The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Published by Harrison & Warner, Marshalltown, Iowa, 1872

??  A  Ba-Bi  Bl-By  Ca-Cl  Co-Cu  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M.-Mc  Me-My  N  O  P  Q  R  Sa-Sh  Si-Sw  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
- R -
Click on section or township or town name to see map
Radcke, F. 24 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Ragan, M. 26 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Ragan, M. 35 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Ragan, R. 15 120 Leroy 82 North 11West
Ragan, R. 17 160 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Ragan, R. 18 160 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Ragin, W.C. 1 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Railsback, J. 12 17 Canton 84 North 9 West
Raker, E. 32 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Ramelsberg 18 634.64 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Rammelsberg, C. 28 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Rampton, A. 8 240 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Rampton, E. 9 240 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Rampton, E. 16 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Ramsdell, M. 12 50 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Ramstedt & Lindstrom 6 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Randall, E.V.&S.A. 10 160 Homer 84 North 12 West
Randall, E.V.&S.A. 11 40 Homer 84 North 12 West
Rank, J. 27 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Rank, J. 6 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Ransdale, M.L. 2 56 Eden 84 North 10 West
Ransdell, D.B. 26 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Ransdell, D.B. 27 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Ransdell, M. 14 10 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Ransdell, M.T. 14 10 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Ransdell, W.T. 14 10 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Ransdoll, M. 23 10 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Ransdoll, M.T. 23 10 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Ransdoll, W.T. 23 10 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Ranson, O. C. 1 5 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Ranson, O. C. 6 84 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Ranstead, L.H. 17 77.5 Leroy 82 North 11West
Rasburg, F. 7 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Ravenscroft, J.T. 3 68 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Ray, J.H. Jr. 13 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Ray, J.H. Jr. 24 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Ream, G.W. 3 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Reber, D. 28 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Reddington, G. 24 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Reddington, J.P. 24 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Redfield 30 40 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Redfield, M. 7 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Redfield, M.V. 7 76.91 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Redington, B.F. 22 28 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Redington, D. 21 15 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Redington, H.H. 7 148.49 Homer 84 North 12 West
Redington, J. 14 67 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Redington, J. 15 60 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Redington, M. 21 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Redman, T. 31 40.51 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Redmond, B. 10 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Redmond, Jas. 16 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Redmond, John 16 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Redmond, M. 15 80, 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Redmond, M. 16 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Redmond, T. 17 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Reed, D. 25 80, 20 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Reed, D. 35 40 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Reed, D. 36 40 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Reed, J. 25 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Rees, E. 23 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Rees, W.N. 22 158.25 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Rees, W.N. 23 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Reese, E. 33 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Reese, E. 34 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Reese, J. 30 40, 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Reeson, S.M. 8 20 Polk 86 North 9 West
Reeves, J.B. 32 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Reeves, J.B. 33 120 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Reid, N.T. 26 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Reifenstahl, A. 14 280 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Reifenstahl, A. 15 40 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Reifenstahl, A. 22 40 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Reifsneider, J. 3 240 Union 83 North 11 West
Reifsneider, J. 12 160 Union 83 North 11 West
Reifsneider, J. 13 160 Union 83 North 11 West
Reifsneider, J. 35 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Reiman, J. 36 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Reiss, G.J. 26 120 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Reiss, J. G. 3 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Reiss, J. G. 10 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Reisser, C. 2 160 Leroy 82 North 11West
Reisser, H. 3 160 Leroy 82 North 11West
Reiterman, F. 5 78.89 Polk 86 North 9 West
Remer, P. 34 60 Polk 86 North 9 West
Remington, J. 25 36 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Remington, J. 19 72 Polk 86 North 9 West
Remington, M.A. 25 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Remington, M.A. 36 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Remington, W. 6 45.28 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Revel, W. 15 120 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Revel, W. 22 180 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Revel, W. 23 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Revil, J.F. 17 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Revil, W. 17 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Reynolds, F. 7 123 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Reynolds, J. 24 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Reynolds, J.L. 20 40 Homer 84 North 12 West
Reynolds, M.E. 20 160 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Reynolds, Mary 32 160 Canton 84 North 9 West
Reynolds, S.S. 24 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Reynolds, W.B. 24 240 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Reynolds, W.B. 25 40 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Ribble, H. 4   Benton 85 North 9 West
Ribble, J.T. 8 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Rice, F. 24 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Rice, J. 12 140 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Rice, L.M. 35 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Rice, M. 36 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Rice, M. W. 15 160 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Rice, O. A. 21 40 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Rice, O. A. 28 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Richard, J.W. 8 148 Polk 86 North 9 West
Richards, L.E. 8 12 Polk 86 North 9 West
Richards, R.R.& J.C. 17 160 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Richardson, H. 22 120 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Richardson, R. 32 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Richart, W. Est. 30 109.64 Benton 85 North 9 West
Richart, W. Est. 31 109.24 Benton 85 North 9 West
Richey, M. 22 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Richey, M. 20 160 Canton 84 North 9 West
Rickel, J.S. Est. 9 320 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Rickle 19 n a Monroe 85 North 12 West
Ridenour, J. 17 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Ridenour, J. 21 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Rider, J.J. 36 160 Leroy 82 North 11West
Ridge, C.W. 9 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Ridge, T. 8 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Ridge, T. 17 50 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Ridge, T. 19 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Ridge, T. 20 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Ridgeway, E. 17 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Rieman, R. 27 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Rieman, R. 34 320 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Riggle, G. 9 120 Canton 84 North 9 West
Riggles 23   Benton 85 North 9 West
Riley, A. 33 80 Florence 82 North 9 West
Rinderknecht, G. 25 160 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Rinderknecht, J. 29 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Rinderknecht, R. 27 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Rinderknecht, W. 23 120 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Riskem, J. H. 1 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Ritchie, J. 16 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Roach, J. 36 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Roach, J.D. 30 120 Eden 84 North 10 West
Roach, J.E. 36 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Robbins, W.C. 21 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Robbins, W.C. 4 200 Canton 84 North 9 West
Robentson, N.C. 31 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Roberts, B.L. 27 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Roberts, C. 14   Benton 85 North 9 West
Roberts, C.H. 3 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Roberts, C.H. 34 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Roberts, C.H. 13 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Roberts, C.H. 18 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Roberts, C.H. 16 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Roberts, C.H. 23 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Roberts, R. 18 60 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Roberts, T. 25 20 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Roberts, T. 26 62 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Robertson, A. 19 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Robertson, E. 12 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Robertson, E. 7 160 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Robertson, J. 6 60 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Robertson, J. 7 42.02 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Robertson, J. 17 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Robertson, J. 18 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Robertson, J. 20 160 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Robertson, S. 17 40 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Robin (P.O.) 26   Fremont 83 North 9 West
Robins, W.C. 9 160 Polk 86 North 9 West
Robinson & Beebe 4   Benton 85 North 9 West
Robinson & Beebe 12 80 Benton 85 North 9 West
Robinson & Beebe 13   Benton 85 North 9 West
Robinson, C.H. 2 45 Polk 86 North 9 West
Robinson, E. 15 640 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Robinson, E.D. 27 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Robinson, G.W. 20 160 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Robinson, J. 33 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Robinson, J. 3 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Robinson, J. 11 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Robinson, J. Est. 25 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Robinson, L. 35 51 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Robinson, N.C. 16 15 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Robinson, R. 18 76.25 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Roby, J. 2 20 Polk 86 North 9 West
Roby, J. Est. 1 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Roby, Mrs. S. 1 3, 48 Polk 86 North 9 West
Rodecap, J. 18 80 Benton 85 North 9 West
Rodgers 3 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Rodgers, J. 6 159.57 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Rogers, A. 2 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Rogers, W. T. 11 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Rogers, W.D. 31 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Roll, F. 33 80 Benton 85 North 9 West
Roll, F. 34 120 Benton 85 North 9 West
Roman, J. 16 20 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Roman, J. 21 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Root, A. 19 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Rosa, F. 33 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Rose, E. 9 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Rose, J.W. 10 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Rose, N.D. 10 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Rosebraugh & Clifton 11 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Rosebraugh & Clifton 14 40 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Roseburg, J. 18 139.8 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Rossburg, C. 17 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Roster, J.C. 12 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Rosway, J. 17 82.5 Leroy 82 North 11West
Rosway, J. 31 20 Leroy 82 North 11West
Rosworth, I.G. 27 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Rourk, J. 6 120 Leroy 82 North 11West
Rowland, J.H. 7 93 Kane 83 North 12 West
Rowland, L. 34 40 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Rowley, W. 9 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Rowman, J. 34 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Royce, M.D. 6 55 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Royles, J. 27 60 Polk 86 North 9 West
Rozell, H. 14 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Rozell, H. 15 60 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Rozell, J.S. 36 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Rucker, N. 15 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Rucker, W. 26 200 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Ruggles, M. O. 36 240 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Rulan, E.K. 32 120 Canton 84 North 9 West
Ruliham, H. Est. 25 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Rummelsberg, C. 16 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Runnyon, A. 14 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Runyon, A. 10 57 Canton 84 North 9 West
Runyon, E. 11 51 Canton 84 North 9 West
Rupp, C.D. 21   Harrison 86 North 10 West
Rupp, H. 25 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Rupp, J. Sr. 6 139.46 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Ruppin, R.L. 25 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Rush, A. 3 98.25 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Russel, J. 26 36.5 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Russel, N.B. 21 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Russell, C.A. 15 320 Leroy 82 North 11West
Russell, O.J. 10 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Russell, R. 30 39.24 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Russell, R. 31 78.83 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Russell, W. 11 160 Florence 82 North 9 West
Russell, W.H.& Allen, R. 14 160 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Rutman, C. 4 44.31 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Rutman, C. 5 87.18 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Ryan, A. W. 7 66 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Ryan, A.D. 14 240 Union 83 North 11 West
Ryan, A.D. 25 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Ryan, A.D. 26 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Ryan, J. 9 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Ryan, M. Est. 25 240 Union 83 North 11 West
Ryan, M. Est. 26 80 Union 83 North 11 West


Atlas index created by James P. Kullmer
Copyright , 2000 by James P. Kullmer

Atlas scans by John Shuck

If you note any corrections, changes, additions, or  find any links provided on this web site that are
not  functioning properly please notify  John Shuck, your Benton County Website Coordinator.

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use and benefit of the IAGenWeb Project
a part of the USGenWeb Project.
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