The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Published by Harrison & Warner, Marshalltown, Iowa, 1872

??  A  Ba-Bi  Bl-By  Ca-Cl  Co-Cu  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M.-Mc  Me-My  N  O  P  Q  R  Sa-Sh  Si-Sw  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
- K -
Click on section or township or town name to see map
Kabrick, J. 33 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Kabrick, J.& Frazer, R. 28 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Kachel, S. 6 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Kachmann, C. 9 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Kahl, J. 23 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Kahler, J. 19 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Kanaly, J. 14 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Kanba, J. 29 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Karg, H. 23 20 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Karn & Burkhart 29 120 Leroy 82 North 11West
Kasson, A. 10 40 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Kearns, A. 7 10 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Kearns, A. Mrs. 13 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Kearns, J. 9 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Kearns, S.A.,M.H.& A.J. 25 160 Union 83 North 11 West
Kearns. A. Mrs. 14 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Keary J. 7 58.36 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Kebrick, W. 36 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Keck, D. 29 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Keck, D. 4 159.15 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Keck, S. 4 78.39 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Keck, U. 2 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Keck, U. 11 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Keck, U. 12 160 Leroy 82 North 11West
Keck, U. 13 160 Leroy 82 North 11West
Kee, M.R. 13 20 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Keenan, C. 27 140 Union 83 North 11 West
Keenan, T. 27 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Keenan, T. Sr. 27 20 Union 83 North 11 West
Keenan, T.& C. 30 20 Leroy 82 North 11West
Kein, M. 24 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Keiper, F. 23 160 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Keith, S.E. 2 76.90 Homer 84 North 12 West
Keith, S.E. 24 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Keith, S.E. 6 100 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Keith, S.E. 9 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Keith, S.E. 28 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Keith, S.E. 9 160 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Keith, S.E. 20 40 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Keitzes, P. 13 40, 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kellar, J.M. 19 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Kellar, J.M. 31 20 Leroy 82 North 11West
Kellar, M.L. 19 80, 10 Leroy 82 North 11West
Kellar, M.W. 30 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Kellar, R. 30 56 Leroy 82 North 11West
Keller, A. 34 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Keller, J. 31   Harrison 86 North 10 West
Keller, J. 2 89.86 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Kelley, J. 3 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Kelley, J. 10 40 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Kelley, T. 20 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Kellison, W. 28 160 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kellison, W. 10 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Kellogg, G. 4 159.62 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Kellogg, G.M. 5 68 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Kellogg, H.A. 2 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kelly Est. 8 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Kelly, A. 3 60 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Kelly, A. 4 240 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Kelly, H. 28 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kelly, H. 33 120 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kelly, M. 15 160 Union 83 North 11 West
Kelly, P. 35 160 Union 83 North 11 West
Kelly, S.C. 8 20 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kelly, W. 8 240 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Kelly, W.H. 28 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kelly, W.H. 33   Polk 86 North 9 West
Kelly, W.H. 3 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Kelsey, J.C. 1 206.9 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Kelso, S. 11 142 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kely, P. 26 260 Union 83 North 11 West
Kemp, A. 9 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Kemp, A. 16 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Kenedy & Lyon 1 75 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Kenedy, J. 8 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Kenedy, R. 3 200 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Kenedy, R. 15 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Kennan, J.C. 34 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Kennedy, A.C. 11 40 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Kennedy, D. 4 205.2 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Kennedy, M.S. 27 133 Kane 83 North 12 West
Kenner, R. 18 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Kenyon, M. 12 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kenyon, M. 12 30, 35 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kenyon, M. 13 75 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kerchner, M. 30 40 Union 83 North 11 West
Kerhmer, M. 25 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Kerkner, J. 24 160 Homer 84 North 12 West
Kerns, P. 9 120 Union 83 North 11 West
Kessler, H. 3 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Kessler, H. 6 68.06 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Kester, L. 26 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Ketchum, G. 12 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Ketchun, S. 34 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Ketterman, J. 13 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kettler, F. 33 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Ketty, S.D. 29 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Keyser, A. 32 60 Kane 83 North 12 West
Kiebach, F. 9 106.6 Kane 83 North 12 West
Kiest, J.C. 17 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Kile, A. 4 8.32 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Kile, A. 5 202.78 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Kile, A. 6 142.48 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Kile, A. 7 160 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Kile, A. 8 40 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Kile, A. 16 20 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Kiler, J. 8 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Kiler, J. 17 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Kiler, J. 34 11 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Kilpatrick, J. 21 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kimball & McClelland 28 54, 14 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Kimball, G. 28 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Kimball, G. 28 40, 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Kimball, G. 33 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Kimble & Eby 4 80, 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Kimble & Eby 5 75 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Kimble & Eby 9 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Kimm, G. 33 160 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Kimm, H. 9 120 Florence 82 North 9 West
Kimm, J. 4 84.6 Florence 82 North 9 West
Kimm, J. 23 80 Florence 82 North 9 West
Kimmis, P. 13 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kimport, M. 10 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Kimport, M. 11 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Kinchman, W. 7 56.12 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Kinderfother, F. 26 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Kindervater, A. 22 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Kindle, H. 18 69.47 Cedar 86 North 10 West
King, A.A. 30 120 Polk 86 North 9 West
King, A.M. 32 200 Polk 86 North 9 West
King, A.M. 17 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
King, B. 21 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
King, D.H. 1 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
King, D.H. 12 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
King, D.H. 6 30.49 Eden 84 North 10 West
King, D.M. 2 10 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
King, G. 20 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
King, G. 29 28 Canton 84 North 9 West
King, J. 23 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
King, J. 4 22.6 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
King, J. 5 84.56 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
King, J. 9 90 Union 83 North 11 West
King, J. C. 12 152 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
King, J.C. 11 7 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
King, J.C. 7 136.68 Eden 84 North 10 West
King, J.D. 13 55 Leroy 82 North 11West
King, J.H. 20 n a Homer 84 North 12 West
King, R. 30 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
King, S. 6 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
King, S. 25 195 Cedar 86 North 11 West
King, S. 36 160 Cedar 86 North 11 West
King, S. 19 68.58 Cedar 86 North 10 West
King, S. 30 22 Harrison 86 North 10 West
King, S. 30   Cedar 86 North 10 West
King, S.A.B. 20 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
King, W. 30 160 Polk 86 North 9 West
King, W. 32 200 Polk 86 North 9 West
King, W. 8 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
King, W. 9 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Kinner, J.M. 31 73.35 Homer 84 North 12 West
Kinner, P.P. 30 40 Homer 84 North 12 West
Kinner, W.H. 31 73.09 Homer 84 North 12 West
Kinsey, C. 10 160 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Kinsey, C. 15 160 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Kip, J.M. 17 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Kirby, J. 21 160 Union 83 North 11 West
Kirby, J. 28 100 Union 83 North 11 West
Kirby, J. 32 20 Leroy 82 North 11West
Kirk, B. 22 40 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Kirkle, M. 17 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Kirkpatrick, A.E. 20 120 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Kirkpatrick, D. 1 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kirkpatrick, D. 14 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kirkpatrick, D. 23 240 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kirkpatrick, D. 24 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kirkpatrick, R. 3 39.76 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Kirkpatrick, S. 1 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kirkpatrick, S. 15 155 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kirkpatrick, W. 4 60 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Kirkpatrick, W.M. 5 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Kirkpatrick,D.& Parker,J. 1 86.67 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kisling, J. 3 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Kisling, J. 34 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kisling, J.O. 3 80.42 Benton 85 North 9 West
Kisling, J.O. 4 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Kisling, P. 1 20 Canton 84 North 9 West
Kitchner, J.H. 23 160 Homer 84 North 12 West
Kithcart, C. 7 120 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Kithcart, C. 18 20 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Kitterman, J.S. 26 78.5 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kitton, R. 12 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Kitzer, B.F. 23   Polk 86 North 9 West
Kizer, A. 11 18 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kletzing, H. 20 43 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Kline, J. 31 160 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Klippel, H. 33 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Kloppenburgh, C. 16 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Kloppenburgh, G. 16 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Klung, J. 24 40 Union 83 North 11 West
Kluss, F. 5 89.74 Leroy 82 North 11West
Knapp, C. 3 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Knapp, J. 1 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Knapp, J. 11 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Knapp, S.A. 1 41.5 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Knapp, S.A. 21 18.24 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Knapp, S.A. 6 15.31 Eden 84 North 10 West
Knapp, S.H. 28 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Kneeland, F.L. 23 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Knodle, W. 26 160 Homer 84 North 12 West
Knoth, C. 21 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Knouf, G. 28 80 Florence 82 North 9 West
Knouf, R.E. 22 31 Florence 82 North 9 West
Knouf, R.E. 27 80 Florence 82 North 9 West
Knowlton, C.G. 2 79.68 Polk 86 North 9 West
Knowlton, C.G. 3 199.91 Polk 86 North 9 West
Knox, G. 29 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Knox, G. 30 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Knox, J. H. 3 42.76 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Knupp, H. 32 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Knupp, J.B. 4 76.68 Homer 84 North 12 West
Knupp, J.B. 33 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Koberley, T. 2 46.32 Florence 82 North 9 West
Koch, M. 19 22 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Kohlier, J. 9 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Koiber, P. 28 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Kokunom, S. 4 36.62 Homer 84 North 12 West
Kollman, C. 6 200 Leroy 82 North 11West
Koons, T.L. 30 160 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Koopman, J. 15 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Kopp, W. 3 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Krachling, P. 16 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Kreager, C. 6 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Kreger, W. 22 40 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Kreger, W. 23 105 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Kreimeier, H. 26 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Kretzer, C. 22 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Krick, J. 28 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Krick, J. 29 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Kroeger, C. 27 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Kroh, C.L. 1 160 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Krohnke, C. 6 122.04 Union 83 North 11 West
Krohnke, P. 31 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Krug, J. 35 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Krunz, P. 31 39 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Kuhn, P. 35 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Kuhn, P. 1 80.32 Eden 84 North 10 West
Kuntz, H. 3 160 Polk 86 North 9 West
Kurta, J.A. 27 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Kusel, C. 28 80 Homer 84 North 12 West


Atlas index created by James P. Kullmer
Copyright , 2000 by James P. Kullmer

Atlas scans by John Shuck

If you note any corrections, changes, additions, or  find any links provided on this web site that are
not  functioning properly please notify  John Shuck, your Benton County Website Coordinator.

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use and benefit of the IAGenWeb Project
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