The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Published by Harrison & Warner, Marshalltown, Iowa, 1872

??  A  Ba-Bi  Bl-By  Ca-Cl  Co-Cu  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M.-Mc  Me-My  N  O  P  Q  R  Sa-Sh  Si-Sw  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
- BA - BI -
Click on section or township or town name to see map
Babcock, R. 9 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Bachman, E. 14 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Bachman, E. 22 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Bachman, E. 23 89 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Bachman, E. 26 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Bachman, E. 27 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Back, T. 35 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Backer, J.H. 13 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Backer, J.H. 7 82.16 Union 83 North 11 West
Backer, T. 12 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Backhaus, J.H. 21 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Bailey, G. W. 1 40 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Baird, F.M. 34 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Baker, A. 6 39.96 Florence 82 North 9 West
Baker, B. 26 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Baker, J. 20 7 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Baker, J. 1 166.06 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Baker, J. 30 90 Florence 82 North 9 West
Baker, J.& Hull, B.E. 6 100 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Baker, L. 34 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Baker, T. 11   Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Baker, T.G. 4 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Baker, T.G. 5 61.54 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Baldridge, J.V. 12 100 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Baldridge, W.M. 1 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Baldridge, W.M. 12 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Baltic, T. 12 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Baltiman, S. 30 160 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Banger, M. A. 1 151.59 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Bangham 32 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Banghart, C.S.V. 20 40 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Bank, E. 31 157.88 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Banse, J. 5 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Banta, R.M. 20 120 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Banta, W. 33 163 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Banter, R.M. 5 30 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Baptist Ch. & Cemetery 2   Polk 86 North 9 West
Baptist Church 28   Canton 84 North 9 West
Barber, N.W. 30 34.56 Homer 84 North 12 West
Barche, J. 29 160 Union 83 North 11 West
Barkdoll, G. 27 120 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Barkdoll, G. 34 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Barkdoll, G. 35 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Barkdoll, J. 28 160 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Barkdoll, J. 29 200 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Barkdoll, J. 34 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Barkdoll, P. 34 120 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Barmeister, H. 5 70.85 Kane 83 North 12 West
Barnard, A. 25 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Barnard, J. 12 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Barnard, T. 2 40.85 Polk 86 North 9 West
Barnell, A. 34 30 Canton 84 North 9 West
Barnell, A.G. 2 178 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Barnes, J. 5 164 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Barnes, J. 6 33 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Barnett, D.S. 20 76 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Barnett, J.H. 19 160 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Barnett, J.W. 19 30 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Barnett, J.W. 20 135.42 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Barnett, J.W. 20   Harrison 86 North 10 West
Barnett, W.J. 19 80 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Barney, M.D. 16 180 Leroy 82 North 11West
Barney, W. 34 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Barnhardt, A. 27 60 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Barnhart, G.W. 5 43.49 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Barr, H. 14 80 Benton 85 North 9 West
Barron, J. 24 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Barry, P. 16 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Barry, P. 17 80, 20 Union 83 North 11 West
Barry, W. 16 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Barry, W. 17 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Barry, W. 20 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Bartholemew, C. 16 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Barton, E.H. 21 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Barton, O.B. 21 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Basaker, J. 20 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Bassett, H.L.
(also see Bussett)
11 160 Leroy 82 North 11West
Batchelder, L.N. 23 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Bates, J.Y. 21 40, 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Bates, K. 14 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Bates, W.S. 5 160 Leroy 82 North 11West
Bates, W.S. 8 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Batey, S.S. 5 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Batey, S.S. 6 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Baty, S.A. 28 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Baughman, D. 34 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Baum, G. 16 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Baum, G. 21 20 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Baum, W.J.H. 32 100 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Bayles, A. 7 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Beach, H. W. 18 39.44 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Beach, I. B. 29 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Beach, J.A. 19 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Beachler, J. 10 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Beal, G. W. 15 160 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Beal, J. Jr. 21 180 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Beale, W. 28 260 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Beam, R. 27 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Bean, J.T. 9 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Beatty, C. 11 240 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Beatty, D. 20 40 Eden 84 North 10 West
Beatty, J. 12 200 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Beatty, J. 1 60 Florence 82 North 9 West
Beatty, W. 12 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Bechlte, E. 8 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Beck, H. 8 110 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Beck, H. 21 40 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Beck, J. 30 133.22 Kane 83 North 12 West
Beck, J. 31 48.45 Kane 83 North 12 West
Beck, J.A. 31 5 Kane 83 North 12 West
Beckelt, J.R. 5 22.5 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Becker, C. 29 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Beckler, M. 21 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Bee, H. 15 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Bee, H. 16 80, 10 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Beebe & Robinson 4   Benton 85 North 9 West
Beebe & Robinson 12 80 Benton 85 North 9 West
Beebe & Robinson 13   Benton 85 North 9 West
Beebe, J. 14 120 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Beebe, J. 35 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Beebe, J. 32 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Beebe, J. 29 160 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Beech 16 20 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Beeh, C. 15 40 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Beem, A. 36 240 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Beem, G.W. 35 160 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Beeson, J. 12 40 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Beeson, S. M 4 40 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Beeson, S. M. 24 40, 40 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Beeson, S. M. 25 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Beeson, S.M. 6 74.92 Homer 84 North 12 West
Beeson, S.M. 13 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Beeson, S.M. 22 40 Homer 84 North 12 West
Beeson, S.M. 24 160 Homer 84 North 12 West
Beeson, S.M. 31 66.58 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Beeson, S.M. 6 42.33 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Beeson, S.M. 16 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Beeson, S.M. 21 14, 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Beeson, S.M. 28 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Beeson, S.M. 20   Iowa 82 North 12 West
Beeson, S.M. 21 40 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Beeson, S.M. 26 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Beeson, S.M. 28 40, 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Beeson, S.M. 29 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Beeson, S.M. 31 41.15 Leroy 82 North 11West
Beeson, S.M. 34 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Beeson, S.M. 11 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Beeson, S.M. 3 162.92 Polk 86 North 9 West
Beeson, S.M. 10 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Beeson, S.M. 19 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Beeson, S.M. 23 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Beeson, W.W. 12 40 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Begg, J. M. 4 120 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Beicham, W.F. 8 n a Homer 84 North 12 West
Beier, F. 10 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Beink, J. 7 163.49 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Beitz, J. 16 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Belcher, D. 18 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Bell & Johnson 27 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Bell, H. 34 200 Leroy 82 North 11West
Bell, J. 35 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Belle Plaine (town)     Iowa 82 North 12 West
Belle Plaine Agr. Ass. 30 7 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Belle Plaine Cem. Ass. 21   Iowa 82 North 12 West
Beller, D. 17 160 Eden 84 North 10 West
Beller, D. 19 120 Eden 84 North 10 West
Beller, E. 20 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Beller, E. 21 40 Eden 84 North 10 West
Beller, E. 30 160 Eden 84 North 10 West
Beller, R. 19 110 Eden 84 North 10 West
Belzer, L. 2 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Bender, J. 5 170.55 Union 83 North 11 West
Bender, W. 16 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Benedict, E.U. 11 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Benedict, G. 11 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Beneke, A.D. 21   Iowa 82 North 12 West
Benfer, T. 22 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Benford, T. 20 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Benjamin & Scott 26 45 Benton 85 North 9 West
Bennet, S. 10 20 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Bennett, C.S. 15 10 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Bennett, C.S. 31 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Bennett, J. 15 12.5 Benton 85 North 9 West
Bennett, J.B. 33 320 Union 83 North 11 West
Bennett, S. 7 160 Eden 84 North 10 West
Bensen, W.W. 29 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Benson 31 4 Leroy 82 North 11West
Benson, J. 30 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Benson, J.S. 26 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Benter, D. 12 100 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Benton Center P.O. 36   Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Benton City (town) 19   Benton 85 North 9 West
Benton City (town) 20   Benton 85 North 9 West
Benzing, C. 17 40 Union 83 North 11 West
Benzing, C. 20 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Berdan, R. 10 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Beresford, B.L. 26 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Bergan, P.G. 7 227 Canton 84 North 9 West
Bergan, P.G. 8 360 Canton 84 North 9 West
Bergen, G. 1 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Bergen, G. 11 24 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Bergen, I. 10 130 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Bergen, I. 15 240 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Bergen, I. 16 160 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Bergeson, L.U. 3 80 Florence 82 North 9 West
Bergeson, L.U. 4 80 Florence 82 North 9 West
Berry & Watson 17 40 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Berry, E. 12 120 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Berry, E. 13 33, 40 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Berry, H. 12 40 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Berry, H. 13 40 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Berry, H. 5 125.01 Benton 85 North 9 West
Berry, H. 5 60 Benton 85 North 9 West
Berry, H. 9 134 Benton 85 North 9 West
Berry, J. 34 80 Benton 85 North 9 West
Berry, J. 14 90 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Berry, L. 28 80, 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Berry, R. 1 40.75 Polk 86 North 9 West
Berry, R. 2 41.59 Polk 86 North 9 West
Berry, R. 3   Benton 85 North 9 West
Berry, R. 4 40.45 Benton 85 North 9 West
Berry, R. 5 100 Benton 85 North 9 West
Betsinger, A. 1 40 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Betts, H. 9 40 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Betts, J. 3 143.76 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Beyer, H.F. 32 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Bickal, G. 24 320 Florence 82 North 9 West
Bickford, H. 26 40, 120 Kane 83 North 12 West
Bickman, J. 1   Canton 84 North 9 West
Big Grove Presb. Church 2   Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Biggs, J.S. 34 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Biglers, J. Est. 35 320 Canton 84 North 9 West
Bigley, N.G. 21 47.3 Benton 85 North 9 West
Bingham 33 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Birch, W. 25 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Birch, W. 36 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Birdsall, O. 23 80, 40 Florence 82 North 9 West
Birth, W. 30 160.75 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Birth, W. 31 80.98 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Bishop, G.G. 11 40 Homer 84 North 12 West
Bishop, G.G. 14 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Bishop, G.G. 15 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Bissell, P. 1 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Bissell, P. 12 120 Benton 85 North 9 West
Bissell, P. 13   Benton 85 North 9 West
Bixby, A.P. 22 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Bixby, A.P. 23 22.5 Benton 85 North 9 West
Bixby, A.P. 9 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Bixby, A.P. 10 160 Canton 84 North 9 West
Bixby, C.A. 19 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West


Atlas index created by James P. Kullmer
Copyright , 2000 by James P. Kullmer

Atlas scans by John Shuck

If you note any corrections, changes, additions, or  find any links provided on this web site that are
not  functioning properly please notify  John Shuck, your Benton County Website Coordinator.

Copyright © 1997-2025. This web site was created solely for the
use and benefit of the IAGenWeb Project
a part of the USGenWeb Project.
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