |
X |
Brim, Ivan Dale |
Bringolf, Floyd Milton |
X |
Bringolf, Raymond Clair |
X |
Bringolf, Robert William |
Brinkema, Ernest Junior |
X |
Brinton, Robert Donald |
Brinton, Wayne |
X |
Britson, Everett Sidney |
Britson, Wallace Eugene |
Brock, Franklin Dick |
X |
X |
Brock, John LeRoy |
Brock, Marion Lester |
Brock, Roger Roscoe |
X |
Brock, Victor Harding |
Brooks, Kenneth R. |
Brooks, Melvin L. |
X |
Brooks, Riley H. |
Brooks, Stewart Lee |
X |
Broome, Clifford Harold |
Brower, Donald Chester |
Brown, Charles M. |
Brown, Francis D. |
Brown, George Burton Jr. |
Brown, Harry Albert |
Brown, Henry Lewis |
X |
Brown, Howard Andrew |
X |
Brown, Melvin Harry |
Brown, Ralph Everett |
X |
Brown, Robert D. |
X |
Brown, Roy Jacob |
Brown, Walter E. |
X |
Brownell, Robert Day |
Brownfield, Estelle Van |
Brownfield, George Gilbert |
Brownfield, Louis A. |
Brugioni, Deno |
Bruner, Bill |
X |
Bruner, Raymond |
X |
Bruner, Robert |
X |
Bryan, Harold Edward |
Bryan, Irvin J. |
Bryan, Kenneth Wayne |
Bryan, Zell Leroy |
Bryant, John Dee |
Buckels, William F. |
Buckles, Richard Dwight |
Buckles, Wilbur Dean |
Buckley, Wendell Dean |
Budde, Richard James |
X |
Buehler, Frederick George |
Buell, Herbert Joseph Jr. |
Buettner, Carl William |
Bullock, James Bert |
Buntenbach, Harley William |
X |
Buntenbach, Virgil Richard |
Burcham, Franklin Homer |
Burcham, Kenneth Harold |
X |
Burckle, Alfred Arthur |
X |
Burckle, Ralph |
Burgin, Carl H. |
X |
Burke, Donald Hugh |
X |
Burke, Virgil P. |
Burkett, George Arthur |
X |
Burkhart, Raymond Eugene |
Burnett, Don |
Burnett, James Everett |
X |
Burnett, Ross Willard |
Burr, Claude I. |
Burr, Clyde Charles |
Burrows, Donald William |
Burrows, Kenneth Allison |
Burtnett, Duane Howard |
Burton, Keith H. |
Burton, Ralph Leroy |
X |
Burton, Robert Lyle |
Busch, Irvin Carl |
Busing, Leonard Ellis |
Butler, Albert Franklin |
X |
Butler, Alvin H. |
Butler, Arthur |
Butler, Bernard |
Butler, Gale Maynard |
X |
Butler, Gilbert C. Sr |
Butler, Harold Howard |
Butler, Maurice |
Butler, Ralph L. |
Butler, Thomas Runyon |
Butler, William Francis |
Buxton, O. C. |
X |
X |
Buzick, Gerald D. |
X |
Buzzetti, Romaine J. |
X |
Leonard Fred Bailey was born Aug. 6, 1923 to Fred S. and Dialpha Bond Bailey. He died Feb. 24, 1992 and is buried in Eldora City Cemetery, Eldora, IA.
Pvt. Bailey served with the U.S. Army in World War II.
James Marvin Baker was born Sept. 29, 1926 to Irvin H. and Mary B. Wooster Baker. He died Mar. 2, 1997.
James served in World War II with the U.S. Navy.
Frank Raymond Baldus was born May 11, 1915 to John C. and Rosa Leininger Baldus. He died Apr. 21, 1999 and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Jewell, IA.
Frank served in World War II with the U.S. Army 866th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion.
Joe Reed Banghart was born Oct. 21, 1921 to Albert and Bertha Adelaide Dennis Banghart. He died Jan. 22, 1964 and is buried in Mountain View Cemetery, San Bernardino, CA.
Sgt. Banghart served in World War II with the U.S. Army 188th Parachute Infantry. He was awarded the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster and the Purple Heart.
Frederick Stuart “Stuart” Barkema was born Mar. 6, 1915 to Hans and Mary Christina Albert Barkema. He died Oct. 24, 1992 and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Jewell, IA.
Stuart served in World War II with the U.S. Navy.
Peter Fredrick Barkema was born Oct. 10, 1901 to Tim and Katrina Caroline “Kate” Wessels Barkema. He died Dec. 5, 1972 and is buried in Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, OR. Cpl. Barkema served in World War II with the U.S. Army Air Corps.
Thomas Eugene Barr was born May 29, 1924. He died in 2005 and is buried in Graceland Cemetery, Webster City, IA. Thomas served with the U.S. Army Air Corps in World War II.
Vincent Jerome Barry was born Mar. 30, 1911 to William P. and Anna S. Gaffney Barry. He died Feb. 16, 1985 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Stratford, IA.
M/Sgt. Barry served in World War II with the U.S. Army Air Corps 1379th Base Unit.
James Allen Bartlett was born Mar. 17, 1916 to Herbert Gallup and Maude A. James Bartlett. He died May 24, 2001 and is buried in Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery, Dallas, TX. Pvt. Bartlett served with the U.S. Army.
Guy Leland Batcheller was born Nov. 18, 1924 to Guy William and Georgia Mae Worthan Batcheller. He died Apr. 23, 1999 and is buried in Fort Logan National Cemetery, Denver, CO.
Sgt. Batcheller served in World War II with the U.S. Army in Burma and India.
Duane Samuel “Sam” Bedford was born Apr. 1, 1924 to Fred Conrad and Johanna Alice Lundquist Bedford. He died Aug. 28, 2013 and is buried in Greenwood Memorial Park, San Diego, CA. Duane served with the U.S. Navy in World War II.
Smiley Austin Beightol was born June 13, 1904 to William Austin and Amy Belle Ford Beightol. He died July 1, 1994 and is buried in Graceland Cemetery, Webster City, IA. Smiley served with the U.S. Army in World War II.
Russell Edward Bishop was born Mar. 6, 1920 to George Emmit and Theresa Adelia Lunning Bishop. He died Dec. 1, 2008 and is buried in Grandview Memorial Park, Rock Hill, SC.
Russell served in World War II with the U.S. Navy.
Merle Edwin Boatman, Sr. was born Oct. 16, 1916 to Samuel Richard and Pearl Margaret Smith Boatman. He died Dec. 17, 1958 and is buried in Graceland Cemetery, Webster City, IA.
Cpl. Boatman served in World War with the U.S. Army 490th Field Artillery, 11th Armored Division.
Carroll Vernon “Hook” Bordwell was born Nov. 2, 1921 to Ace C. and Irene Riley Bordwell. He died Feb. 2, 2006 and is buried in Union Cemetery, Livermore, IA.
Hook served in World War II with the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Sable (IX-81) and USS Charger (CVE-30).
Wayne Floyd Braden was born Sept. 25, 1916 to Raymond Loren and Lela Whitley Braden. He died Apr. 11, 1950 and is buried in Graceland Cemetery, Webster City, IA.
Wayne served with the U.S. Coast Guard in World War II.
William J. Brower was born Oct. 15, 1908 to Harry and Mary Brower. He died Apr. 4, 1972 and is buried in Greenwood Memory Lawn Cemetery, Phoenix, AZ.
Chief Petty Officer Brower served with the U.S. Navy in World War II and Korea. He retired in 1970 after 25 years of service.
Kenneth Paul Buck was born Mar. 21, 1926 to Theodore Herman and Anna M. Heidenreich Buck. He died Feb. 5, 2017 and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Jewell, IA.
Kenneth served with the U.S. Navy in World War II.
William Buckels was born Feb. 19, 1920 to William F. and Genevieve Willis Buckels. He died Oct. 17, 1986 and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Jewell, IA.
William served in World War II with the U.S. Army in the Tunisian, Naples-Foggia, Rome-Arno, and Sicilian campaigns and was awarded 4 Bronze Stars and the Good Conduct Medal.
Willard G. Burris was born May 16, 1919 to Guy W. and Jessie Taylor Burris. He died Aug. 4, 2006 and is buried in Lawn Hill Cemetery, Stanhope, IA.
Willard served in World War II with the U.S. Navy. He also served in Korea.

ServiceMen Research done by WWII Researcher, Pat Holt Juon, Nov 2019; updated Feb 2020; updated Apr & Aug 2021 & Mar & Apr 2024