The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Published by Harrison & Warner, Marshalltown, Iowa, 1872

??  A  Ba-Bi  Bl-By  Ca-Cl  Co-Cu  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M.-Mc  Me-My  N  O  P  Q  R  Sa-Sh  Si-Sw  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
- Me - My -
Click on section or township or town name to see map
Meakins, J. 20 120 Eden 84 North 10 West
Mease, J.P. 26 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Meeker, J. 30 79.37 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Mell, E.E. 25 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Melott, A. 26 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Mentxer, F. 19   St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Merchane, A. 14 10 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Merchant, W. 20 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Merchant, W. 29 94 Canton 84 North 9 West
Merchin, H. 20 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Meredith, W.J. 5 134.37 Benton 85 North 9 West
Meredith, W.J. 9 37 Benton 85 North 9 West
Merriman, C.B. 8 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Merritt, C. 27 120 Florence 82 North 9 West
Merritt, C. 28 160 Florence 82 North 9 West
Merritt, C. 33 160 Florence 82 North 9 West
Mess, E. 17 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Messenger, J.J. 25 40 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Messenger, J.J. 36 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Metcalf, E. 16 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Metcalf, S. 16 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Mette, A. 25 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Metzner, P. 1 42.5 Canton 84 North 9 West
Meyer, H. 26 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Meyer, H. 6 11 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Meyer, H.J. 25 160 Homer 84 North 12 West
Meyer, H.J. 26 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Meyers, S. 1 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Meyocks, J. 6 40, 42.35 Leroy 82 North 11West
Mickel, N. Jr. 16 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Mickey, M. 35 320 Union 83 North 11 West
Mickey, W. 2 81.29 Leroy 82 North 11West
Mickey, W. 24 20 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Mier, J. 25 120 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Mier, W. 31 42.75 Union 83 North 11 West
Miley, J. 27 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Milican, G. 10 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Milican, G. 11 160 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Miller, A. 34 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Miller, C. 31 6 Leroy 82 North 11West
Miller, C. 6 120 Polk 86 North 9 West
Miller, C. 21 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Miller, D.D. 16 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Miller, F. 15 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Miller, F. Est. 31 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Miller, G. 23 120 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Miller, G. 24 120 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Miller, H. 36 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Miller, H. 34 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Miller, H. 26 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Miller, H. 8 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Miller, H. 17 160 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Miller, H. 18 40 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Miller, H. 19 315.91 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Miller, H. 20 160 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Miller, H. 27 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Miller, H.G.F. 8 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Miller, I. 6 76.86 Homer 84 North 12 West
Miller, J (Hotel) 27 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Miller, J. 21 50 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Miller, J. 7 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Miller, J. 2 40 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Miller, J. 8 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Miller, J. 13 120 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Miller, J. 32 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Miller, J.J. 2 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Miller, J.W. 2 36.3 Benton 85 North 9 West
Miller, L. 4 120 Union 83 North 11 West
Miller, M. 32 47 Benton 85 North 9 West
Miller, M.E. 1 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Miller, N. 6 65.15 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Miller, N. 13 26 Benton 85 North 9 West
Miller, P. 2 90 Canton 84 North 9 West
Miller, P. 3 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Miller, P. 28 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Miller, R. 2 75.25 Kane 83 North 12 West
Miller, S. 28 160 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Miller, S. 20 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Miller, S.F. 17 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Miller, W. 2 75.47 Kane 83 North 12 West
Miller, W.H. 31 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Miller, W.T. 29 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Millers, J.W. 20 120 Polk 86 North 9 West
Mills 25 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Mills, F.B. 27 140 Leroy 82 North 11West
Mills, J. 16 20 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Mills, J. 22 12 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Mills, J. 23 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Mills, J. 10 127.2 Benton 85 North 9 West
Milne, A. 3 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Minard, J. 1 82.36 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Minor, H. 21 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Minor, T. 21 120 Leroy 82 North 11West
Minott, J.H. 36 82 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Minta, J. P. 4 160 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Miskimen, G.W. 13 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Miskimen, G.W. 14 120 Canton 84 North 9 West
Miskimin, S. 15 128 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Miskimins, D. 25 160 Benton 85 North 9 West
Miskimins, J. 25 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Miskimins, M. 25 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Mitchel, H. 24 120 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Mitchel, H.S. 18 34 Benton 85 North 9 West
Mitchel, J. 36 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Mitchel, J. 12 40, 40 Florence 82 North 9 West
Mitchel, W.K. 20 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Mitchell 31 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Mitchell, A. 11 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Mitchell, A. 3 80 Florence 82 North 9 West
Mitchell, J. 2 40 Florence 82 North 9 West
Mitchell, Jas. 1   Florence 82 North 9 West
Mitchell, Jna. 1 80, 23, 5 Florence 82 North 9 West
Mitchell, M. 36 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Mitchell, M. 1 87.49 Florence 82 North 9 West
Mitchell, W. 36 160 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Mitchell, W. 2 44.28 Florence 82 North 9 West
Mitchell, W.K. 29 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Mittz 12 40 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Mock, H. 25 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Mockel, N. 23 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Moffitt, G. 32 40 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Moler, A. 27 20 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Molton, T.W. 9 30 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Molton, T.W. 12 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Moncrieff, D. 4 160 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Moncrieff, J.D. 9 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Monfert, S.M. 31 41.56 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Monfort, L.M. 36 80 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Monger 8 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Montague, A. 33 240 Florence 82 North 9 West
Montgomery, A. 10 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Montgomery, A. 11 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Montgomery, J. 31 50 Polk 86 North 9 West
Montgomery, T.& M. 10 70 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Montgomery, T.& M. 14 160 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Montgomery, W. 36 40 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Montgomery, W. 31 31.23 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Moody, E. 11 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Moody, J.J. 4 90.4 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Moody, S. 26 22 Benton 85 North 9 West
Moody, S. 11 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Moon, A.B. 22 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Moore, E. 22 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Moore, E. 27 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Moore, E. 33 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Moore, E. 34 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Moore, E. 2 70 Benton 85 North 9 West
Moore, E. 32   Benton 85 North 9 West
Moore, J. 21 160 Canton 84 North 9 West
Moore, J.H. 32 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Moore, R.& E. 5 160 Canton 84 North 9 West
Moore, R.E., J.E.& A. 20   Benton 85 North 9 West
Moore, S. 13 40 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Moore, S. 24 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Moore, S. 10 320 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Mooreville P.O. 19   Bruce 86 North 12 West
Moorsy, J. 36 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Morell, J.A. 34 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Morgan, A. 12 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Morgan, A. 13 13 Benton 85 North 9 West
Morgan, F.C. 17 160 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Morgan, J.C. 19 77.29 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Morgan, J.C. 30   St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Morgan, W.A. 31 160 Homer 84 North 12 West
Morrell, J.A. 27 120 Eden 84 North 10 West
Morris, I. 13 60 Leroy 82 North 11West
Morris, J. 23 101 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Morris, J. 18 200 Leroy 82 North 11West
Morrison, E. 6 164.35 Florence 82 North 9 West
Morrison, J.A. 12 40, 40 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Morrison, J.A. 16 70 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Morrison, M.A. 30 160 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Morrow, J. 13 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Morse, J.B. 2 40 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Morse, S.L. 2 40 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Morse, W.W. 21 40 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Mortell, J.A. 31 145.67 Eden 84 North 10 West
Moses, H. D. 7 157.75 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Mosier, D. 34 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Mosier, D.X. 3 82.72 Leroy 82 North 11West
Moss, J. 23 70 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Moss, J. 26 40 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Mossaman, A. 15 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Mossaman, F. 15 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Mossaman, J. 15 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Mosses, J.M. 7 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Moulton, T. 7 142.6 Polk 86 North 9 West
Mullin, A. 19 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Multher, J. 1 71.3 Benton 85 North 9 West
Mulvanny, J. 24 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Mumma, J.& J. 34 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Munch, H. 2 36.02 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Mundill, C. 19 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Mundill, C. 20 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Mundill, C. 31 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Munn, J. 2 60 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Murphy, J. 21 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Murphy, S. 16 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Murray, J.& Mary 8 75.12 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Murray, J.B. 35 160 Florence 82 North 9 West
Murray, P.J. 13 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Murray, W. 35 280 Florence 82 North 9 West
Musherwick, W. 24 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Myer, C. 4 39.85 Leroy 82 North 11West
Myer, C. 5 39.62 Leroy 82 North 11West
Myer, C. 18 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Myer, H. 8 120 Cedar 86 North 10 West
Myerburg, O.A. 36 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Myers, C. 32 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Myers, H. 28 240 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Myers, S. 17 160 Polk 86 North 9 West


Atlas index created by James P. Kullmer
Copyright , 2000 by James P. Kullmer

Atlas scans by John Shuck

If you note any corrections, changes, additions, or  find any links provided on this web site that are
not  functioning properly please notify  John Shuck, your Benton County Website Coordinator.

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use and benefit of the IAGenWeb Project
a part of the USGenWeb Project.
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